42 research outputs found

    Coexistence of Aphis fabae Scop. predators on broad bean growing on soil pollution with heavy metals

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    The investigations were conducted to determine the effect of soil contamination with heavy metals (cadmium, copper, nickel, lead and zinc) on the level corresponding to 3rd pollution degree in the IUNG classification on interactions between individual aphidophagous groups and their stages of development occurring in Aphis fabae Scop. colonies on broad beans. The following were analysed: the occurrence and number of individual stages of predator development (eggs, larvae, pupae and adult specimens). The Agrell’s index of coexistence were computed from the achieved results. The values of the Agrell’s index for broad bean were low for individual predator groups and their development stages. Among the investigated predator groups, the best mutual tolerance was observed for Syrphidae and Coccinellidae. Co-existence of individual aphidophagous groups seems to be strongly conditioned by food resources, i.e. aphid availability. Heavy metals, by affecting the host plant, modified the degree of its colonization by aphids and their number, hence changes in the incidence of predators. Thus, soil pollution with zinc and nickel contributed to limiting the extent of broad bean colonization by aphids and predators, and consequently to a decrease in the values of their coexistence indices; on the other hand, soil contamination with cadmium and lead favours plant colonization by aphids and predators and therefore the presence of individual aphidophagous groups was noted more frequently on the same plants

    Comparison of the effect of liming and magnesium treatment of heavy metal contaminated soil on the content of magnesium, calcium and iron in broad beans (Vcia faba L. ssp. maior)

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    Tests have been conducted to determine the effect of liming and magnesium treatment on the content of magnesium, calcium and iron in broad bean plants growing on soil polluted with such heavy metals as cadmium, lead, nickel, copper and zinc. In 2005, an experiment was conducted in the village Zagaje Stradowskie (OEwiêtokrzyskie Province) on degraded Chernozem formed from loess, acid in reaction and containing 1.13% of organic carbon. Analyses were performed on aerial parts of cv. White Windsor broad bean (Vicia faba L. ssp. maior), cultivated in three series: on limed soil, on soil receiving magnesium fertilizers; on unlimed soil without magnesium fertilization. In each series, the plants were cultivated on the following objects: unpolluted soil with a natural content of heavy metals (control); unpolluted soil with a natural content of heavy metals and mineral fertilization (control+NPK); soil polluted with a cadmium dose 4 mg⋅kg–1 d.m.; soil polluted with a dose of 530 mg⋅kg–1 of lead; soil contaminated with a copper dose 85 mg⋅kg–1 d.m., soil contaminated with a dose of 1000 mg⋅kg–1 of zinc and soil polluted with a nickel dose 110 mg⋅kg–1 d.m. Liming was based on the analysis of hydrolytic acidity of soils from individual objects. The administered dose was established according to 1Hh. Magnesium treatments were identical in all objects. i.e. 20.4 mg⋅kg–1 soil d.m. Soil contamination with zinc or nickel leads to a considerable decrease in magnesium and calcium level in broad bean aerial parts but rises iron level. Liming rather than ma gnesium fertilization applied to soil polluted with heavy metals, such as zinc or nickel, contributes to balancing the content of the analyzed macronutrients in broad beans. The content of Ca, Fe and Mg in plants after liming approached the level determined in the control plants

    Chemical composition of broad beans (Vicia faba L. ) and development parameters of black bean aphid (Aphis fabae Scop.) under conditions of soil contamination with oil derivatives

