17,625 research outputs found

    Island formation without attractive interactions

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    We show that adsorbates on surfaces can form islands even if there are no attractive interactions. Instead strong repulsion between adsorbates at short distances can lead to islands, because such islands increase the entropy of the adsorbates that are not part of the islands. We suggest that this mechanism cause the observed island formation in O/Pt(111), but it may be important for many other systems as well.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Phonon-modulated magnetic interactions and spin Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in the p-orbital antiferromagnet CsO2

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    The magnetic response of antiferromagnetic CsO2, coming from the p-orbital S=1/2 spins of anionic O2- molecules, is followed by 133Cs nuclear magnetic resonance across the structural phase transition occuring at Ts1=61 K on cooling. Above Ts1, where spins form a square magnetic lattice, we observe a huge, nonmonotonic temperature dependence of the exchange coupling originating from thermal librations of O2- molecules. Below Ts1, where antiferromagnetic spin chains are formed as a result of p-orbital ordering, we observe a spin Tomonaga-Luttinger-liquid behavior of spin dynamics. These two interesting phenomena, which provide rare simple manifestations of the coupling between spin, lattice and orbital degrees of freedom, establish CsO2 as a model system for molecular solids.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures (with Supplemental Material), to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Scaling test of quenched Wilson twisted mass QCD at maximal twist

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    We present the results of an extended scaling test of quenched Wilson twisted mass QCD. We fix the twist angle by using two definitions of the critical mass, the first obtained by requiring the vanishing of the pseudoscalar meson mass m_PS for standard Wilson fermions and the second by requiring restoration of parity at non-zero value of the twisted mass mu and subsequently extrapolating to mu=0. Depending on the choice of the critical mass we simulate at values of beta in [5.7,6.45], for a range of pseudoscalar meson masses 250 MeV < m_PS < 1 GeV and we perform the continuum limit for the pseudoscalar meson decay constant f_PS and various hadron masses (vector meson m_V, baryon octet m_oct and baryon decuplet m_dec) at fixed value of r_0 m_PS. For both definitions of the critical mass, lattice artifacts are consistent with O(a) improvement. However, with the second definition, large O(a^2) discretization errors present at small quark mass with the first definition are strongly suppressed. The results in the continuum limit are in very good agreement with those from the Alpha and CP-PACS Collaborations.Comment: 6 pages, Talk presented at Lattice 2005, Dublin, 25-30 July 200

    3-point functions from twisted mass lattice QCD at small quark masses

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    We show at the example of the matrix element between pion states of a twist-2, non-singlet operator that Wilson twisted mass fermions allow to compute this phenomenologically relevant quantitiy at small pseudo scalar masses of O(270 MeV). In the quenched approximation, we investigate the scaling behaviour of this observable that is derived from a 3-point function by applying two definitions of the critical mass and find a scaling compatible with the expected O(a^2) behaviour in both cases. A combined continuum extrapolations allows to obtain reliable results at small pion masses, which previously could not be explored by lattice QCD simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, talk presented at Lattice 200

    One-dimensional quantum antiferromagnetism in the pp-orbital CsO2_2 compound revealed by electron paramagnetic resonance

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    Recently it was proposed that the orbital ordering of πx,y\pi_{x,y}^* molecular orbitals in the superoxide CsO2_2 compound leads to the formation of spin-1/2 chains below the structural phase transition occuring at Ts1=61T_{\rm{s1}}=61~K on cooling. Here we report a detailed X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study of this phase in CsO2_2 powder. The EPR signal appears as a broad line below Ts1T_{\rm{s1}}, which is replaced by the antiferromagnetic resonance below the N\'{e}el temperature TN=8.3T_{\rm N}=8.3~K. The temperature dependence of the EPR linewidth between Ts1T_{\rm{s1}} and TNT_{\rm{N}} agrees with the predictions for the one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain of S=1/2S=1/2 spins in the presence of symmetric anisotropic exchange interaction. Complementary analysis of the EPR lineshape, linewidth and the signal intensity within the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid (TLL) framework allows for a determination of the TLL exponent K=0.48K=0.48. Present EPR data thus fully comply with the quantum antiferromagnetic state of spin-1/2 chains in the orbitally ordered phase of CsO2_2, which is, therefore, a unique pp-orbital system where such a state could be studied.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Bond breaking in vibrationally excited methane on transition metal catalysts

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    The role of vibrational excitation of a single mode in the scattering of methane is studied by wave packet simulations of oriented CH4 and CD4 molecules from a flat surface. All nine internal vibrations are included. In the translational energy range from 32 up to 128 kJ/mol we find that initial vibrational excitations enhance the transfer of translational energy towards vibrational energy and increase the accessibility of the entrance channel for dissociation. Our simulations predict that initial vibrational excitations of the asymmetrical stretch (nu_3) and especially the symmetrical stretch (nu_1) modes will give the highest enhancement of the dissociation probability of methane.Comment: 4 pages REVTeX, 2 figures (eps), to be published in Phys. Rev. B. (See also arXiv:physics.chem-ph/0003031). Journal version at http://publish.aps.org/abstract/PRB/v61/p1565

    Nucleon form factors and moments of parton distributions in twisted mass lattice QCD

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    We present results on the electroweak form factors and on the lower moments of parton distributions of the nucleon, within lattice QCD using two dynamical flavors of degenerate twisted mass fermions. Results are obtained on lattices with three different values of the lattice spacings, namely a=0.089 fm, a=0.070 fm and a=0.056 fm, allowing the investigation of cut-off effects. The volume dependence is examined by comparing results on two lattices of spatial length L=2.1 fm and L=2.8 fm. The simulations span pion masses in the range of 260-470 MeV. Our results are renormalized non-perturbatively and the values are given in the MS-scheme at a scale mu=2 GeV.Comment: Talk presented in the XXIst International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, 21-27 July 2011, Grenoble, Rhones Alpes Franc

    The nucleon spin and momentum decomposition using lattice QCD simulations

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    We determine within lattice QCD, the nucleon spin carried by valence and sea quarks, and gluons. The calculation is performed using an ensemble of gauge configurations with two degenerate light quarks with mass fixed to approximately reproduce the physical pion mass. We find that the total angular momentum carried by the quarks in the nucleon is Ju+d+s=0.408(61)stat.(48)syst.J_{u+d+s}{=}0.408(61)_{\rm stat.}(48)_{\rm syst.} and the gluon contribution is Jg=0.133(11)stat.(14)syst.J_g {=}0.133(11)_{\rm stat.}(14)_{\rm syst.} giving a total of JN=0.54(6)stat.(5)syst.J_N{=}0.54(6)_{\rm stat.}(5)_{\rm syst.} consistent with the spin sum. For the quark intrinsic spin contribution we obtain 12ΔΣu+d+s=0.201(17)stat.(5)syst.\frac{1}{2}\Delta \Sigma_{u+d+s}{=}0.201(17)_{\rm stat.}(5)_{\rm syst.}. All quantities are given in the MS\overline{\textrm{MS}} scheme at 2~GeV. The quark and gluon momentum fractions are also computed and add up to xu+d+s+xg=0.804(121)stat.(95)syst.+0.267(12)stat.(10)syst.=1.07(12)stat.(10)syst.\langle x\rangle_{u+d+s}+\langle x\rangle_g{=}0.804(121)_{\rm stat.}(95)_{\rm syst.}+0.267(12)_{\rm stat.}(10)_{\rm syst.}{=}1.07(12)_{\rm stat.}(10)_{\rm syst.} satisfying the momentum sum.Comment: Version published in PR