20,955 research outputs found

    Prediction of vertical bearing capacity of waveform micropile

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    This study proposes a predictive equation for bearing capacity considering the behaviour characteristics of a waveform micropile that can enhance the bearing capacity of a conventional micropile. The bearing capacity of the waveform micropile was analysed by a three-dimensional numerical model with soil and pile conditions obtained from the field and centrifuge tests. The load-transfer mechanism of the waveform micropile was revealed by the numerical analyses, and a new predictive equation for the bearing capacity was proposed. The bearing capacities of the waveform micropile calculated by the new equation were comparable with those measured from the field and centrifuge tests. This validated a prediction potential of the new equation for bearing capacity of waveform micropiles

    Radiative Transfer on Perturbations in Protoplanetary Disks

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    We present a method for calculating the radiative tranfer on a protoplanetary disk perturbed by a protoplanet. We apply this method to determine the effect on the temperature structure within the photosphere of a passive circumstellar disk in the vicinity of a small protoplanet of up to 20 Earth masses. The gravitational potential of a protoplanet induces a compression of the disk material near it, resulting in a decrement in the density at the disk's surface. Thus, an isodensity contour at the height of the photosphere takes on the shape of a well. When such a well is illuminated by stellar irradiation at grazing incidence, it results in cooling in a shadowed region and heating in an exposed region. For typical stellar and disk parameters relevant to the epoch of planet formation, we find that the temperature variation due to a protoplanet at 1 AU separation from its parent star is about 4% (5 K) for a planet of 1 Earth mass, about 14% (19 K) for planet of 10 Earth masses, and about 18% (25 K) for planet of 20 Earth masses, We conclude that even such relatively small protoplanets can induce temperature variations in a passive disk. Therefore, many of the processes involved in planet formation should not be modeled with a locally isothermal equation of state.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures (including 3 color figs). Submitted to Ap

    Unilateral vs. Bilateral Incentives: Evidence from the U.S. Pork Industry

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    The idea that individuals adapt their behaviors in response to changes in incentive systems is fundamental to most economic analysis. This paper incorporates the concept of price discovery costs into the incentive theory to offer a theoretical model and empirical evidence on the differential incentive effects of long-term contracts and spot markets. Using the US pork industry case where procuring intertemporally consistent weights of hogs have been critical to pork processors, we show why the effectiveness of unilaterally determined and posted incentive price for the hog quality by the pork packers on the intertemporal consistency erodes and why a bilateral incentive structure built through long-term hog procurement contracts is demanded, in the presence of volatile hog price and feed price movements. The MGARCH model analysis of USDA AMS data supported our hypotheses that long-term hog procurement contracts would help moderate the erosion relative to the spot markets, resulting greater intertemporal consistency of hog weights.long-term contracts, incentive effects, price discovery costs, MGARCH model, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Do Athermal Amorphous Solids Exist?

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    We study the elastic theory of amorphous solids made of particles with finite range interactions in the thermodynamic limit. For the elastic theory to exist one requires all the elastic coefficients, linear and nonlinear, to attain a finite thermodynamic limit. We show that for such systems the existence of non-affine mechanical responses results in anomalous fluctuations of all the nonlinear coefficients of the elastic theory. While the shear modulus exists, the first nonlinear coefficient B_2 has anomalous fluctuations and the second nonlinear coefficient B_3 and all the higher order coefficients (which are non-zero by symmetry) diverge in the thermodynamic limit. These results put a question mark on the existence of elasticity (or solidity) of amorphous solids at finite strains, even at zero temperature. We discuss the physical meaning of these results and propose that in these systems elasticity can never be decoupled from plasticity: the nonlinear response must be very substantially plastic.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Quantum chemical studies of redox properties and conformational changes of a four-center iron CO2 reduction electrocatalyst.

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    The CO2 reduction electrocatalyst [Fe4N(CO)12]- (abbrev. 1-) reduces CO2 to HCO2- in a two-electron, one-proton catalytic cycle. Here, we employ ab initio calculations to estimate the first two redox potentials of 1- and explore the pathway of a side reaction involving CO dissociation from 13-. Using the BP86 density functional approximation, the redox potentials were computed with a root mean squared error of 0.15 V with respect to experimental data. High temperature Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics was employed to discover a reaction pathway of CO dissociation from 13- with a reaction energy of +10.6 kcal mol-1 and an activation energy of 18.8 kcal mol-1; including harmonic free energy terms, this yields Ī”Gsep = 1.4 kcal mol-1 for fully separated species and Ī”Gā€” = +17.4 kcal mol-1, indicating CO dissociation is energetically accessible at ambient conditions. The analogous dissociation pathway from 12- has a reaction energy of 22.1 kcal mol-1 and an activation energy of 22.4 kcal mol-1 (Ī”Gsep = 12.8 kcal mol-1, Ī”Gā€” = +18.1 kcal mol-1). Our computed harmonic vibrational analysis of [Fe4N(CO)11]3- or 23- reveals a distinct CO-stretching peak red-shifted from the main CO-stretching band, pointing to a possible vibrational signature of dissociation. Multi-reference CASSCF calculations are used to check the assumptions of the density functional approximations that were used to obtain the majority of the results
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