1,228 research outputs found

    EEG-controlled tele-grasping for undefined objects

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    This paper presents a teleoperation system of robot grasping for undefined objects based on a real-time EEG (Electroencephalography) measurement and shared autonomy. When grasping an undefined object in an unstructured environment, real-time human decision is necessary since fully autonomous grasping may not handle uncertain situations. The proposed system allows involvement of a wide range of human decisions throughout the entire grasping procedure, including 3D movement of the gripper, selecting proper grasping posture, and adjusting the amount of grip force. These multiple decision-making procedures of the human operator have been implemented with six flickering blocks for steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEP) by dividing the grasping task into predefined substeps. Each substep consists of approaching the object, selecting posture and grip force, grasping, transporting to the desired position, and releasing. The graphical user interface (GUI) displays the current substep and simple symbols beside each flickering block for quick understanding. The tele-grasping of various objects by using real-time human decisions of selecting among four possible postures and three levels of grip force has been demonstrated. This system can be adapted to other sequential EEG-controlled teleoperation tasks that require complex human decisions

    Cause and Management of Patients With Failed Endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy

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    Objectives Endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is a well-established treatment method in patients with nasolacrimal duct obstruction. However, there are a few reports about the overall management of failed endonasal DCR. We investigated the causes and management strategies of failed endonasal DCR. Methods This retrospective review included 61 patients (61 eyes) who had undergone revision surgery by the same surgeon after failed endonasal DCR between January 2008 and December 2012. The appropriate revision method was determined after analysis of the etiology of failure by the fluorescein dye disappearance test, nasal endoscopy, lacrimal irrigation, and probing. The criteria for success of the revision surgery were defined by the passage of fluid without resistance upon lacrimal irrigation and normalization of the tear meniscus height. Results The mean duration between the primary endonasal DCR and revision surgery was 15.3 months. The average follow-up period after revision surgery was 12.2 months. The most common cause of endoscopic revision surgery was membranous obstruction. Endoscopic revision surgery was performed in 48 patients, while lacrimal silicone tube intubation under endoscopy was performed in 13 patients. The most common indication for lacrimal silicone tube intubation was functional epiphora. The overall success rate of the revision surgery was 89%. Conclusion The most common cause of failed endonasal DCR was membranous obstruction. When patients with failed endonasal DCR presented at the clinic, it is important to identify the cause of the failure. Revision surgery could increase the final success rate of endonasal DCR

    Fatal Neutropenic Enterocolitis during Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin Combination Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection

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    It is known that neutropenia caused by combination pegylated interferon plus ribavirin therapy for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is well tolerated and carries a negligible risk of infection. Neutropenic enterocolitis is encountered most frequently in patients with hemato-oncologic diseases who are undergoing intensive chemotherapy. However, little information exists regarding this life-threatening event in the setting of HCV therapy. We present here an unusual case of fatal neutropenic enterocolitis in a cirrhotic patient receiving combination therapy for HCV infection. This is the first report of a death from neutropenic enterocolitis associated with treatment for chronic HCV infection. The present case suggests that caution should be exercised when continuing HCV therapy in neutropenic patients with advanced fibrosis, and the decision to maintain such therapy should be balanced against the potential for serious adverse events

    The role of nafamostat mesilate as a regional anticoagulant during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

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    Background Anticoagulation during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) usually is required to prevent thrombosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the usefulness of nafamostat mesilate (NM) as a regional anticoagulant during veno-arterial ECMO (VA-ECMO) treatment. Methods We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 16 patients receiving VA-ECMO and NM from January 2017 to June 2020 at Haeundae Paik Hospital. We compared clinical and laboratory data, including activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), which was measured simultaneously in patients and the ECMO site, to estimate the efficacy of regional anticoagulation. Results The median patient age was 68.5 years, and 56.3% of patients were men. Cardiovascular disease was the most common primary disease (75.0%) requiring ECMO treatment, followed by respiratory disease (12.5%). The median duration of ECMO treatment was 7.5 days. Among 16 patients, seven were switched to NM after first using heparin as an anticoagulation agent, and nine received only NM. When comparing aPTT values in the NM group between patients and the ECMO site, that in patients was significantly lower than that at the ECMO site (73.57 vs. 79.25 seconds; P=0.010); in contrast, no difference was observed in the heparin group. Conclusions NM showed efficacy as a regional anticoagulation method by sustaining a lower aPTT value compared to that measured at the ECMO site. NM should be considered as a safer regional anticoagulation method in VA-ECMO for patients at high risk of bleeding

