49 research outputs found

    Simulation Analysis of Contributing Factors to Rider Visibility Issues for Car-Motorcycle Accidents

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    Rider visibility has been considered an important issue in car-motorcycle accidents due to the frequency of unperceptive and negligent driving behavior. Mostly car drivers stated that they didn’t see the rider before the collision. This study aims to investigate the contributing factors that reduce rider visibility in point of view of car drivers for car-motorcycle accidents. The study considered the car-motorcycle accidents which occur in the built-up area. Statistical data analysis categorized the accidents into six dominant accident types. Twenty-five accidents were selected by accident types for simulation analysis. The selected accidents were simulated in Virtual Crash software during 5 seconds before the collision. The simulation analysis evaluated that the view obstructions, blind spots and high speed were the contributing factors that reduce rider visibility in car-motorcycle accidents. The simulation plots identified the involvement of contributory factors and variation within the time interval. The comprehensive in-depth analysis also evaluated that no collision avoidance maneuvers were performed by most of the car drivers due to visibility issues before the collision. Safety systems were proposed based on observed factors according to car and motorcycle perspectives for collision avoidance

    Környezeti Ă©s tÃ¥rsadalmi felelÅ‘ssĂ©gvÃ¥llalÃ¥s az agrÃ¥riumban

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    NĂ©hÃ¥ny Ă©vtizeddel ezelÅ‘tt a vidĂ©k Ă©s a mezÅ‘gazdasÃ¥g fÅ‘ feladata az volt, hogy elegendÅ‘ mennyisĂ©gű Ă©s megfelelÅ‘ minÅ‘sĂ©gű Ă©lelmiszert Ă©s ipari alapanyagot Ã¥llítson elÅ‘, hatĂ©konyan foglalkoztatva a vidĂ©ki nĂ©pessĂ©g jelentÅ‘s hÃ¥nyadÃ¥t. KĂ©sÅ‘bb felmerĂƒÂŒlt, hogy csökkenteni kellene az agrÃ¥rium okozta környezeti terhelĂ©st, elsÅ‘sorban a vegyszerfelhasznÃ¥lÃ¥st minimalizÃ¥lva. EbbÅ‘l a törekvĂ©sbÅ‘l fejlÅ‘dött ki a ma mÃ¥r az egĂ©sz fejlett vilÃ¥gban sikeres biotermesztĂ©s, ökológiai gazdÃ¥lkodÃ¥s. A szÃ¥zad- Ă©s ezredfordulón azonban ÃÂșj, sokkal diverzifikÃ¥ltabb igĂ©nyek is megjelentek; a klímavÃ¥ltozÃ¥st elÅ‘idĂ©zÅ‘ gÃ¥zok kibocsÃ¥tÃ¥s-csökkentĂ©sĂ©tÅ‘l a helyi termĂ©kek fogyasztÃ¥sÃ¥ig, az Ă©lelmiszer-biztonsÃ¥gtól a szegĂ©ny orszÃ¥gok megsegítĂ©sĂ©ig. TanulmÃ¥nyunk ezekre az ÃÂșj kihívÃ¥sokra (food miles, locavore, virtuÃ¥lis víz, etikus gazdÃ¥lkodÃ¥s) adandó lehetsĂ©ges agrÃ¥rgazdasÃ¥gi vÃ¥laszokkal foglalkozik. Az Ă©rtĂ©kelĂ©shez a teljes Ă©letciklus (LCA) Ă©s a költsĂ©g–haszon (CBA) elemzĂ©s módszereit, a tevĂ©kenysĂ©gekhez a proaktivitÃ¥st ajÃ¥nljuk. ------------------------------------------ A few decades ago the main task of agriculture was the production of food and industrial row material in sufficient quantity and quality thereby employing a significant proportion of country population. Later it transpired that agricultural pollution of the environment should be reduced by mainly minimising the use of agricultural chemicals. These aspirations lead to the development of bio-cultivation or ecological farming, which is now a success throughout the developed world. At the turn of century and millennia further pursuits appeared; the reduction of gas emissions responsible for global warming to consumption of local products and food safety to aiding poor countries. Our study was concerned with possible agricultural approaches to these new challenges (food miles, locavore, virtual water, ethical farming). We recommend the method of total life cycle assessment (LCA) and cost-benefit (CBA) analyses for evaluation and pro-activity for operations.klímavÃ¥ltozÃ¥s, Ă©lelmiszer-mĂ©rföldek, ökológiai lÃ¥bnyom, virtuÃ¥lis víz, biodiverzitÃ¥s, climate change, food miles, ecological footprint, virtual water, biodiversity, Agribusiness, Institutional and Behavioral Economics,

    Hybrid Erythrocyte Liposomes: Functionalized Red Blood Cell Membranes for Molecule Encapsulation

