166 research outputs found

    Kajian aspek teknis unit penangkapan kapal pole and line yang berpangkalan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung (Study of technical aspects of pole and line fishing catching unit at Bitung Oceanic Fishing Port)

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    The objective of the research is to know technical aspect of pole and line fishing unit based at Bitung Oceanic Fishing Port. This thesis is expected to be an information for of Indonesia people especially North Sulawesi to efforts increase and development of pole and line fishing units. The method used in this thesis is descriptive method of technical aspects such as ship size, number of trips, number of anglers, number of catches. Data were analyzed descriptively by comparing technical variables that influence the catch, then the analysis result presented in graph. In general this research is a non hypothesis so that in the step of his research does not need to formulate of hypothesis. From the data of the research of the pole and line fishing gear in the Bitung Oceanic Fishing Port, where is the main ship size varies with length (L) from 25.37 to 28.75 m, breadt (B) from 4.50 to 5.17 m, depth (D) from 2.20 to 2.65 m, and length overall (Loa) from 30.55 to 33.15 m, and the size of fishing gear with the length of rod used varies also between 2.15 to 3.15 m, made entirely of bamboo material with a diameter of 3 cm. The length of the rope used varies from 2.50 to 3.10 m, made of nylon material, used fishing rods numbered 4 to 6, made of tin, the number of fishing gear that was taken each ship varies between 50 to 100 pieces. The number of catches from January to November 2016 skipjack (katsuwonus pelamis) of 7,922,288 kg with 218 trip trips, carried out by 8 ships with 20 to 25 persons.Keywords: ship size, number of trips, number of bait, number of anglers and catch ABSTRAKPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek teknis unit penangkapan kapal pole and line yang berpangkalan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung. Skripsi ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bahan informasi bagi rakyat Indonesia khususnya Sulawesi Utara untuk kemudian dilakukan usaha peningkatan dan pengembangan unit penangkapan kapal pole and line.  Metode yang digunakan dalam Skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif yaitu aspek teknis seperti ukuran kapal, jumlah trip, jumlah pemancing, jumlah hasil tangkapan dan ketersediaan umpan. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif yaitu dengan membandingkan variabel-variabel teknis yang mempengaruhi hasil tangkapan, selanjutnya hasil analisis disajikan dalam bentuk grafik. Pada umumnya penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non hipotesis sehingga dalam langkah penelitiannya tidak perlu merumuskan hipotesis. Dari data hasil penelitian mengenai alat tangkap kapal pole and line yang berpangkalang di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Bitung, dimana ukuran utama kapal bervariasi dengan ukuran panjang (L) berkisar antara 25,37 – 28,75 m, Lebar (B) berkisar antara 4,50 – 5,17 m, Dalam (D) berkisar antara 2,20 – 2,65 m, dan panjang keseluruhan (Loa) berkisar antara 30,55 – 33,15 m, dan ukuran alat tangkap dengan panjang joran yang digunakan bervariasi juga antara 2,15-3,15 m, terbuat seluruhnya dari bahan bambu dengan diameter pangkal 3 cm. Panjang tali yang digunakan bervariasi dari 2,50-3,10 m, terbuat dari bahan nilon, mata pancing yang digunakan berukuran nomor 4-6, terbuat dari besi yang dilapisi timah, jumlah alat tangkap yang dibawa setiap kapal bervariasi antara  50-100 buah. Jumlah hasil tangkapan dari bulan Januari s/d November 2016 adalah: ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) sebanyak 7.922.288 kg dengan jumlah trip 218 trip, yang dilaksanakan oleh 8 buah kapal dengan jumlah tenaga kerja sebanyak 20 - 25 orang.Kata Kunci : Ukuran Kapal, Jumlah Trip, Jumlah Umpan, Jumlah Pemancing dan Hasil Tangkapan

