11 research outputs found

    Altered Elemental Distribution in Male Rat Brain Tissue as a Predictor of Glioblastoma Multiforme Growth : Studies Using SR-XRF Microscopy

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a particularly malignant primary brain tumor. Despite enormous advances in the surgical treatment of cancer, radio- and chemotherapy, the average survival of patients suffering from this cancer does not usually exceed several months. For obvious ethical reasons, the search and testing of the new drugs and therapies of GBM cannot be carried out on humans, and for this purpose, animal models of the disease are most often used. However, to assess the efficacy and safety of the therapy basing on these models, a deep knowledge of the pathological changes associated with tumor development in the animal brain is necessary. Therefore, as part of our study, the synchrotron radiation-based X-ray fluorescence microscopy was applied for multi-elemental micro-imaging of the rat brain in which glioblastoma develops. Elemental changes occurring in animals after the implantation of two human glioma cell lines as well as the cells taken directly from a patient suffering from GBM were compared. Both the extent and intensity of elemental changes strongly correlated with the regions of glioma growth. The obtained results showed that the observation of elemental anomalies accompanying tumor development within an animal鈥檚 brain might facilitate our understanding of the pathogenesis and progress of GBM and also determine potential biomarkers of its extension. The tumors appearing in a rat鈥檚 brain were characterized by an increased accumulation of Fe and Se, whilst the tissue directly surrounding the tumor presented a higher accumulation of Cu. Furthermore, the results of the study allow us to consider Se as a potential elemental marker of GBM progression

    The role of Snail-1 and Cx43 in the regulation of glioblastoma multiforme cells resistance to temozolomide therapy

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    Oporno艣膰 kom贸rek nowotworowych na dotychczas stosowan膮 terapi臋 stanowi g艂贸wn膮 przyczyn臋 niepowodze艅 w walce z glejakiem wielopostaciowym (GBM). Obecnie terapia pacjent贸w ze zdiagnozowanym GBM oparta jest o zwi膮zek alkiluj膮cy-temozolomid (TMZ). Wiadomo, 偶e zar贸wno zjawisko heterogenno艣ci fenotypowej kom贸rek jak i proces podobny do przej艣cia epitelialno-mezenchymalnego (EMT) typu III maj膮 wp艂yw na wykszta艂cenie oporno艣ci kom贸rek na leczenie TMZ. Wa偶nym bia艂kiem bior膮cym udzia艂 w regulacji procesu EMT jest czynnik transkrypcyjny Snail-1, kt贸rego rol膮 jest hamowanie ekspresji gen贸w zwi膮zanych z fenotypem epitelialnym. Funkcje jak r贸wnie偶 poziom Snail-1 mo偶e regulowa膰 bia艂ko Cx43 co wskazuje na zaanga偶owanie tego bia艂ka w proces EMT. Celem niniejszej pracy by艂o okre艣lenie powi膮za艅 mi臋dzy funkcjami bia艂ek Snail-1 i Cx43 a oporno艣ci膮 kom贸rek glejaka wielopostaciowego na terapi臋 temozolomidem. Przeprowadzone analizy wskazuj膮 na cytotoksyczne dzia艂anie TMZ wzgl臋dem kom贸rek glejaka wielopostaciowego. Jednocze艣nie kom贸rki GBM wykszta艂caj膮 oporno艣膰 na stosowany cytostatyk. Ponadto, wyniki analiz morfologii kom贸rek, ich ruchliwo艣ci oraz potencja艂u transmigracyjnego jednoznacznie wskazuj膮 na zmian臋 fenotypu kom贸rek w kierunku mezenchymalnym. Dodatkowe analizy pod k膮tem poziomu bia艂ek Snail-1 i Cx43 w kom贸rkach GBM pokaza艂y, i偶 temozolomid wp艂ywa na podniesienie poziomu obu bia艂ek. Wnioskowa膰 wi臋c mo偶na, 偶e temozolomid mo偶e promowa膰 przej艣cie podobne do EMT typu III podczas, kt贸rego kom贸rki nabywaj膮 bardziej inwazyjny fenotyp. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzaj膮 zaanga偶owanie procesu przej艣cia epitelialno-mezenchymalnego w zjawisko oporno艣ci kom贸rek glejaka wielopostaciowego na obecnie stosowan膮 terapi臋 temozolomidem. G艂臋bsze poznanie oraz zrozumienie proces贸w wp艂ywaj膮cych na oporno艣膰 kom贸rek nowotworowych umo偶liwi opracowanie nowych efektywniejszych strategii terapeutycznych.Cancer cell resistance to the previously used therapy is the main reason for failure to combat glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). The current therapy for patients with GBM is based on alkylating agent颅 temozolomide (TMZ). It is known that both phenotypic heterogeneity of cells and a process similar to type III epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) impact TMZ resistance development in cells. Transcription factor Snail-1 is an important protein taking part in regulation of EMT process and is responsible for regulation of gene expression related to epithelial phenotype. Functions and level of Snail-1 can be regulated by Cx43 protein which suggests that the protein take part in EMT process. The aim of the study was to determine the link between functions of Snail-1 and Cx43 and temozolomide resistance in glioblastoma multiforme cells. The analyses conducted show cytotoxic activity of TMZ against glioblastoma multiforme cells. At the same time, GBM cells develop resistance to the cytostatic agent used. Moreover, results of analyses of cell morphology, cell motility and potential for transmigration indicate a clear change in phenotypes of cells into a mesenchymal phenotype. Additional analyses for level of Snail-1 and Cx43 in GBM cells showed that temozolomide increases the level of both the proteins. Therefore, it can be concluded that temozolomide may stimulate a transition similar to type III EMT during which cells acquire the more invasive phenotype

