39 research outputs found

    Longevity and cardiovascular mortality of Polish elite football players

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    Background: Despite wide popularity of football, there is a paucity of scientific evidence explaining the relationship between being a competitive footballer and life expectancy. Aim: The study analyses and compares cause-specific mortality of Polish male elite footballers and the general Polish male population. Methods: Data regarding of 455 elite footballers who died between 1990 and 2015 were retrospectively analysed. The cause of death was established based on the official data from the Polish Central Statistical Office. The control group consisted of men from the general male population in Poland who died in the sampled period at the age of 25 years or more. Results: The mean age at death turned out to be higher for footballers than controls (70.2 vs. 67.4 years). Cardiovascular diseases were a more common cause of death among footballers than in the general male population, both in the subgroup of subjects who died under the age of 65 years and in those who were at least 65 years old at the time of death (46.9% vs. 32.3% and 61.3% vs. 53.3%, respectively). A detailed analysis of cause-specific cardiovascular mortality revealed that acute myocardial infarction caused more deaths (odds ratio [OR] 1.31; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.02–1.68) and hypertensive disease caused less deaths (OR 0.20; 95% CI 0.05–0.79) among athletes than in the general male population. A trend analysis has shown that the level of cardiovascular mortality among footballers is falling. Conclusions: The study results indicate excess cardiovascular mortality among Polish elite footballers

    Does pharmacist’s occupation in pharmacy affect the assessment of generic drugs?

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    Wstęp. Zgodnie z raportem WHO z 2010 roku sprzedaż leków generycznych, zamiast droższych leków oryginalnych, powinna być promowana w celu poprawy efektywności systemów ochrony zdrowia na całym świecie. Farmaceuci pełnią ważną rolę w przekazywaniu informacji o tańszych odpowiednikach leków oryginalnych pacjentom. Cel pracy. Określenie, czy funkcja pełniona przez aptekarza w aptece (właściciel) wpływa na jego subiektywną znajomość tematyki leków gene­rycznych. Materiały i metody. Specjalnie przygotowany kwestionariusz ankietowy kierowany był do aptekarzy pracujących na terenie województwa łódzkiego. Ankiety rozdano na terenie Łodzi (79%) i innych miast województwa łódzkiego. Wyniki. Na pytania odpowiedziało 129 farmaceutów (85,3% kobiet i 14,7% mężczyzn, w wieku 24–59 lat, pracujących głównie w aptekach prywatnych — 95,3%). Wszyscy ankietowani właściciele aptek przyznali, że uważają się za dobrze poinformowanych w kwestii leków generycznych, wśród pracowników jeden na pięciu ocenił swoją wiedzę jako słabą. Analiza korelacji wykazała, że osoby niebędące właścicielami lub współwła­ścicielami aptek znacząco częściej przyznają się do słabej wiedzy na temat leków generycznych (p < 0,05). Wnioski. Promocja leków generycznych powinna być skierowana w pierwszej kolejności do aptekarzy niebędących właścicielami lub współwłaścicielami aptek.Introduction. According to WHO 2010 report generic drugs sale instead of more expensive brand name drugs should be promoted in order to improve effectiveness of global health care systems. Pharmacists play an important role in informing patients about cheaper equivalents of brand-name drugs. Information given by pharmacists to patients when selling a drug may be one of the factors affecting generic drugs sale. Aim of the study. The aim of this study was to assess whether the position of pharmacist (owner) correlates with subjective knowledge of the topic of generic drugs. Material and methods. Especially prepared questionnaire was delivered to pharmacists of lodzkie province. Survey was conducted in Lodz (79.0%) and other towns of lodzkie province. Results. One hundred and twenty nine pharmacists have answered the questionnaire (85.3% women and 14.7% men, aged 24–59, working mainly in private pharmacies — 95.3%). All participants who were pharmacy owners confirmed that they perceive their knowledge about generic drugs as good. Among non-owners one out of five described his knowledge as poor. Correlation analysis revealed that participants who were pharmacy workers significantly more often admitted having poor knowledge about generic drugs (p < 0.05). Conclusions. Generic drugs promotion should be directed at first to pharmacists who are not (co-)owners of pharmacies

    Does the type of pharmacy, in which pharmacist works, affect the assessment of generic drugs?

