15 research outputs found

    Optimizing global health experiences in emergency medicine residency programs: A consensus statement from the Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors 2011 Academic Assembly global health specialty track

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    BACKGROUND: An increasing number of emergency medicine (EM) residency training programs have residents interested in participating in clinical rotations in other countries. However, the policies that each individual training program applies to this process are different. To our knowledge, little has been done in the standardization of these experiences to help EM residency programs with the evaluation, administration and implementation of a successful global health clinical elective experience. The objective of this project was to assess the current status of EM global health electives at residency training programs and to establish recommendations from educators in EM on the best methodology to implement successful global health electives. METHODS: During the 2011 Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD) Academic Assembly, participants met to address this issue in a mediated discussion session and working group. Session participants examined data previously obtained via the CORD online listserve, discussed best practices in global health applications, evaluations and partnerships, and explored possible solutions to some of the challenges. In addition a survey was sent to CORD members prior to the 2011 Academic Assembly to evaluate the resources and processes for EM residents’ global experiences. RESULTS: Recommendations included creating a global health working group within the organization, optimizing a clearinghouse of elective opportunities for residents and standardizing elective application materials, site evaluations and resident assessment/feedback methods. The survey showed that 71.4% of respondents have global health partnerships and electives. However, only 36.7% of programs require pre-departure training, and only 20% have formal competency requirements for these global health electives. CONCLUSIONS: A large number of EM training programs have global health experiences available, but these electives and the trainees may benefit from additional institutional support and formalized structure

    A model for emergency medicine education in post-conflict Liberia

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    AbstractThe specialty of emergency medicine (EM) remains largely underdeveloped in many parts of the world including Africa. Within West Africa the Liberian health care system was presented with incredible challenges in the immediate post conflict years. One significant challenge facing the country was the paucity of health care providers. In 2006, only 122 physicians were practising in Liberia (one for every 26,782 citizens), only 87 of them Liberian national physicians. The public health indicators in post conflict Liberia suffered as a result of the overburdened system. Many indicators placed Liberia as having the worst health survivability in the world. Significantly, morbidity and mortality associated with unaddressed emergent presentations remained high.This article describes a unique paradigm for addressing the deficit in human capacity for emergency health care in the Republic of Liberia. This system was designed and supported by a consortium of academic medical centres in the United States working in conjunction with a local non-governmental organisation, Health Education and Relief Through Teaching (HEARTT). Since 2007, the consortium has delivered virtually uninterrupted emergency medical care and medical education at the largest teaching hospital in Liberia. The Liberian programme objectives included supervising and directing emergency medical care, providing a model for curriculum development, building capacity for medical education, and improving systems-based EM practice. The collaboration of multiple academic institutions in bringing emergency medical services and academic EM teaching to a post-conflict setting remains a unique model for introducing the development of acute care in a developing country

    The Practitioner\u27s Guide to Global Health: an interactive, online, open-access curriculum preparing medical learners for global health experiences

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    BACKGROUND: Short-term experiences in global health (STEGH) are increasingly common in medical education, as they can provide learners with opportunities for service, learning, and sharing perspectives. Academic institutions need high-quality preparatory curricula and mentorship to prepare learners for potential challenges in ethics, cultural sensitivity, and personal safety; however, availability and quality of these are variable. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to create and evaluate an open-access, interactive massive open online course (MOOC) that prepares learners to safely and effectively participate in STEGH, permits flexible and asynchronous learning, is free of charge, and provides a certificate upon successful completion. METHODS: Global health experts from 8 countries, 42 institutions, and 7 specialties collaborated to create The Practitioner\u27s Guide to Global Health (PGGH): the first course of this kind on the edX platform. Demographic data, pre- and posttests, and course evaluations were collected and analyzed. RESULTS: Within its first year, PGGH enrolled 5935 learners from 163 countries. In a limited sample of 109 learners, mean posttest scores were significantly improved (p \u3c 0.01). In the course\u27s second year, 213 sampled learners had significant improvement (p \u3c 0.001). CONCLUSION: We created and evaluated the first interactive, asynchronous, free-of-charge global health preparation MOOC. The course has had significant interest from US-based and international learners, and posttest scores have shown significant improvement

    Identifying inaccuracies on emergency medicine residency applications

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    BACKGROUND: Previous trials have showed a 10–30% rate of inaccuracies on applications to individual residency programs. No studies have attempted to corroborate this on a national level. Attempts by residency programs to diminish the frequency of inaccuracies on applications have not been reported. We seek to clarify the national incidence of inaccuracies on applications to emergency medicine residency programs. METHODS: This is a multi-center, single-blinded, randomized, cohort study of all applicants from LCME accredited schools to involved EM residency programs. Applications were randomly selected to investigate claims of AOA election, advanced degrees and publications. Errors were reported to applicants' deans and the NRMP. RESULTS: Nine residencies reviewed 493 applications (28.6% of all applicants who applied to any EM program). 56 applications (11.4%, 95%CI 8.6–14.2%) contained at least one error. Excluding "benign" errors, 9.8% (95% CI 7.2–12.4%), contained at least one error. 41% (95% CI 35.0–47.0%) of all publications contained an error. All AOA membership claims were verified, but 13.7% (95%CI 4.4–23.1%) of claimed advanced degrees were inaccurate. Inter-rater reliability of evaluations was good. Investigators were reluctant to notify applicants' dean's offices and the NRMP. CONCLUSION: This is the largest study to date of accuracy on application for residency and the first such multi-centered trial. High rates of incorrect data were found on applications. This data will serve as a baseline for future years of the project, with emphasis on reporting inaccuracies and warning applicants of the project's goals

    Attitude of interns towards implementation and contribution of undergraduate Emergency Medicine training: Experience of an Ethiopian Medical School

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    Introduction: Emergency Medicine is a medical specialty based on knowledge and skills required for the prevention, diagnosis and management of the acute and urgent aspects of illness and injury affecting patients of all age groups with a full spectrum of undifferentiated physical and behavioural disorders. Addis Ababa University School of Medicine started its Emergency Medicine Residency in 2010 and Emergency Medicine training for fourth-year medical students started in 2013. This study aims to assess attitudes of fifth year medical students towards Emergency Medicine training and its contribution to their final year of medical school training. Methods: Two hundred fifth year medical students participated in the study by convenience sampling. Self-administered questionnaires and Likert scales were used for data collection. Descriptive frequencies and chi-square analysis were done for categorical data. Ethical oversight was provided by the Institutional Review Board of the Addis Ababa University College of Health Sciences. Results: Of the 200 participants, 150 were male and 50 were female. 80% agreed its relevance for undergraduates. Relevance was significantly associated with recommendation to other medical schools (χ2 = 8.34, Pr = 0.004). 72% of respondents agreed lectures are appropriate teaching methods, 70% agreed group activity, 68.5% skill sessions, 67.5% morning discussions, 64% diagnostic session, 60% duty exposures and 45% seminars. Difficulties faced during internship are primarily attributed to lack of facilities, ranging from the setup of the emergency centre to instruments and emergency drugs. 60% of respondents agreed that Emergency Medicine training is important to future careers. 65% agreed recommending training to other medical schools. Conclusion: An Emergency Medicine rotation during the final year of medical school provides opportunities to learn about undifferentiated medical emergencies and it should be included for other medical schools in the country. Participants suggest that leadership aspects of Emergency Medicine need more emphasis as the curriculum is further developed in the future