    Experimental therapies in the treatment of melanoma

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    Czerniak jest nowotworem z艂o艣liwym sk贸ry, kt贸ry wywodzi si臋 z kom贸rek barwnikowych grzebienia nerwowego, czyli melanocyt贸w. Charakteryzuje si臋 szybk膮 dynamik膮 wzrostu, a jego wykrycie we wczesnym stadium daje ponad 90% szans na prze偶ycie. W Polsce wyst臋puje stosunkowo rzadko, w por贸wnaniu z innymi krajami Europy, jednak co roku odnotowuje si臋 systematyczny wzrost wsp贸艂czynnika zachorowalno艣ci. W niniejszej pracy na podstawie dost臋pnej literatury zosta艂y przedstawione klasyczne metody leczenia, takie jak chirurgia, radioterapia i chemioterapia. Jednak g艂贸wnym celem by艂o om贸wienie eksperymentalnych metod leczenia czerniaka, kt贸re stanowi膮 alternatyw臋 dla klasycznej terapii. Obecnie prowadzi si臋 badania eksperymentalne, z kt贸rymi wi膮偶e si臋 du偶e nadzieje i mog膮 one sta膰 si臋 w przysz艂o艣ci skuteczne w walce z tym nowotworem. Innowacyjne metody terapeutyczne stosowane do leczenia czerniaka w stadium zaawansowanym wp艂ywaj膮 na odpowied藕 immunologiczn膮, b膮d藕 wewn膮trzkom贸rkowe szlaki sygna艂owe. W III fazie bada艅 klinicznych, kt贸rych celem jest ostateczne potwierdzenie skuteczno艣ci badanych lek贸w, wykazano pozytywne dzia艂anie ipilimumabu (przeciwcia艂o anty-CTLA-4) oraz wemurafenibu (inhibitor bia艂ka BRAF), kt贸re przyczyni艂y si臋 do wyd艂u偶enia 偶ycia chorych. W Stanach Zjednoczonych do leczenia czerniaka przerzutowego zastosowanie znalaz艂y nowoczesne leki takie jak dabrafenib (inhibitor bia艂ka BRAF) i trametynib (inhibitor bia艂ka MEK). Du偶e nadzieje wi膮偶e si臋 z immunoterapeutykami (anty-PD-1, anty-PD-1L) oraz szczepionkami czerniakowymi, nad kt贸rymi prowadzone s膮 obecnie badania. Interferon alfa, interleukina-2, kt贸re wykorzystywane s膮 w praktyce klinicznej w monoterapii znalaz艂y zastosowanie r贸wnie偶 w biochemioterapii, kt贸ra 艂膮czy chemioterapi臋 z cytokinami. Nadal prowadzi si臋 badania z wykorzystaniem biochemioterapii do leczenia czerniaka w IV stopniu zaawansowania. Przysz艂o艣膰 w leczeniu czerniaka uog贸lnionego mo偶e stanowi膰, tak偶e terapia celowana obejmuj膮ca inhibitory kinaz, przeciwcia艂a monoklonalne.Melanoma is a malignant skin tumor which originates from pigment cells of neural crest, called melanocytes. It is characterized by fast growth rate and its detection at an early stage gives over 90% chance of survival. In Poland it occurs relatively rarely in comparison to other countries of Europe. However, every year a systematic increase in the incidence is noted. In this work, on the basis of available literature, classical methods of treatment, like surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy have been presented. However, the main aim was to discuss experimental methods of treatment of melanoma, methods which are alternatives to a classical therapy. Currently, experimental studies are carried out, there are high hopes for them, and they may become effective in fighting against this cancer in the future. Innovative therapeutic methods used in treatment of melanoma in advanced stage affect the immune response or intracellular signaling pathways. In the III phase of clinical research, which aim to definitively confirm the effectiveness of studied medicines, a positive effect of ipilimumab (antibody anti-CTLA-4) and vemurafenib (protein inhibitor BRAF), which contributed to prolongation of life of patients. In the United States, modern medicines like dabrafenib (protein inhibitor BRAF) and trametinib (protein inhibitor MEK) were used in treatment of metastatic melanoma. There are high hopes for immunotherapeutics (anti-PD-1, anti-PD-1L) and melanoma vaccines, which are being researched contemporarily. Interferon alpha, interleukin 2, which are used in clinical practice in monotherapy, were also used in biochemotherapy which combines chemotherapy with cytokines. Researches are still carried out with the use of biochemotherapy in treatment of stage IV melanoma. The future in treatment of generalized melanoma may be also in targeted therapy which comprises kinase inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies