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    The indirect effect of oil derivatives, that is arising from the polluted soil through a host plant to the phytophagous fauna feeding on the plant, has not been investigated before. Hence, our goal has been to assess the effect of used engine oil, diesel fuel and petrol on the chemical composition of broad beans cultivated in soil polluted with these substances and on development parameters, such as fecundity, life span and intrinsic rate of natural increase, in a population of black bean aphid (Aphis fabae Scop.). Doses: 3 g kg-1 (dose I) and 6 g kg-1 (dose II) of an oil derivative per 1 kg of soil d.m. were used. Broad bean (Vicia faba L.) cv. White Windsor was chosen as the test plant used for studying the biology of aphids. When the experiment was completed, an analysis of selected elements (Zn, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Pb, Cd, N, Ca and Mg) was conducted in leaves of broad bean. Soil pollution with petrol in dose I led to a significant decrease in the content of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni and Cu, while causing a marked increase in the Pb content. The double dose of petrol (6 g kg-1) additionally contributed to diminishing the N content, whereas the concentrations of Ni and Cd increased significantly after its application. Soil pollution with diesel fuel, irrespective of a dose, caused a significant decline in the Ca, N, Zn, Ni and Cu concentrations and an increase in the Pb content. Additionally, the dose of 6 g kg-1 led to an increase in the Mg, Fe and Cd content in broad bean plants. Soil pollution with used engine oil dosed at 3 g kg-1 led to a reduction of the Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu content, while causing an increase in Pb and a slight increase in N concentrations. The double dose of engine oil caused a decline only in the Ca, Mn, Ni and Cu content. The effect of oil derivatives on the biology of black bean aphid was more pronounced in the second generation. All the analysed substances, except for engine oil in the lower dose, significantly decreased the intrinsic rate of natural increase in the population

    Soil Pollution by Petroleum-Derived Substances and its Bioremediation: The Efect on Aphis fabae Scop. Infestation and Antioxidant Response in Vicia faba L.

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    In this study, the e ects of soil contamination with petroleum-derived substances (PDSs) (petrol, diesel fuel and used engine oil) and its bioremediation using biopreparation ZB-01 on broad bean infestation by black bean aphid Aphis fabae Scop., as well as on the antioxidant enzymes activity (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and guaiacol peroxidase (POD)) and antioxidant (non-protein thiols and proline) content in plant leaves, were determined. Results showed that after three years from the moment of soil contamination PDSs limited infestation of broad bean by A. fabae. However, the adverse e ects on aphids’ life cycles were not proven. The lowered infestation may result from the lower attractiveness of contaminated plants to pests. PDSs significantly a ected the activities of enzymes and the antioxidants content, with that e ect being diversified. The increased activity of SOD was found in plants exposed to diesel fuel, together with the lowest numbers of aphids accompanying it, which can suggest a certain role of the enzyme in pest response to the stress caused by this PDS. The ZB-01 biopreparation limited the adverse e ect of PDSs on the degree of broad bean plant infestation by A. fabae. Its influence on the antioxidant response was diversified. In the plants exposed to EO, changes in antioxidant response were reduced under the influence of ZB-01

    Antioxidant responses of Triticum aestivum plants to petroleum-derived substances

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    Winter common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants were cultivated on petroleum products contaminated soils with and without using biopreparation ZB-01. We determined the impact of soil contamination with petrol, diesel fuel and engine oil on selected antioxidant enzymes and the levels of antioxidants in the leaves of winter wheat. The impact of petroleum products on selected morphological characteristics of the plants, levels of nutrients and heavy metals was also assessed. Winter wheat was relatively resistant to soil contamination with petroleum products, and did not show a significant impact on the morphological characteristics of the plants. The levels of nutrients and heavy metals in the plants depended on the type of pollutant and the analyzed component. Biopreparation ZB-01 generally resulted in an increase in calcium levels in the plants. The winter wheat plants growing in soil contaminated with engine oil were characterized by higher levels of zinc, lead, manganese and cadmium than the control plants. Biopreparation applied to the soil contaminated with petrol resulted in a slight increase in the levels of lead and zinc in the plants. The petroleum products affected the activity of antioxidant enzymes and the levels of antioxidants in the plants. The general markers of soil contaminated with diesel fuel and petrol were POD activity and proline levels. Use of the ZB-01 biopreparation caused an increase in the levels of proline and -SH groups and an increase in the levels of carbon and calcium in the plants and had no effect on the morphological characteristics of plants

    Effect of petroleum-derived substances on life history traits of black bean aphid (Aphis fabae Scop.) and on the growth and chemical composition of broad bean

