5 research outputs found

    The family and its problems in andragogical magazines of the late fifties and early sixties of the twentieth century

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    Tekst dotyczy problemów rodziny i jej wsparcia w zakresie ich rozwiązywania w oparciu o artykuły pojawiające się w czasopismach andragogicznych przełomu lat pięćdziesiątych i sześćdziesiątych XX wieku. Zagadnienia te są niezwykle interesujące, gdyż odnoszą się do kultury życia rodzinnego, przygotowania do małżeństwa i wychowania do życia w rodzinie. To przygotowanie do małżeństwa ma ogromne znaczenie dla dalszego jego funkcjonowania, natomiast jego brak w późniejszym okresie życia wpływa na problemy rodziny i konflikty małżeńskie. Wsparciem rodzinom służyły uniwersytety dla rodziców, które pomagały im przede wszystkim w radzeniu sobie z problemami wychowawczymi, ale także dostarczały wiedzy z innych dziedzin życia.The text deals with the family problems and its support for their solutions based on articles published in andragogical magazines of the late fifties and early sixties of the twentieth century. These issues are extremely interesting, since they relate to the family life culture, marriage preparation and family life education. Preparing for marriage is of great importance for the future of its operation. Its absence has an effect on family problems and marital conflicts later in life. Parenting universities provided support for families in solving their problems, primarily in dealing with behavioral problems, but also provided knowledge from other areas of life


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    The article presents the opportunities the church institutions have to stimulate the older generation. The Church plays an important role in seniors' life and religious practices and their awareness of being needful for the church is very important. Religiousness is also a form of leisure activities preferred by older adults. From this perspective we can see how great potential the church has to activate seniors. In addition to evangelization and worship church is able to offer them a lot of proposals meeting their socio-cultural and educational needs. Education provided by church is not limited to the Bible only, it is present during pilgrimages to the holy places, prayer meetings and social events, trips to cinema, theater and in the organizing of various events not strictly connected with religious practices. The most important thing is that all forms of seniors' animation bring the possibility of interpersonal contacts what is very important for this age group and highly improves the quality of their lives