705 research outputs found

    Promoção da igualdade racial no ensino superior : um estudo qualitativo sobre o sistema de cotas raciais na Universidade de Brasília de 2004 a 2017

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)–Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Serviço Social, 2019.Este trabalho discorre acerca dos motivos pelos quais se faz pertinente o uso de uma política focalizada na população negra, o significado dessa política e seus resultados com foco na UnB no período de 2004 a 2017. No caso, essa política é representada pelo sistema de cotas raciais. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica a configuração desse sistema na UnB. Portanto, a metodologia se constituiu, sobretudo, de uma análise de algumas produções bibliográficas sobre o assunto. Para essa revisão, buscou-se conteúdos relacionados sobre o assunto em monografias, bem como dissertações e teses elaboradas pela comunidade acadêmica. Os dados sobre monografias se encontram na Biblioteca Digital da Produção Intelectual Discente da UnB e as informações pesquisadas sobre teses e dissertações estão presentes no Repositório Institucional dessa mesma universidade. Além de trabalhos dessa base de dados eletrônicos, usou-se artigos da base eletrônica Scielo. Como principal resultado, constatou-se que o sistema de cotas raciais alterou significativamente o perfil do corpo discente da UnB. Apesar de ainda não estar equiparado o percentual de estudantes brancos e negros no ensino superior, o número de matrículas anuais desses últimos é progressivo. No entanto, a universidade ainda carece, ao que tudo indica, de um acompanhamento rigoroso em relação ao perfil desses estudantes, e, dessa forma, dificulta uma análise mais ampla dessa política inclusiva.This paper discusses the reasons why it is pertinent to use a policy focused on the black population, the meaning of this policy and its results focused on the UnB in the period from 2004 to 2017. In this case, this policy is represented by the quota system racial relations. The objective of this work is to investigate through bibliographic research the configuration of this system in UnB. Therefore, the methodology consisted mainly of an analysis of some bibliographic productions on the subject. For this review, we searched for related contents on the subject in monographs, as well as dissertations and theses elaborated by the academic community. The data on monographs are in the Digital Library of the Intellectual Production Discente of the UnB and the information researched on theses and dissertations are present in the Institutional Repository of that same university. In addition to the works of this electronic database, we used articles from the electronic database Scielo. As a main result, it was verified that the system of racial quotas significantly altered the profile of the student body of the UnB. Although the percentage of black and white students in higher education is not yet equal, the number of students enrolled in higher education is progressive. However, the university still lacks, strictly speaking, strict monitoring of the profile of these students, and, in this way, makes it difficult to analyze this inclusive policy more broadl

    The antimony of the health care humanization proposal

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    Este ensaio busca contribuir para a (re)formulação de uma linha teórica de análise da humanização do cuidado em saúde, a partir de uma abordagem marxiana. Para tanto, dialogamos com parte da produção científica brasileira, quando constatamos a predominância de uma tendência que centra a estratégia de humanização sobre uma perspectiva subjetiva-relacional, especialmente explícita na Política Nacional de Humanização da Atenção e Gestão no Sistema Único de Saúde. Embora reconheçamos a importância dessa estratégia, apontamos seus limites, ao problematizar o que seja humanização em Marx e, por consequência, demonstrando a estrutura originária do processo de desumanização. Feito isso, esclarecemos que, considerando quais sejam as bases da desumanização, seu enfrentamento deve ir além da esfera subjetiva-relacional, no sentido de atingir a dimensão coletiva da luta de classes, contra o capital. Trata-se de articular a luta particular contra os efeitos desumanizadores do capital na saúde com a luta mais geral, contra o capital nas suas linhas mais fundamentais.This essay seeks to contribute to the (re) formulation of a theoretical framework to analyze the humanization of health care, from a Marxian approach. For such, we dialogued with part of the Brazilian scientific production, in which we find the predominance of a trend that focuses on a humanization strategy from a subjective relational perspective, especially clear in the Política Nacional de Humanização da Atenção e Gestão no Sistema Único de Saúde (Brazilian Humanization Policy of Care and Administration in the Unified Health System). Although we acknowledge the importance of this strategy, we point its limits when discussing the concept of humanization from Marx, consequently, demonstrating the structure that creates the dehumanization process. We clarify that, considering the foundations of dehumanization, fighting against it must go beyond the subjective relational sphere, moving towards achieving the collective dimension of the class struggle against the capital. This process consists of articulating the particular struggle against the dehumanizing effects of the capital in health, with the general struggle against the capital in its most fundamental aspects