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effects of various petroleum-derived substances, namely petrol, diesel fuel and spent engine oil, on life history traits and population dynamics of the black bean aphid Aphis fabae Scop. and on growth and chemical composition of its host plant Vicia faba L. Each substance was tested separately, using two concentrations (9 g kg−1 and 18 g kg−1). The experiment was conducted in four replications (four pots with five plants in each pot per treatment). Plants were cultivated in both control and contaminated soils. After six weeks from soil contamination and five weeks from sowing the seeds, observations of the effect of petroleum-derived substances on traits of three successive generations of aphids were conducted. Aphids were inoculated separately on leaves using cylindrical cages hermetically closed on both sides. Contamination of aphid occurred through its host plant. Results showed that all tested substances adversely affected A. fabae life history traits and population dynamics: extension of the prereproductive period, reduction of fecundity and life span, reduction of the population intrinsic growth rate. In broad bean, leaf, roots, and shoot growth was also impaired in most conditions, whereas nutrient and heavy metal content varied according to substances, their concentration, as well as plant part analysed. Results indicate that soil contamination with petroleum-derived substances entails far-reaching changes not only in organisms directly exposed to these pollutants (plants), but also indirectly in herbivores (aphids) and consequently provides information about potential negative effects on further links of the food chain, i.e., for predators and parasitoids

    Effect of water extracts from Artemisia absinthium L. on feeding of selected pests and their response to the odor of this plant

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    Celem przeprowadzonych badań było określenie oddziaływania wodnych wyciągów ze świeżej i suchej masy bylicy piołunu (Artemisia absinthium L.) na żerowanie wybranych szkodników roślin uprawnych. Ponadto przy użyciu olfaktometru zbadano ich reakcje na zapach wyżej wymienionej rośliny. Ocena intensywności żerowania oprzędzika pręgowanego (Sitona lineatus L.) została przeprowadzona poprzez mierzenie powierzchni wyżerek powodowanych przez imago. W przypadku mszycy grochowej (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) zbadano kontaktowe oddziaływanie wyciągów na śmiertelność osobników dorosłych i larw. Określając wpływ wyciągów z bylicy piołunu na stonkę ziemniaczaną (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say.) ustalono masę pokarmu zjedzonego przez dorosłe chrząszcze i larwy oraz zmiany masy ciała larw. W badaniach nad reakcją olfaktometryczną wspomnianych owadów wykorzystano szklany olfaktometr „Y-tube” w przypadku chrząszczy oprzędzika pręgowanego oraz stonki ziemniaczanej, natomiast w przypadku samic uskrzydlonych mszycy grochowej użyto 4-ramiennej areny olfaktometru. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że wyciąg z suchej masy bylicy piołunu o stężeniu 10% w największym stopniu ograniczał żerowanie oprzędzików. Największą śmiertelność samic i larw mszycy grochowej odnotowano w obiektach, w których zastosowano wyciągi z suchej i świeżej masy o najwyższych stężeniach (odpowiednio 10% i 30%). Wyciąg ze świeżej masy o stężeniu 30% w największym stopniu przyczynił się do ograniczenia żerowania chrząszczy stonki ziemniaczanej, z kolei wyciąg sporządzony z suchej masy roślin o stężeniu 10% istotnie przyczynił się do zmniejszenia masy pokarmu zjedzonego przez larwy tego szkodnika. Badania z wykorzystaniem olfaktometru wykazały silną reakcję odstraszającą substancji zapachowych pochodzących od bylicy piołunu w stosunku do chrząszczy oprzędzików (samców i samic) i samców stonki ziemniaczanej.The aim of this study was to determine the effect of water extracts from fresh and dry matter of Artemisia absinthium L. on the feeding of selected pests. Moreover their reactions on the smell of this plant by using the olfactometer were examined. Beetles feeding intensity assessment was carried out by measuring the surface of feeds caused by Sitona lineatus L. In the case of Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris contact poisoning on mortality of adults and larvae were tested. In determining the effect of extracts of A. absinthium L. on Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say. food weight eaten by adult beetles and larvae and changes in larvae body weight were established. In studies on the olfactory reaction of above mentioned insects, for S. lineatus and L. decemlineata glass olfactometer "Y-tube" was used and for winged A. pisum females - 4-armed arena olfactometer. The results of the experiment showed that extract from dry matter of A. absinthium L. at concentration of 10% greatly reduced feeding of Sitona lineatus L. The highest mortality of A. pisum Harris was observed in objects in which extracts from dry and fresh matter of the highest concentrations (10% and 30% respectivelly) were applied. Extract from fresh matter in concentration of 30% made the greatest contribution to reduce feeding of L. decemlineata Say, while extract made from the dry matter at concentration of 10% significantly contributed to reduce the weight of food eaten by the larvae of this pest. Studies using the olfactometer showed a strong deterring reaction of odors derived from A. absinthium L. in relation to S. lineatus (both males and females) and males of L. decemlineata Say

    The Long-Term Effect of Petroleum-Derived Substances and Their Bioremediation on the Host Plant (Vicia faba L.) and a Herbivore (Sitona spp.)

