12 research outputs found

    Coral-Bacterial Communities before and after a Coral Mass Spawning Event on Ningaloo Reef

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    Bacteria associated with three coral species, Acropora tenuis, Pocillopora damicornis and Tubastrea faulkneri, were assessed before and after coral mass spawning on Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia. Two colonies of each species were sampled before and after the mass spawning event and two additional samples were collected for P. damicornis after planulation. A variable 470 bp region of the 16 S rRNA gene was selected for pyrosequencing to provide an understanding of potential variations in coral-associated bacterial diversity and community structure. Bacterial diversity increased for all coral species after spawning as assessed by Chao1 diversity indicators. Minimal changes in community structure were observed at the class level and data at the taxonomical level of genus incorporated into a PCA analysis indicated that despite bacterial diversity increasing after spawning, coral-associated community structure did not shift greatly with samples grouped according to species. However, interesting changes could be detected from the dataset; for example, α-Proteobacteria increased in relative abundance after coral spawning and particularly the Roseobacter clade was found to be prominent in all coral species, indicating that this group may be important in coral reproduction

    Coral-associated microbial communities in reef-building corals of Ningaloo Reef Western Australia

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    Coral reefs are at risk and human-induced environmental stressors in synergism with microorganisms have been shown to be the key players for their deterioration. Little is known about the dynamics of coral-microbial associations through different life stages of the coral holobiont and virtually nothing is known about coral-microbial partners in Western Australian coral reef systems. This project intended to investigate the presence, diversity, community structure and role of coral-associated microbes in Ningaloo Reef spawning and brooding corals. Different coral life stages were assessed. To determine ‘normal ranges’ of coral-associated microbes, three coral species (Acropora tenuis, Pocillopora damicornis and Favites abdita) were tagged and examined over a period of one year, with sampling deployed every three months. One coral species was additionally sampled on Rottnest Island, 1200km south of Ningaloo Reef, to provide comparisons between coral-associated microbes in different geographical areas. The community structure of the coral-associated microorganisms was analysed by phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that samples grouped according to time and not species, indicating that coral-microbial associations may be a result of environmental drivers such as oceanographic characteristics, benthic community structure and temperature. Tissue samples from Rottnest Island corals revealed similarities in bacteria to the samples at Ningaloo Reef. This study highlights that coral-associated microbial communities are highly diverse; however, the complex interactions that determine the stability of these associations are not necessarily dependant on coral host specificity. Reproduction plays a crucial role in the survival of species, therefore, data was acquired from three adult coral colonies, Acropora tenuis (broadcast spawner), Pocillopora damicornis (brooder) and Tubastrea faulkneri (ahermatypic), before and after coral mass spawning to determine if and through which drivers coral microbial communities changed through this event. A contemporary 454 sequencing approach was implemented and results revealed distinct bacterial shifts through coral mass spawning for all corals, independently of reproductive activity. Clear changes in bacterial assemblages were also detected for brooders after planulation. This infers that coral-associated microbial communities change through a coral mass spawning event and are likely driven by environmental factors and the respective bacterial community in the seawater, as well as by actual coral reproduction. Differences in coral-microbial communities reflected different life styles between brooding and spawning corals. Most α-Proteobacteria increased in abundance after spawning as well as after planulation, suggesting that specific bacteria are involved in coral reproduction irrespective of reproductive strategies; particularly bacteria affiliated with the Roseobacter clade followed this pattern. The assessment of seawater collected from the broadcast spawning coral A. tenuis and P. damicornis after spawning and planulation, respectively revealed that adult corals, irrespective of their reproductive strategy release bacteria with their offspring which likely increases the fitness in the following processes involved in settlement and survival. Species affiliated with the genera Roseobacter and Alteromonas appear to play important roles in coral reproduction and early life history in corals. Isolates from P. damicornis planulae were mainly affiliated with the genera Vibrio and Alteromonas and were found to be similar to bacteria released by the mother colony during planulation. Finally the establishment of coral-microbial partnerships in coral larval stages and the potential role of these symbiotic relationships were studied. The early onset of bacterial associations in brooding and broadcast spawning corals was visualized, exploring bacterial presence and their location in the coral organism, determining when and how bacteria enter coral tissues and their cycling of nutrients towards the coral-symbiotic algal partners. Nano-scale Second Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) was applied to detect, image and map the uptake and translocation of 15N from bacteria into coral larvae on a sub-cellular level. The study also combined Fluorescent In Situ Hybridisation (FISH) to co-localize the labelled substrate with bacteria and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) to allow for ultra-structural resolution images to provide high resolution images. This study for the first time demonstrated the beneficial role of specific bacteria in translocating nitrogen into the coral holobiont, which is particularly important in the nutrient-poor environments corals live in

    Jellyfish Life Stages Shape Associated Microbial Communities, While a Core Microbiome Is Maintained Across All

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    The key to 650 million years of evolutionary success in jellyfish is adaptability: with alternating benthic and pelagic generations, sexual and asexual reproductive modes, multitudes of body forms and a cosmopolitan distribution, jellyfish are likely to have established a plenitude of microbial associations. Here we explored bacterial assemblages in the scyphozoan jellyfish Chrysaora plocamia (Lesson 1832). Life stages involved in propagation through cyst formation, i.e., the mother polyp, its dormant cysts (podocysts), and polyps recently excysted (excysts) from podocysts - were investigated. Associated bacterial assemblages were assessed using MiSeq Illumina paired-end tag sequencing of the V1V2 region of the 16S rRNA gene. A microbial core-community was identified as present through all investigated life stages, including bacteria with closest relatives known to be key drivers of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur cycling. Moreover, the fact that half of C. plocamia's core bacteria were also present in life stages of the jellyfish Aurelia aurita, suggests that this bacterial community might represent an intrinsic characteristic of scyphozoan jellyfish, contributing to their evolutionary success.This work was performed within the FONDECYT Iniciacion en Investigacion grant # 11140353 (CONICYT Chile), to JC