    Study Of Hard Coral (Scleractinia) Recruitment In The Molas Waters, Manado City

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    Coral recruitment is the entry of new coral individuals into coral reef populations due to reproduction or migration. Juvenile coral is the result of metamorphosis and growth of coral planula measuring 5 cm and attached to certain substrates. There are two types of substrates in the waters, stable substrates and unstable substrates such as rubble. The purpose of this study was to study hard coral recruitment, both in terms of density, the composition of juvenile coral colony types, size, and the type of substrate occupied by juvenile corals. This research was conducted in August 2021 in the waters of Molas, Bunaken District, Manado City. The method used for site selection is the purposive sampling method and data collection using a sampling method with quadrant transects. The results showed that the density of coral recruitment at the study site was 8,43 colonies/m2. The percentage of juvenile coral attachment on stable substrates is 90% and 10% on unstable substrates. The average size of juvenile corals at the study site was 2.4cm. The composition of the juvenile coral genus found at the research site were corals of the genus Acropora, Anacropora, Coeloseris, Cycloseris, Cyphastrea, Echinopora, Favites, Fungia, Galaxea, Goniastrea, Isopora, Leptastrea, Leptoseris, Lobophyllia, Merulina, Montastrea, Montipora, Oulophyllia, Pachyseris, Pavona, Platygyra, Plasiastrea, Pocillopora, Porites, Psammocora, Scolymia, Seriatopora, Symphyllia, and Trachyphyllia. Of the entire genus, corals of the genus Porites were dominated by the number of juveniles as many as 36 colonies.Keywords: Molas, coral, recruitment, ScleractiniaAbstrakRekrutmen karang adalah masuknya individu karang baru pada populasi terumbu karang dikarenakan reproduksi ataupun migrasi.  Juvenil karang merupakan bentuk hasil metamorphosis dan pertumbuhan planula karang yang berukuran ≤ 5 cm dan menempel pada substrat tertentu.  Terdapat dua tipe substrat di perairan, substrat yang stabil dan substrat yang tidak stabil seperti pecahan karang (rubble).  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari tentang rekruitmen karang keras, baik dari densitas, komposisi jenis koloni juvenil karang, ukuran, hingga tipe substrat yang ditempati oleh juvenil karang.  Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Agustus 2021 di perairan Molas Kecamatan Bunaken Kota Manado.  Metode yang digunakan untuk pemilihan lokasi adalah metode purposive sampling dan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode sampling dengan transek kuadran.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa densitas rekruitmen karang pada lokasi penelitian sebesar 8,43 koloni/m2.  Persentase penempelan juvenil karang pada substrat stabil sebesar 90% dan pada substrat yang tidak stabil sebesar 10%.  Ukuran rata-rata dari juvenil karang pada lokasi penelitian adalah 2,4cm.  Komposisi genus juvenil karang yang ditemukan pada lokasi penelitian adalah karang genus Acropora, Anacropora, Coeloseris, Cycloseris, Cyphastrea, Echinopora, Favites, Fungia, Galaxea, Goniastrea, Isopora, Leptastrea, Leptoseris, Lobophyllia, Merulina, Montastrea, Montipora, Oulophyllia, Pachyseris, Pavona, Platygyra, Plasiastrea, Pocillopora, Porites, Psammocora, Scolymia, Seriatopora, Symphyllia, dan Trachyphyllia.  Dari keseluruhan genus, didominasi oleh karang genus Porites dengan jumlah juvenil sebanyak 36 koloni.Kata kunci: Molas, karang, rekrutmen, scleractini

    Composition and Condition Of Coral Reefs In Dudepo Cape, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi

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    This study aims to determine the composition and condition of coral reefs in Dudepo Cape, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The method used is Line Intercept Transect (LIT). Data were collected by SCUBA diving at 3 meters and 10 meters depths. In 3 meters depth was found biotic components such as Acropora and non-Acropora with 6 growth forms, and five other biotic components, while abiotic components were only found in coral rubbles (R). In 10 meter depth was found biotic components live coral with 7 growth forms, and five other biotic components, while the abiotic components as sand and coral rubbles. In two depths, the coral reef component dominant were Acropora digitate (ACD) and Acropora branching (ACB). The condition of coral reefs at 3-meter depth and 10 meters were  “Fairâ€Â  with the percent cover of live corals being 35.59% and 37.30%.Keywords: Coral; Coral Reef; ConditionAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi dan kondisi terumbu karang di Tanjung Dudepo Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Selatan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Line Intercept Transect (LIT). Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan penyelaman SCUBA pada kedalaman 3 meter dan 10 meter. Pada kedalaman 3 meter ditemukan komponen biotik berupa karang hidup acropora dan non-acropora dengan 6 bentuk pertumbuhan, dan 5 komponen biotik lainnya, sedangkan komponen abiotik hanya ditemukan berupa pecahan karang. Pada kedalaman 10 meter ditemukan komponen biotik berupa karang hidup dengan 7 bentuk pertumbuhan, dan 5 komponen biotik lainnya, sedangkan komponen abiotik berupa pasir dan pecahan karang. Pada dua kedalaman, bentuk pertumbuhan yang mendominasi yaitu acropora digitate dan acropora branching. Kondisi terumbu karang pada lokasi penelitian khususnya pada kedalaman 3 meter dan 10 meter yaitu berada pada kategori cukup dengan persentase tutupan sebesar 35,59% dan 37,30%. Kata kunci: Karang; Terumbu Karang; Kondisi