    Fatores associados aos problemas de sono e ao uso de medicação para dormir em brasileiros

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    OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalence of sleep problems and sleeping pill use and associated factors in the Brazilian population. METHODS This study was conducted with data from the 2019 Brazilian National Health Survey. Our sample consisted of 94,114 participants and the outcomes analyzed were sleep problems and sleeping pill use. Sociodemographic, lifestyle, and health characteristics were explored in a descriptive and multivariate analysis with Poisson regression, robust variance, and 5% significance. RESULTS We found a 35.1% (95%CI: 34.5–35.7) and 8.5% (95%CI: 8.2–8.9) prevalence of sleep problems and sleeping pill use, respectively. Sleep problems were associated with women (PR = 1.41; 95%CI: 1.36–1.46), individuals who self-assess their health as regular/poor/very poor (PR = 1.56; 95%CI: 1.51–1.62), those with chronic diseases (PR = 1.70; 95%CI: 1.64–1.78), those who use alcohol excessively (PR = 1.14; 95%CI: 1.09–1.20), and smokers (PR = 1.16; 95%CI: 1.10–1.22). Sleeping pill use was associated with women (PR = 1.57; 95%CI: 1.43–1.73), divorcees (PR = 1.46; 95%CI: 1.30–1.65), urban denizens (PR = 1.32; 95%CI: 1.21–1.45) those who self-assess their health as regular/poor/very poor (PR = 1.79; 95%CI: 1.64–1.95), those with chronic diseases (PR = 4.07; 95%CI: 3.48–4.77), and smokers (PR = 1.49; IC95%: 1.33–1.67). CONCLUSION This study found that the prevalence of sleep problems and sleeping pill use in Brazilians indicates the need for attention and sleep care for this population, especially in women and those with lifestyle and health conditions associated with the analyzed outcomes.OBJETIVO Estimar a prevalência e fatores associados a problemas de sono e uso de medicamentos para dormir na população brasileira. MÉTODOS Estudo executado com os dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde realizada no Brasil, nos anos de 2019 e 2020. A amostra foi composta por 94.114 participantes e os desfechos analisados foram problemas de sono e uso de medicamentos para dormir. Aspectos sociodemográficos, de estilo de vida e condições de saúde foram explorados em uma análise descritiva e multivariada, utilizando a regressão de Poisson com variância robusta, considerando nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS As prevalências de problemas de sono e uso de medicamentos indutores do sono foram de 35,1% (IC95% 34,5–35,7) e 8,5% (IC95% 8,2–8,9), respectivamente. Os problemas de sono foram associados ao sexo feminino (RP = 1,41; IC95% 1,36–1,46), aos indivíduos que autoavaliam a saúde como regular/ruim/muito ruim (RP = 1,56; IC95% 1,51–1,62), aos que possuem alguma doença crônica (RP = 1,70; IC95% 1,64–1,78), aos que fazem uso excessivo de álcool (RP = 1,14; IC95% 1,09–1,20) e aos fumantes (RP = 1,16; IC95% 1,10–1,22). O uso de medicamentos para dormir foi associado ao sexo feminino (RP = 1,57; IC95% 1,43–1,73), a indivíduos divorciados (RP = 1,46; IC95% 1,30–1,65), aos que vivem no meio urbano (RP = 1,32; IC95% 1,21–1,45), que autoavaliam sua saúde como regular/ruim/muito ruim (RP = 1,79; IC95% 1,64–1,95), com diagnóstico de doença crônica (RP = 4,07; IC95% 3,48–4,77) e aos fumantes (RP = 1,49; IC95% 1,33–1,67). CONCLUSÃO As prevalências de problemas de sono e uso de medicamentos para dormir na população brasileira observadas neste estudo indicam a necessidade de atenção e cuidado com o sono dessa população, principalmente nas mulheres e aqueles que apresentam estilo de vida e condições de saúde que se associaram aos desfechos

    Thermal and cardiorespiratory newborn adaptations during hot tub bath

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    Objective: To evaluate thermal and cardiorespiratory adaptation during hot tub bath and shower in healthy newborns in the first hours of life. Study design: This is a randomized blind controlled trial, registered in ReBEC (No. RBR-4z26f3) with 184 newborns divided into hot tub group (n=84) and shower (n=100). Newborns from intervention group were immersed in a hot tub with warm water up to the neck, without exposure to air flow, and control group received traditional shower. Heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature were measured before and immediately after bath by an investigator blinded to the type of bath. Results: Groups were similar in gender, gestational age, birth weight, Apgar score at 5th minute and hours of life, p => 0.05. To analyze thermal and cardiorespiratory adjustments, difference between post-bath variables and pre-bath was calculated. In this analysis, it was found statistically significant difference between two types of bath regarding heart rate, respiratory rate and temperature. Hot tub bath decreases heart and respiratory rates and increases temperature, whereas shower provides the opposite effect (0.0001). Conclusion: This study demonstrates that hot tub baths and shower, in healthy newborns, promote thermal and cardiorespiratory adaptations, reflecting thermal, cardiac and respiratory positive reactions after hot tub bath


