221 research outputs found

    Seeking a new architectural paradigm

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    This article presents the design methods and results of research conducted by Master's degree students on situating an architectural intervention in the protected natural landscape of Park Forest Košutnjak. The aim was an attempt to put this important, albeit widely neglected, park forest back on the cultural map of Belgrade. This meant that a high level of urbanity could be achieved by way of reorganising its structure, increasing its vitality, attractiveness and accessibility, while preserving its value as heritage landscape. Architecture does not regard nature simply as a physical backdrop for the built structure. The elements and rhythms of complex natural phenomena, through topography, climate and vegetation, become an inspiring part of the architectural discourse. Thus, nature and architecture are allowed to intersect and intertwine, affecting the process of urban living and creating a new cultural landscape. This article suggests that the treatment of protected landscape requires a new architectural paradigm, in which nature and architecture would form a unique place-based system. This approach would contribute not only to resolving the problem of how to revitalise a park forest but also to raising awareness of the adaptive quality that such a place possesses in the context of environmental change

    Cerak Vinogradi: spatial framing, user interventions and the socialist big other

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    This article investigates Cerak Vinogradi housing estate (Darko Marušić, Milenija Marušić and Nedeljko Borovnica, 1977-1988), moving through a string of relevant factors: from the chief principles of the housing policy, the urban and architectural design of the estate and the dynamics of its construction, to the contacts between the architects and residents, and the latter’s informal interventions. We approach these factors by referring to the highly popular 1980 TV series Vruć vetar, with the series acting as a valuable insight into the social and spatial patterns of ex-Yugoslavia. We use the series to demonstrate how Cerak Vinogradi were the result of tension existing between two frames: the first defined through urban and architectural design and unsuccessfully defended by the architects, and the second which involved deficiencies in construction and apartment space, inciting in turn the user interventions. Demonstrating all the alienation the housing policy of the day resulted in, we treat the informal interventions not as a response to the invisibility of users but as a supplement to this very same policy. Referring to the Lacanian theory of socio-symbolic order (the ‘big Other’), we interpret the user interventions as a crucial part of the existing order, placing them in the context of the cynical logic of self-management socialism

    Architectural Terri(s)tories: Jajinci Memorial Park in Belgrade

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    Architecture represents one of the possible ways of how territory can be marked, but it is also a permanent trace of the process of its development. As a built form it is a sign in the ground, while as an idea it represents a trace of various approaches to its development within a theoretical field. This paper examines the significance and meaning of a single architectural gesture within the context of an architectural narrative of the city territory by starting from the structural approach to observation of the territory (Gregotti) and the method of post-structuralist analysis. This study links and analyses: 1) the importance of the architectural gesture in the process of defining and developing the territory of the city, through 2) changing position from the phenomenological (formal, formative) to topographic discourse of observing architecture, which examines 3) the potential of the interpretative narrative both of the architecture and the territory. Memorial park Jajinci was selected as a case study whose primary purpose is to relate messages about the significance and meaning of the place where it is located. The aim of this kind of analysis of the interpretive potential of this example is to show the importance of the elements of the territory as a witness of the processes of development based on spatial narratives ‘written down’ in the city territory.   Article received: December 22, 2016; Article accepted: January 18, 2017; Published online: April 20, 2017 Original scholarly paper How to cite this article: Janković, Nataša. "Architectural Terri(s)tories: Jajinci Memorial Park in Belgrade." AM Journal of Art and Media Studies 12 (2017): 81-97. doi: 10.25038/am.v0i12.16

    Transformation of landscape configuration in the process of city territory development:Belgrade in the second half of XX century

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    Повод овог истраживања је успостављање релације између архитектуре и територије, посматрано кроз трансформацију предеоне структуре као производа процеса који се дешавају унутар ова два концепта (архитектуре и територије). Истраживање је урађено из потребе за истовременим сагледавањем и објекта и града приликом архитектонског и урбанистичког процеса пројектовања и планирања. Предложена докторска дисертација изучава улогу архитектонске и урбанистичке производње простора као елемената укупне предеоне структуре у процесу развоја територије града, при чему се ближе разматрају процеси трансформације предеоне структуре Београда друге половине XX века. Циљ оваквог истраживања је успостављање нових модела будућих трансформација предеоне структуре, на основу искуства претходних, а у складу са савременим токовима развоја. Истраживање најпре поставља теоријско полазиште, поставке и тежиште посматрања релација унутар мисаоне тријаде предела, територије и архитектуре. Полазећи од преиспитивања елемената структуре и процеса развоја како предела, тако и територије, посебан значај у оквиру истраживања заузима испитивање улоге архитектонског геста, како у процесу формирања територије града, тако и у процесу трансформација предеоне структуре. Узимајући за полазиште сталност промена у оквиру претходно дефинисаних категорија (предела, територије и архитектуре), предео се посматра пре као процес него као производ, те је кодирање елемената његове структуре (попут архитектуре) од значаја за читање слојева промена и развоја унутар већ формиране територије. Процеси дефинисања предеоне структуре истражују се кроз различите сценарије деловања описаних теоријским концептима помоћу којих се испитују облици „производње” физичког и друштвеног простора, који кроз просторне манифестације резултирају елементима предеоне структуре у процесу развоја територије града, који као такви представљају културне артефакте са јасно дефинисаним позицијама и утицајима унутар структуре...The motivation for this study is to establish a relation between architecture and territory, by researching the transformation of landscape configuration as a product of processes that occur both within the concept of architecture and the concept of territory. The reason for this research was the need for simultaneous consideration, within architectural and urban design processes, of both the city and the object. The proposed doctoral dissertation studies the role of architectural and urban space production as elements of landscape configuration in the process of the city territory development. The dissertation examines this trough a closer look at the processes of transformation of Belgrade’s landscape configuration in the second half of the XX century. The aim of this research is to establish a new model for the future transformations of landscape configuration on the basis of past experience in accordance with contemporary tendencies of development. The research initially sets the theoretical background, postulates and the focus of considering the relations within the cognitive triad landscape, territory and architecture. In the context of the research, for the purpose of reviewing elements of landscape configuration and processes of city territory development, the role of the architectural gesture had special significance, both within the process of forming the city territory of and the transformation of the landscape configuration. Taking the continuity of changes within the pre-defined categories (landscape, territories and architecture) as a starting point, landscape is viewed more as a process than as a product, which makes coding of the elements of its structure (such as architecture) important for reading the layers of changes and development within already established territories. The processes of defining the landscape configuration were examined through different scenarios of operation described by theoretical concepts of physical and social space „production”, which result in spatial manifestations of elements of landscape configuration within the process of the city territory development. These, as such, are cultural artifacts with clearly defined positions and influence within the structure..

    Evaluation of language knowledge and ability in English language teaching; Оценка языковых знаний и способностей в обучении английскому языку

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    Osnovni cilj uĉenja stranih jezika jeste osposobljavanje uĉenika da se jezikom koji uĉe sluţe dugoroĉno, u širem društvenom kontekstu. Na Uĉiteljskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu sprovedeno je empirijsko istraţivanje sa ciljem da se ustanovi koji je realan nivo znanja engleskog jezika sa kojim na ovaj fakultet dolaze bivši uĉenici srednjih škola. Uz to, cilj je bio da se proveri da li je školska ocena realan pokazatelj uĉeniĉkog znanja. Osim što su ispitani stavovi studenata o kvalitetu nastave engleskog jezika u srednjoj školi, sprovedeno je testiranje u oblasti jeziĉkih znanja i veština na poĉetku i na kraju školske godine. Konaĉni cilj u okviru istraţivanja bio je da se, nakon provere mišljenja nastavnika, predloţi uvoĊenje standardizovanog testa znanja iz engleskog jezika na kraju svakog obrazovnog ciklusa, kako bi se time uticalo na poboljšanje kvaliteta i ishoda nastave. Istraţivanje je zasnovano na analitiĉko-deskriptivnoj metodi, kao i na kauzalnokomparativnoj metodi, ĉiju polaznu osnovu ĉine ulazno i završno testiranje studenata (na poĉetku i kraju školske godine). Ispitivanje time dobija i karakter akcionog istraţivanja, jer je usmereno na istovremeno posmatranje i menjanje odreĊene pojave sa ciljem unapreĊenja nastavne prakse i razvoja kvalitetnijeg znanja. Prikupljanje, obrada i interpretacija podataka zasnovani su na deskriptivnoj, matematiĉkoj i statistiĉkoj metodi. Rezultati testiranja i njihovo poreĊenje sa ostalim varijablama u istraţivanju potvrdili su da se školska nastava još uvek oslanja na zastarele metode (u ĉijem centru paţnje su gramatika i prevod), zbog ĉega je nastava jeziĉkih veština zapostavljena. Školska ocena nije realan pokazatelj jeziĉkih znanja i sposobnosti i, kako statistika pokazuje, manje od 10% doprinosi u predviĊanju postignuća uĉenika na testu jeziĉkog znanja. Anketirani nastavnici rado prihvataju ideju o uvoĊenju standardizovanih testova na osnovu domaćeg nastavnog plana i programa. Na kraju rada ponuĊen je detaljan opis i okvirni plan aktivnosti koji bi vodio ka realizaciji ove ideje.The main aim of learning foreign languages is to develop the ability to use them in a broader social context for a long time. An empirical research was conducted at the Teacher Education Faculty of the University of Belgrade, with the aim to determine the exact level of the English language knowledge which former secondary school students gained prior to the enrolment at University. Another aim is to check whether the school mark is a true indicator of students‟ performance. As the first step in the survey, students evaluated the quality of the secondary school English language teaching. Next, their language knowledge and skills were tested and evaluated, both at the beginning and end of the academic year. The final questionnaire, conducted among teachers, was aimed at introducing standardized English language achievement tests at the end of every educational cycle, in order for the quality and outcomes of teaching to be improved. The research was based on a descriptive-analytic method, and a causal comparative method, which relied on the initial and final tests (at the beginning and end of the academic year). The survey, thus, gains the status of an action research, as its goal is simultaneous observation and change of a phenomenon, aimed at the improvement of teaching practice and the quality of learning. Collecting, processing and interpretation of the data are based on descriptive, mathematical and statistical methods. Test results and their comparison with the other variables in the survey have confirmed that language teaching in schools still relies on outdated methods (with grammar and translation still being in focus), due to which the teaching of language skills is neglected. The school mark is not a true indicator of language knowledge and ability, and, as statistics show, it accounts for less than 10% of variability in predicting students‟ language test achievement. Teachers gladly accept the idea of standardized tests being introduced on the basis of national syllabus. The dissertation ends with a detailed description and tentative plan of activities that would lead to the implementation of the idea proposed