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    Considering that teenagers in the future will be the next generation, the future must be approved. Tri Dharma of higher education related to Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM), which refers to the responsibilities of teachers including transferring, transforming, and using knowledge from within the campus for the community. Based on this, Bunda Mulia University conducted PKM activities by raising the topic " Kompetensi di Dunia Realitas setelah Lulus SMA". The participation of the study participants was adjusted to the topic Tunas Indonesia School students. The method used in this PKM is an ice breaking session, sharing of material, role playing as a practical tool for participants as well as question and answer sessions so that two-way communication can be used. In summary, life goals, self-development, the importance of soft skills in achieving our goals, and success in the world of work. Each session is twenty minutes long. In the future, the activity of PKM is expected to be held again, of course with more diverse topics and bring benefits. Keywords: competence, graduated high school, PKM, life goals

    Community Structure And Attraction Of Reef Fish Associated With Artificial Reef In The Tahuna Bay

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     Community structure and interest of coral fish associated with artificial reefs in The Bay of Tahuna Sangihe Islands Regency is carried out in relation to increased coral fish production in Tahuna Bay. In addition to sandy waters and seagrass so that environmental engineering is pursued with artificial reefs. Artificial reefs are deployed in 5 locations with a depth of about 8 and underwater observations are carried out in data retrieval using the Underwater Visual Census (UVC) method. The data is processed to get a profile of the community structure of coral fish that can be associated with artificial reefs. The composition of coral fish species consists of target fish 9 families; 14 species, major fish 6 families; 7 species and fish indicator 1 family; 1 species. Indicator fish are generally eaters of the ends of young branch corals, branch corals have not grown in artificial reef structures. The diversity index (H') of the moderate category (+2.5) with a high, stable community, evenness (E) level or classified as a relatively high, uniformity (S) high. A low dominance index (C) indicates no species dominates. Mann-Whitney analysis about the level of fish interest to artificial reefs structure both in morning and evening showed no significant difference, while the highest acquisition of Important Values Indices of coral fish in the morning and evening, is Dascyllus trimaculatus by + 73,15. Generally, artificial reef indicates that the coral fish community was maximum developed yet, it was suspected that the coral fish community is still in the stage of adjustment or adaptation to the new environmental structure.Keywords: Community Structure; Artificial Reef; Associate Fishes; gulf TahunaAbstrakStruktur komunitas dan ketertarikan ikan karang yang  berasosiasi dengan terumbu buatan di Teluk Tahuna Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe dilakukan dalam kaitan dengan peningkatan produksi ikan karang di Teluk Tahuna. Selain karena perairan berpasir dan lamun sehingga diupayakan suatu rekayasa lingkungan dengan penempatan terumbu buatan. Terumbu buatan diletakkan (deploy) di 5 lokasi dengan kedalaman sekitar 8 dan dilakukan pengamatan bawah air dan pengambilan data menggunakan metode Underwater Visual Census (UVC). Data diolah  untuk mendapatkan profil struktur komunitas ikan-ikan karang yang dapat berasosiasi dengan terumbu buatan. Komposisi jenis ikan karang terdiri dari ikan target 9 family; 14 spesies, ikan mayor 6 family; 7 spesies dan ikan indikator 1 family; 1 spesies. Ikan indikator yang umumnya pemakan ujung karang cabang muda, karang cabang belum bertumbuh di struktur terumbu buatan. Indeks keanekaragaman (H’) kategori sedang (+ 2,5) dengan kemerataan (E) tergolong tinggi, komunitas stabil, keseragaman (S) tinggi. Indeks dominansi (C) rendah mengindikasikan tidak ada spesies mendominasi. Hasil Analisis Mann-Whitney terhadap tingkat ketertarikan ikan terhadap terumbu buatan baik pagi dan sore hari menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata artinya terumbu buatan mampu menarik ikan karang untuk berlindung dan mencari makan, sedangkan perolehan tertinggi Index Nilai Penting ikan karang saat pagi dan sore hari yaitu Dascyllus trimaculatus sebesar 72.04% dan 74.27% Secara umum menunjukkan terumbu buatan belum berkembang maksimal, di duga komunitas Ikan karang masih dalam tahap penyesuaian atau adaptasi dengan struktur terumbu buatan di lingkungan yang baru.Kata kunci: struktur komunitas; terumbu buatan; ikan asosiasi; teluk tahun

