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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir e conscientizar quanto a importância da profissionalização no setor agroindustrial de alimentos na região do Médio Alto Uruguai. A expansão agroindustrial ocorrida na região na última década, oriunda de incentivos provindos de diversos segmentos da sociedade, ainda apresenta características inferiores ao seu real significado, pois o desenvolvimento das agroindústrias resulta de poucas ações planejadas, com pouco ou nenhum aparato técnico, financeiro e mercadológico, e acabam sucumbindo boas oportunidades de crescimento. Assim, vê-se a importância de discutir o setor agroindustrial, que além de um importante agente do desenvolvimento social e econômico dos agricultores e comunidade em geral, deve ser visto como um propulsor da qualidade de vida de quem produz e de quem consome, com um maior profissionalismo do setor, pois a realidade atual das agroindústrias deixa a desejar nos quesitos qualidade, higiene e planejamento do processo produtivo e mercadológico. Com os eminentes incentivos públicos atrelados ao setor agroindustrial e as promissoras condições oferecidas pelo mercado, unidas a procedimentos claros e dinâmicos que facilitam a abertura de novos empreendimentos, as expectativas de crescimento e profissionalização auxiliam no desenvolvimento rural e, conseqüentemente, da região.-The present article aims at discussing and promoting awareness regarding the importance of professionalism in food agroindustrial sector in Médio Alto Uruguai region. The agroindustrial expansion taken place at the region in the last decade, come from incentive from the society, still represents characteristics inferior to its real meaning because the development of agroindustries is the result of few planned actions, with little or no financial, merchandising and technologic device. Consequently, they end up succumbing good opportunities of growing. Therefore, it is crucial to discuss the agroindustrial sector, that, besides being an important agent of social and economic development for farmers and community at large, should enhance the quality of live for both producer and consumer, with a greater professionalism of the sector, since the actual situation of agroindustries regarding quality, hygiene and planning of the productive and merchandising process requires improvements. With eminent public incentives to agroindustrial sector, promising conditions of market and clear and dynamic procedures which facilitate new undertakings, the professional and growing expectations will help rural and regional development. 

    Application of diatomaceous earth and Rhyzopertha dominica infestation on physicochemical and technological properties of wheat grain stored in the conventional system.

