30 research outputs found

    Karakteristik antropometrik anak umur 7-12 tahun di dataran tinggi dan dataran rendah (kajian adptasi pada masa pertumbuhan di Kecamatan Samigaluh dan Galur Kabupaten Kulon Progo Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)

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    Janatin Hastuti â Anthropometric characteristics of children 7 to 12 years old in high altitude and low altitude, a study of growth adaptation in Samigaluh and Galur Districs, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Province Background: Age of 7-12 years is an important periode for children\u27s growth and development. Some factors affect growth process i.e. internal, external and enviromental factors. Some studies show that high altitude has effects on anthropometric characteristics of children which are reflected on the difference of growth patterns. Objective: The aims of this research were to know the differences of anthropometric characteristics between children living in high altitude and low altitude, and to know the effect of different altitude environtment on the anthropometric characteristics of children. Methods: Investigation was done on 565 children of 7-12 years old, boys and girls, which consisted of 255 children living in Samigaluh (high altitude) and 310 children living in Galur (low altitude). These two districts are located in Kulon Progo Regency in Yogyakarta Province. The anthropometric characteristics of the subjects were the measurements of weight, stature, biacromiale breadth, chest breadth, chest depth, bicristal breadth, upper arm circumference, chest circumference, sum of 4 skinfold thickness (triceps, infrascapular, suprailiac and calf skinfold) and sitting height. Many indices were calculated, i.e. Livi index, trunk height index, acromial index, chest index, bicristal index, acromiocristalis index, chest circumference index and skelic index. Statistical analysis of three ways anova and t-test were performed on the data. Mann-Witney test was conducted to reveal the difference of distribution among the indices category. Results: The results chest breadth, chest depth and sum of 4 skinfold thickness differed significantly between boys and girls of 7-12 years old in each district but there were no differences between children of Samigaluh and Galur. There were significant differences in the measurements of chest depth and chest index between 7-12 years old boys and girls of Samigaluh and Galur. Conclusions: The anthropometric characteristics of children living in different altitude differed in the measurements of chest depth and chest index. Key words: anthropometric characteristics - high altitude - low altitude - growt

    Physical status and motor performance of junior high school children age of 12-15 years in rural and urban Bantul Yogyakarta

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    Background: Physical status and motor performance are influenced by living conditions. Those parametersare believed as factors indicated socioeconomics level of a population which effect on the children growth.Growth is also affected by other factors such as nutrition, genetics, hormone, disease, physical activity,environmental stress, and lifestyle. During growth, children adapt to their environment to achieve optimalfunctional efficiency.Objective: The aim of this research is to investigate physical status and motor performance of junior highschool children age of 12-15 years in Bantul Regency Yogyakarta Province, whether it is differ betweenrural and urban and between boys and girls.Methods: The research was done on 481 junior high school students of 12-15 years old, boys and girls,which consisted of 247 children living in District of Kretek (rural area) and 234 children living in Districtof Bantul (urban area). All subjects were measured on weight, height, upper arm girth, and skinfoldthickness of triceps. Physical status was determined from height, weight, body mass index, and musclearea of upper arm. Motor performance was measured on grip strength (left and right), jumping (standinglong jump method), throwing, and running tasks. Statistical analyses of chi-square, Pearson correlation,and linear regression were performed on data of physical status and motor performance of the children.Results: The results indicate that boys in both areas up to 14 years were lighter than the girls, but heavierat age of 15. However, boys were taller than the girls in all ages instead of rural boys at age of 12-13years. Body mass index and muscle area of upper arm of girls in both areas were greater than of boysexcept urban boys at age of 15 years. Boys appeared better in all motor performance tasks than the girlsas well as in motor performance relative to weight and height. Differences between rural and urban showthat urban children were taller and heavier than those were in rural. Body mass index and muscle area ofupper arms were greater in urban children. Children in urban area were also stronger in grip strength (leftand right). However, rural children were farther in jumping and throwing, and faster in running task..Conclusions: In conclusions, urban children were better in physical status and grips strength, while ruralchildren were better in jumping, throwing, and running performances. Instead of grips strength, motorperformances relative to weight and height of rural children were better than those of urban. Boys havebetter motor performance and motor performance relative to weight and height than girls.Key words: physical status; motor performance; rural and urban children

    Dimorfisme seksual pelvimetri anak pada masa sirkum puberal: Studi pada anak di Kecamatan Imogiri Kabupaten Bantul Propinsi D.I. Yogyakarta