    Altered elemental distribution in male rat brain tissue as a predictor of glioblastoma multiforme growth : studies using SR-XRF microscopy

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a particularly malignant primary brain tumor. Despite enormous advances in the surgical treatment of cancer, radio- and chemotherapy, the average survival of patients suffering from this cancer does not usually exceed several months. For obvious ethical reasons, the search and testing of the new drugs and therapies of GBM cannot be carried out on humans, and for this purpose, animal models of the disease are most often used. However, to assess the efficacy and safety of the therapy basing on these models, a deep knowledge of the pathological changes associated with tumor development in the animal brain is necessary. Therefore, as part of our study, the synchrotron radiation-based X-ray fluorescence microscopy was applied for multi-elemental micro-imaging of the rat brain in which glioblastoma develops. Elemental changes occurring in animals after the implantation of two human glioma cell lines as well as the cells taken directly from a patient suffering from GBM were compared. Both the extent and intensity of elemental changes strongly correlated with the regions of glioma growth. The obtained results showed that the observation of elemental anomalies accompanying tumor development within an animal's brain might facilitate our understanding of the pathogenesis and progress of GBM and also determine potential biomarkers of its extension. The tumors appearing in a rat's brain were characterized by an increased accumulation of Fe and Se, whilst the tissue directly surrounding the tumor presented a higher accumulation of Cu. Furthermore, the results of the study allow us to consider Se as a potential elemental marker of GBM progression

    The influence of IONPs core size on their biocompatibility and activity in in vitro cellular models

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    Although the key factor affecting the biocompatibility of IONPs is the core size, there is a lack of regular investigation concerning the impact of the parameter on the toxicity of these nanomaterials. Therefore, such studies were carried out in this paper. Their purpose was to compare the influence of PEG-coated-magnetite NPs with the core of 5, 10 and 30 nm on six carefully selected cell lines. The proliferation rate, viability, metabolic activity, migration activity, ROS levels and cytoskeleton architecture of cells have been evaluated for specified incubation periods. These were 24 and 72-h long incubations with IONPs administered in two doses: 5 and 25 mu g Fe/ml. A decrease in viability was observed after exposure to the tested NPs for all the analyzed cell lines. This effect was not connected with core diameter but depended on the exposure time to the nanomaterials. IONPs increased not only the proliferation rate of macrophages-being phagocytic cells-but also, under certain conditions stimulated tumor cell divisions. Most likely, the increase in proliferation rate of macrophages contributed to the changes in the architecture of their cytoskeleton. The growth in the level of ROS in cells had been induced mainly by the smallest NPs. This effect was observed for HEK293T cells and two cancerous lines: U87MG (at both doses tested) and T98G (only for the higher dose). This requires further study concerning both potential toxicity of such IONPs to the kidneys and assessing their therapeutic potential in the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme