257 research outputs found


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    OBJECTIVES Somatosensory amplification is the experience of sensing everyday bodily sensations as intense, agitating, and unpleasant. Using data from menopausal breast cancer survivors and midlife women without cancer, the study purposes were to (1) explore the psychometric properties of the Somatosensory Amplification Scale and (2) to describe somatosensory amplification and its relationship to menopausal symptoms of hot flashes, mood and sleep disturbance. STUDY DESIGN This was a cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational study using demographic, e-diary, and questionnaire data from 99 breast cancer survivors and 138 midlife women. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Somatosensory amplification, hot flashes (frequency, severity, bother, interference, perceived control), mood, and sleep. RESULTS Cronbach’s alphas for the scale were low. When an 8-item version of the scale was evaluated, alphas improved and item-total correlations remained strong or improved. Midlife women and breast cancer survivors did not have significantly different somatosensory amplification total or item scores after adjusting for group differences in demographics. Somatosensory amplification was significantly correlated with hot flash interference, perceived control over hot flashes, and mood and sleep disturbance in both groups but the patterns of correlations differed slightly between groups and depending on whether the 10-item or 8-item scale was used. CONCLUSION Somatosensory amplification may be a relevant concept to assess in relation to the menopausal symptom experience of midlife women with and without breast cancer as it may represent a potential intervention target to improve the menopausal symptom experience

    Troubling meanings of "family" for young people who have been in care: from policy to lived experience

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    This article seeks to trouble the concept of “family” for young people who have been in out-of-home care, by reflecting on the continuing significance (and troubles) of family relationships beyond childhood. The analysis draws on two cross-national studies in Europe: Beyond Contact, which examined policies and systems for work with families of children in care, and Against All Odds?, a qualitative longitudinal study of young adults who have been in care. Policy discourses that reify and instrumentalize the concept of family—for example, through the language of “contact,” “reunification,” and “permanence”—neglect the complex temporality of “family” for young people who have been in care, negotiated and practiced across time and in multiple (and changing) care contexts, and forming part of complex, dynamic and relational identities, and understandings of “belonging” for young adults who have been in care

    Neonatal abstinence syndrome and high school performance

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Little is known of the long-term, including school, outcomes of children diagnosed with Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) (International Statistical Classification of Disease and Related Problems [10th Edition], Australian Modification, P96.1). METHODS: Linked analysis of health and curriculum-based test data for all children born in the state of New South Wales (NSW), Australia, between 2000 and 2006. Children with NAS (n = 2234) were compared with a control group matched for gestation, socioeconomic status, and gender (n = 4330, control) and with other NSW children (n = 598 265, population) for results on the National Assessment Program: Literacy and Numeracy, in grades 3, 5, and 7. RESULTS: Mean test scores (range 0-1000) for children with NAS were significantly lower in grade 3 (359 vs control: 410 vs population: 421). The deficit was progressive. By grade 7, children with NAS scored lower than other children in grade 5. The risk of not meeting minimum standards was independently associated with NAS (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 2.5; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.2-2.7), indigenous status (aOR, 2.2; 95% CI, 2.2-2.3), male gender (aOR, 1.3; 95% CI, 1.3-1.4), and low parental education (aOR, 1.5; 95% CI, 1.1- 1.6), with all Ps < .001. CONCLUSIONS: A neonatal diagnostic code of NAS is strongly associated with poor and deteriorating school performance. Parental education may decrease the risk of failure. Children with NAS and their families must be identified early and provided with support to minimize the consequences of poor educational outcomes

    The virtual haptic back: A simulation for training in palpatory diagnosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Models and simulations are finding increased roles in medical education. The Virtual Haptic Back (VHB) is a virtual reality simulation of the mechanical properties of the human back designed as an aid to teaching clinical palpatory diagnosis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eighty-nine first year medical students of the Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine carried out six, 15-minute practice sessions with the VHB, plus tests before and after the sessions in order to monitor progress in identifying regions of simulated abnormal tissue compliance. Students palpated with two digits, fingers or thumbs, by placing them in gimbaled thimbles at the ends of PHANToM 3.0<sup>® </sup>haptic interface arms. The interface simulated the contours and compliance of the back surface by the action of electric motors. The motors limited the compression of the virtual tissues induced by the palpating fingers, by generating counterforces. Users could see the position of their fingers with respect to the back on a video monitor just behind the plane of the haptic back. The abnormal region varied randomly among 12 locations between trials. During the practice sessions student users received immediate feedback following each trial, indicating either a correct choice or the actual location of the abnormality if an incorrect choice had been made. This allowed the user to feel the actual abnormality before going on to the next trial. Changes in accuracy, speed and Weber fraction across practice sessions were analyzed using a repeated measures analysis of variance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Students improved in accuracy and speed of diagnosis with practice. The smallest difference in simulated tissue compliance users were able to detect improved from 28% (SD = 9.5%) to 14% (SD = 4.4%) during the practice sessions while average detection time decreased from 39 (SD = 19.8) to 17 (SD = 11.7) seconds. When asked in anonymous evaluation questionnaires if they judged the VHB practice to be helpful to them in the clinical palpation and manual medicine laboratory, 41% said yes, 51% said maybe, and 8% said no.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The VHB has potential value as a teaching aid for students in the initial phases of learning palpatory diagnosis.</p

    Atomic-resolution crystal structures of the immune protein conglutinin from cow reveal specific interactions of its binding site with N-acetylglucosamine.

