6 research outputs found

    The potential of graphene as an adsorbent for five pesticides from different classes in rape oil samples using dispersive solid-phase extraction

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    Isolation conditions for five pesticides (metazachlor, tebuconazole, λ-cyhalothrin, chlorpyrifos, and deltamethrin) from rape oil samples were examined using the dispersive solid-phase graphene extraction technique. To determine the optimal extraction conditions, a number of experimental factors (amount of graphene, amount of salt, type and volume of the desorbing solvent, desorption time with and without sonication energy, and temperature during desorption) were studied. The compounds of interest were separated and detected by an HPLC-UV employing a Kinetex XB-C18 column and a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile and water flowing in a gradient mode. The optimized extraction conditions were: the amount of graphene 15 mg, desorbing solvent (acetonitrile) 5 mL, time desorption 10 min at 40°C, and amount of NaCl 1 g. The detection limit for metazachlor, tebuconazole, λ-cyhalothrin, and chlorpyrifos was 62.5 ng·g−1, and for deltamethrin, it was 500 ng·g−1. The obtained results lead to the conclusion that graphene may be successfully used for the isolation of the five pesticides from rape oil. However, their determination at low concentration levels, as they occur in real oil samples, requires the employment of appropriately highly sensitive analytical methods, as well as a more suitable graphene form (e.g., magnetically modified graphene)

    Primary energy consumption patterns in selected European countries from 1990 to 2021 : a cluster analysis approach

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    This study delves into the structure of primary energy consumption in European countries, utilizing data from the Eurostat database, and focuses on the years 1990 and 2021. Through cluster analysis, countries were categorized based on their consumption patterns, revealing significant insights into energy security. The findings indicate a discernible shift away from solid fossil fuels, with renewable energy sources witnessing the most substantial growth. Natural gas, serving as a transitional fuel, has seen a rise in consumption, while nuclear energy’s development remained relatively stagnant. Oil, despite its declining share, remains a crucial component in the European energy mix. The study also highlights the challenges and implications of over-reliance on a single energy source, emphasizing the need for a diversified energy strategy. The analysis underscores the importance of diversifying primary energy sources to ensure energy security. While renewable sources are environmentally favorable, their inherent instability necessitates backup from other energy sources. Solid fossil fuels, despite their availability, face challenges due to environmental concerns. Natural gas, while flexible, requires extensive infrastructure and is highly politicized. Nuclear energy, despite its potential as an ideal complement to renewables, faces barriers in terms of investment and public perception. Oil, though convenient, is a fossil source with associated CO2 emissions and largely needs to be imported. In conclusion, the study advocates for a well-diversified set of energy sources tailored to individual country-specific situations, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning in energy consumption to ensure long-term energy security

    Development of isolation conditions and methods of determination of selected pesticides in rape oil