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    Wstęp. Według WHO zwiększenie wykorzystania leków generycznych może być jednym ze sposobów na zmniejszenie kosztów opieki zdrowotnej na świecie. Jednak, jak wskazują badania, część lekarzy i farmaceutów wątpi w ich skuteczność. Przyczyna tego zjawiska nie jest do końca poznana, dlatego należy poszukiwać czynników wpływających na taki stan rzeczy. Cel pracy. Celem niniejszej pracy było wykazanie, czy istnieje związek po między rodzajem apteki, w której pracuje farmaceuta, a jego opinią o lekach generycznych. Materiały i metody. Badanie miało charakter badania kwestionariuszowego. Specjalnie przygotowany kwestionariusz ankietowy kierowany był do aptekarzy pracujących na terenie województwa łódzkiego. Ankiety rozdano głównie na terenie Łodzi (81,8%) i innych miast województwa łódzkiego. Wyniki. Na pytania odpowiedziało 132 farmaceutów pracujących na terenie województwa łódzkiego (86,6 % kobiet i 13,4% mężczyzn w wieku 24–58 lat, pracujących głównie w aptekach prywatnych — 90,9%). Zaledwie 8% aptekarzy pracujących w aptekach państwowych stwierdziło, że leki generyczne są gorsze od oryginalnych, podczas gdy wśród pracowników placówek prywatnych odsetek ten sięgnął 37%. Analiza korelacji wykazała, że aptekarze pracujący w aptekach państwowych znamiennie częściej uważali leki generyczne za lepsze lub identycznie skuteczne (p < 0,05). Wnioski. Farmaceuci pracujący w aptekach prywatnych są bardziej skłonni do postrzegania leków generycznych jako mniej skuteczne niż leki ory­ginalne.Introduction. According to WHO, increase in usage of generic drugs may be one of the ways to reduce costs of healthcare systems around the world. However, according to scientific data, physicians and pharmacists doubt in their effectiveness — the reason for that is unknown. Due to this fact the factors affecting their opinion should be searched for. Aim of the study. The aim of this study was to assess whether correlation between the type of pharmacy and pharmacists’ opinion about generic drugs exists. Material and methods. This was a questionnaire-based study. Especially prepared questionnaire was made available to pharmacists of lodzkie province. Survey was conducted in Lodz (81.8%) and other towns of lodzkie province. Results. One hundred and thirty two pharmacists working in lodzkie province have answered the questionnaire (86.6% women and 13.4% men, aged 24–58, working mainly in private pharmacies — 90.9%). Only 8% of pharmacists who worked in public pharmacies claimed that generic drugs are worse than brand name drugs, while at the same time 37% of pharmacists working in private pharmacies presented the same opinion. Correlation analysis revealed that pharmacists who worked in public pharmacies were significantly more often considering the effectiveness of generic drugs as worse to brand name drugs (p < 0.05). Conclusions. Pharmacists working in public pharmacies are more eager to perceive generic drugs as less effective than brand name drugs

    Endocardial lead extraction in the Polish registry : clinical practice versus current Heart Rhythm Society consensus

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    Introduction: Over the last 10 years, there has been an increasing number of patients with pacemaker (PM) and cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). This study is a retrospective analysis of indications for endocardial pacemaker and ICD lead extractions between 2003 and 2009 based on the experience of three Polish Referral Lead Extraction Centers. Material and methods: Since 2003, the authors have consecutively retrospectively collected all cases and entered the information in the database. All patients which had indication for lead extraction according to Heart Rhythm Society Guidelines were included to final analyze. Between 2003 and 2005, the data were analyzed together. Since 2006, data have been collected and analyzed annually. Results: In each year, a significant increase in lead extraction was observed. The main indications for LE were infections in 52.4% of patients. Nonfunctioning lead extraction constituted the second group of indications for LE in 29.7% of patients. During the registry period, the percentage of class I indications decreased from 80% in 2006 to only 47% in 2009. On the other hand, increasingly more leads were removed because of class 2, especially class 2b. In 2009, 40% of leads were extracted due to class 2b. Conclusions: Polish Registry of Endocardial Lead Extraction 2003-2009, shows an increasing frequency of lead extraction. The main indication for LE is infection: systemic and pocket. An increase in class 2, especially 2b, LE indication in every center during the study period was found

    The relationship between physical activity level and selected cardiovascular risk factors and mortality of males ≥ 50 years in Poland – The results of follow-up of participants of National Multicenter Health Survey WOBASZ

