33 research outputs found

    Effect of soil and water environment on typeability of PowerPlex Y (Promega) in selected tissue samples.

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    In cases of decomposed bodies Y chromosomal STR markers may be useful in identification of a male relative. The authors assessed typeability PowerPlex Y (Promega) loci in tissue material stored in water and soil environment. Tissue material was collected during autopsies of five persons aged 20-30 years with time of death determined within the limit of 14 hours. Heart muscle, liver and lung specimens were stored in pond water, sea water, sand and peat soil. DNA was extracted by organic method from tissue samples collected in 7-day intervals. Liver specimens were typeable in all PowerPlex Y loci within 100 days of storage in pond water with gradual decline at DYS392 in sea water. Heart muscle specimens stored in pond water exhibited allelic loss at DYS19, DYS385, DYS389II and DYS392, while all loci were typeable in sea water stored samples. For lung specimens allelic loss was noted throughout the profile. Storage of liver specimens in peat soil for more than 14 days resulted in allelic drop-out, and after 21 days no profiles were typeable. Heart muscle specimens were typeable in all PowerPlex Y systems after 35-day storage in sand, while allelic drop-out and subsequent lack of profiles were noted after 14 and 35 days respectively. Lung specimens stored in garden soil exhibited allelic drop-out and subsequent lack of profiles after 7 and 21 days, respectively. All PowerPlex Y loci were typeable in the latter material in sand up to day 35 with gradual decline of longer amplicons (DYS19, DYS385, DYS389II and DYS392)

    Vitreous humour as a potential DNA source for postmortem human identification.

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    PURPOSEThe aim of this study was the assessment of vitreous humor as a potential DNA for forensic human postmortem identification.MATERIAL AND METHODSVitreous humor samples were collected using two alternative approaches from 25 corpses of either sex during autopsies. DNA was extracted by standard organic method. Recovered DNA was quantitiated fluorometrically. AmpFlSTR SGM Plus kit and ABI 310 Genetic Analyzer (Applera) were used to obtain genetic profiles.RESULTSDifferent DNA yields were quantitated in vitreous body depending on cause of death and sampling approach.CONCLUSIONVitreous humor is a potential DNA for forensic human postmortem identification depending on a sampling method used

    Przydatno艣膰 szarokopasmowego odwr贸conego w fazie obrazowania harmonicznego z wykorzystaniem Dopplera mocy w diagnostyce naczyniak贸w w膮troby

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the sensitivity of echo-enhanced phase-inversion power Doppler sonography (PI) in depicting the vascular enhancement of hemangiomas, thus confirming the exact diagnosis. Material/Methods: Twenty patients were examined. The presence of hemangioma was confirmed by surgical resection (n=2), two-phase (hepatic arterial and portal phases) contrast-enhanced spiral computed tomography (n=8), or sonographic follow-up, which showed no change in lesion size for at least 6 months (n=10). Prior to enhanced sonography, all patients had undergone both native B-mode and tissue harmonic imaging mode sonography, color Doppler, and power Doppler helical CT examinations. After injection of 2.5 g of Levovist intravenously, analysis of the arrival of contrast agent was performed by phase-inversion power Doppler sonography. Results: Evaluation of the 20 patients revealed 37 hemangiomas. Color and power Doppler sonography were non-specific for hemangioma in our examination. However, based on the phase-inversion power Doppler sonography findings, the 20 patients with the 37 hemangiomas were diagnosed. Typical features of hemangioma, such as peripheral globular and rim-like enhancement followed by a slow centripetal fill-in, were clearly visible. In 3 cases of small hemangiomas, computed tomography had failed to disclose the pathology, while phase-inversion sonographic images were completely suggestive of what was later confirmed at 6 months follow-up. Conclusions: Based on our results, we can recommend phase-inversion power Doppler sonography in the differential diagnosis of hemangioma by visualizing the characteristic rim-like enhancement pattern followed by a slow centripetal fill-in as an excellent diagnostic modality

    Loss of heterozygosity (LOH)--implications for human genetic identification.

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    The aim of this study was assessment of possible effects of loss of heterozygosity on human genetic identification of histolopathogical tissue sections. DNA templates were extracted from tumour tissue specimens excised from oncological patients and from reference blood samples. AmpFlSTR Identifiler PCR Amplification Kit and ABI 310 Genetic Analyzer (Applera) were used to obtain genetic profiles. Frequency of LOH was calculated for respective samples. Fisher's exact test was performed for statistical analysis. Forty-two percent of the 101 cancer cases analysed were found to possess alterations of the microsatellites manifesting with allelic loss. The most frequently altered loci were D3S1358 and D18S51. The alteration was detected in 47% of cases with larynx carcinoma, 44% of cases with uveal melanoma, 60% of cases with cervical cancers, one case of liposarcoma G3 and one case od neurofibrosarcoma. No LOH was found in liposarcoma G1, dermatofibrosarcoma and cystosarcoma protuberans in either primary or recurrent tumours. In benign tumours (lipoma and fibroma) LOH was also absent. During genotyping of DNA extracted from histopathological tissue sections caution should be taken when non-match or exclusion based on few discrepancies is concluded

    A hunter-gatherer-farmer population model: Lie symmetries, exact solutions and their interpretation

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    The Lie symmetry classification of the known three-component reaction-diffusion system modelling the spread of an initially localized population of farmers into a region occupied by hunter-gatherers is derived. The Lie symmetries obtained for reducing the system in question to systems of ODEs and constructing exact solutions are applied. Several exact solutions of traveling front type are found, their properties are identified and biological interpretation is discussed

    Vitreous humour as a potential DNA source for postmortem human identification.