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    The present study assessed distant‐in‐time effects of soil contamination with petroleumderived substances (PDSs) (petrol, diesel fuel and used engine oil) and their bioremediation using ZB‐01 biopreparation on the growth of broad bean, content of nutrients and heavy metals in plants, and feeding by imagines and larvae of Sitona spp. The results showed that even after 5 years from the moment of soil contamination by engine oil and diesel fuel, they negatively impacted the growth of broad bean plants. PDSs significantly modified the content of nutrients and generally increased the content of heavy metals in plant organs. These substances also negatively affected the feeding of adult Sitona spp., causing a reduction in the percentage of plants damaged by beetles, and a decrease in the surface of consumed areas on leaves. The ZB‐01 biopreparation had a generally positive effect on the morphological features of plants, and its effect on the content of nutrients and heavy metals was variable, depending on the type of contaminant, the analyzed metals or nutrients, and the involved part of the plant. The biopreparation also inhibited the adverse effect of PDSs on the feeding by imago of Sitona spp

    Time-delayed effect of petroleum-derived products in soil and their bioremediation on plant - herbivore interaction

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    The aim of the study was to determine the time-delayed (after three years from the moment of soil pollution) effect of petroleum-derived products (PDPs) (petrol, diesel fuel and used engine oil) on the interaction between selected host plant (broad bean) and a herbivorous insect closely related to it (Sitona spp.). We assessed the condition of the plant exposed to pollutants (i.e. its growth and chemical composition), then we evaluated the attractiveness of the plant for both larvae and adults of the insect. The evaluation covered also the effect of bioremediation by using ZB-01 biopreparation. The results showed that after 3 years from soil contamination, engine oil and diesel fuel limited the feeding of adult sitona weevils while petrol caused increase in the attractiveness of plants for these insects. The PDPs negatively affected the growth of plants. The changes in element content depended on the type of pollutant. The biopreparation ZB-01 eliminated or reduced the differences caused by the presence of PDPs in the soil regarding the chemical composition of the host plant, and limited feeding by both the larvae and adult individuals of sitona weevils. The negative relationships between the contents of both some macroelements (Mg, S) and heavy metals (Zn, Ni), and feeding of imago of Sitona were observed. The obtained results indicate that PDPs remain for a long time in the environment and adversely affect not only the organisms directly exposed to the pollution – plants growing on polluted soil but also further links of the trophic chain, i.e. herbivores

    Effect of petroleum-derived substances on life history traits of bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphum padi L.) and on the growth and chemical composition of winter wheat

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effects of various petroleum-derived substances (PDSs), namely petrol, diesel fuel, and spent engine oil, on life history traits of the bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi L., and on the growth and chemical composition of its host plant—winter wheat Triticum aestivum L. Each substance was tested separately, using two concentrations (9 and 18 g kg−1). Plants were cultivated in both control and contaminated soils. In early October 2013, soil was contaminated and after 1 week, winter wheat seeds, ‘Batuta’ cultivar, were sown. In early June 2014, observations of the effect of petroleum-derived substances on traits of three successive generations of aphids were conducted. Aphids were inoculated separately on leaves using cylindrical cages hermetically closed on both sides. Contamination of aphid occurred through its host plant. Results showed that all of the applied petroleum-derived substances have a generally adverse effect on the developmental parameters in aphids, resulting in the decrease of its fecundity, shortening its average life span, and most often lowering of the population intrinsic growth rate. PDSs caused the limitation of growth in wheat plants; whereas, changes in nutrient contents and heavy metals depended on the part of the plant analysed, the substance applied, and on its dose. The negative relationships between the contents of both some macro-elements (Ca, K, P) and heavy metals (Mn, Cd, Cu, and Zn) and the developmental parameters of particular generations of R. padi were observed. The high susceptibility of R. padi to the presence of PDSs in the substrate for the host plant should be emphasised—the clear-cut changes in the life span and fecundity, with relatively small changes in the chemical composition of the plant, constitute an evident indication that the developmental parameters of aphids have the potential for the use as bio-indicator to evaluate the state of the environment contaminated by PDSs