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    Objectives: The role of leisure-time physical activity in reducing all-cause and cardiovascular mortality is well explored. The knowledge on occupational and commuting physical activity continues to be ambiguous and misleading. The aim of the study is to assess the influence of different kinds of physical activity on cardiovascular mortality risk in men. Material and Methods: Data analysis on physical activity level and other selected cardiovascular risk factors acquired from 3577 men in the age between 50–80 years who participated in the National Multicenter Health Survey WOBASZ (Wieloośrodkowe Ogólnopolskie Badanie Stanu Zdrowia), Poland (2003–2005) was linked with male mortality in 2004–2009. Data about causes of deaths were obtained from the Central Statistical Office and the Population Electronic Register. Results: Among males aged 50–59 years, the strongest risk factor was living in large settlements and provincial capitals as a place of residence and the most protective factor was occupational physical activity. In the age group 60–69 years and 70–80 years, the strongest protective effect was observed for leisure-time physical activity. In men aged between 70–80 years (unlike in the 50–59 years age group), the protective effect of large settlements and provincial capitals as a place of residence was noted. Conclusions: Occupational physical activity significantly reduced cardiovascular mortality in men aged 50–69 years, while for leisure-time activity the positive effect was observed in age group 60–69 years and 70–80 years. On the other hand, for the inhabitants of large settlements and provincial capitals, significantly higher risk of cardiovascular mortality in the age group 50–69 years and lower risk in the age group ≥ 70 years was noted, both in comparison with smaller places of residence

    Influence of biologic therapy on folic acid and homocystein serum concentration in psoriasis vulgaris patients

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    Wprowadzenie: Liczne doniesienia naukowe wskazują na zwiększone ryzyko rozwoju chorób sercowo-naczyniowych wśród pacjentów z łuszczycą zwyczajną, co związane jest między innymi z podwyższonym stężeniem homocysteiny i zmniejszonym kwasu foliowego w tej grupie chorych. Długoterminowy wpływ terapii biologicznej na stężenie powyższych substancji nie był dotąd badany. Celem pracy była ocena stężenia homocysteiny oraz kwasu foliowego w surowicy pacjentów z łuszczycą pod wpływem terapii biologicznej (adalimumabu, etanerceptu, infliksymabu oraz ustekinumabu). Materiał i metody: Grupę badaną stanowiło 42 pacjentów z łuszczycą zwyczajną leczonych biologicznie w latach 2008–2013 w Klinice Dermatologii i Wenerologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi, od których pobrano próbki krwi w celu określenia stężenia kwasu foliowego i homocysteiny przed leczeniem oraz w 12., 52.,104. i 156. tygodniu leczenia. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 20 zdrowych ochotników. Skuteczność terapii biologicznej oceniono na podstawie wskaźnika PASI. Wyniki: Zaobserwowano znaczące (p < 0,05) obniżenie PASI pod wpływem leczenia biologicznego (0. tydzień 14,5 jednostki miary; 12. tydzień 3,6; 52. tydzień 2,9; 104. tydzień 2,5; 156. tydzień 1,7). Stężenie homocysteiny w grupie chorych było podobne jak w grupie kontrolnej (odpowiednio: 16,16 i 16,40 nmol/l). Jej stężenie nieznacznie obniżało się w trakcie leczenia (0. tydzień 16,16 nmol/l; 12. Tydzień 16,46 nmol/l; 52. tydzień 15,56 nmol/l; 104. tydzień 14,17 nmol/l; p > 0,05). Stężenie kwasu foliowego w surowicy pacjentów z łuszczycą było istotnie niższe niż w populacji osób zdrowych (odpowiednio: 5,12 vs. 8,76 ng/ml, p < 0,001). Nieznacznie wzrastało podczas trwania terapii (0. tydzień 5,12 ng/ml; 12. tydzień 5,15 ng/ml; 52. Tydzień 6,41 ng/ml; 104. tydzień 5,48 ng/ml; p > 0,05). Wnioski: Obniżone stężenie kwasu foliowego, a nieco podwyższone homocysteiny w surowicy pacjentów z łuszczycą może wskazywać na fakt, że dermatoza stanowi jeden z czynników ryzyka rozwoju miażdżycy i powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych. Badania z udziałem większej grupy chorych pozwoliłyby jednoznacznie ocenić wpływ terapii biologicznej na stężenie homocysteiny i kwasu foliowego, a także rozwój powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych w przebiegu łuszczycy.Introduction: Numerous scientific reports indicate an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease among patients with psoriasis vulgaris, which is related to, among others, elevated concentration of homocysteine and reduced concentration of folic acid. The long-term effect of biological therapy on the concentration of these substances has not been previously studied. The aim of this study was to evaluate the homocysteine and folic acid concentration in the sera of patients with psoriasis vulgaris under biological therapy (adalimumab, etanercept, infliximab, and ustekinumab). Material and methods: The study group consisted of 42 patients with psoriasis vulgaris treated with biologic therapy from 2008 to 2013 in the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Medical University of Lodz. Blood samples were taken to determine the folic acid and homocysteine concentration before and at 12th, 52th, 104th and 156th weeks of treatment. The control group consisted of 20 healthy volunteers. The effectiveness of biological therapy was assessed on the basis of PASI. Results: There was a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in PASI under the influence of biological treatment (week 0. 14.5; 12th week 3.6; 52th week 2.9; 104th per week 2.5; 156th week 1.7). The concentration of homocysteine in the patients was similar to the control group (16.16 and 16.40 respectively nmol/l). Its level dropped slightly during treatment (0 week 16.16 nmol/l; 12th week 16.46 nmol/l; 52th week 15.56 nmol/l; 104 per week 14.17 nmol/l; p > 0.05). Folate concentration in psoriatic patients’ sera was significantly lower than in healthy controls (respectively 5.12 vs 8.76 ng/ml, p < 0.001). Folic acid concentration was slightly increasing during the course of therapy (week 0. 5.12 ng/ml; 12th week 5.15 ng/ml; 52th week 6.41 ng/ml; 104 per week 5.48 ng/ml; p > 0.05). Conclusions: Reduced levels of folic acid, and slightly increased — homocysteine in the serum of patients with psoriasis may indicate that the dermatosis is one of the risk factors for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular. Studies involving larger groups of patients would clearly assess the impact of biological therapy on the level of homocysteine and folic acid, as well as the development of cardiovascular complications in psoriasis

