11 research outputs found


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    Summary. The programing documents of the European Union determine the direction of transport systems development, including large cities and agglomerations. The context of these actions which aim to transform into ecologically clean and sustainable transport system is a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Assuming that public transport will significantly reduce the use of combustion-powered buses, studies on urban logistic enabling the use of electric buses for public transport are needed. The article presents the variants and scenarios for electric buses implementation in urban public transport, as well as the decision algorithm to support electric bus implementation based on technological, organisational, economic and ecological variables

    Applying Experts Methods in the Selection Procedures of Foresight Development Programs

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    Foresight method is gaining support around the world as a powerful tool that creates common views on future development strategies. It is characterized by a unique feature, which is the maximum participation of stakeholders and experts. The paper presents examples of the results of research carried out based upon the expert methods of foresight procedures. Special attention was paid to different methods of identification and involvement of experts in implementing the projects. The methodology of foresight projects was brought closer, with particular emphasis on those methods which are based on expert knowledge - such as the Delphi technique, panel discussion, brainstorming, STEEP and SWOT analysis methods, public consultation and the scenarios formulation. The result of foresight exploration based on knowledge of experts is the formation of a wide vision of the future development of economy and technology, which helps to make decisions on an effective, long-term strategy of the government, enterprises and scientific institutions

    A New Culture of Mobility as the Direction of the Development of Urban and Regional Transport in Silesia Region

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    Cities and agglomerations of Silesia region are considered key importance areas for economic growth, innovation and creation of new, more efficient jobs. Thus, a variety of activities aimed at improving transport in the cities and in the region, are of particular importance. One of the possible ways to improve the current urban and regional transport is the use of a new culture of mobility in functioning and development of the transport systems. A new culture of mobility in the quest for better and ecological transport in cities, agglomerations and the region includes all the essential components of their transport systems. It also allows for balancing social, economic and environmental objectives

    Selected aspects of the methodology of a household interview survey on an urban agglomeration scale with regard to its services

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    The article presents the essential issues and algorithm of the methodology of a four-step transportation model, which was constructed in order to carrying out a household interview survey. The results of this research are source data for determining the travel behaviour of the users of transportation systems, including intelligent transport systems (ITS). The presented issues regarding the survey methodology also concern the specifics of the study area, an urban agglomeration area. The examples particularly relate to an urban agglomeration with the nature of a conurbation, namely, the Upper Silesian Agglomeration in Poland

    The role of stakeholders in the process of designing the concept of metropolitan railway system on the example of Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska metropolitan area

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    W artykule opisano rolę, jaką odgrywają interesariusze w procesie projektowania współczesnych systemów transportowych. Dotyczy to w szczególności projektów, których celem jest rozwój funkcjonujących już rozwiązań bądź nowo projektowanych struktur. Niezależnie od tego, czy realizowane są projekty rozwojowe czy też nowe, nie należy zapominać o roli interesariuszy w tym procesie, gdyż współczesne systemy transportowe to struktury złożone, składające się niejednokrotnie z wielu podsystemów o różnych technologiach transportowych. W takiej sytuacji nieuniknione staje się wykorzystanie podejścia systemowego w procesie projektowania, wymagającego uwzględnienia jak największej liczby czynników mogących mieć wpływ na końcowy produkt. Właśnie w tym procesie kluczowe staje się uwzględnienie roli interesariuszy, ponieważ umiejętne zidentyfikowanie ich aspiracji przekłada się na wymagania, które stawiane są w odniesieniu do proponowanych rozwiązań w projekcie. Omawianą problematykę przedstawiono w artykule na przykładzie projektowania koncepcji kolei metropolitalnej w Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowskiej Metropolii.The article presents the role of stakeholders in the process of designing contemporary transport systems. That applies particularly to projects focused on development of solutions which are already in operation or newly-designed structures. Regardless of what type of project is implemented (development project or new project) it is necessary to remember about the role of stakeholders in that process because contemporary transport systems are complex structures which often consist of many subsystems with different transport technologies. In that case it becomes inevitable to make use of systemic approach to the process of designing, which requires taking into account many different factors which may have an influence on the final product. In this process it becomes essential to include the role of stakeholders because identification of their aspirations translates on demands which are made in the context of proposed solutions in the project. These aspects have been presented in the article on the example of the concept of metropolitan railway systems in Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolitan Area

