17 research outputs found

    Life style and risk of development of dental caries in a population of adolescents

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    Introduction. Oxygen is an essential element for sustaining the life of aerobes; however, in certain conditions it may be toxic for these organisms. This is due to so-called reactive oxygen species – ROS. Factors which cause the production of free radicals include ionizing radiation, UV radiation, high temperature, and hazardous substances, such as phenols, carbon monoxide, e.g. in smokers, also air pollution and drugs. Objective. The objective of the study was analysis of the total antioxidant status (TAS) in stimulated and unstimulated saliva, according to the number of active carious lesions in generally healthy non-smokers aged 15–17. Materials and method. The study covered 113 adolescents aged 15–17 in whom the state of dentition was evaluated using the DMFT (Decayed-Missing-Filled) index, and oral hygiene assessed based on the OHI-S (Oral Hygiene Index-Simplified) index. TAS in saliva was determined by means of a Randox Labolatories Ltd. test kit, by the spectrophotometric method. Results. Based on the results of the study, it was found that in the population examined an increase in the number of carious lesions was accompanied by a significant decrease in the TAS, both in stimulated and unstimulated saliva. Conclusions. A health-promoting life style, maintenance of basic principles of oral hygiene and care of general health through the elimination of harmful habits decrease the risk of dental caries

    Correlation between temporomandibular joint dysfunction and Eichner classification

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    Introduction: The Dental Prosthetics Department's most common patients are elderly who have lost their teeth. Dental deficiencies not only impair the functions of the stomatognathic system but can also be the cause of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Deficiencies in the lateral sections lead to a decrease in the occlusion height in patients, which negatively affects the aesthetics of the face by shortening the lower floor and overloading the remaining teeth, eventually leading to their pathological wear. Loss of occlusion height changes the spatial arrangement of the lower jaw to the upper jaw, which can lead to changes in the temporomandibular joint. The loss of a tooth or group of teeth is an indication for proper prosthetic treatment. The dentist should be able to take into account, evaluate and, if necessary, cure TMD, but this is not a common skill among dentists. Such treatment requires an appropriate comprehensive approach. There are currently no standards for such treatment. We presented one of the methods as part of our study.Purpose of work:The aim of the study was to check the correlation between the occurrence of temporomandibular disorders and missing teeth and used prosthetic restorations. Material and methods:Medical history records of 58 patients under the care of the Department of Dental Prosthetics at Medical University of Lublin were analyzed. Factors such as age and gender, occlusion height, distribution of missing teeth according to the Eichner classification and symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders, i.e. crackling, pain, limited and excessive abduction of the jaw were checked. Before starting prosthetic treatment, every patient underwent comprehensive conservative, surgical and periodontics treatment in accordance with existing needs. Results:The study group consisted of 38 women and 20 men. The average age of all patients was 69.6 years; - average for men - 70.45 years, women 68.16 years. The oldest patient was an 88-year-old man, and the youngest was a 43-year-old woman. 31% of patients were toothless. 25.9% of patients had pain within the stomatognathic system, of which 86.7% were women and 13.3% men. Relaxation splint was made in 24.1% of patients.Summary:The study showed that the ailments associated with the stomatognathic system are correlated with a reduction in occlusion height. Larger dental deficits are more common in older people. Pain symptoms are the most common cause of making relaxation splints. Women more often than men complain of pain. The correct treatment scheme for patients with missing teeth and long-term loss of support zones is staggered treatment - two-stage. The first stage of treatment is to restore the correct occlusion height by using the occlusal splint. Then, after the adaptation period, there is a transition to the second stage of treatment - the use of proper prosthetic restoration maintaining the correct height of occlusio