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    <strong>PURPOSE</strong><br />The aim of this study was the assessment of vitreous humor as a potential DNA for forensic human postmortem identification.<br /><br /><strong>MATERIAL AND METHODS</strong><br />Vitreous humor samples were collected using two alternative approaches from 25 corpses of either sex during autopsies. DNA was extracted by standard organic method. Recovered DNA was quantitiated fluorometrically. AmpFlSTR SGM Plus kit and ABI 310 Genetic Analyzer (Applera) were used to obtain genetic profiles.<br /><br /><strong>RESULTS</strong><br />Different DNA yields were quantitated in vitreous body depending on cause of death and sampling approach.<br /><br /><strong>CONCLUSION</strong><br />Vitreous humor is a potential DNA for forensic human postmortem identification depending on a sampling method used.<br /><br /&gt

    Original articleThe effect of glycoprotein IIIa A1/A2 gene polymorphism on one-year outcome in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention

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    Introduction: Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa (GP IIb/IIIa) is a platelet receptor composed of two subunits coded by individual genes. GP IIIa gene has two alleles: A1 and A2. The A2 allele determines higher platelet activity and was investigated many times as a potential risk factor of ACS. The influence of A1/A2 polymorphism on the prognosis in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has not been analysed so far. Aim: Evaluation of the relationship between GP IIb/IIIa A1/A2 gene polymorphism and one-year prognosis in patients with STEMI treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI). Methods: 171 patients (23.9% – women, 39.7% – anterior MI) with STEMI treated successfully with pPCI as well as 121 healthy subjects from a reference group were enrolled in the study. Genotyping was performed using restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP). In one-year follow-up the primary end point included deaths and infarctions. The following methods were used in statistical analysis: c2 as well as Mann-Whitney test, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis, Cox regression model and multivariate analysis. Results: The percentage of A2 allele carriers was similar in STEMI patients and in subjects from the reference group (27.4% vs. 21.5%, p=0.24). No statistically significant difference in the incidence of primary end point between the A1A1 homozygotes and A2 allele carriers (A1A2/A2A2 genotype) was observed among STEMI patients. In Cox regression analysis, the variables associated with death or MI were: ejection fraction (RR 0.912, p=0.01) and systolic blood pressure on admission (RR 0.97, p=0.049). The variables categorised as unfavourable predictors included: Killip class >2 and heart ratio on admission >100/min (pWst臋p: Glikoproteina IIb/IIIa (GPIIb/IIIa) jest receptorem p艂ytek krwi zbudowanym z 2 podjednostek kodowanych przez oddzielne geny. Gen GPIIIa ma allele A1 i A2. Allel A2 warunkuje wy偶sz膮 aktywno艣æ p艂ytek i by艂 wielokrotnie badany jako potencjalny czynnik ryzyka ostrych zespo艂贸w wie艅cowych. Dotychczas nie oceniano wp艂ywu polimorfizmu A1/A2 na rokowanie pacjent贸w z zawa艂em serca z uniesieniem odcinka ST (STEMI). Cel: Zbadanie zwi膮zku mi臋dzy polimorfizmem A1/A2 genu GPIIIa a rocznym rokowaniem pacjent贸w ze STEMI leczonych pierwotn膮 przezsk贸rn膮 interwencj膮 wie艅cow膮 (pPCI). Metodyka: Do badania w艂膮czono 171 chorych ze STEMI skutecznie leczonych pPCI (23,9% kobiet, 39,7% zawa艂 przedni) oraz 121 os贸b z grupy referencyjnej. Genotyp oznaczano metod膮 polimorfizmu d艂ugo艣ci fragment贸w restrykcyjnych (RFLP). W rocznej obserwacji pierwotny punkt ko艅cowy uwzgl臋dnia艂 zgony i zawa艂y. W analizie statystycznej u偶yto test贸w χ2 i Manna-Whitneya, analizy prze偶ycia Kaplana-Meiera, modelu regresji Coxa oraz analizy wieloczynnikowej. Wyniki: Odsetek nosicieli allela A2 by艂 zbli偶ony u chorych ze STEMI i w grupie referencyjnej (27,4% vs 21,5%; p=0,24). W艣r贸d pacjent贸w ze STEMI nie obserwowano istotnej statystycznie r贸偶nicy w wyst臋powaniu dodatniego punktu ko艅cowego mi臋dzy grup膮 homozygot A1A1 i nosicieli allela 2 (genotyp A1A2/A2A2). W modelu regresji Coxa zmiennymi zwi膮zanymi z wyst膮pieniem zgonu lub zawa艂u by艂y: frakcja wyrzutowa (RR 0,912; p=0,01) i ci艣nienie skurczowe przy przyj臋ciu (RR 0,97; p=0,049). Ze zmiennych kategoryzowanych z niepomy艣lnym rokowaniem wi膮za艂y si臋 klasa wg Killipa >2 oraz HR przy przyj臋ciu >100/min (