526 research outputs found


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    The results of researches present in the specialized literature emphasize thatthe evaluation of both e-services and traditional services is based on the customers’individual experiences.This paper presents a study conducted for evaluating the e-services provided by BogdanVoda University from an attitudinal perspective, based on 5 indicators of the servicesquality dimensions (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy).The study was performed to establish the quality of the e-services provided by theuniversity and whether these services influence the university image. Two basic, but wellstructured questionnaires were used in conducting this study: the first reflects thesubjects’ expectations and the second conveys their perceptions. Assuming that the mostmotivated evaluators of the quality of the e-services provided by the university are itsown students, it has been chosen a sample of 70 Bogdan Voda University juniors.The indicators interpretation is made according to their values: 0 meaning thesatisfactory level of the e-services and dimensions quality, the positive values indicatinga higher than expected service quality while the negative values translate into lower thanexpected service quality.quality, e-services, expectations, perceptions, users, dimensions, indicators.


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    The project has been done in order to proove the importance of the image insidea large company. Thus I analysed the image of Electrolux company in order to show howimportant is the invisible part of a big company, regarding the market and the marketingstrategies.The questionnaire was made of 14 questions and there were 400 people who had to answer.During the research I used mathematics methods such as Fischbein and Hi2 method. Themain purpose of a marketing research is the analyse of the numbers and factors, the essentialkeys that guide the company to a real marketing strategy. Analysing the dates there are someideas that should be taken in consideration in order to build a stronger image of the companyon the market, ideas that I detailed within the project.company, questionnaire, marketing strategies, marketing research

    Modern techniques in detection, identification and quantification of bacteria and peptides from foods