    Inflammatory Markers and Episodic Memory Functioning in Depressive Disorders

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    Depression is a psychiatric disorder that is observed to be associated with changes in levels of inflammatory markers and deterioration in cognitive functioning. Here, we combined the biochemical tests of IL-1 and IL-6 serum levels and the expressions of genes encoding these interleukins with cognitive assessment of episodic memories, and examined 50 depressed patients and 37 healthy participants. Results confirmed increased serum levels of IL-1 and IL-6 in the study group when compared to healthy volunteers. Moreover, episodic memory, in terms of answering structured questions (but not free recollection of past events) deteriorated among depressed patients. The described parameters neither correlated with each other nor with the two measures of severity of depression—HDRS score and years of psychiatric treatment. Although both observed dysfunctions—cognitive and immune—among depressed patients are confirmed, they do not seem to covary in the present study

    Analiza wybranych parametrów snu w populacji młodzieży szkolnej

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    Aim: The study attempted to analyse selected parameters of sleep among students of secondary schools with taking into consideration the age and sex of the participants. Material: The study enrolled 125 students aged 12–18 from randomly selected secondary schools; 56% of the studied subjects were boys (n = 70), and 44% – girls (n = 55). Method: The students answered 18 questions included in the Sleep Disorders Assessment Questionnaire thus performing an independent, subjective assessment of sleep parameters and of their own behaviours which may affect sleep. Next, certain sleep parameters were compared between the group of girls and boys and between the group of early (12–14 years old) and late (15–18 years old) adolescents. Results: One in three surveyed persons reported the current or past occurrence of sleep disorders; over a half of these persons reported that these problems lasted for over a month. Over 50% of those surveyed declared that they sleep for less than 8 hours during one night. Nearly half of the students did not go to sleep at regular times and had prolonged sleep latency. The studied persons had the biggest problem with waking up in the morning. Nearly half of the study participants claimed that they wake up during the night, most frequently once or twice. Two third of those surveyed had the feeling that they sleep too short and over a half of them felt tired or sleepy during the day. More than 1/3 of the studied subjects had the feeling of too shallow sleep. Statistically significant differences were noted between girls and boys in terms of the feeling of too short sleep, the feeling of tiredness during the day and the feeling of sleepiness during the day – in case of each of these parameters girls more frequently reported the occurrence of unfavourable phenomena. Only one statistically significant difference was found among the compared age groups – it referred to using psychoactive substances which were much more frequently taken by older adolescents. Conclusions: Problems with sleep are noticeable already among school-age adolescents and they are frequently of chronic nature. They were more frequently observed among the group of girls, no differences in sleep parameters were noted between the groups of younger and older adolescents.Cel: W badaniu podjęto próbę analizy wybranych parametrów snu wśród uczniów szkół ponadpodstawowych z uwzględnieniem wieku i płci uczestników. Materiał: Przebadano 125 uczniów w wieku 12–18 lat z losowo dobranych szkół ponadpodstawowych; 56% osób stanowili chłopcy (n  =  70), a 44%  – dziewczęta (n  =  55). Metoda: Uczniowie odpowiadali na  18 pytań zawartych w Kwestionariuszu Oceny Zaburzeń Snu, dokonując samodzielnej, subiektywnej oceny parametrów snu i własnych zachowań mogących wpływać na sen. Następnie porównano określone parametry snu między grupą dziewcząt i chłopców oraz między grupą wczesnych (12–14 lat) i późnych adolescentów (15–18 lat). Wyniki: Co trzeci z ankietowanych zgłosił występowanie problemów ze snem; ponad połowa z tych osób podała, że problemy utrzymują się dłużej niż miesiąc. Ponad 50% ankietowanych zadeklarowało, iż sypia krócej niż 8 godzin w ciągu jednej nocy. Blisko połowa uczniów nie kładła się spać o regularnych porach i miała wydłużoną latencję snu. Największą trudność sprawiało badanym poranne budzenie się. Blisko połowa uczestników stwierdziła, że wybudza się w nocy, przeważnie raz bądź dwa razy. Dwie trzecie ankietowanych miało poczucie zbyt krótkiego snu, a ponad połowa z nich czuła się zmęczona bądź senna w ciągu dnia. Więcej niż 1/3 badanych miało poczucie zbyt płytkiego snu. Między dziewczętami i chłopcami odnotowano istotne statystycznie różnice w zakresie poczucia zbyt krótkiego snu, poczucia zmęczenia w ciągu dnia oraz poczucia senności w ciągu dnia – w przypadku każdego z tych parametrów dziewczęta częściej zgłaszały występowanie niekorzystnych zjawisk. W porównywanych grupach wiekowych wykazano tylko jedną różnicę istotną statystycznie – dotyczyła ona używania substancji psychoaktywnych, po które znacznie częściej sięgali starsi adolescenci. Wnioski: Problemy ze snem są zauważalne już wśród młodzieży szkolnej i niejednokrotnie mają charakter przewlekły. Częściej obserwowano je w grupie dziewcząt, nie odnotowano różnic w parametrach snu między grupami młodzieży młodszej i starszej

    Health and life style-related determinants of survival rate in the male residents of the city of Łódź

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    Introduction: The article presents a selected part of an analysis of health- and lifestyle-related determinants of the longevity of male residents of the city of Łódź. The WHO strategy for the European region assumes that the term ‘lifestyle' refers to the way of life based on the association between conditions of life understood in a broad sense and individual patterns of behaviour determined by socio-cultural factors and individual features. On this basis, the aim of this study is to identify the multiple statistical relationships on the mortality of men living in Łódź, particularly the influence of the following variables on the probability of survival: age, subjective health assessment, nutritional habits, alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking. Materials and Methods: The study sample (1004 respondents) was selected, and the study was carried out, based on the standards of the CINDI WHO Programme. The investigations included socio-demographic data, health status, lifestyle and anthropometric measurements. Results: From the results of the first- study performed in Poland of the longevity of men with identified risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, it has been found that: 1) Tobacco smoking has a negative influence on male longevity; 2) Alcohol consumed in moderate amounts favours male longevity; 3) The level of physical activity observed among the studied men was too low to affect longevity; 4) A diet rich in fish and consumption of yellow cheese are positive predictors of longevity, while additional use of table salt at meals and consumption of sweets (cakes) are negative ones. Conclusions: Risky lifestyles and a reluctance to abandon them are responsible for a shorter lifespan among men in Poland. Reducing this difference between women and men is a real challenge for public health professionals and preventive medicine specialists