    Data_Sheet_2_Jellyfish Life Stages Shape Associated Microbial Communities, While a Core Microbiome Is Maintained Across All.DOCX

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    <p>The key to 650 million years of evolutionary success in jellyfish is adaptability: with alternating benthic and pelagic generations, sexual and asexual reproductive modes, multitudes of body forms and a cosmopolitan distribution, jellyfish are likely to have established a plenitude of microbial associations. Here we explored bacterial assemblages in the scyphozoan jellyfish Chrysaora plocamia (Lesson 1832). Life stages involved in propagation through cyst formation, i.e., the mother polyp, its dormant cysts (podocysts), and polyps recently excysted (excysts) from podocysts – were investigated. Associated bacterial assemblages were assessed using MiSeq Illumina paired-end tag sequencing of the V1V2 region of the 16S rRNA gene. A microbial core-community was identified as present through all investigated life stages, including bacteria with closest relatives known to be key drivers of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur cycling. Moreover, the fact that half of C. plocamia’s core bacteria were also present in life stages of the jellyfish Aurelia aurita, suggests that this bacterial community might represent an intrinsic characteristic of scyphozoan jellyfish, contributing to their evolutionary success.</p

    Data_Sheet_1_Jellyfish Life Stages Shape Associated Microbial Communities, While a Core Microbiome Is Maintained Across All.XLSX

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    <p>The key to 650 million years of evolutionary success in jellyfish is adaptability: with alternating benthic and pelagic generations, sexual and asexual reproductive modes, multitudes of body forms and a cosmopolitan distribution, jellyfish are likely to have established a plenitude of microbial associations. Here we explored bacterial assemblages in the scyphozoan jellyfish Chrysaora plocamia (Lesson 1832). Life stages involved in propagation through cyst formation, i.e., the mother polyp, its dormant cysts (podocysts), and polyps recently excysted (excysts) from podocysts – were investigated. Associated bacterial assemblages were assessed using MiSeq Illumina paired-end tag sequencing of the V1V2 region of the 16S rRNA gene. A microbial core-community was identified as present through all investigated life stages, including bacteria with closest relatives known to be key drivers of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur cycling. Moreover, the fact that half of C. plocamia’s core bacteria were also present in life stages of the jellyfish Aurelia aurita, suggests that this bacterial community might represent an intrinsic characteristic of scyphozoan jellyfish, contributing to their evolutionary success.</p

    Nutrient cycling in early coral life stages: Pocillopora damicornis larvae provide their algal symbiont (Symbiodinium) with nitrogen acquired from bacterial associates

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    The waters surrounding coral reef ecosystems are generally poor in nutrients, yet their levels of primary production are comparable with those reported from tropical rain forests. One explanation of this paradox is the efficient cycling of nutrients between the coral host, its endosymbiotic alga Symbiodinium and a wide array of microorganisms. Despite their importance for the animals' fitness, the cycling of nutrients in early coral life stages and the initial establishment of partnerships with the microbes involved in these processes has received little scrutiny to date. Nitrogen is an essential but limited nutrient in coral reef ecosystems. In order to assess the early nutrient exchange between bacteria and corals, coral larvae of the species Pocillopora damicornis were incubated with two coral-associated bacteria (Alteromonas sp., or Vibrio alginolyticus), prelabeled with the stable nitrogen isotope N-15. The incorporation and translocation of nitrogen from Vibrio- and Alteromonas bacteria into P. damicornis coral larvae and specifically into the coral-symbiotic Symbiodinium were detected by nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS). A significant increase in the amount of enriched N-15 (two to threefold compared to natural abundance) was observed in P. damicornis larvae within 8h of incubation for both bacterial treatments (one-way ANOVA, F-5,F-53=18.03, P=0.004 for Alteromonas sp. and F-5,F-53=18.03, P=0.0001 for V. alginolyticus). These findings reveal that coral larvae acquire nutrients previously taken up from the environment by bacteria. The additional nitrogen may increase the survival rate and fitness of the developing coral and therefore contribute to the successful maintenance of coral reefs

    Principal component analysis (PCA) of 16 S rRNA gene sequences, showing non-pooled coral samples grouped into OTUs>97% identity, before, after coral spawning and after planulation.

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    <p>Principal component analysis (PCA) of 16 S rRNA gene sequences, showing non-pooled coral samples grouped into OTUs>97% identity, before, after coral spawning and after planulation.</p

    Bacterial 16 S rRNA gene sequences retrieved from three coral species before (b), after (a) coral spawning and after planulation (a*).

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    <p> Replicate samples were pooled and dominant affiliations were grouped at the class level. The similarity tree was done using the neighbour-joining method and the Bray-Curtis algorithm (n = 1000 replications). Note: due to failure in amplification <i>P. damicornis</i> and <i>T. faulkneri</i> are represented by one sample per sampling point and one sample after coral spawning, respectively.</p

    Variation in OTUs representing bacterial groups that are potentially important in coral reproduction.

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    <p>Variation in OTUs representing bacterial groups that are potentially important in coral reproduction.</p

    DMSP biosynthesis by an animal and its role in coral thermal stress response

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    Globally, reef-building corals are the most prolific producers of dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP), a central molecule in the marine sulphur cycle and precursor of the climate-active gas dimethylsulphide. At present, DMSP production by corals is attrib