65 research outputs found

    Product modularity: Conceptualization, measurement, and consequences

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    Customized products help firms creating differentiated value for consumers in highly competitive markets. Modular product designs enable firms to fulfill market requirements for customization while balancing profitability targets. In modular product design, larger systems are broken down into independent sub-components, while the functionality of the entire system is preserved. While product modularity has received great attention from the literature in production and process optimization, research on consumer perceptions of modular products is still in its infancy. The present study develops a two-dimensional scale for product modularity as a basis for an online consumer survey, assessing their perceptions of modular product designs and potential effects of product modularity on product adoption intention. Particular value of this study lies in the application of a consumer research vantage point in the literature field of modular product design

    Wenn Kunden bewertet werden - Eine empirische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Kundenbewertungen in PlattformmÀrkten

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    Plattformbasierte GeschÀftsmodelle setzen zur Verringerung von Risiken und Unsicherheiten zwischen Kunden und Dienstleistern vermehrt zweiseitige Bewertungssysteme ein. - In diesen zweiseitigen Bewertungssystemen bewerten nicht nur Kunden die Dienstleistenden, sondern auch Kunden erhalten von Dienstleistenden Kundenbewertungen zu ihrem Verhalten in einer Transaktion. - Aufgrund der hohen Relevanz von Plattformen in der digitalen Wirtschaft ist es wichtig, die Reaktionen von Kunden auf diese Kundenbewertungen zu untersuchen, und die Auswirkungen der Bewertungen auf die Beziehungen innerhalb von PlattformmÀrkten zu erforschen

    Die Fehler von KĂŒnstlicher Intelligenz und deren Auswirkungen auf den Kunden

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    KĂŒnstliche Intelligenz (KI) findet im Marketing bereits vielfĂ€ltige Anwendung - zum Beispiel in Form von Chatbots oder digitalen Sprachassistenten im Kundenservice. Obwohl sich die LeistungsfĂ€higkeit von KI in diesen Anwendungen stetig verbessert, kommt es in der Praxis hĂ€ufig zu Fehlern. Hierbei kann zwischen technischen Fehlern (algorithmische/technische MĂ€ngel oder Fehlfunktionen) und sozialen Fehlern (sozial inakzeptable BrĂŒche mit gesellschaftlichen Normen, z.B. Diskriminierung in Social Media-Kampagnen) unterschieden werden. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht Kundenreaktionen auf fehlerhafte KI und erforscht, ob Unternehmen durch Implementierung von eXplainable AI (XAI; ein Ansatz, der es Nutzern erlaubt nachzuvollziehen, wie die KI zu Ergebnissen kommt) negativen Folgen von fehlerhafter KI auf Kunden entgegenwirken kann

    Inverting the global innovation-flow paradigm : a multi-method study of innovation in a global market context

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    The present dissertation provides two explorative studies (Studies 1 and 2), which add to the understanding of BOP innovation capability and reverse innovation, as well as one quantitative scale development study (Study 3), which develops a comprehensive conceptualization and operationalization of product frugality

    Inverting the global innovation-flow paradigm : a multi-method study of innovation in a global market context

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    The present dissertation provides two explorative studies (Studies 1 and 2), which add to the understanding of BOP innovation capability and reverse innovation, as well as one quantitative scale development study (Study 3), which develops a comprehensive conceptualization and operationalization of product frugality

    How are we actually doing? Performance assessment of BOP innovation projects

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    Exploring heterogeneity in the BOP consumer market

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    Firms are increasingly interested in unlocking untapped market potential at bottom-of-the-pyramid (BOP) consumer markets. While early research has treated the BOP as one homogeneous market segment, recent literature calls for a differentiated exploration of the BOP and for the development of appropriate segmentation approaches. This study follows these calls and explores the heterogeneity of the BOP market on the basis of data from in-depth interviews with 67 BOP consumers in South Africa and India. The authors apply a combination of quantitative cluster analysis and qualitative content analysis to segment study participants into four groups: Family-Oriented Workers, Illiterate Price-Sensitives, Young Performers, and Female Traditionalists. The study provides an improved understanding of the variables that distinguish individual BOP consumer segments and shows that respective segments also differ with regard to their purchasing behavior. Practitioners can use these insights to develop offerings that are better adapted to the needs of individual segments

    Someone Out There? A Study on the Social Presence of Anthropomorphized Chatbots

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    Companies are increasingly employing text-based chatbots as a time and cost-efficient way to interact with customers. While companies begin to explore anthropomorphic chatbot designs by imbuing chatbots with human-like characteristics, the effectiveness of chatbot anthropomorphism remains unclear. We conducted three experiments to assess the effectiveness of chatbot anthropomorphism in customer–chatbot interactions. By equipping chatbots with human-like linguistic cues, we evoke different levels of chatbot anthropomorphism. Our results show significant positive effects of chatbot anthropomorphism on trust, purchase intention, word of mouth, and satisfaction with the shopping experience. More importantly, we identify social presence as the underlying mediating mechanism of these effects. These effects are robust and not contingent on different shopping contexts distinguished by hedonic versus utilitarian shopping motivations or the disclosure of (non-)sensitive information by customers. The present research derives managerial implications for companies that seek to effectively employ chatbots in customer interactions. Further, this study advances research on customers’ reactions towards anthropomorphized chatbots and demonstrates that social presence is a critical driver of successful customer-chatbot interactions

    Das Branding von Produkten fĂŒr ‚Bottom of the Pyramid‘ Kunden

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    Trotz des relativ geringen verfĂŒgbaren Einkommens sind Bottom of the Economic Pyramid Kunden (BOP) anspruchsvoll und markenbewusst. Im BOP spielen Marken vor allem bei Elektro-und HaushaltsgerĂ€ten eine sehr wichtige Rolle, da sie als Signal fĂŒr QualitĂ€t, Historie, Reputation, und eine lange Lebensdauer wahrgenommen werden. Bei der Entwicklung von Markenzeichen fĂŒr Produkte im BOP Segment mĂŒssen Unternehmen sich auf visuelle Aspekte, helle Farben und wenig Text konzentrieren

    Antecedents and consequences of leveraging customer complaints in new product development

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    Open innovation research shows the value of integrating customers in new product develop-ment. This research largely focuses on lead users, but little attention has been devoted to com-plaining customers. To address this gap, we explore antecedents and effects of customer com-plaint integration in new product development. Applying the knowledge-based view, this study investigates the influence of company structure on the extent of customer complaint integration and, ultimately, new product success. We posit that a company’s error manage-ment culture moderates the relationship between structure and customer complaint integration. We conduct a dual informant survey, targeting customer service managers and R&D manag-ers. This study adds to the field of open innovation by focusing on the neglected group of complainants to provide important implications for managers seeking to leverage the innova-tive potential of customer complaints