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    Bovine conglutinin is an immune protein that is involved in host resistance to microbes and parasites and interacts with complement component iC3b, agglutinates erythrocytes, and neutralizes influenza A virus. Here, we determined the high-resolution (0.97-1.46 Ă…) crystal structures with and without bound ligand of a recombinant fragment of conglutinin's C-terminal carbohydrate-recognition domain (CRD). The structures disclosed that the high-affinity ligand N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc) binds in the collectin CRD calcium site by interacting with the O3' and O4' hydroxyls alongside additional specific interactions of the N-acetyl group oxygen and nitrogen with Lys343 and Asp320, respectively. These residues, unique to conglutinin and differing both in sequence and location from those in other collectins, result in specific, high-affinity binding for GlcNAc. The binding pocket flanking residue Val339, unlike the equivalent Arg343 in the homologous human surfactant protein D, is sufficiently small to allow conglutinin Lys343 access to the bound ligand, whereas Asp320 lies in an extended loop proximal to the ligand-binding site and bounded at both ends by conserved residues that coordinate to both calcium and ligand. This loop becomes ordered on ligand binding. The electron density revealed both a and Ăź anomers of GlcNAc, consistent with the added a/ĂźGlcNAc mixture. Crystals soaked with a1-2 mannobiose, a putative component of iC3b, reported to bind to conglutinin, failed to reveal bound ligand, suggesting a requirement for presentation of mannobiose as part of an extended physiological ligand. These results reveal a highly specific GlcNAc-binding pocket in conglutinin and a novel collectin mode of carbohydrate recognition

    Global evidence of gender equity in academic health research: a scoping review

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    Objectives: To chart the global literature on gender equity in academic health research. Design: Scoping review. Participants: Quantitative studies were eligible if they examined gender equity within academic institutions including health researchers. Primary and secondary outcome measures: Outcomes related to equity across gender and other social identities in academia: (1) faculty workforce: representation of all genders in university/faculty departments, academic rank or position and salary; (2) service: teaching obligations and administrative/non-teaching activities; (3) recruitment and hiring data: number of applicants by gender, interviews and new hires for various rank; (4) promotion: opportunities for promotion and time to progress through academic ranks; (5) academic leadership: type of leadership positions, opportunities for leadership promotion or training, opportunities to supervise/mentor and support for leadership bids; (6) scholarly output or productivity: number/type of publications and presentations, position of authorship, number/value of grants or awards and intellectual property ownership; (7) contextual factors of universities; (8) infrastructure; (9) knowledge and technology translation activities; (10) availability of maternity/paternity/parental/family leave; (11) collaboration activities/opportunities for collaboration; (12) qualitative considerations: perceptions around promotion, finances and support. Results: Literature search yielded 94 798 citations; 4753 full-text articles were screened, and 562 studies were included. Most studies originated from North America (462/562, 82.2%). Few studies (27/562, 4.8%) reported race and fewer reported sex/gender (which were used interchangeably in most studies) other than male/female (11/562, 2.0%). Only one study provided data on religion. No other PROGRESS-PLUS variables were reported. A total of 2996 outcomes were reported, with most studies examining academic output (371/562, 66.0%). Conclusions: Reviewed literature suggest a lack in analytic approaches that consider genders beyond the binary categories of man and woman, additional social identities (race, religion, social capital and disability) and an intersectionality lens examining the interconnection of multiple social identities in understanding discrimination and disadvantage. All of these are necessary to tailor strategies that promote gender equity. Trial registration number: Open Science Framework: https://osf.io/8wk7e/

    Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: development of concensus referral criteria for specialist diagnostic assessment in Australia

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    Background: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is known to be under-recognised in Australia. The use of standard methods to identify when to refer individuals who may have FASD for specialist assessment could help improve the identification of this disorder. The purpose of this study was to develop referral criteria for use in Australia. Method: An online survey about FASD screening and diagnosis in Australia, which included 23 statements describing criteria for referral for fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and FASD based on published recommendations for referral in North America, was sent to 139 health professionals who had expertise or involvement in FASD screening or diagnosis. Survey findings and published criteria for referral were subsequently reviewed by a panel of 14 investigators at a consensus development workshop where criteria for referral were developed.Results: Among the 139 health professionals who were sent the survey, 103 (74%) responded, and 90 (65%) responded to the statements on criteria for referral. Over 80% of respondents agreed that referral for specialist evaluation should occur when there is evidence of significant prenatal alcohol exposure, defined as 7 or more standard drinks per week and at least 3 standard drinks on any one day, and more than 70% agreed with 13 of the16 statements that described criteria for referral other than prenatal alcohol exposure. Workshop participants recommended five independent criteria for referral: confirmed significant prenatal alcohol exposure; microcephaly and confirmed prenatal alcohol exposure; 2 or more significant central nervous system (CNS) abnormalities and confirmed prenatal alcohol exposure; 3 characteristic FAS facial anomalies; and 1 characteristic FAS facial anomaly, growth deficit and 1 or more CNS abnormalities .Conclusion: Referral criteria recommended for use in Australia are similar to those recommended in North America. There is a need to develop resources to raise awareness of these criteria among health professionals and evaluate their feasibility, acceptability and capacity to improve the identification of FASD in Australia
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