934 research outputs found

    Nearly Efficient Likelihood Ratio Tests of the Unit Root Hypothesis

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    Seemingly absent from the arsenal of currently available "nearly efficient" testing procedures for the unit root hypothesis, i.e. tests whose asymptotic local power functions are virtually indistinguishable from the Gaussian power envelope, is a test admitting a (quasi-)likelihood ratio interpretation. We study the large sample properties of a quasi-likelihood ratio unit root test based on a Gaussian likelihood and show that this test is nearly efficient.Efficiency, likelihood ratio test, unit root hypothesis

    Nearly Efficient Likelihood Ratio Tests for Seasonal Unit Roots

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    In an important generalization of zero frequency autoregressive unit root tests, Hylleberg, Engle, Granger, and Yoo (1990) developed regression-based tests for unit roots at the seasonal frequencies in quarterly time series. We develop likelihood ratio tests for seasonal unit roots and show that these tests are "nearly efficient" in the sense of Elliott, Rothenberg, and Stock (1996), i.e. that their asymptotic local power functions are indistinguishable from the Gaussian power envelope. Nearly efficient testing procedures for seasonal unit roots have been developed, including point optimal tests based on the Neyman-Pearson Lemma as well as regression-based tests, e.g. Rodrigues and Taylor (2007). However, both require the choice of a GLS detrending parameter, which our likelihood ratio tests do not.Likelihood Ratio Test, Seasonal Unit Root Hypothesis

    Optimal Inference in Regression Models with Nearly Integrated Regressors

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    This paper considers the problem of conducting inference on the regression coefficient in a bivariate regression model with a highly persistent regressor. Gaussian power envelopes are obtained for a class of testing procedures satisfying a conditionality restriction. In addition, the paper proposes feasible testing procedures that attain these Gaussian power envelopes whether or not the innovations of the regression model are normally distributed.

    Optimal Inference in Regression Models with Nearly Integrated Regressors

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    This paper considers the problem of conducting inference on the regression coeffcient in a bivariate regression model with a highly persistent regressor. Gaussian power envelopes are obtained for a class of testing procedures satisfying a conditionality restriction. In addition, the paper proposes feasible testing procedures that attain these Gaussian power envelopes whether or not the innovations of the regression model are normally distributed.

    Bootstrap-Based Inference for Cube Root Asymptotics

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    This paper proposes a valid bootstrap-based distributional approximation for M-estimators exhibiting a Chernoff (1964)-type limiting distribution. For estimators of this kind, the standard nonparametric bootstrap is inconsistent. The method proposed herein is based on the nonparametric bootstrap, but restores consistency by altering the shape of the criterion function defining the estimator whose distribution we seek to approximate. This modification leads to a generic and easy-to-implement resampling method for inference that is conceptually distinct from other available distributional approximations. We illustrate the applicability of our results with four examples in econometrics and machine learning

    Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates and Heteroskedasticity

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    The linear regression model is widely used in empirical work in Economics, Statistics, and many other disciplines. Researchers often include many covariates in their linear model specification in an attempt to control for confounders. We give inference methods that allow for many covariates and heteroskedasticity. Our results are obtained using high-dimensional approximations, where the number of included covariates are allowed to grow as fast as the sample size. We find that all of the usual versions of Eicker-White heteroskedasticity consistent standard error estimators for linear models are inconsistent under this asymptotics. We then propose a new heteroskedasticity consistent standard error formula that is fully automatic and robust to both (conditional)\ heteroskedasticity of unknown form and the inclusion of possibly many covariates. We apply our findings to three settings: parametric linear models with many covariates, linear panel models with many fixed effects, and semiparametric semi-linear models with many technical regressors. Simulation evidence consistent with our theoretical results is also provided. The proposed methods are also illustrated with an empirical application