    Successful Hemostasis with Recombinant Activated Factor VII in a Patient with Massive Hepatic Subcapsular Hematoma

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    Recombinant activated coagulation factor VII (rFVIIa) is known to be effective in the management of acquired deficiencies of factor VII and platelet function defects. But recently, rFVIIa has been successfully used to treat ongoing bleeding in disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) condition. The patient reported here was suspected to be suffering from toxic hepatitis on admission. After percutaneous liver biopsy, bleeding occurred and did not stop even after right hepatic artery embolization. The patient developed a severe hemorrhage that resulted in hypovolemic shock, hemoperitoneum, and a massive subcapsular hematoma. The patient then developed DIC due to massive transfusion, as well as acute liver necrosis. The patient was given 400 μg/kg of rFVIIa. Recombinant factor VIIa was administered in an attempt to control the bleeding. This stabilized the hemoglobin levels of the patient. The patient gradually recovered in 4 months. In conclusion, this case suggests that rFVIIa can be successfully used for the hemostasis of uncontrolled bleeding in DIC

    A pulse of meteoric subsurface fluid discharging into the Chukchi Sea during the Early Holocene Thermal Maximum (EHTM)

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    This work was supported bythe Korea Ministry of Science and ICT (GP2020-038), by the Korea Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (NP2011-040 and 1525011795), and by the Korea Polar Research Institute (Grants No. PE20350). W.-L.H. acknowledges the supports from the ArcticSGD, a project supported by the Norway Grants and the EEA Grants (2019/34/H/ST10/00645). Additional funds were contributed by the AWI Research Program PACES-II Workpackage 3.1 and 3.2.The response of Arctic Ocean biogeochemistry to subsurface flow driven by permafrost thaw is poorly understood. We present dissolved chloride and water isotopic data from the Chukchi Sea Shelf sediments that reveal the presence of a meteoric subsurface flow enriched in cations with a radiogenic Sr fingerprint. This subsurface fluid is also enriched in dissolved inorganic carbon and methane that bear isotopic compositions indicative of a carbon reservoir modified by reactions in a closed system. Such fluid characteristics are in stark contrast with those from other sites in the Chukchi Sea where the pore water composition shows no sign of meteoric input, but reflect typical biogeochemical reactions associated with early diagenetic sequences in marine sediment. The most likely source of the observed subsurface flow at the Chukchi Sea Shelf is from the degradation of permafrost that had extended to the shelf region during the Last Glacial Maximum. Our data suggest that the permafrost-driven subsurface flow most likely took place during the 2-3 oC warming in the Early Holocene Thermal Maximum (EHTM). This time scale is supported by numerical simulation of pore fluid profiles, which indicate that a minimum of several thousand years must have passed since the cessation of the subsurface methane-bearing fluid flow.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Lactobacillus plantarum DK119 as a Probiotic Confers Protection against Influenza Virus by Modulating Innate Immunity

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    Lactobacillus plantarum DK119 (DK119) isolated from the fermented Korean cabbage food was used as a probiotic to determine its antiviral effects on influenza virus. DK119 intranasal or oral administration conferred 100% protection against subsequent lethal infection with influenza A viruses, prevented significant weight loss, and lowered lung viral loads in a mouse model. The antiviral protective efficacy was observed in a dose and route dependent manner of DK119 administration. Mice that were treated with DK119 showed high levels of cytokines IL-12 and IFN-c in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids, and a low degree of inflammation upon infection with influenza virus. Depletion of alveolar macrophage cells in lungs and bronchoalveolar lavages completely abrogated the DK119-mediated protection. Modulating host innate immunity of dendritic and macrophage cells, and cytokine production pattern appeared to be possible mechanisms by which DK119 exhibited antiviral effects on influenza virus infection. These results indicate that DK119 can be developed as a beneficial antiviral probiotic microorganism