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    Opracowano warunki izolacji oraz metodę oznaczania pięciu pestycydów, obecnych w oleju rzepakowym: metazachloru, tebukonazolu, λ-cyhalotryny, chlorpyrifosu oraz deltametryny. Rozdzielenie oraz oznaczanie analitów wykonano, stosując wysokosprawną chromatografię cieczową z detektorem spektrofotometrycznym z matrycą diod (HPLC/DAD). Pomiary wykonywano, używając kolumny typu C18, która była termostatowana w temperaturze 25◦C, stosując gradientowe warunki przepływu fazy ruchomej składającej się z wody i acetonitrylu oraz przeprowadzając detekcję pestycydów przy długości fali 220 nm.Optymalizację procedury przygotowania próbek oleju do oznaczania badanych pestycydów wykonano metodą jednej zmiennej niezależnej. Optymalizowano następujące parametry analityczne: objętość wodnej zawiesiny grafenu, rodzaj oraz objętość rozpuszczalnika desorbującego, czas poddawania próbki działaniu energii ultradźwięków na etapie desorpcji, ilość chlorku sodu potrzebną do wysolenia pestycydów oraz temperaturę próbki podczas prowadzenia procesu desorpcji. W warunkach optymalnych oszacowano niektóre parametry analityczne metody: wydajność ekstrakcji, zakres liniowości metody oraz granicę wykrywalności dla pięciu pestycydów. Wydajność ekstrakcji dla poszczególnych pestycydów wynosiła: metazachlor – 98%, tebukonazol – 59%, λ-cyhalotryna – 81%, chlorpyrifos – 83%, deltametryna – 84%. Współczynniki determinacji (r2) dla wyznaczonych zależności kalibracyjnych były odpowiednio równe, dla: metazachloru - 0,998; tebukonazolu - 0,991; λ-cyhalotryny - 0,999; chlorpyrifosu - 0,993; deltametryny - 0,999. Granica wykrywalności dla wszystkich pestycydów z wyjątkiem deltametryny (250 ng/g) była równa: 62,5 µg/g.Opracowana metoda została zastosowana do analizy rzeczywistych próbek oleju rzepakowego, pochodzących z Uniwersytetu Rolniczego w Krakowie. Jednakże uzyskane wyniki dla spodziewanych (badanych w niniejszej pracy) pestycydów we wszystkich oznaczanych próbkach były ujemne.Isolation conditions and quantitative method for the five pesticides: metazachlor, tebuconazole, λ-cyhalothrin, chlorpyrifos and deltamethrin, present in a rape oil, have been developed. Separation and assay of analytes were performed using high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector (HPLC/DAD). Measurements were made using a C18 type column thermostated at 25°C, employing a mobile phase consisting of water and acetonitrile under gradient flow conditions and performing detection of the pesticides at the wavelength of 220 nm.The optimization of the oil sample preparation procedure for the tested pesticides was done by one independent variable. The following analytical parameters were optimized: the volume of the aqueous graphene suspension the type and volume of the desorbing solvent, the time that sample was exposed to ultrasound energy at the desorption step, the amount of sodium chloride needed to salting out the pesticides and the sample temperature during the desorption process.Under optimum conditions, some analytical parameters of the method were estimated: the extraction yield, the linearity of the method and the limit of detection for the five pesticides. The extraction efficiency for individual pesticides was: metazachlor 98%, tebuconazole 59%, λ-cyhalothrin 81%, chlorpyrifos 83%, deltamethrin 84%. The determination coefficients (r2) for the calibration curves were equal to, respectively: metazachlor – 0,998; tebuconazole – 0,991; λ-cyhalothrin – 0,999; chlorpyrifos - 0.993; deltamethrin – 0,999. The detection limit for all the pesticides except deltamethrin (250 ng/g) was 62,5μg/g.The method was applied to the analysis of the real rape oil samples originated from Agricultural University in Krakow, but the obtained results for the suspected pesticides (the examined ones in this master’s disseratation) in all the studied samples were negative