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    Standards have been placed to regulate the microbial and preservative contents to assure that foods are safe to the consumer. In a case of a food-related disease outbreak, it is crucial to be able to detect and identify quickly and accurately the cause of the disease. In addition, for every day control of food microbial and preservative contents, the detection methods must be easily performed for numerous food samples. In this present study, quicker alternative methods were studied for identification of bacteria by DNA fingerprinting. A flow cytometry method was developed as an alternative to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, the golden method . DNA fragment sizing by an ultrasensitive flow cytometer was able to discriminate species and strains in a reproducible and comparable manner to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This new method was hundreds times faster and 200,000 times more sensitive. Additionally, another DNA fingerprinting identification method was developed based on single-enzyme amplified fragment length polymorphism (SE-AFLP). This method allowed the differentiation of genera, species, and strains of pathogenic bacteria of Bacilli, Staphylococci, Yersinia, and Escherichia coli. These fingerprinting patterns obtained by SE-AFLP were simpler and easier to analyze than those by the traditional amplified fragment length polymorphism by double enzyme digestion. Nisin (E234) is added as a preservative to different types of foods, especially dairy products, around the world. Various detection methods exist for nisin, but they lack in sensitivity, speed or specificity. In this present study, a sensitive nisin-induced green fluorescent protein (GFPuv) bioassay was developed using the Lactococcus lactis two-component signal system NisRK and the nisin-inducible nisA promoter. The bioassay was extremely sensitive with detection limit of 10 pg/ml in culture supernatant. In addition, it was compatible for quantification from various food matrices, such as milk, salad dressings, processed cheese, liquid eggs, and canned tomatoes. Wine has good antimicrobial properties due to its alcohol concentration, low pH, and organic content and therefore often assumed to be microbially safe to consume. Another aim of this thesis was to study the microbiota of wines returned by customers complaining of food-poisoning symptoms. By partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, ribotyping, and boar spermatozoa motility assay, it was identified that one of the wines contained a Bacillus simplex BAC91, which produced a heat-stable substance toxic to the mitochondria of sperm cells. The antibacterial activity of wine was tested on the vegetative cells and spores of B. simplex BAC91, B. cereus type strain ATCC 14579 and cereulide-producing B. cereus F4810/72. Although the vegetative cells and spores of B. simplex BAC91 were sensitive to the antimicrobial effects of wine, the spores of B. cereus strains ATCC 14579 and F4810/72 stayed viable for at least 4 months. According to these results, Bacillus spp., more specifically spores, can be a possible risk to the wine consumer.Mikrobien ja säilöntäaineiden määrälle elintarvikkeissa on luotu ja asetettu raja-arvoja, jotta voidaan varmistaa kuluttajien turvallisuus. Erityisesti ruokamyrkytysepidemioissa on oleellista, että taudinaiheuttajat voidaan havaita ja tunnistaa mahdollisimman nopeasti ja tarkasti. Tämän lisäksi päivittäisessä mikrobien ja säilöntäaineiden seurannassa ja kontrolloinnissa käytettävien ilmaisutekniikoiden ja metodologioiden tulee olla helppokäyttöisiä. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin vaihtoehtoisia nopeampia mittausmenetelmiä bakteerien tunnistamiseen DNA-sormenjälkien avulla. Työssä kehitettiin virtaussytometriin perustuva menetelmä vaihtoehdoksi pulssikenttägeelielektroforeesille ( the golden method ). DNA-palojen koon mittaaminen erittäin herkällä virtaussytometrillä mahdollisti lajien ja kantojen erottamisen toistettavalla ja vertailtavissa olevalla tavalla pulssikenttägeelielektroforeesiin nähden. Uusi menetelmä oli satoja kertoja nopeampi ja 200,000 kertaa herkempi kuin vertailumenetelmä. Tämän lisäksi kehitettiin myös toinen DNA-sormenjälkitunnistusmenetelmä. Menetelmässä bakteerin DNA:ta pilkotaan yhdellä entsyymillä ja syntyneitä DNA-paloja monistetaan erityisillä alukkeilla, jolloin syntyy kullekin bakteerille tunnusomainen sormenjälkikuvio. Tämä menetelmä mahdollisti patogeenibakteerien: Bacilli, Staphylococci, Yersinia, ja Escherichia coli sukujen, lajien ja kantojen erottamisen. Uudella menetelmällä sormenjälkikuviot olivat myös yksinkertaisempia ja helpompia analysoida kuin perinteisellä menetelmällä, jossa käytetään kahta entsyymiä. Nisiiniä (E234) käytetään yleisesti säilöntäaineena erilaisissa elintarvikkeissa ja erityisesti maitotuotteissa ympäri maailmaa. Nisiinin määrittämiseen on olemassa erilaisia mittausmenetelmiä, mutta ne eivät ole yleensä tarpeeksi herkkiä, spesifisiä ja nopeita. Tässä tutkimuksessa kehitettiin testi, jossa näytteen sisältämä nisiini osoitetaan reportterigeenin avulla. Testissä käytettiin Lactococcus lactis kanta, jolla on kromosomissa kaksikomponenttisignaalijärjestelmä NisRK ja plasmidissa nisA-promoottori gfpuv reportterigeenin edessä. Nisiini aktivoi nisA-promoottorin NisRK-komponentin välituksellä, mikä saa aikaan reportterigeenin ja vihreän fluoresoivan proteiinin (GFPuv) ilmentymisen, joka voidaan mitata. Testi oli erittäin herkkä ja sillä pystyttiin havaitsemaan jopa 10 pg/ml nisiinipitoisuus kasvatusliemessä. Tämän lisäksi se oli sovellettavissa mittauksiin erilaisista elintarvikkeista, kuten maidosta, salaattikastikkeista, prosessoiduista juustoista, nestemäisistä kananmunista ja säilyketomaatista. Alkoholipitoisuus, alhainen pH-taso ja orgaanisen aineen pitoisuus antavat viinille hyvät antimikrobiset ominaisuudet, minkä vuoksi viiniä pidetään yleisesti mikrobien suhteen turvallisena elintarvikkeena. Tämän väitöskirjan yhtenä tavoitteena oli tutkia asiakkaiden palauttamia viinejä, joiden oletettiin olleen syynä ruokamyrkytysoireisiin. Osittaisen 16S rRNA geenisekvenssin analysoinnin, ribotyypityksen ja sian siittiöiden liikkuvuuskokeen avulla yhdestä viinistä löydettiin ja tunnistettiin Bacillus simplex BAC91 bakteeri, joka tuotti siittiösolujen mitokondrioihin vaikuttavaa myrkkyä. Viinin antimikrobinen aktiviteetti mitattiin B. simplex BAC91, B. cereus ATCC 14579 (tyyppikanta) ja kereulidi-myrkkyä tuottavan B. cereus F4810/72 bakteerien vegetatiivisilla soluilla ja itiöillä. Vaikka B. simplex BAC91 bakteerin vegetatiiviset solut ja itiöt olivat herkkiä viinin antimikrobisille ominaisuuksille, B. cereus tyyppikanta ATCC 14579 ja B. cereus F4810/72 -bakteereiden itiöt pysyivät elossa ainakin neljän kuukauden ajan. Tulosten perusteella Bacillus spp. ja erityisesti niiden itiöt voivat olla mahdollinen riski viinin kuluttajille


