139 research outputs found

    Transitivitet, grounding og russisk og dansk tekststruktur

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    With whom are you dealing? Using social network analysis as a tool to strengthen service delivery structures for low socioeconomic status populations

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    Background: Health disparities between populations with different socioeconomic status (SES) are increasing. Although a wide variety of support service organizations and arrangements are in place, no general overview of this social network, its reach, and harmonization of services surrounding low-SES populations are available. The present participatory health research study examined the current network structure and the utility of using social network analysis (SNA) as a tool to improve service delivery structures. Design and methods: We applied a mixed-methods study design. An online-questionnaire was used to examine the relationships among organizations assumed to support low-SES individuals in the municipality of Vaals, the Netherlands. In addition, semi-structured interviews and a networking session were used to examine the current network structure and to explore opportunities for improvement. Results: The SNA revealed a weak network structure, and all interviewed professionals mentioned that the current structure should be improved. Participants indicated that a first step would be to install a central information system. Conclusions: SNA can be a useful tool to gain more in-depth insights into the relations within a service delivery network. The professionals were assisted in discovering new organizations that could help them reach low SES populations and in harmonizing and improving their service delivery

    Indulgent thinking?:Ecological momentary assessment of overweight and healthy-weight participants' cognitions and emotions

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    Cognitions and emotions are considered important determinants of eating behaviour in cognitive behavioural models of obesity. Ecological data on these determinants is still limited. The present study investigated cognitions and emotions of overweight (n = 57) and healthy-weight (n = 43) participants via Ecological Momentary Assessment. It was found that eating-related cognitions mainly focused on desire and taste. Unexpectedly, dysfunctional cognitions (i.e., thoughts that may promote overeating) did not occur more often for overweight participants in almost all cases. So, the present EMA study provides no evidence for a role of dysfunctional cognitions in obesity-promoting eating behaviour when assessing eating-related cognitions immediately prior to eating events using a free-text format assessment. Right before eating events, participants mostly reported feeling calm/relaxed and cheerful/happy. Overweight participants scored higher on negative emotions, both at eating events and non-eating moments, than did healthy-weight participants. In addition, scores on standard questionnaires assessing emotional eating were positively associated with negative emotions reported at both eating and non-eating moments. As such, negative emotions, as assessed in the present study, do not seem to be specific triggers for food consumption

    Open Archief

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    Het Nieuwe Instituut en het Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid werkten in het project Open Archief samen om het creatief hergebruik van digitale erfgoedcollecties te stimuleren. Ze nodigden begin 2019 drie makers uit om op basis van de open collecties een nieuw autonoom mediawerk te ontwikkelen. Het beschikbaar stellen en artistiek hergebruiken van digitaal erfgoed stond daarbij centraal, met ruimte voor uiteenlopende creatieve, technische en auteursrechtelijke interpretaties. Een wederkerig experiment tussen instituten en makers. In deze digitale publicatie blikken de deelnemende makers en beide instituten terug op het project en delen de opgedane kennis en ervaringen met collega instellingen en makers

    Improving Practice in Supported Decision-Making and Mental Capacity Assessment

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    Current models of evidence-based practice are predicated on the inclusion of patients / service users in decisions about their healthcare. In the United Kingdom (UK), healthcare policy and legislation requires practitioners to provide support with decision-making and, if necessary, complete mental capacity assessments to identify if service users can make informed decisions. People with communication disabilities may have difficulties understanding, thinking and talking about decisions and may require communication support. In this paper, I discuss the current challenges associated with mental capacity assessment and supported decision-making. I propose that healthcare professionals should look beyond legal and policy imperatives to consider the ethical foundations for their practice, when they face such challenges. I compare two conceptual approaches to ethical reasoning. I describe a practical solution to the clinical challenge – the development of the MCAST, a toolkit to support multidisciplinary staff to assess mental capacity and provide support to service users with communication disabilities during the decision-making proces

    Wetenschap met de ramen wijd open: tien lessen voor wie impact wil maken

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    In tien lessen geven door de wol geverfde sociale en geesteswetenschappers handvatten aan collega’s die impact willen maken met hun onderzoek. In een nieuwe brochure, een uitgave van de Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Raad van de KNAW, pleiten ze voor meer waardering voor impact en geven ze praktische handvatten om aan de slag te gaan. Wetenschap met de ramen wijd open, tien lessen voor wie impact wil maken is een uitgave van de Sociaal-Wetenschappelijke Raad van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie voor Wetenschappen (KNAW). De brochure is geschreven door Godfried Engbersen, Andrea Evers, Beatrice de Graaf, Paul ’t Hart, Anita Jansen, Lotte Jensen, Leo Lucassen en Maarten Prak, allen hoogleraar in de sociale of geesteswetenschappen. De gedrukte brochure wordt in het Nederlands verspreid over alle faculteiten

    Psychometrics of the patient-reported outcomes measurement information system measures in hemophilia:the applicability of the pediatric item banks

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    Background: The use of patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) is important in hemophilia care, as it facilitates communication between patients and clinicians and promotes patient-centered care. Currently, a variety of PROMs with insufficient psychometric properties are used. Patient-reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS) measures, including Computer Adaptive Tests, were designed to measure generically and more efficiently and, therefore, are an alternative for the existing PROMs. Objectives: To assess the feasibility, measurement properties, and outcomes of 8 PROMIS pediatric measures for boys with hemophilia. Methods: In this multicenter study, boys with hemophilia completed 8 PROMIS measures and 2 legacy instruments. Feasibility was determined by the number of completed items and floor or ceiling effects (percentage of participants that achieved the lowest or highest possible score). Reliability was assessed as the percentage of scores with a SE ≤ 4.5. Construct validity was evaluated by comparing the PROMIS measures with the legacy instruments. Mean PROMIS T-scores were calculated and compared with the Dutch general population. Results: In total, 77 boys with hemophilia participated. Reliability was good for almost all PROMIS measures and legacy instruments. The total number of completed items varied from 49 to 90 for the PROMIS pediatric measures, while the legacy instruments contained 117 to 130 items. Floor and ceiling effects were observed in both the PROMIS measures (0-39.5%) and legacy instruments (0-66.7%), but were higher for the legacy instruments. Conclusions: The PROMIS pediatric measures are feasible to use for boys with hemophilia. With the use of the PROMIS measures in clinical care and research, a step toward worldwide standardization of PROM administration can be taken.</p
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