    Study on the seaweeds of Ambon Island, Indonesia

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    Ambon island is located in the Eastern Indonesia at 3°33\u27-3°43\u27S, 128°0\u27-128°16\u27E. A study to find out the structure of the algae community, based on the transect line method by using quadrate sampling techniques, was conducted in 3 stations (Hutumuri, Lateri and Series). Meanwhile, studies on the diversity of macro algae were carried out in 15 stations all over the Ambon\u27s coastal areas (Galela, Latta, Lateri, Passo, Toisapu, Hutumuri, Rutong, Leahari, Hukurila, Amahusa, Frie, Seilale, Aerlow, Latuhalat and Serie). The results showed that there were 48 species of macro algae belonging to 30 genera, 21 families, 15 orders, 3 classes and 3 divisions. Chlorophyta was represented by Boergesenia forbesi, Bornetella sphaerica, Caulerpa peltata, Chaetomorpha crassa, C. spiralis, Codium edule, C. geppi, Dictyosphaeria cavernosa, D. verssluysii, Enteromorpha clathrata, E, intestinalis, Halimeda opuntia, Neomeris annulata, Ulva conglobata, U. lactuca, U. reticulata, Valonia aegagrophil. Phaeophyta was represented by Padina australis, P. minor, P. tetrastromatica, Sargassum cristaefolium, S. duplicatum, S. polycystum, Turbinaria decurrens, T. ornata. Rhodophyta was represented by Acanthophora muscoides, A. spidfera, Acrocystis nana, Actinotrichia fragilis, Amphiroa foliacea, A. rigida, Ceratodictyon spongiostum, Cryptonemia crenulata, Galaxaura arborea, G. filamentosa, Gelidiella acerosa, Gracilaria arcuata, G. edulis, G. salicornia, G. verrucosa, Halymenia durvillaei, H. boergesenii, Hypnea valentine, Mastophora rosea, Porphyra sp., Rhodymenia sp., Trideocarpa fragilis, and Zellera tawallina. The highest number of species was found in Hutumuri (27 species) and the lowest was in Lateri (2 species). The highest density and relative frequency indices shown by Ulva reticulata (2.82 individuals/m^2; 0.42) were found in Hutumuri. The species similarity values varied from 0-50% with the highest value found in Serie and Hutumuri (C=50%). The highest dominance index (D) was found in Lateri (D=1), and the highest species diversity (H\u27) in Hutumuri (H\u27=2.86). The species evenness values (E) ranged from 0.849-0.850. The distribution of macro algae species in general showed aggregating pattern

    Laparoscopic vs. open adrenalectomy: perioperative data and survival analysis in 70 dogs with an adrenal tumor

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    Adrenalectomy is the treatment of choice in case of functional adrenal tumors and malignant adrenal incidentalomas. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy (LA) in dogs has gained popularity in recent years, however, clinical studies on large patient populations are scarce. This retrospective study describes perioperative and recurrence data, survival, and prognostic factors in 70 dogs that underwent LA or open adrenalectomy (OA) in our hospital between 2008 and 2022. Diagnosis was based on history, clinical signs, endocrine function tests and advanced diagnostic imaging. Laparoscopic adrenalectomy was performed in 42 dogs (n = 27 naturally occurring hypercortisolism, n = 4 pheochromocytoma, n = 1 pheochromocytoma with concurrent hypercortisolism, n = 10 incidentaloma) and OA in 28 dogs (n = 22 hypercortisolism, n = 3 pheochromocytoma, n = 3 incidentaloma). Bilateral adrenalectomy was performed in 8/70 dogs. Surgical duration of LA and OA did not differ significantly in unilateral and bilateral procedures (P = 0.108 and P = 0.101, respectively). Systemic hypertension occurred in 7/41 and 1/28 dogs during LA and OA, respectively (P = 0.130). Hypotension occurred in 2/41 and 4/28 dogs during LA and OA, respectively (P = 0.214). A total of 40/42 dogs in the LA group and 27/28 in the OA group survived to discharge (P = 0.810). Mean hospital stay was significantly shorter (P = 0.006) after LA (1.5 days, range 1–3) than after OA (2.2 days, range 1–4). No significant differences were demonstrated between LA and OA groups in recurrence of adrenal-dependent endocrine disease (P = 0.332), disease-free period (P = 0.733) and survival time (P = 0.353). The disease-specific 1-, 2- and 3-year survival rates were 95, 89, and 89% after LA and 92, 88, and 81% after OA. Tumor size was significantly associated with the occurrence of a recurrence. In addition, tumor size had a negative effect on the disease-free period and survival time. This study shows a favorable outcome of both LA and OA in dogs. Based on low perioperative complication rate, short hospitalization time and long-term outcomes comparable to OA in selected cases, the less invasive laparoscopic approach is considered the preferred technique