25 research outputs found

    Pork production chain: importance and challenges faced

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    Brazil is doing well in agriculture. We have availability of grains, abundant natural resources and diversity in the broad national territory, herd health and biosecurity stand out from the other livestock producing countries. There are funding for agricultural research, technology, technical assistance and extension. We have a sophisticated and diversified integration model. Therefore, Brazilian agriculture is efficient and competitors must observe closely

    One health approach for the surveillance of novel swine viral diseases

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    The novel coronavirus pandemic highlighted the importance of discussing and monitoring emerging diseases to scientific society, particularly in the case of zoonotic diseases. Diseases emerge in nature and infect living beings current on all continents, even in the current scenario of biomedical research evolution. Among the most studied emerging animal diseases are the swine viral diseases, due to their high occurrence and severity. Added to this, is the economic impact on the health of pigs and in some cases on human health. The challenges of swine health include endemic diseases, foodborne and transboundary diseases. Idiopathic vesicular diseases and subclinical diseases have also been identified, either alone or in combination with other infections. Several factors have contributed to these phenomena, but failures in biosecurity, biocontainment, and herd immunity imbalances are critical and must be addressed. Viruses evolve naturally, through mutation, rearrangement, or recombination, either to become more virulent or more transmissible, or not. This review will discuss the broad field of emerging swine viral infections, how monitoring the evolution of these viral agents is of supreme importance. Also, when should a new disease or emerging agent is considered a risk to swine production? Although the evolution of pork production systems is admirable, animal diseases continue to account for 20% of the losses. Therefore, international organizations work with member countries to prevent animal diseases, ensure food supply, maintain household income, health, and preserve the future. One Health is not just a concept, but an action of surveillance and control that all countries must implement. Keywords: Emergence; Evolution; Pig Disease; Public Healt

    Zoonoses emergentes e reemergentes e sua importância para saúde e produção animal

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    The factors for disease emergence or reemergence are little known and understood, but the main one is the expansion of the human population. Other factors include climate change, globalization, and intensification of animal production. This is disturbing, given that 75% of emerging or reemerging human diseases of the last century are zoonoses, that is, animal diseases, which, besides causing human and animal fatalities, affect the economy of countries. It is estimated that the impact of animal diseases exceeds 20% of the losses in animal production worldwide. Brazil is a major agricultural producer and has most of its territory in the tropical region, harboring the greatest environmental biodiversity of the globe. Studies have pointed the Amazon region as a hot spot where diseases have emerged or will emerge. In this context, the formation of a cooperation network with strategic actions for monitoring, research, communication, and training is recommended. It is essential to foster partnerships in the areas of health, agriculture, and environment for a prompt national and global response. The objective of this work was to address the main factors involved in the emergence or reemergence of zoonoses, as well as future threats and the strategic importance of Brazilian research and surveillance.Os fatores para a emergência ou a reemergência de doenças são pouco conhecidos e entendidos, mas o principal é a expansão da população humana. Outros fatores incluem mudanças climáticas, globalização e intensificação da produção animal. Isto é preocupante, já que 75% das doenças humanas emergentes ou reemergentes do último século são zoonoses, isto é, doenças de origem animal, que, além de causarem fatalidades humanas e animais, afetam a economia de países. Estima-se que o impacto das doenças animais exceda 20% das perdas na produção animal mundialmente. O Brasil é um grande produtor agrícola e tem grande parte de seu território em região tropical, abrigando a maior biodiversidade ambiental do globo. Estudos tem apontado a região Amazônica entre um dos “hot spots” onde doenças surgiram ou poderão emergir. Nesse contexto, recomenda-se a formação de uma rede de cooperação com ações estratégicas em vigilância, pesquisa, comunicação e capacitação. É fundamental fomentar parcerias nas áreas de saúde, agricultura e meio‑ambiente para pronta‑resposta nacional e global. O objetivo deste trabalho foi abordar os principais fatores envolvidos na emergência ou na reemergência de zoonoses, bem como as ameaças futuras e a importância estratégica da pesquisa e da vigilância no Brasil