    Трансформација предеоне структуре у процесу развоја територије града:Београд друге половине XX века

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    The motivation for this study is to establish a relation between architecture and territory, by researching the transformation of landscape configuration as a product of processes that occur both within the concept of architecture and the concept of territory. The reason for this research was the need for simultaneous consideration, within architectural and urban design processes, of both the city and the object. The proposed doctoral dissertation studies the role of architectural and urban space production as elements of landscape configuration in the process of the city territory development. The dissertation examines this trough a closer look at the processes of transformation of Belgrade’s landscape configuration in the second half of the XX century. The aim of this research is to establish a new model for the future transformations of landscape configuration on the basis of past experience in accordance with contemporary tendencies of development. The research initially sets the theoretical background, postulates and the focus of considering the relations within the cognitive triad landscape, territory and architecture. In the context of the research, for the purpose of reviewing elements of landscape configuration and processes of city territory development, the role of the architectural gesture had special significance, both within the process of forming the city territory of and the transformation of the landscape configuration. Taking the continuity of changes within the pre-defined categories (landscape, territories and architecture) as a starting point, landscape is viewed more as a process than as a product, which makes coding of the elements of its structure (such as architecture) important for reading the layers of changes and development within already established territories. The processes of defining the landscape configuration were examined through different scenarios of operation described by theoretical concepts of physical and social space „production”, which result in spatial manifestations of elements of landscape configuration within the process of the city territory development. These, as such, are cultural artifacts with clearly defined positions and influence within the structure...Повод овог истраживања је успостављање релације између архитектуре и територије, посматрано кроз трансформацију предеоне структуре као производа процеса који се дешавају унутар ова два концепта (архитектуре и територије). Истраживање је урађено из потребе за истовременим сагледавањем и објекта и града приликом архитектонског и урбанистичког процеса пројектовања и планирања. Предложена докторска дисертација изучава улогу архитектонске и урбанистичке производње простора као елемената укупне предеоне структуре у процесу развоја територије града, при чему се ближе разматрају процеси трансформације предеоне структуре Београда друге половине XX века. Циљ оваквог истраживања је успостављање нових модела будућих трансформација предеоне структуре, на основу искуства претходних, а у складу са савременим токовима развоја. Истраживање најпре поставља теоријско полазиште, поставке и тежиште посматрања релација унутар мисаоне тријаде предела, територије и архитектуре. Полазећи од преиспитивања елемената структуре и процеса развоја како предела, тако и територије, посебан значај у оквиру истраживања заузима испитивање улоге архитектонског геста, како у процесу формирања територије града, тако и у процесу трансформација предеоне структуре. Узимајући за полазиште сталност промена у оквиру претходно дефинисаних категорија (предела, територије и архитектуре), предео се посматра пре као процес него као производ, те је кодирање елемената његове структуре (попут архитектуре) од значаја за читање слојева промена и развоја унутар већ формиране територије. Процеси дефинисања предеоне структуре истражују се кроз различите сценарије деловања описаних теоријским концептима помоћу којих се испитују облици „производње” физичког и друштвеног простора, који кроз просторне манифестације резултирају елементима предеоне структуре у процесу развоја територије града, који као такви представљају културне артефакте са јасно дефинисаним позицијама и утицајима унутар структуре..

