11,386 research outputs found

    Fluid thrust control system

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    A pure fluid thrust control system is described for a pump-fed, regeneratively cooled liquid propellant rocket engine. A proportional fluid amplifier and a bistable fluid amplifier control overshoot in the starting of the engine and take it to a predetermined thrust. An ejector type pump is provided in the line between the liquid hydrogen rocket nozzle heat exchanger and the turbine driving the fuel pump to aid in bringing the fluid at this point back into the regular system when it is not bypassed. The thrust control system is intended to function in environments too severe for mechanical controls

    Anatomy of a Community-Level Fiscal Impact Model: FIT-4-NH.

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    Abstract: This paper describes the development of a fiscal impact tool for New Hampshire communities (HT -4-NH). FIT -4-NH belongs to a family of computergenerated fiscal impact assessment models designed to estimate the impacts to local government revenues and expenditures that result from economic changes. In the past, work in this area has centered on the completion of countylevel models for the midwestern states. FIT-4-NH is unique in that it was designed for rural community-level use in the northern New England region of the country

    Spectrally resolved single-shot wavefront sensing of broadband high-harmonic sources

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    Wavefront sensors are an important tool to characterize coherent beams of extreme ultraviolet radiation. However, conventional Hartmann-type sensors do not allow for independent wavefront characterization of different spectral components that may be present in a beam, which limits their applicability for intrinsically broadband high-harmonic generation (HHG) sources. Here we introduce a wavefront sensor that measures the wavefronts of all the harmonics in a HHG beam in a single camera exposure. By replacing the mask apertures with transmission gratings at different orientations, we simultaneously detect harmonic wavefronts and spectra, and obtain sensitivity to spatiotemporal structure such as pulse front tilt as well. We demonstrate the capabilities of the sensor through a parallel measurement of the wavefronts of 9 harmonics in a wavelength range between 25 and 49 nm, with up to lambda/32 precision.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    AIM:A Mapping Program for Infrared Spectroscopy of Proteins

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    [Image: see text] Here, we present a new analysis program, AIM, that allows extracting the vibrational amide-I Hamiltonian using molecular dynamics trajectories for protein infrared spectroscopy modeling. The constructed Hamiltonians can be used as input for spectral calculations allowing the calculation of infrared absorption spectra, vibrational circular dichroism, and two-dimensional infrared spectra. These spectroscopies allow the study of the structure and dynamics of proteins. We will explain the essence of how AIM works and give examples of the information and spectra that can be obtained with the program using the Trypsin Inhibitor as an example. AIM is freely available from GitHub, and the package contains a demonstration allowing easy introduction to the use of the program


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    Kabupaten Poso merupakan kabupaten yang berada di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah.Posisi Kabupaten Poso terletak di tengah-tengah pulau Sulawesi yang merupakan jalur strategis yang menghubungkan antar Provinsi di pulau Sulawesi dan saat ini sedang giat-giatnya meningkatkan sarana infrastruktur yang ada.Bandar udara Kasiguncu terletak di ibukota Kabupaten dan saat ini tergolong sebagai bandara klas II dengan jenis pesawat yang beroperasi saat ini masih tergolong pesawat kecil yaitu ATR 72-600 sehingga dianggap perlu untuk ditingkatkan pelayanannya agar dapat memenuhi permintaan Masyarakat serta ikut menunjang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan Daerah. Dalam merencanakan pengembangan suatu lapangan terbang harus memperkirakan arus lalu lintas di masa yang akan datang. Dengan menganalisa data lima tahun jumlah penumpang, bagasi dan cargo menggunakan analisa regresi dapat diramalkan arus lalu lintas dimasa yang akan datang sehingga pengembangan bandar udara diaggap perlu dilakukan atau tidak. Berdasarkan data-data primer yang diperoleh dari bandara seperti data klimatologi, data karakteristik pesawat, data tanah, keadaan Topografi dan data existing bandara digunakan sebagai acuan dalam merencanakan pengembangan bandar udara.Untuk pengembangan bandar udara Kasiguncu-Poso yang akan direncanakan adalah Runway, Taxiway, Apron, Terminal penumpang, Gudang dan Parkir kendaraan.Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang mengacu pada standar Internasional Civil Aviation organization (ICAO) dengan pesawat terbang rencana Boing 737-800 maka dibutuhkan panjang landasan 2.612 meter lebar 51 meter dan jarak antara sumbu landasan pacu dan sumbu landasan hubung adalah 170 meter lebar total taxiway 25 meter dengan tebal perkerasan lentur 70 Cm, luas apron 143 × 93 = 13.299 m2, tebal perkerasan rigid pada apron Metode Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) = 35 Cm sedangkan dengan metode Portland Cemen Asosiation (PCA) = 41 Cm, luas terminal penumpang 4.200 m2, luas gudang 32 m2 dan luas pelataran parkir 750 m2.  Kata kunci: Kabupaten Poso, Pengembangan Bandar Udara, Runway, Taxiway, Apro