    Influenza A virus circulation in pig nurseries in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a infecção por subtipos do vírus influenza A (IAV) e a sua incidência em creches de suínos, no estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Foram amostrados 423 leitões de creche em 11 granjas, e foram identificados circulação de IAV, RNA viral e anticorpos. A transcriptase reversa seguida de quantificação por reação em cadeia da polimerase (RT-qPCR) foi utilizada para detectar o RNA viral em amostras de swab nasal (70,2%) e para subtipar 33 vírus, dos quais 18 (54,5%) de seis creches eram o vírus H3N2, 6 (18,1%) de duas creches eram o H1N1pdm e 9 (27,2%) de três creches não puderam ser subtipificados. O ensaio de imunoabsorção enzimática (ELISA) detectou a presença de anticorpos IAV (68%), a qual foi confirmada pelo teste de inibição da hemaglutinação, tendo revelado maior prevalência de anticorpos para o vírus H3N2 (38,0%), seguido por H1N1pdm (23,8%) e H1N2 (3,23%). Os dados obtidos mostraram que 10,3% dos suínos reagiram a pelo menos dois antígenos virais. Há alta prevalência de infecção pelo vírus influenza A em todas as 11 creches de leitões amostradas por RNA viral e detecção de anticorpos. H3N2 e H1N1pdm, nesta ordem, são os subtipos virais mais detectados nas 11 creches amostradas.The objective of this work was to evaluate the infection caused by influenza A virus (IAV) subtypes and its incidence in pig nurseries in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. A total of 423 nursery pigs were sampled in 11 farms, and IAV circulation, viral RNA, and antibodies were identified. Reverse transcriptase quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) was used to detect viral RNA in nasal swab samples (70.2%) and to subtype 33 viruses, of which 18 (54.5%) from six nurseries were the H3N2 virus, 6 (18.1%) from two nurseries were H1N1pdm, and 9 (27.2%) from three nurseries could not be subtyped. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) detected the presence of IAV antibodies (68%), which was confirmed by the hemagglutination inhibition test, revealing a higher prevalence of antibodies for the H3N2 virus (38.0%), followed by H1N1pdm (23.8%) and H1N2 (3.23%). The obtained data showed that 10.3% of the swine reacted to at least two viral antigens. There is a high prevalence of influenza A virus infection in all 11 piglets nurseries sampled by viral RNA and antibody detection. H3N2 and H1N1pdm, in this order, are the most detected viral subtypes in the 11 sampled nurseries

    Avaliação dos Impactos Econômicos e Sociais do Programa de Erradicação da Doença de Aujeszky no Estado de Santa Catarina

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    Os recursos limitados para a pesquisa agropecuária e a necessidade de conhecer de que forma as tecnologias alteram a competitividade das cadeias produtivas, seu entorno social e o meio ambiente exigem que sejam implementados processos de avaliação de impacto. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o impacto econômico, social e organizacional do Programa de Erradicação da Doença de Aujeszky no Estado de Santa Catarina, desenvolvido pela Embrapa e instituições parceiras. Este programa foi implementado em 2001 e atingiu sua meta em 2004. Os benefícios gerados representam um retorno positivo para os investimentos.--------------------The limited resources for agricultural research and the need for a better knowledge about the ways that technologies change agribusiness competitiveness and its social and natural environment, demand its impact assessment process. The aim of this study was to realize economic, social and organizational impact assessment of the Aujeszky Disease Eradication Project in Santa Catarina, south Brazil, developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company and other institutions. This project started on 2001 and achieved its goals on 2004. The benefits represent a positive return for the investments.Doença de Aujeszky, erradicação, impacto econômico, impacto social, Aujeszky Disease, economic impact, eradication, social impact, Agribusiness, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Principais ameaças sanitárias endêmicas da cadeia produtiva de suínos no Brasil

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    Brazil stands out as the fourth largest producer and exporter of pork. The occurrence of certain diseases in animal production is one of the most important factors for swine production. Swine pathogens can be divided into three groups: agents of foodborne illnesses of animal origin; agents of strategically important diseases for the health protection system; and agents of diseases responsible for losses in animal production. Some diseases, such as classical swine fever and foot‑and‑mouth disease, impact heavily the export market; endemic or enzootic diseases deteriorate production rates and increase production costs, reducing competitiveness; and foodborne illnesses, despite not affecting production indexes, can cause damages to human health and harm commercial relations. Brazil, being an exponent in the production and export of pork and derivatives, must be aware of some aspects related to laboratory infrastructure, biosecurity measures, and care necessary to prevent certain, still exotic, diseases from infecting the Brazilian herd. This review addresses the main endemic or enzootic diseases that cause losses in pork production in Brazil.O Brasil se destaca por ser o quarto maior produtor e exportador de carne suína. A ocorrência de determinadas doenças na produção animal é um dos fatores mais importantes para a suinocultura. Os patógenos de suínos podem ser divididos em três grupos: agentes de doenças transmitidas por alimentos de origem animal; agentes de doenças de importância estratégica para o sistema de defesa sanitária; e agentes de doenças responsáveis por prejuízos na produção animal. Algumas enfermidades, como a peste suína clássica e a febre aftosa, impactam duramente o mercado exportador; doenças endêmicas ou enzoóticas deterioram os índices produtivos e aumentam o custo de produção, com perda da competitividade; e doenças transmitidas por alimentos, embora não afetem os índices produtivos, podem causar danos à saúde humana e prejudicar as relações comerciais. O Brasil, por ser um expoente na produção e na exportação de suínos e derivados, deve estar atento a alguns aspectos relacionados à infraestrutura laboratorial, às medidas de biossegurança e aos cuidados necessários para impedir que determinadas doenças, ainda exóticas, infectem o rebanho brasileiro. Este artigo de revisão aborda as principais doenças endêmicas ou enzoóticas que causam prejuízo à produção de carne suína no Brasil

    Analysis of the performance of the animal health surveillance system in the outbreak of swine vesicular disease in the state of Santa Catarina - Brazil

