103 research outputs found

    Evaluating Which Classroom and Student Variables in an Early Childhood Program Best Predict Student Language and Literacy Achievement

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    Sufficient evidence exists that early intervention for students at-risk of school failure may prevent reading difficulties. In addition, research has identified several teacher, classroom, and student variables that correlate with students' academic progress in language and literacy domains. This research aimed to expand on existing research by analyzing the relationships between teacher and peer characteristics and language and literacy achievement, and change in achievement, for 431 three and four-year old children attending three Early Reading First funded public charter school programs in 29 Washington, DC classrooms. Four research questions were posed to answer the following: What are the peer and teacher variables that predict achievement, or change in achievement, on norm- or criterion-referenced language and literacy measures for children enrolled in a federally supported universal preschool program? Two-level hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was conducted with students nested in classrooms. Results from the HLM indicate that peer and teacher characteristics helped predict three and four-year olds' achievement on nationally normed standardized language and literacy assessments. Peer and teacher characteristics also predicted achievement and change in achievement on curriculum-based measures of language and literacy development. These findings expand the research on teacher and peer characteristics predictive of student language and literacy achievement. Implications from these findings, strengths and limitations of this dissertation research, and future research directions are discussed

    Multistep Surface Electrode Mechanism Coupled with Preceding Chemical Reaction-Theoretical Analysis in Square-Wave Voltammetry

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    In this theoretical work, we present for the first time voltammetric results of a surface multistep electron transfer mechanism that is associated with a preceding chemical reaction that is linked to the first electron transfer step. The mathematical model of this so-called “surface CEE mechanism” is solved under conditions of square-wave voltammetry. We present relevant set of results portraying the influence of kinetics and thermodynamics of chemical step to the features of simulated voltammograms. In respect to the potential difference at which both electrode processes occur, we consider two different situations. In the first scenario, both peaks are separated for at least |150 mV|, while in the second case both peaks occur at same potential. Under conditions when both peaks are separated for at least |150 mV|, the first process can be described with the voltammetric features of a surface CE mechanism, while the second peak gets attributes of a simple surface electrode reaction. When both peaks take place at same potential, we elaborate an elegant methodology to achieve separation of both overlapped peaks. This can be done by modifying the concentration of the substrate “Y” in electrochemical cell that is involved in the preceding chemical reaction. The results of this work can be of big assistance to experimentalists working in the field of voltammetry of metal complexes and drug-drug interaction

    Multistep Surface Electrode Mechanism Coupled with Preceding Chemical Reaction-Theoretical Analysis in Square-Wave Voltammetry

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    In this theoretical work, we present for the first time voltammetric results of a surface multistep electron transfer mechanism that is associated with a preceding chemical reaction that is linked to the first electron transfer step. The mathematical model of this so-called “surface CEE mechanism” is solved under conditions of square-wave voltammetry. We present relevant set of results portraying the influence of kinetics and thermodynamics of chemical step to the features of simulated voltammograms. In respect to the potential difference at which both electrode processes occur, we consider two different situations. In the first scenario, both peaks are separated for at least |150 mV|, while in the second case both peaks occur at same potential. Under conditions when both peaks are separated for at least |150 mV|, the first process can be described with the voltammetric features of a surface CE mechanism, while the second peak gets attributes of a simple surface electrode reaction. When both peaks take place at same potential, we elaborate an elegant methodology to achieve separation of both overlapped peaks. This can be done by modifying the concentration of the substrate “Y” in electrochemical cell that is involved in the preceding chemical reaction. The results of this work can be of big assistance to experimentalists working in the field of voltammetry of metal complexes and drug-drug interaction

    Varieties of grupoids with axioms of the form x^{m+1}y = xy and/or xy^{n+1} = xy

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    The subject of this paper are varieties (M;N) of groupoids defined by the following system of identities { xm+1y = xy : m M } { xyn+1 = xy : n N }, where M, N are sets of positive integers. The equation (M;N) = (M\u27;N\u27) for any given pair (M,N) is solved, and, among all solutions, one called canonical, is singled out. Applying a result of Evans it is shown for finite M and N that: if M and N are nonempty and gcd(M) = gcd(M N), or only one of M and N is nonempty, then the word problem is solvable in (M;N)

