109 research outputs found

    Acute coronary syndrome in diclofenac sodium-induced type I hypersensitivity reaction : Kounis syndrome

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    Drug-induced type I hypersensitivity reactions are frequent. Sometimes, acute coronary syndrome (ACS) can be registered in such patients, which may have a serious impact on the course and management of the allergic reaction. Because of potentially atypical ACS clinical presentations, the ECG is an obligatory diagnostic tool in any allergic reaction. Coronary artery spasm is the pathophysiological basis of ACS, triggered by the action of potent vasoactive mediators (histamine, neutral proteases, arachidonic acid products) released from the cells involved in type I hypersensitivity. Allergic angina and allergic myocardial infarction are referred to as Kounis Syndrome. We describe herein a case of ACS in a patient with registered systemic immediate hypersensitivity reaction which developed following the muscular administration of diclofenac sodium.peer-reviewe

    Translation and validation of the Serbian version of the Skindex-29 instrument for measuring impact of skin disease on quality of life

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    The Skindex-29 instrument, which is intended for measuring the influence of skin diseases on quality of life, was developed and validated in several languages. However, a Serbian translation of the instrument is not available. The aim of this study was to translate the Skindex-29 from English to Serbian, to make necessary cultural adaptations, and to test its psychometric properties in a sample of outpatients with various skin diseases. The Skindex-29 was translated and adapted according to internationally accepted guidelines and then tested on a sample of Serbian outpatients with various skin diseases. Internal consistency was checked through calculation of Cronbach’s alpha and Interclass Correlation Coefficient for the instrument’s domains. The criterion validity of the translation was tested by correlating scores of domains with scores on the Serbian version of Dermatological Life Quality Index (DLQI).Validity of the construct was tested through comparison of the domains scores in groups of patients with different skin diseases. Fifty-three patients (18.6%) suffered from acne vulgaris, 48 (16.8%) from verrucae vulgares, 40 (14.0%) from psoriasis, 34 (11.9%) from an undetermined type of mild dermatitis, 20 (7.0%) from venous ulcers, 19 (6.7%) from eczema, and 71 (24.9%) from other skin diseases. The Serbian translation of Skindex-29 showed good internal consistency: Cronbach’s alpha for Emotional, Symptoms, and Functioning domains was 0.885, 0.752, and 0.901, respectively. Validity of the instrument in all aspects (criterion, content, and construct validity) was satisfactory, yet the Symptoms domain could not discriminate well between more and less severe skin diseases. The Serbian translation of Skindex-29 appears to be a reliable and valid specific instrument for measuring the adverse influence of skin diseases on quality of life. </p

    Growth Anatomy of Croatian Economy

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    In this paper presented is research on anatomy of growth of Croatian economy in the period 1990-2013. Results of this analysis basically should be understood as a kind of growth diagnostic of Croatian economy. Conventional sources of growth analysis, which measure contribution of different factors of production, is given for growth of GDP and per capita GDP in relevant sub-periods. To get deeper understanding of results provided in this way, authors continue with analysis of sectorial side sources of growth. Further insights are provided by demand side sources of growth. Particular attention is, in that respect, devoted to analysis of net-export, capital formation and final consumption. Brief notions on institutional and other fundamental causes of growth are given as well. Policy recommendations for overcoming existing deadlock and acceleration of economic growth are only briefly discussed in concluding section of the paper

    Procena nedeljnog unosa žive preko konzumiranja ribe u srpskoj populaciji

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    Zahvaljujući sadržaju visoko kvalitetnih proteina, vitamina, makro i mikroelemenata, kao i omega-3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina, riba predstavlja značajnu namirnicu u ishrani ljudi. Međutim, povećanim unosom ribe unosi se i veća količina kontaminanata, posebno žive. Koncentracija žive određivana je u mišićnom tkivu riba koje imaju veliku zastupljenost u ishrani stanovništva Srbije – osliću, skuši, šaranu i pastrmci, kao i u proizvodima od tune. Svi ispitani uzorci sadrže živu ispod maksimalno dozvoljene količine regulisane evropskim i srpskim regulativama. Procenjeni nedeljni unos žive preko konzumirane ribe, ispod je preporučenog maksimalnog limita Svetske zdravstvene organizacije

