7 research outputs found

    Phenotypic data for NILs

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    Raw data for phenotypic measurements for 18 near-isogenic lines (3 genotypes at 2 QTLs in 2 genetic backgrounds) grown in greenhous

    Bayesian phylogenetic tree for North American samples of Mimulus guttatus

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    Bayesian phylogenetic tree for North American samples of Mimulus guttatu

    Twyford Mimulus guttatus aligned GBS SNPs for North American phylogeography

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    VCF file of reference-sequence aligned SNPs from a genotyping by sequencing experiment. Individual Mimulus samples were collected in the field, and SNP calls were made with the TASSEL-GBS pipeline

    Phenotypic data

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    Measurements of phenotypic data for wild populations grown in a greenhous

    Performance of pigmented and anthocyanin-deficient Mimulus guttatus plants in a drought experiment

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    Performance of pigmented and anthocyanin-deficient Mimulus guttatus plants in a drought experimen