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    Background: The occurrence of vesicular disease associated with Senecavirus A in a pig-producing region of Santa Catarina increased in 2015, reflected by the number of syndromic notifications to the official animal health service. In view of the recurrence of this event in 2018, the objectives of this study were to analyze the official data related to cases of suspected vesicular disease in pigs and to evaluate whether the experience in conducting the investigations of 2015 was incorporated into the years subsequent to 2015. We addressed this goal by analysis of the performance parameters of the state animal health surveillance system. Materials, Methods & Results: Descriptive analyses of data from official investigations of suspected vesicular disease in swine in different regions were carried out, and statistical models were used to: i) test the effect of the year on the age of the investigated injuries; ii) assess whether there was an association between the year and the type of outcome of the official investigation (discarded case or a probable case of vesicular disease, which resulted in the collection of samples for laboratory diagnosis and interdiction of the affected properties); iii) evaluate whether there was an association between the year and the detection of Senecavirus A RNA among the molecular analyses carried out after a case was classified as probable vesicular disease. From 05/22/2015 to 03/28/2019, there were 2093 notifications of suspected vesicular disease in pigs to the official service of Santa Catarina, with 1538 (73.5%) occurring in 2015 and 555 (26.5%) in subsequent years. After 2015, when compared to the base year, the chances of detecting late vesicular lesions (>3 days) were similar (increased 1.11 times, but there was no statistically significant association), in view of a panorama in which 55.29% of cases had the lesions classified as late throughout the analyzed period. The variation in the odds was relatively homogeneous among the regional units (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient [ICC] = 10.9%), but in the São Miguel do Oeste unit, it was significantly lower than the average. It was also lower than the average, in regional units with a high ratio of properties with pigs attended by the official veterinarian. The chances of cases being considered probable increased 32.3 times, but the descriptive analysis of the average interdiction period decreased. The estimated ICC was 34.9%, and in Campos Novos and Caçador, the chances of cases being probable were significantly higher than the average, while in the Canoinhas unit, the chances were significantly lower. The prevalence of cases with molecular detection of Senecavirus A was 78% lower after 2015. Discussion: Despite the increased sensitivity of the surveillance process for suspected vesicular events in the years after 2015, the specificity of the molecular diagnosis of Senecavirus A decreased. This is likely, because there was difficulty in sampling lesions with vesicular fluid and/or when the lesion epithelium had recently been disrupted, conditions most conducive to the identification of viral genetic material. In this context, the western region of the state, the main pig producer, continued to be the most accurate in confirming cases of Senecavirus A. Even with the improvements of laboratory diagnosis and the reduction of the interdiction period, it was important to standardize the differentiation of a late infectious lesion from a traumatic injury, as well as any association with other sample analyses, in order to minimize the disorders linked to the mischaracterization of a manifestation of Senecavirus A, without compromising the syndromic focus of its vesicular character

    Avaliação da biosseguridade de granjas comerciais de suínos em Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    The objective of this work was to develop an index of adequacy to minimum biosecurity conditions (IAB) to express the external biosecurity level of pig farms in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Pig farms of producers registered in the database of Companhia Integrada de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de Santa Catarina were sampled through an online questionnaire, with 76 questions on farm identification, production system, relationship with the agroindustry, herd size, and external biosecurity. One hundred questionnaires were answered by the farmers, showing the existence, partial existence, or absence of biosecurity practices, with scores of 1.0, 0.5, and 0.0, respectively, used to calculate the IAB of each farm. The farrow to weaning farms were grouped into three categories of production units (farrow to finishing, farrow to rearing, or farrow to weaning) and two of relationships with the production chain (integrated or independent). The investments necessary to achieve the ideal biosecurity practices were estimated. The farms with a low IAB (< 40%) represented 33% of the total, and the remaining 67% of the farms were classified with a medium or high index, evidencing a good external biosecurity. The IAB can be used to measure the biosecurity of pig farms and, based on their classification, to support the design of intervention plans.O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um índice de adequação às condições mínimas de biossegurança (IAB) para expressar o nível de biossegurança externa de granjas suinícolas, no estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Foram amostradas granjas de produtores registrados no banco de dados da Companhia Integrada de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de Santa Catarina, por meio de questionário online com 76 perguntas sobre identificação da granja, sistema de produção, relação com a agroindústria, tamanho do rebanho e biossegurança externa. Foram respondidos 100 questionários pelos produtores, tendo mostrado a existência, a existência parcial ou a ausência de práticas de biossegurança, com pontuações de 1,0, 0,5 e 0,0, respectivamente, utilizadas para calcular o IAB de cada granja. As granjas de produção foram agrupadas em três categorias de unidades de produção (ciclo completo, creche ou desmame) e duas de relação com a cadeia produtiva (integrada ou independente). Estimaram-se os investimentos necessários para atingir as práticas ideais de biossegurança. As granjas com baixo IAB (< 40%) representaram 33% do total, e o restante das 67% propriedades foram classificadas com índice médio ou alto, tendo evidenciado boa biossegurança externa. O IAB pode ser usado para medir a biosseguridade de granjas suinícolas e, com base na classificação delas, apoiar a elaboração de planos de intervenção