    Reduced cortical folding of the anterior cingulate cortex in obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    Background: Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) abnormalities have been implicated consistently in the pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), yet it remains unclear whether these abnormalities originated during early neurodevelopment. In this study, we examined the ACC sulcal/gyral patterns to investigate whether neurodevelopmental anomalies of the ACC were present in patients with OCD. We hypothesized that patients with OCD would show reduced cortical folding of the ACC compared with controls. Methods: We used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of 169 healthy volunteers and 110 patients with OCD to examine the paracingulate sulcus and cingulate sulcus. We assessed cortical folding patterns according to established classification criteria and constructed 3 categories of paracingulate sulcus morphology according to its presence and anteroposterior extent: "prominent," "present" and "absent." We classified the cingulate sulcus as "interrupted" or "continuous" according to the interruptions in its course. In addition, we evaluated ACC sulcal asymmetry based on interhemispheric comparisons of paracingulate sulcus morphology. Results: Analyses revealed that patients with OCD were significantly less likely than controls to show a well-developed left paracingulate sulcus: 50.0% of patients and 65.1% of controls showed a "prominent" or "present" paracingulate sulcus in the left hemisphere. However, there were no differences in regard to cingulate sulcus continuity, and patients also showed the same leftward ACC sulcal asymmetry as controls. Limitations: Our study was limited by the fact that we obtained the MRI scans from 2 different scanners, and we did not calculate cerebral fissurization as our study was restricted to 1 specific brain region. Moreover, patients and controls differed significantly in terms of sex ratio and IQ, although we controlled these variables as covariates. Conclusion: Our findings imply a subtle deviation in the early neurodevelopment of the ACC in patients with OCD, but the extent to which these anomalies contributed to the pathogenesis of OCD remains unclear. Further studies that link the ACC morphologic anomalies to the pathophysiology of OCD are recommended.This work was supported by Cognitive Neuroscience Program of the Korean Ministry of Science and Technology (M10644020003-08N4402-00310).Jung MH, 2009, PROG NEURO-PSYCHOPH, V33, P605, DOI 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2009.02.017Whittle S, 2009, PSYCHIAT RES-NEUROIM, V172, P68, DOI 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2008.06.005Gu BM, 2008, BRAIN, V131, P155, DOI 10.1093/brain/awm277Fornito A, 2007, ACTA PSYCHIAT SCAND, V116, P467, DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0447.2007.01069.xShin YW, 2007, HUM BRAIN MAPP, V28, P1128, DOI 10.1002/hbm.20338Huster RJ, 2007, NEUROIMAGE, V34, P888, DOI 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.10.023De Geus F, 2007, PSYCHIAT CLIN NEUROS, V61, P45, DOI 10.1111/j.1440-1819.2007.01609.xFornito A, 2006, SCHIZOPHR RES, V88, P192, DOI 10.1016/j.schres.2006.06.034Jang JH, 2006, AM J PSYCHIAT, V163, P1202Kim YY, 2006, BRAIN TOPOGR, V18, P201, DOI 10.1007/s10548-006-0269-2Klimkeit EI, 2006, CORTEX, V42, P113Valente AA, 2005, BIOL PSYCHIAT, V58, P479, DOI 10.1016/j.biopsych.2005.04.021Rosenberg DR, 2004, J AM ACAD CHILD PSY, V43, P1146, DOI 10.1097/01.chi.0000132812.44664.2dFornito A, 2004, CEREB CORTEX, V14, P424, DOI 10.1093/cercor/bhh004Shin YW, 2004, PSYCHIAT CLIN NEUROS, V58, P16Yucel M, 2003, BRIT J PSYCHIAT, V182, P518Yucel M, 2002, BIOL PSYCHIAT, V52, P15Lyoo IK, 2001, J CLIN PSYCHIAT, V62, P637Allman JM, 2001, ANN NY ACAD SCI, V935, P107Yucel M, 2001, CEREB CORTEX, V11, P17Bradshaw JL, 2000, BRAIN LANG, V73, P297Bush G, 2000, TRENDS COGN SCI, V4, P215Penalva J, 2000, BIOSENS BIOELECTRON, V15, P99Lohmann G, 1999, CEREB CORTEX, V9, P754Magnotta VA, 1999, CEREB CORTEX, V9, P151Tibbo P, 1999, J PSYCHIATR NEUROSCI, V24, P15Rosenberg DR, 1998, BIOL PSYCHIAT, V43, P623Purcell R, 1998, BIOL PSYCHIAT, V43, P348SAXENA S, 1998, BRIT J PSYCHIAT S, V35, P26FIRST MB, 1998, STRUCTURED CLIN INTESIEGEL S, 1998, NONPARAMETRIC STAT BRauch SL, 1997, J NEUROPSYCH CLIN N, V9, P568Bartley AJ, 1997, BRAIN, V120, P257VanEssen DC, 1997, NATURE, V385, P313Paus T, 1996, CEREB CORTEX, V6, P207FIRST MB, 1996, STRUCTURED CLIN INTEVOGT BA, 1995, J COMP NEUROL, V359, P490DEVINSKY O, 1995, BRAIN, V118, P279ARMSTRONG E, 1995, CEREB CORTEX, V5, P56PAULS DL, 1995, AM J PSYCHIAT, V152, P76KIM JS, 1995, KOREAN J CLIN PSYCHO, V14, P111*AM PSYCH ASS, 1994, DIAGN STAT MAN MENTBAXTER LR, 1992, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT, V49, P681HUANG CC, 1991, BRAIN DEV-JPN, V13, P27WELKER W, 1990, CEREBRAL CORTEX B, V8, P3DIXON WJ, 1990, BMDP STAT SOFTWARE MHOLLANDER E, 1990, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT, V47, P27CROW TJ, 1989, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT, V46, P1145GOODMAN WK, 1989, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT, V46, P1006GOODMAN WK, 1989, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT, V46, P1012SWEDO SE, 1989, ARCH GEN PSYCHIAT, V46, P518RAKIC P, 1988, SCIENCE, V241, P170BEAR D, 1986, ARCH NEUROL-CHICAGO, V43, P598GESCHWIND N, 1985, ARCH NEUROL-CHICAGO, V42, P521FLORHENRY P, 1983, CEREBRAL BASIS PSYCH, P301CHI JG, 1977, ANN NEUROL, V1, P86ANNETT M, 1970, BRIT J PSYCHOL, V61, P303CRICHTONBROWNE J, 1879, BRAIN, V2, P42