    Comparison of two Analytical Methods (ELISA and LC-MS/MS) for Determination of Aflatoxin B1 in Corn and Aflatoxin M1 in Milk

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    AbstractThe aim of this paper is to assess the closeness of agreement between results of ELISA and LC-MS/MS methods for determination of aflatoxin B1 in corn and aflatoxin M1 in milk. Samples of corn (n=100) and milk (n=250) were simultaneously analyzed using ELISA and LC-MS/MS methods, after the severe drought that affected Serbia in summer 2012 resulting in occurrence of aflatoxin B1 in corn and aflatoxin M1 in milk. Regression analysis showed higher level of agreement between aflatoxin B1 samples (R2=0.994), compared to aflatoxin M1 samples (R2=0.920). However, both techniques were satisfactory in meeting the requirements for official control purposes

    Živa u različitim vrstama morskih riba na srpskom tržištu

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    Proučavanje žive (Hg) u marinskim sistemima je od velikog interesa, s obzirom da je reč o toksičnom metalu koji ima sposobnost bioakumulacije i biomagnifikacije u lancu ishrane. Vodeni sistemi, a time i ribe, mogu biti kontaminirani živom kao posledicom zagađenja životne sredine prirodnim procesima (vulkanske erupcije, klimatske promene itd.) i antropogenim izvorima zagađenja (industrija, rudarstvo itd.). Živa (Hg) može postojati kao elementarna, neorganska i organska živa. Najtoksičniji oblik žive je metil živa (MetHg) koja čini od 70-100% ukupne Hg u ribi. Naučna ispitivanja ukazuju da velike količine žive u hrani mogu negativno uticati na razvoj fetusa i izazvati oštećenja mozga i jetre. Cilj ovog rada bio je ispitivanje sadržaja žive u jestivim delovima tri vrste morske ribe na tržištu Srbije: oslić - Merluccius merluccius (n=84), skuša - Scomber scombrus (n=35) i papalina - Sprattus sprattus (n=17)). Prosečna potrošnja ribe u Srbiji iznosi oko 5 kg po glavi stanovnika, što je znatno niže u poređenju sa EU prosekom (21 kg po glavi stanovnika). Svi uzorci uzeti su i analizirani tokom 2014. godine. Analiza sadržaja žive urađena je primenom induktivno-kuplovane plazme sa masenom spektrometrijom (ICP-MS), merenjem izotopa 202Hg. Najviša srednja vrednost sadržaja žive utvrđena je u uzorcima skuše (0,056 mg/kg), zatim kod oslića (0,034 mg/kg), a najniža kod papaline (0,016 mg/kg). Maksimalno dozvoljene količine Hg u ispitanim ribama, koje su definisane zakonskom regulativom Srbije [MDK (oslić, papalina) = 500 ng/g, MDK (skuša) = 1000 ng/g] nisu prekoračene u svim ispitanim uzorcima. Statističkom evaluacijom dobijenih rezultata ustanovljeno je da postoji statistički zanačajna razlika (p<0,005) u sadržaju Hg između oslića i skuše, kao i između skuše i papaline. Za procenu unosa Hg konzumiranjem ribe korišćeni su podaci iz „GEMS/Food Consumption Cluster Diets database“. Prema ovom izvoru, procenjena prosečna nedeljna potrošnja morske ribe u Srbiji iznosi 106,4 g. Koristeći podatke iz ove studije izračunat je nedeljni unos Hg, baziran na srednjoj vrednosti sadržaja Hg u konzumiranoj ribi i prosečnoj telesnoj težini čoveka od 70 kg. Na osnovu izračunatih vrednosti za nedeljni unos Hg (oslić: 0,051-0,208 µg/kg telesne težine; skuša: 0,086-0,289 µg/kg telesne težine; papalina: 0,025-0,050 µg/kg telesne težine) može se zaključiti da je unos žive pri konzumaciji oslića, skuše i papaline znatno niži od preporučenih graničnih vrednosti svetske zdravstvene organizacije (1,6 µg MetHg /kg telesne težine)