    Patohistološke promjene u jetri štakora nakon jednokratnog izlaganja visokoj dozi aluminija

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    Aluminium (Al) exposuremay affect the liver of experimental animals. This investigation aimed at evaluating morphological changes in rat liver after a single high dose of Al (as metallic powder suspension). A total of forty female Wistar rats were divided in one exposed and one control group, 20 rats each. The exposed rats received 0.5 mL of sterile physiological suspension of fine Al powder in the concentration of 100 mg mL-1 intraperitoneally (50 mg Al per rat). After 7 weeks all animals were killed (by exsanguination from the abdominal aorta in ether anaesthesia). Liver aluminium was analysed using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. For light microscopy the liver tissue was stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and for histochemical analysis with aurin threecarbocsillic acid (aluminon). Liver Al level was markedly higher in the exposed (37.1 µg g-1) than in control rats (0.71 µg g-1). The exposed rats showed crystalloid Al inclusions in the capsular, subcapsular, and portal liver tissue. The basic liver structure remained intact. Slightly multiplied bile ductuli were found in 16 of 20 exposed and in 8 of 20 control rats. Three exposed rats had mycrovesicular steatosis. The peritoneum and Glisson’s capsule showed strong macrophage infiltration and a foreign-body-like reaction with multiple giant macrophages containing Al crystalloid inclusions. Although this reaction was a defense against the metal, some Al passed this barrier and entered the liver tissue, exerting toxic effects in bile ductuli and hepatocytes.Izloženost aluminiju (Al) može izazvati oštećenje jetre u eksperimentalnih životinja. Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti morfološke promjene u jetri štakora nakon jednokratnog davanja visoke doze aluminija (suspenzije metalnog praha). Četrdeset albino Wistar štakorica bilo je podijeljeno u izloženu i kontrolnu skupinu. Izloženoj skupini ubrizgano je intraperitonealno 0,5 mL sterilne suspenzije praha aluminija u fiziološkoj otopini (100 mg mL-1), odnosno 50 mg Al po štakorici. Nakon sedam tjedana štakorice su usmrćene (iskrvarenjem iz trbušne aorte u eterskoj narkozi). Maseni udio Al u tkivu jetre određen je atomskom apsorpcijskom spektrometrijom. Histološka analiza svjetlosnom mikroskopijom obavljena je nakon bojenja tkiva hematoksilinom i eozinom te histokemijski aurin trikarboksilnom kiselinom (aluminonom). Maseni udio aluminija u jetri izloženih štakorica bio je viši (37,12 µg g-1) nego u kontrolnoj skupini (0,71 µg g-1). U izloženih štakorica nađene su kristaloidne inkluzije Al u kapsularnoj i supkapsularnoj zoni jetre i u portalnim prostorima. Osnovna struktura jetre je ostala očuvana. U 16 od 20 izloženih i u 8 od 20 kontrolnih štakorica opažena je proliferacija žučnih kanalića. Samo u tri izložene štakorice nađena je mikrovezikularna steatoza u jetrenom tkivu. Peritoneum i fibrozna (Glissonova) ovojnica jetre pokazivali su izrazitu infiltraciju makrofazima sličnu “reakciji oko stranog tijela” s mjestimičnim gigantskim stanicama u kojima su se nalazile kristaloidne inkluzije Al. Iako je infiltracija makrofaga obrambena reakcija kojom je najveći broj čestica Al zadržan na mjestu ubrizgavanja, čini se da je dio tih čestica prodro u tkivo jetre i izazvao toksične reakcije u obliku proliferacije žučnih kanalića i mikrovaskularne steatoze

    Примена на електродните механизми на површинско-активни системи во аналитика на лекови – теоретска и експериментална студија во услови на квадратно-бранова волтаметрија

