16 research outputs found

    Tutorial applications for Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification using VECMA toolkit

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    The VECMA toolkit enables automated Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) for complex applications that can be deployed on emerging exascale platforms and provides support for software applications for any domain of interest. The toolkit has four main components including EasyVVUQ for VVUQ workflows, FabSim3 for automation and tool integration, MUSCLE3 for coupling multiscale models and QCG tools to execute application workflows on high performance computing (HPC). A more recent addition to the VECMAtk is EasySurrogate for various types of surrogate methods. In this paper, we present five tutorials from different application domains that apply these VECMAtk components to perform uncertainty quantification analysis, use surrogate models, couple multiscale models and execute sensitivity analysis on HPC. This paper aims to provide hands-on experience for practitioners aiming to test and contrast with their own applications

    EasyVVUQ: A library for verification, validation and uncertainty quantification in high performance computing

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    EasyVVUQ is an open source Python library (https://github.com/UCL-CCS/EasyVVUQ) designed to facilitate verification, validation and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) for a wide variety of simulations. The goal of EasyVVUQ is to make it as easy as possible to implement advanced VVUQ techniques for existing application codes or workflows. Our aim is to expose these features in an accessible way for users of scientific software, in particular for simulation codes running on high performance computers

    Patterns for High Performance Multiscale Computing

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    We describe our Multiscale Computing Patterns software for High Performance Multiscale Computing. Following a short review of Multiscale Computing Patterns, this paper introduces the Multiscale Computing Patterns Software, which consists of description, optimisation and execution components. First, the description component translates the task graph, representing a multiscale simulation, to a particular type of multiscale computing pattern. Second, the optimisation component selects and applies algorithms to find the most suitable mapping between submodels and available HPC resources. Third, the execution component which a middleware layer maps submodels to the number and type of physical resources based on the suggestions emanating from the optimisation part together with infrastructure-specific metrics such as queueing time and resource availability. The main purpose of the Multiscale Computing Patterns software is to leverage the Multiscale Computing Patterns to simplify and automate the execution of complex multiscale simulations on high performance computers, and to provide both application-specific and pattern-specific performance optimisation. We test the performance and the resource usage for three multiscale models, which are expressed in terms of two Multiscale Computing Patterns. In doing so, we demonstrate how the software automates resource selection and load balancing, and delivers performance benefits from both the end-user and the HPC system level perspectives

    Tutorial applications for Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification using VECMA toolkit

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    The VECMA toolkit enables automated Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification (VVUQ) for complex applications that can be deployed on emerging exascale platforms and provides support for software applications for any domain of interest. The toolkit has four main components including EasyVVUQ for VVUQ workflows, FabSim3 for automation and tool integration, MUSCLE3 for coupling multiscale models and QCG tools to execute application workflows on high performance computing (HPC). A more recent addition to the VECMAtk is EasySurrogate for various types of surrogate methods. In this paper, we present five tutorials from different application domains that apply these VECMAtk components to perform uncertainty quantification analysis, use surrogate models, couple multiscale models and execute sensitivity analysis on HPC. This paper aims to provide hands-on experience for practitioners aiming to test and contrast with their own applications


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    Python 3 library to facilitate verification, validation and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) for a wide variety of simulations

    VECMA toolkit for VVUQ

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    The VECMAtk establishes a platform for verification, validation and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ). The goal is to provide tools that can be combined to capture complex scenarios, applied to applications in disparate domains, and used to run multiscale simulations on any desktop, cluster or supercomputing platform