240 research outputs found

    Delno avtomatizirana rekonstrukcija in dokumentiranje metod razvoja programske opreme

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    Software development is a complex and creative process. In contrast to a typical business process it tends to be more dynamic and dependent on a number of circumstances. Empirical studies show that companies still donā€™t document their development practices, or if they do, these are not up-to-date and do not reflect how they really develop software. On the other hand, various supporting tools such as issue tracking system, revision control system, document management system, etc. are used by developers and project managers during their work, capturing a vast body of knowledge about how a software development process has been performed. The main objective of this dissertation is to propose an approach that can help companies in documenting their real development practice. Comparing to existing approaches that require substantial effort on the side of project members, our approach extracts information on development practice directly from software repositories. Five companies have been studied to identify information that can be retrieved from software repositories. Based on this, an approach to reconstruct development practice has been developed. The approach has been evaluated on a real software repository shared by an additional company. The results confirm that software repository information suffice for the reconstruction of various aspects of development process, i.e. disciplines, activities, user roles, and artifacts.Razvoj programske opreme je kompleksen in ustvarjalen proces. V primerjavi s tipičnim poslovnim procesom je bolj dinamičen in odvisen od Å”tevilnih okoliŔčin. Empirične Å”tudije kažejo, da podjetja Å”e vedno ne dokumentirajo svoje razvojne prakse, če pa že, le-te ne vzdržujejo in posledično ne odražajo, kako dejansko razvijajo programsko opremo. Po drugi strani pa razvijalci in vodje projektov med svojim delom uporabljajo različna podporna orodja, kot so sistem za sledenje zahtevkom, sistem za nadzor verzij, sistem za upravljanje dokumentov, itd., ki zajamejo veliko znanja o tem, kako je bil izveden proces razvoja programske opreme. Glavni cilj pričujoče disertacije je predlagati pristop, ki lahko pomaga podjetjem pri dokumentiranju njihove dejanske razvojne prakse. V primerjavi z obstoječimi pristopi, ki zahtevajo veliko napora na strani članov projekta, naÅ” pristop rekonstruira informacije o razvojni praksi neposredno iz programskih repozitorijev. Na podlagi podatkov petih podjetij so bile identificirane informacije, ki jih je mogoče pridobiti iz programskih repozitorijev. Na podlagi tega je bil razvit pristop za rekonstrukcijo razvojne prakse. Pristop je bil evalviran na resničnem programskem repozitoriju, ki ga je zagotovilo dodatno podjetje. Rezultati potrjujejo, da informacije iz programskih repozitorijev zadostujejo za rekonstrukcijo različnih vidikov razvojnega procesa, tj. disciplin, aktivnosti, uporabniÅ”kih vlog in artefaktov

    Analysis of the Influence of Leaders in the Management of Public Utility Sector Enterprises of city Nis through Employee Motivation

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    Abstract. This paper analyses the impact of leaders on the performance of companies in the public utility sector of the city of Nis through employee's motivation by their leaders. First, we analyses how employees accept modern motivational methods and models. Examines all the factors that affect the management style of the leaders of these companies as of their personal preferences, character up to moral principles and, as well as the possible, the negative approaches and mechanisms that can occur in the environment. Consideration of relevance to the fact that there is no prosperity of none enterprise if there is no conformity of between the goals of all stakeholders and the  synthesis of their efforts to achieve a high level of motivation .At the same time, this analysis points the most important leadership attributes to deliver high performance and high levels of productivity. Through analysis of the motivational process leads to the result of the importance of the impact of leaders on the motivation of employees, which directly reflects to the ultimate economic results in the observed companies.  &nbsp


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