    The effects of direct hemoperfusion with polymyxin B-immobilized fiber in patients with acute exacerbation of interstitial lung disease

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    Background Acute exacerbation of interstitial lung disease (AE-ILD) causes clinically significant deterioration and has an extremely poor prognosis with high mortality. Recently, several studies reported the effectiveness of direct hemoperfusion with a polymyxin B-immobilized fiber column (PMX-DHP) in patients with AE-ILD as a potential therapy. This study describes the clinical effectiveness and safety of PMX-DHP in patients with AE-ILD. Methods We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 10 patients (11 episodes) with AE-ILD treated with PMX-DHP from January 2018 to June 2019. We compared laboratory and physiologic data of the ratio of partial pressure arterial oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen (P/F ratio) and level of inflammatory markers before and after implementation of PMX-DHP. Results Ten patients were included according to the 2016 revised definition of acute exacerbation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Nine patients had IPF and one patient had fibrotic nonspecific interstitial pneumonia. Most patients (90.9%) were treated with a steroid pulse, and four patients (36.4%) were treated with an immunosuppressant. The median number of PMX-DHP cycles was 2, and the median duration of each cycle was 6 hours. After PMX-DHP, the mean P/F ratio improved (86 [range, 63–106] vs. 145 [86–260], P=0.030) and interleukin-6 and c-reactive protein decreased (79 [35–640] vs. 10 [5–25], P=0.018 and 14 [4–21] vs. 5 [2–6], P=0.019, respectively). The 30-day mortality rate was 27.3% and the 90-day mortality rate was 72.7%. Conclusions PMX-DHP treatment improved P/F ratio and reduced inflammatory markers in AE-ILD patients