    Varianting of the concept of metropolitan railway system in Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolisunder conditions of building it using methods of systems engineering

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    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienie wariantowania rozwiązań w projekcie koncepcji systemu kolei metropolitalnej (KM) na obszarze Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowskiej Metropolii (GZM). W pracach wykorzystano zasady inżynierii systemów, której podstawy w transporcie omówiono w artykule. Wskazano przypadki wariantowania mające alokację w procesie tworzenia koncepcji KM. Przedstawiono przyjęty sposób wariantowania na etapach konstruowania projektów wysokiego poziomu i szczegółowego jako przykładowych obszarów wariantowania. Rezultatem prac projektowych są warianty koncepcji systemu kolei metropolitalnej na obszarze GZM, dla których przygotowuje się projekty wysokiego poziomu i szczegółowy. Ustalono również koncepcje wymagające odrębnych zadań projektowych. Otrzymane wyniki stwarzają możliwość zbudowania dostosowanego do obecnych i przyszłych potrzeb i wymagań nowoczesnego systemu przewozów na obszarze GZM.The article presents the topic of varianting solutions of the concept of metropolitan railway system in the Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolis. Principles of systems engineering have been used in that project, therefore fundamentals of using systems engineering in transportation have been presented. Cases of varianting being allocated in the process of building the concept of MRS (metropolitan railway system) have been presented. A method of varianting at particular stages of building projects of high level and detailed project has been presented as an example of area of varianting. The results of the project are variants of the concept of metropolitan railway system in the area of analysis, for which project of high level and detailed project should be prepared. Concepts which require other project tasks have been also indicated. Varianting of the concept of metropolitan railway system creates conditions for using (in stages) of modern solutions and better exploitation of already existing resources. Results create a possibility of building a modern system of transportation in the Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolis, adapted to current and future needs

    Applying Experts Methods in the Selection Procedures of Foresight Development Programs

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    Foresight method is gaining support around the world as a powerful tool that creates common views on future development strategies. It is characterized by a unique feature, which is the maximum participation of stakeholders and experts. The paper presents examples of the results of research carried out based upon the expert methods of foresight procedures. Special attention was paid to different methods of identification and involvement of experts in implementing the projects. The methodology of foresight projects was brought closer, with particular emphasis on those methods which are based on expert knowledge - such as the Delphi technique, panel discussion, brainstorming, STEEP and SWOT analysis methods, public consultation and the scenarios formulation. The result of foresight exploration based on knowledge of experts is the formation of a wide vision of the future development of economy and technology, which helps to make decisions on an effective, long-term strategy of the government, enterprises and scientific institutions. Key words: experts knowledge, foresight

    Characteristics of selected issues of systems engineering on the example of development of the concept of Metropolitan Railway system in GZM

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    W artykule przedstawiono wybrane, kluczowe zagadnienia inżynierii systemów oraz modelu V na przykładzie tworzenia projektu systemu Kolei Metropolitalnej (KM) dla obszaru Górnośląsko- Zagłębiowskiej Metropolii (GZM). Uwzględniono etapy dotyczące metodologii projektowania koncepcji Kolei Metropolitalnej (M-K-KM) oraz konstrukcji koncepcji Kolei Metropolitalnej (K-KM). Omówiono m.in. założenia systemowe metodologii tworzenia koncepcji systemu oraz zastosowanie modelu V jako narzędzia inżynierii systemów. Zaprezentowano ogólne wytyczne dla projektów wysokiego poziomu i szczegółowej koncepcji systemu KM.The article presents selected key issues of system engineering and model V on the example of the development of the Metropolitan Railway system (KM) project for the Upper Silesian Metropolis area. The stages of systems engineering concerning the methodology of designing the concept of the Metropolitan Railway (M-K-KM) and the construction of the concept of the Metropolitan Railway (K-KM) were included into presentation. Different system assumptions of the methodology for creating the system concept and the use of the V model as a system engineering tool have been discussed. General guidelines for high-level projects and the detailed concept of the KM system were presented