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    Among the many factors that affect the quality of flour, you can highlight the insect infestation, which also reduces the quality of cereal protein gluten weaken, reduce the technological characteristics and health conditions. Although there are studies on the application of diatomaceous earth in wheat grains, the literature does not provide information about the amount of residue that remains after the flour milling wheat. The aim of the study was to evaluate the infestation of Rhyzopertha dominica and the effect of diatomaceous earth on physicochemical and technological properties of grain stored in the conventional system and quantify the residual silicon in wheat flour. The study was conducted with a sample of wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivar Abalone and diatomaceous earth KeepDry ® brand. In the experiment with Rhyzopertha dominica, the wheat was infested with densities of zero, 4, 24 and 48 insects in each 8 kg of grain and stored for 240 days, under controlled temperature and relative humidity (25 °C and 70 ± 5%, respectively). In the experiment and every 60 days of storage was collected 2 kg of wheat grains of each population and performed laboratory tests. In the experiment with diatomaceous earth, samples of 10 kg of wheat were treated with zero, 2.0 and 4.0 g.kg-1, homogenized and stored in bags of cotton in the temperature of 25 ºC and relative humidity 70 ± 5% every 60 days and made the physicochemical and technological. The experiments were conducted in a randomized design in a factorial 4 x 5 (four x five levels of infestation periods of storage) and 3 x 4 (three doses of diatomaceous earth x storage period) respectively, with three replicates for each treatment. The analysis carried out in wheat grains were moisture, test weight, ash, proteins, lipids and fatty acidity and flour falling number, gluten content, color, alveography, farinograph, bakery and experimental quantification of silicon. The results were analyzed by use of ANOVA and significant models the averages were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. Was also performed regression analysis between the responses by the use of statistical program Sisvar® Version 5.3. The analysis and graphs of the regression equations were developed with the help of the program Origin® 5.0. The application of diatomaceous earth and the infestation with Rhyzopertha dominica reduce the physicochemical and technological properties of flour from wheat grain stored in the conventional system. The colorimetric method used for the quantitation of silicon and may be suitable for determination of residue of diatomaceous earth in the flour that remains after the milling of wheat grains. Keywords: Triticum aestivum. Storage. Insects. Alveography. Bakery. Silicon.Dentre os diversos fatores que afetam a qualidade da farinha, pode-se destacar a infestação por insetos, que, além de reduzir a qualidade das proteínas dos cereais debilitam o glúten, reduzem as propriedades tecnológicas e as condições sanitárias. Embora existam trabalhos sobre a aplicação de terra de diatomácea em grãos de trigo, a literatura não apresenta informações sobre a quantidade de resíduo que permanece na farinha após a moagem do trigo. Objetivou-se, com o trabalho, avaliar a infestação com Rhyzopertha dominica e o efeito da aplicação de terra de diatomácea nas propriedades físico-químicas e tecnológicas de grãos armazenados no sistema convencional e quantificar o resíduo de silício na farinha de trigo. O trabalho foi realizado com amostra de grãos de trigo (Triticum aestivum L) do cultivar Abalone e terra de diatomácea marca KeepDry®. No experimento com Rhyzopertha dominica, o trigo foi infestado com densidades populacionais de zero, 4, 24 e 48 insetos em cada 8 kg de grãos e armazenado por 240 dias, em condições controladas de temperatura e umidade relativa (25 oC e 70 ± 5%, respectivamente). Na instalação do experimento e a cada 60 dias de armazenamento foi coletado 2 kg de grãos de trigo de cada densidade populacional e realizado as análises laboratoriais. No experimento com terra de diatomácea, amostras de 10 kg de trigo foram tratadas com zero, 2,0 e 4,0 g.kg-1, homogeneizadas e armazenadas em sacos de algodão, em ambiente com temperatura de 25 ºC e umidade relativa de 70 ± 5% e a cada 60 dias realizadas as análises físico-químicas e tecnológicas. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 4 x 5 (quatro níveis de infestação x cinco períodos de armazenamento) e 3 x 4 (três doses de terra de diatomácea x quatro períodos de armazenamento) respectivamente, sendo realizadas três repetições para cada tratamento. As análises realizadas nos grãos de trigo foram umidade, peso do hectolitro, cinzas, proteínas, lipídios e acidez graxa e na farinha número de queda, teor de glúten, cor, alveografia, farinografia, panificação experimental e quantificação de silício. Os resultados foram analisados através do emprego da ANOVA e nos modelos significativos as médias foram comparadas entre si pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Também foi realizada análise de regressão entre as variáveis respostas pelo emprego do programa estatístico Sisvar® Versão 5.3. As análises e os gráficos das equações de regressão foram elaborados com o auxílio do programa Origin® 5.0. A aplicação de terra de diatomácea e a infestação com Rhyzopertha dominica reduzem as propriedades físico-químicas e tecnológicas da farinha extraída de grãos de trigo armazenados no sistema convencional. O método colorimétrico empregado para a quantificação de silício é adequado e pode ser indicado para a determinação de resíduo de terra de diatomácea que permanece na farinha após a moagem dos grãos de trigo

    Physicochemical characteristics of wheat treated with diatomaceous earth and conventionally stored

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    Studies show the efficacy of the use of diatomaceous earth for insect control, however, lack studies on the effects of physical and chemical properties of wheat flour added diatomaceous earth. The aim of this study was to assess the physicochemical characteristics of wheat grains treated with increasingly higher dosages of diatomaceous earth and conventionally stored for a 180-day period. Samples containing 10 kg of wheat grains were treated with 0.0, 2.0 and 4.0 g kg-1 of diatomaceous earth and then conventionally stored. Analyses of grain hectoliter mass and ash content, as well as flour gluten content, flour color, alveography and farinography were performed at 0, 60, 120 and 180 days of storage. The experiment was carried out in a totally randomized design. The grain ash content and intensity of color component L* of wheat flour increase proportionally to the application of increasing doses of diatomaceous earth and longer storage periods. The grain hectoliter mass and values of +b* chromaticity coordinate, wet gluten content and gluten content in wheat flour diminish with the application of increasing doses of diatomaceous earth and longer storage periods. The gluten strength and dough stability of flour obtained from wheat grains without addition of diatomaceous earth increase with the storage period; this behavior was not observed in treatments with the application of 2.0 and 4.0 g kg-1 diatomaceous earth. The application of increasing doses of diatomaceous earth changes the physical and chemical characteristics of wheat grains stored, with consequent reduction of the flour technological quality