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    Without substitute decision-maker, decision support system, through their components,can facilitate the work of decision-maker by providing useful clues to solving problems andidentifying opportunities. Choosing an optimal solution in case of complex decision makingprocesses, with a degree of uncertainty, involving a series of interdependent decisions, performed inseveral periods of time, can be achieved using decision trees. Suggestive and simple propertiespropel decision trees among the tools with a high degree of adoption and integration in electronicdecisional systems.tree, decision, risk, rollback, certainty

    The internet, a possibility of development in Cluj-Napoca’s companies

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    The article shows the results of an inquiry done in a series of cluj napoca companies regarding the use of the internet for business purposes. From the questioned companies, 275 in number, more than 76% use the internet for business purposes. Thus, we can strongly say that the Cluj companies are “opened” to the newly developed network, being aware of the opportunities that this can offer. Many companies have understood that the internet is an exceptional resource of offering services to clients, they can show details about their products, activities, services, etc. if we consider the electronic commerce and virtual business, then the expending possibilities of the companies grow, making competitive advantages for the development strategies, being in a permanent change.Internet, companies, using, advantages


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    The managerial involvement establishes the organizational policy and incorporates employees in planning and organizing activities in order to achieve its objectives through analysis and forecasts, to motivate and ensure a favorable climate. Taking decisions with respect to the diversity of tourism products is up to the manager in the tourist facilities who seek and evaluate the service quality to attract a more diverse consumer segment. The consumers of tourism products are seeking various opportunities in the tourism market, characterized by the marketing environment, particularities and structure, market research stages, the main factors of influencing the demand being the supply and the tourist image. The management policy on the promotion of Şuior Tourist Complex is made through travel portals, its own website, participation in fairs and exhibitions, brochures from which tourists can find full information on facilities, rates, location and possibility to make reservations. Complex management is planning on two years period by involving staff at different levels, an appropriate information system being implemented in which messages are transmitter on both directions and a system of quality management and food safety. The continuous improvement processes to ensure customer-tourist satisfaction determined the leadership to improve the managerial activity, to better communicate the mission and promotional strategy, to practice more intensely the participative management and modern management techniques, to use a more consistent loyalty policy and to diversify the number of tourists and have a good knowledge of the competition

    Self-Directed Work Teams: The New Wave for American Corporations

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    This thesis will focus on the study of self-directed or empowered work teams and on preparing a plan to implement the empowered work team in the customer Contact Center in Wentzville, Missouri. Self-directed work teams are a relatively new concept in the workforce and could be the 90s version of the total quality concept. The philosophy is that first line management takes a step backward and the workgroup virtually leads themselves. Employees are empowered to make the decisions and then act on those decisions to produce a better quality product than before. The concept is designed around teamwork both from within the corporation and occasionally from outside the corporation. Much has been written about the empowered work team, albeit in bit and pieces, and what makes them so successful in some corporations and unsuccessful in others. The purpose of this study is to investigate the methods utilized to implement the leaderless work team and determine the best of the best methods to implement the plan. The study revealed that there is no formal plan for implementation documented and most corporations have relied on their own processes and resources to implement the plan. Both successes and failures are documented and the reasons for those successes and failures reviewed to select the best of the best methods for the implementation plan developed for the Customer Contact Center in Wentzville, Missouri

    Court Monitoring Program of the Victoria Status of Women Action Group

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    This article discusses the creation and successful implementation of a project that monitors court cases involving violent crimes against women and children. This initiative offers a two-way bridge between grassroots activism and feminist theorizing.Cet article traite de la création et de la réalisation couronnée de succès d'un projet qui suit de près les procès au tribunal qui ont trait aux crimes violents commis contre des femmes et des enfants. Cette initiative permet un rapprochement entre l'activisme de base et l'élaboration de théories féministes