49 research outputs found

    Business Management in Thirukkural

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    Valluvar has researched the essentials of human life and presented the essences found by his knowledge through his clear language in Thirukkural. Material is an essential requirement in life. Realising that Valluvar wanted  conveys about its importance to the world in his text. Overall this article is about the buisness ideas and about the importance of buisness mentioned in Thirukkural by Thiruvalluvar

    Effect of bio-inoculants on growth and yield of betel vine (Piper betle)

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    Betel vine (Piper betel) cultivation and the consumption of betel leaves is a very traditional and widespread practice in India and many South-East Asian countries. The marginal and small farmers generally cultivate betel vine in their small holdings which provide them with a means of alternative cash earning to meet their day to day livelihood. Chewing betel leaves is an old habit of the people residing in subtropical countries. It is used in several traditional remedies for the treatment of stomach ailments, infections and as a general tonic. As betel leaf is directly chewed, there is a need to improve the leaf yield and to optimize the usage of manures for the leaf production. A study was taken up to assess the efficacy of some of the bio-inoculants in combination with inorganic fertilizers in betel vine cv. SGM 1 under an open system of deep trench method. Among the various treatments, Azospirillum @ 5 kg coupled with 100 kg each of P and K ha-1 had recorded the highest vine length (195.6 cm), more number of laterals per vine (22.3) and highest leaf yield ha-1 (44.7 lakh)

    The Carpal and Tarsal Bones of the Human Body: Arabic mnemonics

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    Memorising human anatomy structures remains a challenge for nursing students. Educators endeavour to make human anatomy interesting and easy to memorise. Various instructional approaches can be used to help students enhance their memory. Mnemonics, for example, are well-established educational strategies that have proven useful in the encoding, retention and retrieval of anatomical terms. The carpal and tarsal bones are some of the anatomical structures that prove challenging to nursing students’ study of anatomy. Although available online to students, most of the accessible mnemonics are in English and non-native English-speaking students (students who are native Arabic-speakers) might find them difficult to understand. Therefore, we have created two simple Arabic mnemonics that can simplify the memorisation of the carpal and tarsal bones. We believe that Arabic mnemonics effectively enhance memorisation by linking the new learning material to familiar information.Keywords: Learning; Memory; Anatomy; Nursing; Carpal bones; Tarsal Bones; Oman

    Premarital screening for genetic blood disorders — an integrated review on the knowledge and attitudes of Middle Eastern university students

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    Abstract Background Genetic blood disorders are prevalent in the Middle Eastern countries causing physical, mental, and economic handicap. Premarital screening (PMS) is actively implemented to reduce the burgeoning load of these disorders. Literature shows a low response rate for PMS in this region. This integrated review aims to identify the knowledge and attitude of university students on PMS, as they are at the verge of entering into marriage relationships. Main body of the abstract We systematically reviewed the electronic databases like MEDLINE, PubMed, CINAHL, and Scopus. Studies reporting about the knowledge and attitudes of Middle Eastern university students between 2010 and 2020 are included in the review. Twelve cross-sectional descriptive studies conducted in six countries met the inclusion criteria. Majority of the studies reported good level of knowledge on PMS among the university students, whereas not all of them agreed to undergo PMS due to various religious and cultural beliefs. Short conclusion We recommend massive health education programs at the higher secondary and university levels to create better awareness on PMS. To improve the attitude towards PMS, life cycle approach and support of the religious leaders could be sought

    Association between Internet Addiction and Dietary Habits among Omani Junior College Students

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    Objectives: To investigate the association between internet addiction and dietary habits among Omani junior college students. Methods: In this cross-sectional study at Sultan Qaboos University, 377 junior college students were surveyed in November 2020 using demographic data, the Compulsive Internet Use Scale, and a dietary habits questionnaire. Chi-square cross-tabulation analyses explored the relationship between internet addiction and dietary habits. Results: Overall, 59.9% of junior college students were identified as having an internet addiction. Within this group, 62.8% reported reduced meal sizes and 54.4% reported a decrease in appetite. There was a statistically significant difference in both meal size (X2=30.528, p<0.001) and appetite changes (X2=28.731, p<0.001) among student with different levels of internet addiction. These results suggest a possible link between internet addiction and altered dietary habits among this population. Conclusion: This study highlights the need for strategies that encourage healthy living behaviors and raise awareness about the adverse effects of internet addiction. Keywords: Internet addiction disorder; diet; Students; appetite; Oma

    A Study on Thyroid Function Status in Newly Diagnosed Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Patients