    Variable Scales of Architecture – from Object to the Territory: Notes for the Manifest

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    For the future development of the cities in the light of climate change it is necessary to have clear guidelines (some kind of manifest) that would include principles of resilience on different scales. These principles must vary in size, from micro to macro scale. In order to achieve the resilience of the city in its various scales (micro and macro), it is necessary to provide the possible approaches for the operation within the variable scales of architecture – from micro to macro scale, from object to the territory. This is precisely in accordance with the aim of this research paper – to give Notes for the future manifest for the formation of these principles. The manifesto is viewed differently from the strategy – it should serve like a guideline, but not the instruction. Therefore, the principles that maintain openness, flexibility, and capacity for adapting to different conditions (which is one of the basic characteristics of resilience) are examined. For purpose of this research, the territory of Belgrade was selected as an experimental field of activity, or even more precise, zones of dominant naturalness, such are Zvezdara Forest, Košutnjak and/or Park Ušće

    Level of 90Sr in sediments of the Danube River at the border profile Serbia-Hungary

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    The radioactive fission product 90Sr has a sufficient half-life time (28.8 y) to be detected for a long time after it appeared in the environment. This radionuclide emits a β-particle of 546 keV, giving progeny to 90Y, also a β-emitter (T1/2 = 64.2 h, 2.28 MeV), with which it reaches secular activity equilibrium for a 14 days. Due to properties, radiostrontium may be considered as a highly hazardous anthropogenic radionuclide. The worldwide presence of 90Sr has been caused intentionally or accidentally in the period between 1950 and 1970, as a consequence of various human nuclear activities. The 90Sr determination is an important part of the annual plan of the radioactivity survey in environmental samples such as soil, sediment, grass, milk, wheat, foodstuff (especially vegetables). A potential contaminant of the Danube River ecosystem (in a radioactive sense) is the Paks Nuclear Power Plant, located in Hungary, 85 km from the Serbian-Hungarian border. Hence, this paper has been given insight to the results of investigation of 90Sr content in sediment of the Danube River at border profile between Serbia and Hungary. Sediment samples were collected a few times of year at Serbian side of the Danube River (left coast) in Bezdan. Within the mentioned ecosystem sampling was classified into four zones (sampling points), the first at 1425.5 km river flow, the second at 1426.3 km river flow, the third at 1427.2 km river flow and the fourth at 1428 km river flow. In the each zone one sample is collected. The preparation and analysis of collected samples were performed in Laboratory for Radiation Measurements of the Vinča Institute for Nuclear Sciences. The study covered a period of six years from 2016 to 2021. The level of activity of radionuclide of interest was determined by the radiochemical analytical method of 90Sr determination via its short-lived daughter 90Y. The samples after applied radiochemical procedure were counted by low-level gas proportional counter Thermo Eberline FHT 770T (ESM Eberline Instruments GmbH, Erlangen, Germany). The counting time was 5400 s. The counting efficiency of this counter was 35 % for the β-particle of 90Y. The measured values of 90Sr activity concentration in sediment samples of the Danube River were ranged between 0.18 Bq/kg and 0.79 Bq/kg for dry matter, depending on the sampling season or sampling point. The values of 90Sr activity concentration in investigated samples were far below level before starting work of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant (7.1 Bq/kg of dry matter). Evaluation of the accuracy of the applied method was confirmed using reference material and interlaboratory comparison samples. The results of this study were compared to the values available from the literature and the comparison confirmed that no significant contamination of investigated ecosystem in terms of the content of anthropogenic radionuclide 90Sr. The conducted study points out the importance of systematic testing of the content of anthropogenic radionuclide 90Sr in sediments as an important element in the system of control and testing of environmental safetyX JUBILEE International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research : RAD 2022 (Summer Edition) : book of abstracts; July 25-29, 2022; Herceg Novi, Montenegr


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    Besides regular classes in elementary school, an important part of educational work are extracurricular activities. Thanks to their flexible approach, unlike the regular classes, extracurricular activities can reach the students’ personalities more easily, responding to the individual needs and interests of each of them. Being an area of independent and free choice of children, the organization of those activities represents a very important part of the school’s educational activities. The aim of this paper is to gain insight into how much teachers, as holders of educational activities, have been trained for adequate organization and conducting of extracurricular activities during their initial education. A method of comparative analysis of contents, i.e. existing curricula for primary school education at the Pedagogical faculties in Sombor, Maribor, Timisoara, Banja Luka and Osijek is used in this research. The analysis of the curriculum of initial teacher education was done from the perspective of the elective and compulsory courses offered. The comparison of initial teacher education systems in different countries provides insight into the contextual framework, as well as getting to know solutions that are applied elsewhere. The given results show a significant difference in the number of elective and obligatory courses, which suggests that the primary education system in this region is still more focused on the organization of regular teaching as a central part of the educational work in the school, leaving little room for developing creativity and other teachers’ competencies necessary for qualitative management of extracurricular activities. The results of the research could serve as a basis for considering possible changes in study programs at pedagogical faculties, so that within the methodology of teaching individual subjects, topics include organizing and conducting the extracurricular activities