83 research outputs found

    Interleukin-5 modulates interleukin-8 secretion in eosinophilic inflammation.

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    Serum and BALF (bronchoalveolar lavage fluid) IL-8 levels and serum levels were investigated in Toxocara canis infected guinea-pigs and the role of IL-5 as a modulator of cytokine secretion was studied. Serum levels increased early in infected animals, exceeding control levels 4 h after infection, peaked between days 6 and 18, and continued to exceed control levels after 48 days of infection. Serum and BALF IL-8 levels showed the same profile as blood eosinophilia, increasing 6 days post-infection and peaking between days 18 and 24. Treatment of infected animals with anti-IL-5 Ab suppressed eosinophilia with a parallel increase in blood IL-8 levels, whereas no change was found in levels. To support our in vivo observation we carried out experiments in vitro using guinea-pig LPS-stimulated adherent peritoneal cells which release large amounts of IL-8 into the supernatants. When rIL-5 was added to LPS-stimulated cells, 65% inhibition of IL-8 release into the supernatants was observed. Pre-incubation of cells with anti-IL-5 Ab prevented the inhibition of IL-8 release into the supernatants induced by rIL-5. Our results demonstrate for the first time that TNF-alpha and IL-8 are released concomitant with or after IL-5 in the eosinophilic inflammation induced by T. canis. Moreover, in addition to showing that IL-5 is fundamental for the induction of blood eosinophilia, the present results suggest that this cytokine may play a new biological role by acting as modulator of IL-8 secretion

    Evaluation of Cuspidaria pulchra and its Isolated Compounds Against Schistosoma mansoni Adult Worms

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    The present study has investigated the chemical composition of the bioactive EtOAc fraction of Cuspidaria pulchra aerial parts, as well as its schistosomicidal activities against Schistosoma mansoni adult worms in vitro. To this end, the crude ethanol extract obtained from the aerial parts of C. pulchra (Bignoniaceae) was partitioned with n-hexane, EtOAc, and n-BuOH. The EtOAc fraction was purified by preparative HPLC, which afforded 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde (1), p-coumaric acid (2), p-hydroxybenzoic acid (3), ursolic acid (4), and oleanolic acid (5). The bioassay results indicated that the crude ethanol extract and the EtOAc fraction at 100 µg/mL killed the adult schistosomes in vitro. Compounds 1 and 3 at 100 µm were only able to separate coupled S. mansoni adult worms

    Diversity of cultivable fungal endophytes in Paullinia cupana (Mart.) Ducke and bioactivity of their secondary metabolites.

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    We propose the gravity’s rainbow scenario as a possible alternative of the inflation paradigm to account for the flatness and horizon problems. We focus on studying the cosmological scalar perturbations which are seeded by the quantum fluctuations in the very early universe. The scalar power spectrum is expected to be nearly scale-invariant. We estimate the rainbow index λ\lambda and energy scale M in the gravity’s rainbow scenario by analyzing the Planck temperature and WMAP polarization datasets. The constraints on them are given by λ=2.933±0.012\lambda =2.933\pm 0.012 and ln(105M/Mp)=0.4010.451+0.457\ln (10^5M/M_p)= -0.401^{+0.457}_{-0.451} at the 68%68\,\% confidence level

    Amazonian evaporation.

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    Medições de evaporação da cobertura vegetal seca e perdas por intercepção obtidas durante um estudo de dois anos de evaporação na floresta tropical no centro da Amazônia são utilizados para calibrar um modelo micrometeorológico de evaporação

    Characterization of Lifestyle in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 and Association with Disease Severity

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    BACKGROUND: Lifestyle could influence the course of hereditary ataxias, but representative data are missing. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to characterize lifestyle in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) and investigate possible associations with disease parameters. METHODS: In a prospective cohort study, data on smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, physiotherapy, and body mass index (BMI) were collected from 243 patients with SCA3 and 119 controls and tested for associations with age of onset, disease severity, and progression. RESULTS: Compared with controls, patients with SCA3 were less active and consumed less alcohol. Less physical activity and alcohol abstinence were associated with more severe disease, but not with progression rates or age of onset. Smoking, BMI, or physiotherapy did not correlate with disease parameters. CONCLUSION: Differences in lifestyle factors of patients with SCA3 and controls as well as associations of lifestyle factors with disease severity are likely driven by the influence of symptoms on behavior. No association between lifestyle and disease progression was detected. © 2021 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    Growth dynamics of an Amazonian forest: Effects of reduced impact logging and recurring atypical climate events during a 20-year study.

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    Although forest management with reduced impact logging (RIL) practices is regarded as a way to generate in- come from tropical forests without losing their overall conservation values, the behavior of forests following logging is a topic that has been little studied in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon (SWA), where the pre- dominant forest type is open with low density of commercial timber species. This study examined the growth dynamics of a logged forest in the SWA through monitoring of permanent sample plots (PSP) over twenty years post logging. Following logging, the forest fully recovered its original tree density (439. ha 1) and aboveground biomass (AGB) stocks (188.4 Mg. ha 1) but did not recover extracted timber volume in the commercial size class (DBH > 50 cm, 28 m3. ha 1 before logging and 22.6 m3. ha 1 in 2022). Tree growth, recruitment and mortality rates presented a high fluctuation during the monitoring period, increasing immediately after logging (0.43 cm. yr. 1, 4.1 % and 4.7 % respectively), declining five years after, (0.25 cm. yr. 1, 0.7 % and 1.5 % respectively) and presenting a new peak sixteen years after logging (0.35 cm. yr. 1, 3.9 % and 7.4 % respectively) which persisted to the end of the study period. Consequently, forest turnover was very high, with stand half-life and doubling life of 29.6 and 27.2 years, respectively. The results show that in terms of forest dynamics and production, the behavior of logged forests was also affected by atypical climate events, such as recurring droughts across Amazonia. Consequently, in the forest type studied, and under the prescribed logging cycle of 25 years, RIL alone was not sufficient to guarantee the sustainability of long-term production of the main timber species harvested. Following the current growth trend (0.46 m3. ha 1. yr. 1 for trees above 10 cm DBH and 0.22 m3. ha 1. yr. 1 for trees above 50 cm DBH) the time to recover the total commercial volume and commercial volume for trees above 10 cm DBH and above 50 cm DBH would be 34 and 45 years respectively. Our findings suggest the need for adoption of silvicultural treatments to increase forest productivity in areas under RIL in SWA

    Análise de desempenho econômico da produção orgânica de leite: estudo de caso no Distrito Federal

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    Neste trabalho, objetivou-se analisar economicamente a produção orgânica de leite. Para esta avaliação foram utilizados os dados obtidos em uma propriedade certificada como orgânica, localizada no Distrito Federal, durante os períodos de 2002 e 2003. A Renda Líquida (RL) por litro de leite foi positiva no ano de 2002 e negativa no de 2003, considerando-se o preço do leite a R0,40/L,(prec\cohistoˊricopagoaoprodutordeleiteconvencionalnaregia~o),apresentandoresultadospositivoscomoprec\cosimuladodeR 0,40/ L, (preço histórico pago ao produtor de leite convencional na região), apresentando resultados positivos com o preço simulado de R 0,80/L (preço pago aos produtores orgânicos nas Regiões Sul e Sudeste do país). Os índices de produtividade foram semelhantes aos observados nas propriedades convencionais. A produção orgânica de leite pode ser uma alternativa economicamente viável para a pecuária, desde que haja uma remuneração superior à praticada para o leite convencional