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    AIM AND OBJECTIVE: 1) To assess the Thyroid function status using serum TSH and estimate the prevalence of hypothyroidism in newly diagnosed PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome patients. 2) To compare certain hormones and parameters between euthyroid and hypothyroid patients having Polycystic ovarian Syndrome. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY: In our study, we selected 73 post pubertal women who came with complaints of menstrual irregularities for a period of three months and /or infertility from Institute of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and medical Endocrinology clinic attached to Madras Medical College. With the ultrasound evidence of polycystic ovaries we proceeded the study. This study was approved by Institutional Ethic Committee. Study design: A cross sectional, observation study. Inclusion criteria : 1. Women aged between 15-35 yrs with menstrual irregularities or Infertility. 2. PCOS confirmation based on revised Rotterdam criteria 2003: (2 / 3 criteria should be satisfied) 1. History of oligomenorrhoea (cycle lasting more than 35 days) or long cycles /Amenorrhoea (no cycles in the past 6 months). 2. Clinical and / or Biochemical features of hyperandrogenism. 3. Ultra sonogram finding : Multiple cysts (> 12 in number of 1-2mm) either one or both ovaries. Other cause of hyperandrogenism like Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Virilising tumor, Prolactinoma, Cushing syndrome should be ruled out. Clinical hyperandrogensm is defined as to have acne and / or hirsutism and / or androgenic pattern of alopecia. Biochemical hyperandrogenism was defined as elevated testosterone. Exclusion Criteria: 1. Patients on treatment for Hypothyroidism, Oral contraceptives, Anticonvulsants, Metformin. 2. Other conditions mimicking PCOS were ruled out by detailed history and complete physical examination. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Statistical analysis is done by SPSS software version 17. 1. Student t- test & Chi-square test were applied for comparing Age, BMI, WHR, FBS, PPBS, Ovarian volume, Testosterone, HOMA-IR between the two groups of PCOS patients (with Euthyroid and Hypothyroidism). 2. Pearson co-efficient correlation was applied for TSH & Testosterone, Total Testosterone & WHR. SUMMARY: A cross sectional study was conducted in 73 newly diagnosed Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome patients. Among 73 participants, 16 were diagnosed to have hypothyroidism based on serum TSH (Thyroid Stimulating hormone) level with the cut-off value of 5μU/mL. They were divided into 2 groups. Group: 1 PCOS women with euthyroidism. Group: 2 PCOS women with hypothyroidism. From our study, we found that: 1. Mean BMI, Waist / Hip ratio, Fasting Insulin, HOMA-IR, Testosterone among PCOS patients were found to be higher than the recommended reference range. 2. The prevalence of hypothyroidism in PCOS patients was (22%), which is higher than the prevalence of hypothyroidism in general reproductive age women (2-4%). Thus, prevalence studies helps to bring many submerged/occult disorders to light there by aiding in correct diagnosis and proper treatment. 3. Our study followed the American Thyroid guidelines recommendation of using serum TSH alone instead of the entire thyroid profile for screening hypothyroidism in adults outpatient department which may be cost effective and economical for the patients and the health care providers. 4. Comparison of mean Testosterone between euthyroid and hypothyroid patients shows that hypothyroidism poses an additional contributing factor in developing features of hyperandrogenism, subfertility, infertility and even ovarian failure. CONCLUSION Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, an ill defined complex disorder and needs a keen attention while treating. As ethnicity plays a vital role in this disorder, the characteristics of this disorder in different population should be known. There exists a cycle in the pathogenesis of PCOS from hypothalamus to ovary and vise-versa. The ultimate finding is hyperandrogenism. Systemic disorders like Hypothyroidism, Hyperprolactinemia, Hyperinsuliemia also contributes to hyperandrogenism by reducing the hepatic SHBG production. All these factors lead to hormonal imbalance affecting ovarian homeostasis resulting in anovulation. The final outcome may be single or multiple,from simple acne to complicated infertility. Very often these PCOS women were found to have hypothyroidism remaining submerged / undiagnosed which augments the existing hyperandrogenism. Timely and appropriate investigations can halt this cyclical event and its progression by early diagnosis and treatment. From this study, it is concluded that: Hypothyroidism is definitely an important contributing factor for hyperandrogenism, hence screening for hypothyroidism along with reproductive hormone profile should be evaluated in PCOS / infertile women for early diagnosis and management

    Evaluation of F1 Hybrids of Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. Ex Poir) for Yield and Quality

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    An investigation was carried out to study the performance of 36 hybrids of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch. ex Poir) through Line x Tester mating design. Observations were recorded on the traits, viz., vine length, days to first female flower appearance, node number for first female flower appearance, sex ratio, days to first harvest, fruit number per vine, fruit weight, flesh thickness and fruit yield per vine, besides quality traits such as total carbohydrate content, total carotenoid content and crude fibre content in the fruit. Among the 36 hybrids of pumpkin studied, the cross 'Kasi Harit x Avinashi Local' excelled in yield per vine, followed by the crosses 'Vadhalagundu Local x CO-2' and 'Narendra Uphar x CO-2', respectively. Thus, first generation hybrids can be well-utilized for exploiting hybrid vigour to achieve improved quality

    Arsenic removal using silver-impregnated Prosopis spicigera L. wood (PSLW) activated carbon: batch and column studies

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    Silver-impregnated carbon (SIC) and its precursor (un-impregnated) derived from an easily available low cost plant material Prosopis spicigera L. wood (PSLW) carbon was investigated for their ability to remove arsenic from aqueous solutions in batch and column experiments. Arsenic uptake has no regular trend with increasing pH; contains two adsorption maxima, the first adsorption maximum at pH 4.0 and a second adsorption maximum at pH 10.0. The extent of As (III) removal increased with increase in temperature. As (III) sorption kinetics was well fitted by pseudo second order with pore diffusion as rate determining step. The applicability of Langmuir isotherm suggests the formation of monolayer coverage of As (III) at the outer surface of the adsorbent. Thermodynamic parameters show that the adsorption was spontaneous and endothermic in nature. Column experiments were done using Thomas model, the maximum adsorption capacity of SIC was found to be 9.36 mg/g.Keywords: Adsorption, Arsenic, batch adsorption, langmuir isotherm, silver-impregnated carbon (SIC), Thomas mode