Soil Pollution by Petroleum-Derived Substances and its Bioremediation: The Efect on Aphis fabae Scop. Infestation and Antioxidant Response in Vicia faba L.


In this study, the e ects of soil contamination with petroleum-derived substances (PDSs) (petrol, diesel fuel and used engine oil) and its bioremediation using biopreparation ZB-01 on broad bean infestation by black bean aphid Aphis fabae Scop., as well as on the antioxidant enzymes activity (superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and guaiacol peroxidase (POD)) and antioxidant (non-protein thiols and proline) content in plant leaves, were determined. Results showed that after three years from the moment of soil contamination PDSs limited infestation of broad bean by A. fabae. However, the adverse e ects on aphids’ life cycles were not proven. The lowered infestation may result from the lower attractiveness of contaminated plants to pests. PDSs significantly a ected the activities of enzymes and the antioxidants content, with that e ect being diversified. The increased activity of SOD was found in plants exposed to diesel fuel, together with the lowest numbers of aphids accompanying it, which can suggest a certain role of the enzyme in pest response to the stress caused by this PDS. The ZB-01 biopreparation limited the adverse e ect of PDSs on the degree of broad bean plant infestation by A. fabae. Its influence on the antioxidant response was diversified. In the plants exposed to EO, changes in antioxidant response were reduced under the influence of ZB-01

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