    Parent’s knowledge on children alimentary allergy

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    Wstęp. Choroby alergiczne są najczęstszymi chorobami przewlekłymi wieku rozwojowego. W Polsce choruje około 20% populacji dziecięcej. Najwięcej i najczęściej mówi się o astmie, ale nie można zapominać o atopowym zapaleniu skóry i alergicznym zapaleniu błony śluzowej nosa. Pielęgniarka pełni kluczową rolę w opiece nad dzieckiem z alergią, redukuje lęk dziecka, zapewnia wsparcie emocjonalne. W myśl współczesnych teorii pielęgnowania, to pielęgniarka powinna przygotować rodzinę z chorym dzieckiem do samoopieki i samopielęgnacji oraz pomóc w adaptacji do nowej sytuacji. Cel pracy. Określenie poziomu wiedzy rodziców na temat alergii pokarmowej ich dziecka. Materiał i metody. Badania prowadzono od 30 czerwca do 26 września 2014 r. wśród rodziców pacjentów Oddziału Klinicznego Alergologii Dziecięcej Samodzielnego Szpitala Klinicznego nr 1 we Wrocławiu oraz losowo wybranych rodziców dzieci z alergią, za pośrednictwem ankiety internetowej. Badaniem objęto 50 rodziców. Do przeprowadzenia badania została użyta metoda sondażu diagnostycznego z zastosowaniem anonimowej ankiety własnego autorstwa. Obliczenia wykonano za pomocą arkusza kalkulacyjnego Microsoft Excel. Wyniki. Respondenci oceniają, że najlepiej przygotowaną osobą do przekazywania pacjentom wiedzy na temat profilaktyki oraz postępowania w chorobach alergicznych jest lekarz (84% ankietowanych). Jedynie 8% uważa personel pielęgniarski za wystarczająco kompetentny w zakresie przekazywania wiedzy. Badani oczekują od personelu medycznego rzetelnych informacji. Jak stwierdzili, nie chcą czerpać wiedzy z Internetu, tylko dlatego, że nikt nie ma dla nich wystarczająco dużo czasu albo wiedzy. Osoby posiadające wyższe wykształcenie wykazywały, statystycznie istotną (36%), większą świadomość ochronnego działania karmienia piersią. Tylko 11% z nich uważało, że karmienie piersią nie ma wpływu na ryzyko rozwoju alergii. Wnioski. 1. Wiedza rodziców na temat alergii pokarmowych jest niewielka. 2. Zaufanie do pielęgniarki, jako osoby kompetentnej do edukacji pacjenta, jest alarmująco niskie. 3. Większość ankietowanych uważa swoją wiedzę za niewystarczającą i wyraża chęć do jej pogłębienia. 4. Osoby posiadające wykształcenie wyższe wykazują wyższą świadomość, że karmienie piersią jest czynnikiem zmniejszającym ryzyko wystąpienia alergii.Background. Allergic diseases are the most common childhood chronic diseases. They affect around 20% of the pediatric population in Poland. The most common is asthma, but atopic diseases and allergic rhinitis are also quite frequent. Nurses play a key role in care for children with an allergy, help to reduce their anxiety and provide emotional support. According to modern nursing theory, a nurse should prepare families with a sick child to self-care and help to adapt them to the new situation. Objectives. The aim of this study was to determine parents knowledge on their child’s alimentary allergy. Material and methods. The study was conducted from 30 June 2014 to 26 September 2014 among parents of patients on Pediatric Allergy ClinicalDivision at Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Wroclaw and randomly selected parents of children with allergies by means of an online survey. The study included 50 parents. The study was carried out using the method of diagnostic survey with an anonymous questionnaire developed by the author. Calculations were performed using Microsoft Excel. Results. Respondents indicated that the best prepared person to provide patients with knowledge about prevention and handling of allergic diseases is a doctor, 84% of them. Only 8% believe that the nursing staff is competent enough to educate patients. Respondents expect medical staff to provide them with reliable information. They do not wish to gain the information from the Internet only because there is nobody with enough time or enough knowledge available for them. People with higher education, statistically significantly (36%), were more aware of the protective effect of breastfeeding, only 11% of them believed that breastfeeding does not have any impact on the risk of developing allergies. Conclusions. 1. Parents’ knowledge about alimentary allergies is very low. 2. Trust in nurses as competent in patients education is alarmingly low. 3. The majority of respondents believe their knowledge is insufficient and is willing to improve it. 4. People with higher education have a greater awareness of breastfeeding as a factor in reducing the risk of allergies

    The energy security of Armenia

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    In comparison to other countries of the Southern Caucasus, Armenia is the country with the least number of people, the smallest territory, landlocked, dependent on external energy supply. Armenia is also engaged in the military conflict in the area of neighboring Azerbaijan to defend the interests of Armenian living there. Armenia hasn’t got its own fossil energy sources and it is also not a transit country, which transit oil and natural gas through its territory. Therefore, this country is heavily dependent on energy imports. In 2012, 90% of the country’s energy needs were met by import. In that situation, the energy security of Armenia is the second key challenge, next to the military one, for its modern policy. The import share in Armenia’s total energy demand is slightly fluctuating depending on the hydropower potential: in the dry period, import volume is increasing. Armenia has a big renewable energy potential that could become the guarantee of energy security and of diversification of energy resources

    Azerbaijan facing new challenges on the energy market after the collapse of Soviet Union

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    The collapse of the USSR has become a great opportunity for Azerbaijan to initiate and develop energy cooperation with the West because it is a country with large oil and gas reserves. After signing of "deal of the century" in 1994 first inflow of foreign capital allowed the development of new fields (Azerri-Czirag-Guneszli), building independent transmission network of energy resources to Europe (pipelines Baku-SUPSA, BTC and BTE), improving the condition of the Azerbaijani economy and the strengthening of Azerbaijan’s international position. Azerbaijan’s dependence on export sales of energy resources also had negative consequences, such as "Dutch Disease" and increased susceptibility to the volatility of prices of energy resources on the world market. These phenomena was a derivative of the lack of structural reform of the national economy during prosperity time. Only a small portion of difficult economic situations during the crisis was improved by the SOFAZ oil fund, whose resources are currently running out. At the same time, the decline in domestic oil production in recent years will bring Azerbaijan into the category of transit countries