8 research outputs found

    The Social and Economic Dimension of Competitiveness of Post-mining Areas

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    Post-industrial areas are an area of concentration, penetration and shaping the economic, social and environmental zone. The strategic goal of transforming post-industrial areas should be to obtain a new, dynamic and favorable state of equilibrium for a given area, as well as its surroundings after cessation of operations. The purpose of the article is to indicate the possibility of adaptation of post-industrial areas, especially after exploitation of the mineral, to perform new functions. The direction and the purpose of the recultivation and planning actions to a large extent may be influenced by specific social and economic conditions affecting the competitiveness of each and individually treated fragment of space

    Zielona infrastruktura jako koncepcja rozwoju współczesnego miasta

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    The article refers to issues linked with development of cities in the context of applying concepts green infrastructure. It aims at identification of economic-environmental effects resulting from revitalization of the river valley Ślepiotka in Katowice carried out as part of the project REURIS. In methodological aspects the paper is based on documents desk-research method (theoretical studies and normative documents) as well as it uses a case study method to present selected projects realised in the frame of green infrastructure.Artykuł dotyczy problematyki związanej z rozwojem miast w kontekście wykorzystania koncepcji zielonej infrastruktury (green infrastructure). Celem opracowania jest identyfikacja efektów ekonomiczno-środowiskowych będących skutkiem rewitalizacji doliny rzeki Ślepiotki w Katowicach realizowanej w ramach projektu REURIS. W warstwie metodycznej artykuł bazuje na analizie dokumentów w zakresie dorobku naukowego i normatywnego, a także prezentuje wybrane studium przypadku dotyczące zielonej infrastruktury

    Green innovations and their town applications

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    Actions that are environmentally friendly are increasingly being undertaken by private organizations, the public entities and the community. This process strives to meet the needs of society and to maintain balance between the natural environment and the economic activity. One of the solutions is sustainable building for energy efficient buildings, waste recycling and water saving and in addition, the use of renewable energy, regional materials and raw materials, recycled and environmentally friendly, as well as the promotion of bicycles and public transport. The process of making a dialogue between the local authority and residents is supported by spatial information acquisition and processing technologies and Internet communication tools The aim of the article is to analyze the resource-efficient and effective projects implemented in the city and to indicate the benefits for the economy. These benefits are to be achieved through green innovations that combine innovation with environmental sensitivity and ecological awareness

    The green infrastructure as the concept of development of the contemporary city

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    Artykuł dotyczy problematyki związanej z rozwojem miast w kontekście wykorzystania koncepcji zielonej infrastruktury (green infrastructure). Celem opracowania jest identyfikacja efektów ekonomiczno-środowiskowych będących skutkiem rewitalizacji doliny rzeki Ślepiotki w Katowicach realizowanej w ramach projektu REURIS. W warstwie metodycznej artykuł bazuje na analizie dokumentów w zakresie dorobku naukowego i normatywnego, a także prezentuje wybrane studium przypadku dotyczące zielonej infrastruktury.The article refers to issues linked with development of cities in the context of applying concepts green infrastructure. It aims at identification of economic-environmental effects resulting from revitalization of the river valley Ślepiotka in Katowice carried out as part of the project REURIS. In methodological aspects the paper is based on documents desk-research method (theoretical studies and normative documents) as well as it uses a case study method to present selected projects realised in the frame of green infrastructure

    Key Concepts Shaping the Contemporary City

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    The industrial city and its structural changes in local plans on the example of Ruda Śląska, Poland

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    In the modern world, the subject of spatial planning is being increasingly raised by residents of municipalities - mainly because of the lack of a direct influence on the process of local development and aesthetics of the surroundings. Today, the primary objective of spatial planning is not only to form a proper connection between function and space but also to balance public and private interests. Constantly developed geographic spatial information systems allow not only for easy navigation around the city, but more importantly for more advanced analyses, such as the recognition of the current trends in estate development, communication systems, changes in agricultural and forest areas. The main objective of the research is to define functional-spatial links determined by social-economic needs reflected in local plans and to verify the similarities between local plans, that were drawn up in three different periods (PRL, the transition period, and in accordance with nowadays applicable laws), how the changing economic, social goals and current needs of the city affected the continuation of the adopted solutions. The study shows that despite changes in the law and abandoning the idea of industrial city, in which the landscape is dominated by blast furnaces and mine shafts, the basic trend has been maintained and local plans prepared in subsequent years form a continuum, and despite the different scales of development are closely linked. At the same time it has been shown that modern GIS tools enable verification of the continuity of spatial policy of the municipality

    Post-mining areas and empty spaces on case study of Katowice city

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    The post-mining areas due to the difficulties of those, often associated with expensive activities, usually take the form of wasteland. In contrast, unavailable, unused and alien areas the mentality of residents, are identified with empty space. The purpose of the authors was to answer the question: Are post-mining areas becoming empty spaces? Her research basis was changes in the functioning of post-mining areas and empty spaces in Katowice – a city with a long-standing mining tradition. Using GIS tools, a spatial analysis was carried out to determine the empty spaces functions and the perceiving of the post-mining areas by residents or users of a given district nearby