202 research outputs found

    Role of charge carriers for ferromagnetism in cobalt-doped rutile TiO2

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    Electric and magnetic properties of a high temperature ferromagnetic oxide semiconductor, cobalt-doped rutile TiO2, are summarized. The cobalt-doped rutile TiO2 epitaxial thin films with different electron densities and cobalt contents were grown on r-sapphire substrates with laser molecular beam epitaxy. Results of magnetization, magnetic circular dichroism, and anomalous Hall effect measurements were examined for samples with systematically varied electron densities and cobalt contents. The samples with high electron densities and cobalt contents show the high temperature ferromagnetism, suggesting that charge carriers induce the ferromagnetism.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Electrical transport and optical studies of ferromagnetic Cobalt doped ZnO nanoparticles exhibiting a metal-insulator transition

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    The observed correlation of oxygen vacancies and room temperature ferromagnetic ordering in Co doped ZnO1-o nanoparticles reported earlier (Naeem et al Nanotechnology 17, 2675-2680) has been further explored by transport and optical measurements. In these particles room temperature ferromagnetic ordering had been observed to occur only after annealing in forming gas. In the current work the optical properties have been studied by diffuse reflection spectroscopy in the UV-Vis region and the band gap of the Co doped compositions has been found to decrease with Co addition. Reflections minima are observed at the energies characteristic of Co+2 d-d (tethrahedral symmetry) crystal field transitions, further establishing the presence of Co in substitutional sites. Electrical transport measurements on palletized samples of the nanoparticles show that the effect of a forming gas is to strongly decrease the resistivity with increasing Co concentration. For the air annealed and non-ferromagnetic samples the variation in the resistivity as a function of Co content are opposite to those observed in the particles prepared in forming gas. The ferromagnetic samples exhibit an apparent change from insulator to metal with increasing temperatures for T>380K and this change becomes more pronounced with increasing Co content. The magnetic and resistive behaviors are correlated by considering the model by Calderon et al [M. J. Calderon and S. D. Sarma, Annals of Physics 2007 (Accepted doi: 10.1016/j.aop.2007.01.010] where the ferromagnetism changes from being mediated by polarons in the low temperature insulating region to being mediated by the carriers released from the weakly bound states in the higher temperature metallic region.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Bulk and Surface Magnetization of Co atoms in Rutile Ti_[1-x]Co_xO_[2-delta] Thin Films Revealed by X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism

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    We have studied magnetism in Ti_[1-x]Co_xO_[2-\delta] thin films with various x and \delta by soft x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements at the Co L_[2,3] absorption edges. The estimated ferromagnetic moment by XMCD was 0.15-0.24 \mu\beta/Co in the surface, while in the bulk it was 0.82-2.25 \mu\beta/Co, which is in the same range as the saturation magnetization of 1.0-1.5 \mu\beta/Co. Theseresults suggest that the intrinsic origin of the erromagnetism. The smaller moment of Co atom at surface is an indication of a magnetically dead layer of a few nm thick at the surface of the thin films.Comment: This Paper is accepted in J. of Phys: Conds. Matte

    Religions in Vienna in the Past, Present and Future - Key Findings from the WIREL Project

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    The role of religion is currently a topic of considerable public interest in Vienna as well as across Europe. Over the course of the last half-century, Vienna has witnessed rapidly changing religious composition accompanied by consistently increasing religious diversity. The various aspects of research conducted by WIREL facilitate the global assessment of both quantitative and qualitative aspects of religious diversity in Vienna. A short report – Religions in Vienna in the Past, Present and Future –summarises the research findings with the aim of making the trends, drivers, and socio-demographic consequences of the changing religious landscape of Vienna more accessible and understandable

    Experimental studies on vacancy induced ferromagnetism in undoped TiO2

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    Room temperature ferromagnetism is observed in undoped TiO2 films deposited on Si substrates using pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The ferromagnetic properties of the samples depend on the oxygen partial pressure during the PLD synthesis. The appearance of higher binding energy component (HBEC) in the oxygen 1s core peak from x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) suggests the presence of oxygen vacancies in these samples. The amount of oxygen during the synthesis determines the vacancy concentration in the samples which is directly related to the magnetic behavior of the samples. The magnetic moment decreases with oxygen vacancy concentration in the samples. Valence band measurements were performed to study the electronic structure of both stoichometric and reduced TiO2. The analyses show the presence of Ti 3d band near the Fermi level in reduced TiO2 samples. These bands are otherwise empty in stoichiometric TiO2 and reside in the conduction band which makes them unobservable by XPS. The existence of this Ti 3d band near the Fermi level can possibly lead to Stoner splitting of the band.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figur

    Yb- and Er-doped fiber laser Q-switched with an optically uniform, broadband WS2 saturable absorber.