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    Introduction: Previous studies have shown music therapy as a way to improve the clinical status of premature infants, improving vital signs and decreasing crying episodes. Objective: Compare the effects of music on vital signs of premature infants undergoing respiratory physiotherapy. Methods: We performed a randomized clinical trial consisting of 26 premature infants, divided into control group (N=12) and study group (N=14), carried out in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. All newborn infants undergone standard practice physiotherapy for 15 minutes: vibration and aspiration. On the study group they were exposed to classical music three minutes before the standard physiotherapy, and finished three minutes after the end of these procedures. A recorder was placed inside the incubator with an intensity of 25 decibels. Measurements of heart and respiratory rate and oxygen saturation were measured before, during and after each sessions of respiratory physiotherapy for two groups. Results: When comparing control and study groups regarding heart rate frequency and oxygen saturation, there was no statistically significant difference, but the inclusion of music determined clinically the variability of these data and 30% of the variation in respiratory rate was due to the inclusion of music during and after the physiotherapy, and the neonatal noninvasive ventilation showed less variation in their respiratory rate when compared to the neonatal on oxygen therapy. Conclusion: The results have showed a beneficial effect of music, showing lower respiratory rate in newborn infants during and after respiratory physiotherapy procedure

    Self-Nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System (SNEDDS) Using Lipophilic Extract of Viscum album subsp. austriacum (Wiesb.) Vollm.

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Natural products are potential sources of anticancer components. Among various species, the lipophilic extract of the Viscum album subsp. austriacum (Wiesb.) Vollm. (VALE) has shown promising therapeutic potential. The present work aimed to qualify the plant source and characterize the extract's chemical profile. In addition, a self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS) containing VALE (SNEDDS-VALE) was developed. METHODS V. album subsp. austriacum histochemistry was performed, and the chemical profile of VALE was analyzed by GC-MS. After the SNEEDS-VALE development, its morphology was visualized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), while its stability was evaluated by the average droplet size, polydispersity index (PdI) and pH. Lastly, SNEDDS-VALE chemical stability was evaluated by LC-DAD-MS. RESULTS The histochemical analysis showed the presence of lipophilic compounds in the leaves and stems. The major compound in the VALE was oleanolic acid, followed by lupeol acetate and ursolic acid. SNEDDS was composed of medium chain triglyceride and Kolliphor® RH 40 (PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil). A homogeneous, isotropic and stable nanoemulsion was obtained, with an average size of 36.87 ± 1.04 nm and PdI of 0.14 ± 0.02, for 14 weeks. CONCLUSION This is the first histochemistry analysis of V. album subsp. austriacum growing on Pinus sylvestris L. which provided detailed information regarding its lipophilic compounds. A homogeneous, isotropic and stable SNEDDS-VALE was obtained to improve the low water solubility of VALE. Further, in vitro and in vivo experiments should be performed, in order to evaluate the antitumoral potential of SNEDDS-VALE

    Geographic Tongue and Fissured Tongue in 348 Patients with Psoriasis: Correlation with Disease Severity

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    Geographic tongue (GT) and fissured tongue (FT) are the more frequent oral lesions in patients with psoriasis. The aims of this study were to compare the prevalence of GT/FT between psoriasis group (PG) and healthy controls (HC) and investigate the correlation between GT/FT and psoriasis severity using the PASI and age of psoriasis onset. Three hundred and forty-eight PG and 348 HC were selected. According to the age of psoriasis onset, the individuals were classified as having early psoriasis and late psoriasis. The severity of vulgaris psoriasis was determined according to PASI. A follow-up was conducted in patients with psoriasis vulgaris (PV) with GT to evaluate the progression of oral and cutaneous lesions. The FT and GT were more frequent in PG than in HC. The incidence of GT was higher in patients with early psoriasis and that of FT in late-psoriasis. There is association between psoriasis intensity and GT; and a higher monthly decrease of PASI score in patients without GT. The presence of GT and FT is higher in PG than in the HC. GT is associated with disease severity and may be a marker of the psoriasis severity
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