    Some aspects of titanium application in dental treatment

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    Titanium is a light grey metal found in such minerals as ilmenite, rutile and titanite. Nanoparticles are becoming more widely used in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and as food additives. The aim of this work was to highlight some aspects in applying titanium and its alloys in dental restorations. Both medical and dental implant surgeons despite of huge efforts in using biocompatible materials face some challenging issues on complications which might appear even when using as inert metals as titanium. These problems may develop due to the penetration of aluminium and vanadium ions, found in negligible quantities in the implant alloys, into the body tissues. Failures in placing titanium implant can be caused by galvanic or electrochemical corrosion in the oral cavity due to release of titanium ions into the neighbouring tissues. Other possible failures in implant placement may develop due to bacterial contamination, and the development of implant inflammatory reaction supported by presence of macrophages may lead to implant rejection and loss. Released titanium ions inhibit the growth of hydroxyapatites. During corroding process metal ions or corrosion products penetrate body tissues and enter the body cells. Their local activity is known as ’metallosis’. From the biological point of view this results in tissue damage. Another possible adverse effect that might be caused by metal implants and their corrosion is allergic reactions. Side effects are rare as physical and chemical properties of titanium, first and foremost, its biocompatibility, define it as s recommended material to use in oral surgery, endodontics, prosthetics and orthodontics.Титан представляет собой легкий металл серого цвета, который встречается в таких минералах, как ильменит, рутил и титанит. Наночастицы его используются в медицине, стоматологии, фармацевтике и в качестве пищевых добавок. Целью данной работы является ознакомление с некоторыми избранными аспектами применения титана в стоматологической практике на основе имеющейся литературы. Несмотря на огромное стремление использовать биологически совместимые материалы, и в медицинской, и в зубной имплантационной хирургии возникают нежелательные проблемы даже при использовании металлов, считающихся инертными, например, титана. Эти проблемы являются следствием проникновения в ткани организма ионов алюминия и ванадия, которые в незначительных количествах входят в состав имплантата. Неудачи при лечении с использованием титана могут происходить из-за гальванической или электрохимической коррозии в полости рта, т. е., высвобождения ионов титана в прилегающие ткани, что связано с их реакцией с биологическими жидкостями организма. Другие неудачи в имплантационной хирургии могут вызываться бактериями, причем присутствие макрофагов при воспалительной реакции на имплантат может вызвать отторжение имплантата. Высвобожденные ионы титана затормаживают увеличение гидроксилапатитов. В процессе коррозии ионы металла или продукты коррозии проникают в ткани организма, т. е., в межклеточные каналы или же проникают в клетки организма. Их местное воздействие было названо «металлозом». С биологической точки зрения это представляет собой результат повреждения ткани. Другая неблагоприятная реакция вызывается присутствием металлических имплантатов и их коррозией, что вызывает аллергические реакции. Побочные эффекты случаются редко благодаря физическим и химическим свойствам титана, что делает его биологически совместимым и рекомендуемым материалом для применения в хирургической стоматологии, эндодонтии, протезировании и ортодонтии.Титан - це легкий метал сірого кольору, який зустрічається в таких мінералах, як ільменіт, рутил і титаніт. Наночастки його використовуються в медицині, стоматології, фармацевтиці та в якості харчових добавок. Метою даної роботи є ознайомлення з деякими обраними аспектами застосування титану в стоматологічній практиці на основі наявної літератури. Незважаючи на величезне прагнення використовувати біологічно сумісні матеріали, і в медичній, і в зубній імплантаційній хірургії виникають небажані проблеми навіть при використанні металів, що вважаються інертними, наприклад, титану. Ці проблеми є наслідком проникнення в тканини організму іонів алюмінію і ванадію, які в незначних кількостях входять до складу імплантату. Невдачі при лікуванні з використанням титану можуть відбуватися через гальванічну або електрохімічну корозію в порожнині рота, тобто, вивільнення іонів титану в прилеглі тканини, що пов'язано з їх реакцією з біологічними рідинами організму. Інші невдачі в імплантаційній хірургії можуть викликатися бактеріями, причому присутність макрофагів при запальній реакції на імплантат може викликати відторгнення імплантату. Вивільнені іони титану загальмовують збільшення гідроксилапатиту. У процесі корозії іони металу або продукти корозії проникають в тканини організму, тобто, в міжклітинні канали або ж проникають в клітини організму. Їх місцевий вплив було названо «металозом». З біологічної точки зору це є результат ушкодження тканини. Інша несприятлива реакція викликається присутністю металевих імплантатів та їх корозією, що викликає алергічні реакції. Побічні ефекти трапляються рідко завдяки фізичним і хімічним властивостям титану, що робить його біологічно сумісним і рекомендованим матеріалом для застосування в хірургічній стоматології, ендодонтії, протезуванні та ортодонтії

    Mechanical properties of materials used for temporary fixed dentures – in vitro study