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    Волтаметриските анализи за студирање на електродните механизми на површинско-активни системи претставуваат електрохемиски методи со кои можат да се разработат соодветни аналитички методи, како и да се добијат релевантни параметри за квантитативно определување на голем број лекови, како и за интеракциите што можат да настанат помеѓу два лека. Притоа, доколку постојат интеракции помеѓу два дефинирани лека, со примена на теоретски методи, можат да се опрeделат кинетички и термодинамички параметри што се во корелација со брзината на интеракциите, како и со стабилноста на евентуалните комплeкси што настануваат при интеракција на дефинираните лекови. Во рамките на докторската работа се разработени поголем број на теоретски модели на површинско-активни лекови што се поврзани со хемиски рамнотежи, каде електронскиот трансфер се случува во еден или во два последователни чекори. Дел од резултатите од теоретските модели се тестирани со експериментални системи на површинско-активни моделни супстанци. Резултатите од теоретските и експерименталните испитувања се од корист во дизајнирањето на нови електрохемиски методи во аналитиката на лекови, како и за дизајнирање на соодветни експериментални методи преку кои ќе можат да се анализираат квантитативно голем број лекови, но и да се определат релевантни кинетички и термодинамички параметри од интеракциите помеѓу дефинирани лекови

    Oral–surgical treatment of periodontal pocket with guided bone and soft tissue regeneration

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    Periodontal disease is defined as a complex, multifactorial disease characterized by the loss of connective tissue attachment with destruction of periodontal tissues. The aim of periodontal therapy is to eliminate inflammatory process, prevent the progression of periodontal disease and also to regenerate the lost of periodontal tissues. Loss of the bone support by creating a periodontal pocket is one of the most common cause of tooth extraction. Their treatment can be conservative and surgical. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the treatment of infrabony periodontal defects with bone and soft tissue regeneration. On periodontal examination and radiographic evaluation, the female 56-year-old patient presented with an infrabony defect extending up to apical third of the mesial side of the right maxillary second molar with a probing depth of 8 mm. After conservative periodontal treatment, oral surgical intervention was performed including open flap debridement and filling the defect with xenograft and plasma rich fibrin. The application of xenograft and Plasma rich fibrin resulted in bone regeneration of the defect and successful fixed prosthodontic solution. Guided bone and soft tissue regeneration using xenograft and fibrin-rich plasma gives successful radiological and clinical signs of bone augmentation and consolidation of defects caused by loss of tooth attachment. Keywords: periodontal pocket, xenograft, PRF

    The Efficiency, Benefits and Profitability of Lohn Production in RN Macedonia for a German Textile Company

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    This paper shows the efficiency and profitability of the textile lohn production in the Republic of North Macedonia as well as in other countries in the Western Balkans, the so-called third countries. This geographical region is attractive because of the cheap labor, as well as the profitability that arises as a result of the economic system of work. The paper makes comparison with the production in Western European countries, where the wage for the labor is several times higher, and at the same time the taxes are also higher. In the global market, the third textile production option is the Far East, or for the most part China, as a favorable option, but with very long delivery times due to the physical distance from the European continent and the transport time for the final products. In this paper will show the results and analyzes through an example of a German textile company oriented towards production of fashion textile products in RN Macedonia, including efficiency of the textile production in the Western Balkans, as the most acceptable option for lohn production. The solutions were based on the concept of improving the efficiency of operations, especially in the area of organization of production operations, in a way that enabled complete elimination of errors, greater productivity and increased quality of the final product, within a precisely defined time frame

    Improving Business Processes by Applying the Kaizen Philosophy in a Macedonian Textile Company

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    This paper presents the research aimed at developing a solution for advancing of business processes in a Macedonian textile company, by implementing techniques and methods of the Kaizen philosophy. The main objective of the paper is to make a comprehensive analysis of the factors that enable the improvement of the overall production process, thus chieving greater effectiveness and efficiency in the production operations, as well as greater market competitiveness. The solutions were based on the concept of improving the efficiency of operations, especially in the area of organization of production operations, in a way that enabled complete elimination of errors, greater productivity and increased quality of the final product, within a precisely defined time frame. Additionally, the paper also shows the key elements from the implementation of the Kaizen hilosophy in the process of competitiveness improvement of the company