    Disseminated Neonatal Herpes Caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2

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    Disseminated neonatal herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is characterized by progressive multiple organ failure and high mortality rates. It can result from infection with either HSV-1 or HSV-2. We report a case of disseminated neonatal herpes that was caused by HSV-1 and HSV-2


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    Climate change may have an impact on the occurrence of food safety hazards along the entire agri-food chain, from farm to fork. The interactions between environmental factors and food contamination, food safety and foodborne diseases are very complex, dynamic and difficult to predict. Extreme weather conditions such as floods and droughts which have not occurred previously in Serbia, may be supporting factors to contamination of crops by various species of toxigenic fungi and related mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are a group of naturally occurring toxic chemical substances, produced mainly by microscopic filamentous fungal species that commonly grow on a number of crops and that cause adverse health effects when consumed by humans and animals. Recent drought and then flooding confirmed that Serbia is one of the few European countries with very high risk exposure to natural hazards, as well as that mycotoxins are one of the foodborne hazards most susceptible to climate change.Climate change may have an impact on the occurrence of food safety hazards along the entire agri-food chain, from farm to fork. The interactions between environmental factors and food contamination, food safety and foodborne diseases are very complex, dynamic and difficult to predict. Extreme weather conditions such as floods and droughts which have not occurred previously in Serbia, may be supporting factors to contamination of crops by various species of toxigenic fungi and related mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are a group of naturally occurring toxic chemical substances, produced mainly by microscopic filamentous fungal species that commonly grow on a number of crops and that cause adverse health effects when consumed by humans and animals. Recent drought and then flooding confirmed that Serbia is one of the few European countries with very high risk exposure to natural hazards, as well as that mycotoxins are one of the foodborne hazards most susceptible to climate change

    Family Caregivers' Experiences of Involuntary Psychiatric Hospital Admissions of Their Relatives – a Qualitative Study

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Exploring Black and South Asian women's experiences of help-seeking and engagement in perinatal mental health services in the UK

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    Background and aims: In the United Kingdom (UK), Black and South Asian women are less likely than White British women to access support from perinatal mental health services, despite experiencing similar, or higher, levels of distress. This inequality needs to be understood and remedied. The aim of this study was to answer two questions: how do Black and South Asian women experience (1) access to perinatal mental health services and (2) care received from perinatal mental health services? Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with Black and South Asian women (n = 37), including four women who were interviewed with an interpreter. Interviews were recorded and transcribed line-by-line. Data were analyzed using framework analysis, by an ethnically diverse multidisciplinary team of clinicians, researchers and people with lived experience of perinatal mental illness. Results: Participants described a complex interplay of factors that impacted on seeking, and receiving help, and benefiting from services. Four themes emerged that captured the highly varied experiences of individuals: (1) Self-identity, social expectations and different attributions of distress deter help-seeking; (2) Hidden and disorganized services impede getting support; (3) The role of curiosity, kindness and flexibility in making women feel heard, accepted and supported by clinicians; (4) A shared cultural background may support or hinder trust and rapport. Conclusion: Women described a wide range of experiences and a complex interplay of factors impacting access to, and experience of, services. Women described services as giving them strength and also leaving them disappointed and confused about where to get help. The main barriers to access were attributions related to mental distress, stigma, mistrust and lack of visibility of services, and organizational gaps in the referral process. These findings describe that many women feel heard, and supported by services, reporting that services provide a high quality of care that was inclusive of diverse experiences and understandings of mental health problems. Transparency around what PMHS are, and what support is available would improve the accessibility of PMHS