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    The modification of erythrocyte membrane properties provides a new tool towards improved drug delivery and biomedical applications. The fabrication of hybrid erythrocyte liposomes is presented by doping red blood cell membranes with synthetic lipid molecules of different classes (PC, PS, PG) and different degrees of saturation (14:0, 16:0-18:1). The respective solubility limits are determined, and material properties of the hybrid liposomes are studied by a combination of X-ray diffraction, epi-fluorescent microscopy, dynamic light scattering (DLS), Zeta potential, UV-vis spectroscopy, and Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. Membrane thickness and lipid orientation can be tuned through the addition of phosphatidylcholine lipids. The hybrid membranes can be fluorescently labelled by incorporating Texas-red DHPE, and their charge modified by incorporating phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylglycerol. By using fluorescein labeled dextran as an example, it is demonstrated that small molecules can be encapsulated into these hybrid liposomes

    Grandes et petites cultures dans l'agriculture hongroise : la situation aujourd'hui et les perspectives

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    [eng] Hungary's economy, including its agriculture is undergoing fundamental changes. However, the process is in its initial stages only and it is characteristic that the idea concerning the desired structures to be brought about in the end is almost uniform, while the methods to be adopted for the transformation, the relevant pace and the practical solutions to be used are still to be considered. So far as agriculture is concerned there is basically a general agreement that an ownership reform should be introduced and the organizational structure of production must also be changed. In this process a much greater scope should be provided for private farming of the family farm type. Obviously, the role of large-scale farms which are currently overwhelming in Hungary's agricultural structure will decrease. Small-scale farming has been present in Hungary's agriculture so far. Indeed, there was a period during which it seemed that with the optimum combination or symbiosis of small and large- scale farming all the current and future problems of agriculture could be solved. Later, however, it turned out to be an illusion. In fact a specific division of labour developed between small and large-scale farms. It brought significant results. Spectacular achievements were recorded in terms of the quantitative increase in agricultural production ; supply-dominated domestic food market was brought about parallel with substantial agricultural exports. However, the « Hungarian agricultural miracle » turned out to be short-lived, because the uniform system of farming co-operatives of too large dimensions has exhausted development resources and is no longer capable of providing for cooperation between large and small scale farms. The relations between them must be laid upon new qualitative foundations relying on mutual interests and equality ; they must be free of monopolies and no forced courses of progress can be imposed on them. [fre] L'Ă©conomie hongroise et dans le cadre de celle-ci, l'agriculture, sont engagĂ©es dans un processus de transformation fondamental. Elles n'en sont encore qu'au dĂ©but de ce processus, caractĂ©risĂ© par une seule conception des structures dĂ©sirĂ©es, tandis que les mĂ©thodes, la cadence, les solutions pratiques de la transformation ne seront mises Ă  l'ordre du jour que plus tard. Dans l'agriculture, l'unanimitĂ© s'est faite sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'une rĂ©forme de la propriĂ©tĂ© ainsi que sur la transformation de la structure de l'exploitation. Dans ce domaine, il faut laisser un champ plus vaste aux exploitations privĂ©es du type ferme familiale. Un rĂŽle considĂ©rablement rĂ©duit reviendra donc aux grandes exploitations qui dĂ©terminent aujourd'hui la structure agraire hongroise. Jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent, l'agriculture hongroise a comportĂ© Ă©galement des petites exploitations. Il y eut mĂȘme une pĂ©riode oĂč il semblait qu'avec la combinaison optimale des grandes et petites exploitations, et grĂące Ă  leur « symbiose », tous les problĂšmes actuels et futurs seraient rĂ©solus. Plus tard, cette conception s'est avĂ©rĂ©e illusoire. Toujours est-il qu'une division particuliĂšre du travail s'est dĂ©veloppĂ©e entre grandes exploitations et petites exploitations et elle a produit des rĂ©sultats spectaculaires dans plusieurs domaines : augmentation quantitative de la production agricole, dĂ©veloppement d'un marchĂ© intĂ©rieur d'offre de produits alimentaires et fortes exportations de produits agricoles. Pourtant, « le miracle de l'agriculture hongroise » a eu la vie courte. Le systĂšme uniforme des coopĂ©ratives de production de taille trop grande, dominant dans la structure agraire, a Ă©puisĂ© ses rĂ©serves de dĂ©veloppement. D'autre part, il n'a pas Ă©tĂ© capable d'assurer une coopĂ©ration organique entre grandes et petites exploitations. Ce systĂšme de relations doit se transformer sur un mode nouveau, exempt de monopole et de contraintes, et se fonder sur l'Ă©galitĂ© et la rĂ©ciprocitĂ© des intĂ©rĂȘts.

    New design tools for lightweight aerospace structures

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    This paper presents two new design tools for lightweight aerospace structures. The first tool is the Tailored Fibre Placement (TFP) design tool TACO. It is used to optimize the fibre orientations of structures made of Carbon Fibre Reinforcement Plastics (CFRP). The optimization concept is explained and results are given for a horizontal tail plane connection beam of an aircraft. The second tool, iBuck, is a fast, semi-analytical local buckling and post-buckling tool for stiffened panels that are loaded in-plane. The panels are assumed to be representative for an aircraft fuselage and are stiffened in axial and circumferential direction. Results are presented for axially loaded panels and compared to FE-results