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    Objectives. The objective of the research was to define the mechanical properties of currently marketed temporary filling materials. Methods. Eight temporary filling materials: Boston, Dentalon, Protemp II, Revotek LC, Structure 2, Structure 3, UniFast LC, UniFast Trad were used to make 5 samples each of measurements 2 × 2 × 25 mm, in order to define the flexural strength, and 10 rings each of measurements 2 × 5 mm, in order to carry out the Vickers micro-hardness test. After preparation, the samples were stored in distilled water of temperature of 370°C, for 7 days. Subsequently, flexural strength and Vickers hardness testing was undertaken. Results. Composite temporary materials showed considerably better mechanical properties, both in flexural strength and in Vickers micro-hardness testing. Conclusions. the best mechanical properties, both in terms of flexural strength, as well as Vickers micro-hardness test can be observe among composite materials

    Vitamin D3 and Dental Caries in Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency

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    Vitamin D deficiency is a common risk factor for multifactorial diseases, and it seems to be associated with growth hormone deficiency (GHD). Vitamin D could prevent dental caries. The goal of this study was to identify whether there is an association between hormonal therapy with growth hormone (GH), vitamin D3 supplementation, vitamin D3 levels, and the occurrence of caries among children affected by GHD. The study group consisted of patients from the Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology of the University Paediatric Hospital at the Medical University of Lublin treated with recombinant human GH for pituitary GHD. It was conducted between October 2014 and June 2015. The study group included 121 children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years, with 56 children from rural areas and 65 from urban areas. The study group was stratified by the area of residence. We found the statistically significant impact of vitamin D3 concentration on the average value of the DMFT (decayed, missed, and filled teeth) index and its component—DT (decayed teeth), which was noted in subjects from rural areas. Among patients from urban areas, we found a statistically significant correlation between duration of therapy and the DMFT index. An increase in duration of GH therapy by 10 months leads to a mean increase in DMFT index by 0.70. Based on multiple regression analysis, we developed the following model: value of DT = 3.10 − 0.73∗category of vitamin D3 concentration − 0.07∗duration of supplementation (in months). In this model, variables with a significant impact on the value of DT in the group of patients from rural areas include time of vitamin D3 supplementation and category of vitamin D3 concentration. Greater emphasis should be placed on promoting vitamin D3 as a potentially effective agent reducing the number of dental caries, especially among patients with GHD

    The dependence of dental caries on oral hygiene habits in preschool children from urban and rural areas in Poland

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    Introduction. Dental caries is considered to be a modern civilization disease;however, the state of oral health negatively influences psychological and sociological relations in children which leads to feelings of discomfort from early age. Objective. The aim of study was evaluation of the association between incidence of dental caries (d3ft index) in preschool children from urban and rural areas, and determining the relationship between dental caries intensity and hygienic habits. Materials and Method. 844 children aged 3–6 years from the city and the countryside were examined. The survey was conducted among parents/care givers regarding dental care of children. With parents’ consent, the children had a dental examination. Results. The incidence of caries was recorded at the level of 52.61%, with an average value of 4.31 on the d3ft index; however, for the children from the urban area this ratio amounted to 4.15, and in the countryside it reached the value of 4.7. A correlation was found between age and area of residence of the children and various components of hygienic behavior model. Conclusions. More than a half of the children had dental caries in combination with a high frequency of unsatisfactory hygiene needs. There is a relationship between oral hygiene habits and age of the children, depending on the place of residence

    An experimental study of exploitation of materials used for prosthetic temporary restorations

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    Temporary restorations more often play their role for a definitely longer period of time, than the time necessary for implementation of final prosthetic work. Therefore, they are subjected to adverse effects of chemical, physical and thermal factors in a patient's oral cavity. Since loss of temporary prosthetic work can have negative consequences for an entire treatment process, it is important to identify a potential risk of damaging temporary restorations by factors derived from the diet of patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of components of the beverages, such as coffee and tea, consumed daily by the patients, on the mechanical properties of materials used in temporary restorations. The experimental design applied, as well as gained results, were justified by appropriate, chosen statistical methods. The conducted research demonstrated the change of mechanical properties of studied materials for their flexural strength, as well as microhardness. The tendency of changes in both result variables, compared with the samples kept in neutral environment – distilled water, indicates the decrease in mechanical strength and microhardness of materials conditioned in coffee and tea. It can be claimed that the components of beverages present in an everyday diet of patients have a considerably adverse effect on the quality of materials used for provisional crowns and bridges