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    We demonstrate a ytterbium (Yb) and an erbium (Er)-doped fiber laser Q-switched by a solution processed, optically uniform, few-layer tungsten disulfide saturable absorber (WS2-SA). Nonlinear optical absorption of the WS2-SA in the sub-bandgap region, attributed to the edge-induced states, is characterized by 3.1% and 4.9% modulation depths with 1.38 and 3.83 MW/cm(2) saturation intensities at 1030 and 1558 nm, respectively. By integrating the optically uniform WS2-SA in the Yb- and Er-doped laser cavities, we obtain self-starting Q-switched pulses with microsecond duration and kilohertz repetition rates at 1030 and 1558 nm. Our work demonstrates broadband sub-bandgap saturable absorption of a single, solution processed WS2-SA, providing new potential efficacy for WS2 in ultrafast photonic applications.The authors thank E. J. R. Kelleher for valuable discussions. MZ acknowledges support from Beihang University, China, through a Zhuoyue Bairen Program and TH from the Royal Academy of Engineering through a fellowship (Graphlex). This work at Beihang University was supported by 973 Program (2012CB315601), NSFC (61221061/61435002) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.This is the final version of the article. It was first available from NPG via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep1748

    Choroid plexus tumours

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    Choroid plexus tumours are rare epithelial brain tumours and limited information is available regarding their biology and the best treatment. A meta-analysis was done to determine prognostic factors and the influence of various treatment modalities. A thorough review of the medical literature (1966–1998) revealed 566 well-documented choroid plexus tumours. These were entered into a database, which was analysed to determine prognostic factors and treatment modalities. Most patients with a supratentorial tumour were children, while the most common sites in adults were the fourth ventricle and the cerebellar pontine angle. Cerebellar pontine angle tumours were more frequently benign. Histology was the most important prognostic factor, as one, five, and 10-year projected survival rates were 90, 81, and 77% in choroid plexus-papilloma (n=353) compared to only 71, 41, and 35% in choroid plexus-carcinoma respectively (P<0.0005). Surgery was prognostically relevant for both choroid plexus-papilloma (P=0.0005) and choroid plexus-carcinoma (P=0.0001). Radiotherapy was associated with significantly better survival in choroid plexus-carcinomas. Eight of 22 documented choroid plexus-carcinomas responded to chemotherapy. Relapse after primary treatment was a poor prognostic factor in choroid plexus-carcinoma patients but not in choroid plexus-papilloma patients. Treatment of choroid plexus tumours should start with radical surgical resection. This should be followed by adjuvant treatment in case of choroid plexus-carcinoma, and a ‘wait and see’ approach in choroid plexus-papilloma

    Circulating adrenomedullin estimates survival and reversibility of organ failure in sepsis: the prospective observational multinational Adrenomedullin and Outcome in Sepsis and Septic Shock-1 (AdrenOSS-1) study

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    Background: Adrenomedullin (ADM) regulates vascular tone and endothelial permeability during sepsis. Levels of circulating biologically active ADM (bio-ADM) show an inverse relationship with blood pressure and a direct relationship with vasopressor requirement. In the present prospective observational multinational Adrenomedullin and Outcome in Sepsis and Septic Shock 1 (, AdrenOSS-1) study, we assessed relationships between circulating bio-ADM during the initial intensive care unit (ICU) stay and short-term outcome in order to eventually design a biomarker-guided randomized controlled trial. Methods: AdrenOSS-1 was a prospective observational multinational study. The primary outcome was 28-day mortality. Secondary outcomes included organ failure as defined by Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score, organ support with focus on vasopressor/inotropic use, and need for renal replacement therapy. AdrenOSS-1 included 583 patients admitted to the ICU with sepsis or septic shock. Results: Circulating bio-ADM levels were measured upon admission and at day 2. Median bio-ADM concentration upon admission was 80.5 pg/ml [IQR 41.5-148.1 pg/ml]. Initial SOFA score was 7 [IQR 5-10], and 28-day mortality was 22%. We found marked associations between bio-ADM upon admission and 28-day mortality (unadjusted standardized HR 2.3 [CI 1.9-2.9]; adjusted HR 1.6 [CI 1.1-2.5]) and between bio-ADM levels and SOFA score (p &lt; 0.0001). Need of vasopressor/inotrope, renal replacement therapy, and positive fluid balance were more prevalent in patients with a bio-ADM &gt; 70 pg/ml upon admission than in those with bio-ADM ≤ 70 pg/ml. In patients with bio-ADM &gt; 70 pg/ml upon admission, decrease in bio-ADM below 70 pg/ml at day 2 was associated with recovery of organ function at day 7 and better 28-day outcome (9.5% mortality). By contrast, persistently elevated bio-ADM at day 2 was associated with prolonged organ dysfunction and high 28-day mortality (38.1% mortality, HR 4.9, 95% CI 2.5-9.8). Conclusions: AdrenOSS-1 shows that early levels and rapid changes in bio-ADM estimate short-term outcome in sepsis and septic shock. These data are the backbone of the design of the biomarker-guided AdrenOSS-2 trial. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02393781. Registered on March 19, 2015