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    ABSTRACT Janatin Hastuti - Sexual dimorphism of pelvimetry in children at the circum puberal age: A study of children in lmogiri District Bantu! Regency Yogyakarta Special Provinc Background: Age of circum puberal is important because during this period primary and secondary sexual characteristics are developing. Morphological sexual differentiations of boys and girls during this period cause sexual dimorphism, i.e. anatomical differences especially in the body measurements. One of the important variations is the measurements of pelvic (pelvimetry). Objective: The aims of this studi were to know the pelvimetric sexual dimorphism of boys and girls at the circum puberal age. Methods: Investigation was conducted on 172 children of 12 up to 15 years old which consisted of 72 boys and 100 girls who were born and lived in Imogiri District, Bantu! Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province.The samples were divided into 4 groups and were measured on height, weight, bicristal breadth, biiliospinal anterior breadth, bitrochanteric breadth, distance of lumbale-symphysion and pelvic girdle. The indices calculated are Livi\u27s index, bicristal index, bitrochanteric index, and the sexual dimorphism index of all measurements. The datas were analysed using two-ways anova, student-t analysis, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Results: The result showed that bicristal breadth, biiliospinal anterior breadth and distance of lumbalesymphysion did not indicate sexual dimorphism significantly in children in the circum puberal age, although girls at 12 and 13 years old have greater measurements than boys. Bitrochanteric breadth and pelvic girdle showed sexual dimorphism since the age of 13 years, girls had greater measurements than boys. Sexual dimorphism of pelvic shape showed by bicristal index was happened at 15 years old, girls had greater index than boys. Sexual dimorphism of hip shape showed by bitrochanteric breadth index was happened since 13 years old, girls had greater index than boys. Conclusions: It was concluded that pelvic measurements showed sexual dimorphism in children at the circum puberal age by different time and pattern. Key words: sexual dimorphism - pelvimetry - children - circum pubera

    Secular changes in body size and menarche age of Javanese adolescent in Yogyakarta

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    Neni Trilusiana Rahmawati and Janatin Hastuti - Secular changes in body size and menarche age of Javanese adolescent in Yogyakarta Background: Secular changes observed in human development are very sensitive bioindicators of social stresses, social and economic changes, as well as pollution and transformation of the natural environment. Environmental factors, such as nutritional habits, lifestyle and infectious diseases appear to be the main causes of differences in growth and maturation between ethnic and social groups. Objectives: This study was undertaken to know the secular changes in body size and menarche age of Javanese adolescent in Yogyakarta. Methods:The sample consisted of 562 Yogyakarta adolescent (300 girls and 262 boys), ranging from 11 to 18 years of age, measured in August - September 2005. For comparison, data on body size and menarche age of Yogyakarta adolescent examined in 1982 by Aswin et a/ were used. Measurements of stature and height, and menarche age were obtained for two samples of the Yogyakarta adolescent. Means and standard deviation were calculated for each measurement and for menarche age. Results: The results for stature, weight and menarche age of adolescent measured in 2005 wee greater compared with other Javanese Yogyakarta samples adolescent 23 years ago. Significant positive trends in stature, weight and menarche age were apparent between the two samples: 7.37 cm (5.1 %), 9.21 kg (26.1 %) and 16.6 months (10.6 %), respectively. Conclusions: In summary, the results show a positive secular trend in body dimensions (height and weight) and menarche age, and this can be related to improvement in living conditions in Yogyakarta, especially during t he last 23 years. Key words: secular change - anthropometric - menarche age - adolescen

    Differences in Body Composition of Children 12-15 Years Living at Highland and Lowland in Kulonprogo YOGYAKARTA

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    Background: Body composition changes during growth. From age of 12 to 15 years one of the important growth periods occurs indicated by adolescent growth spurt in the circum pubertal age. Measuring body composition of children necessary, since the different components of body composition vary with age, sex, and maturity status. Many studies showed that high altitude affects morphological and physiological characters of children which are reflected in a different growth pattern.Objective: The aim of this research was to investigate the differences of body composition of children at age of 12-15 years in Samigaluh highland and Galur lowland in Kulonprogo Regency Yogyakarta Province.Methods: The research was done on 502 children of 12-15 years old, boys and girls, consisted of 232 children living in Samigaluh highland and 270 children living in Galur lowland. The children were healthy and did not have physical and mental disorder. Some measurements were taken on the children, included weight, and stature, skin fold thickness of triceps, infrascapula, suprailiaca, abdominal, thigh, and calf. The components of body composition were then estimated from those measurements, i.e. Body Mass Index, lean body weight, total fat, and percentage of body fat. Statistical analysis by t-test and Pearson correlation were used in this research.Results: Body mass index, total fat and percentage of body fat of girls in highland and lowland populations were greater than the boys, but they were smaller on lean body mass. Girls of lowland population were greater on total fat, but they were slight smaller on body mass index except at age of 12 years. Lean body weight and percentage of body fat in girls of both populations were not different except at age of 12 years. Boys living in highland were smaller than their peers in lowland on most of body composition components except total fat.Conclusions: Estimated body composition of children of highland and lowland in Kulonprogo were different between boys and girls. In comparison to the girls, boys showed greater difference in body composition. However, by the increase of age, growth patterns of body composition components on both populations were similar, except total fat of highland boys

    Differences in Body Composition of Children 12-15 Years Living at Highland and Lowland in Kulonprogo Yogyakarta

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    Background: Body composition changes during growth. From age of 12 to 15 years one of the important growth periods occurs indicated by adolescent growth spurt in the circum pubertal age. Measuring body composition of children necessary, since the different components of body composition vary with age, sex, and maturity status. Many studies showed that high altitude affects morphological and physiological characters of children which are reflected in a different growth pattern.Objective: The aim of this research was to investigate the differences of body composition of children at age of 12-15 years in Samigaluh highland and Galur lowland in Kulonprogo Regency Yogyakarta Province.Methods: The research was done on 502 children of 12-15 years old, boys and girls, consisted of 232 children living in Samigaluh highland and 270 children living in Galur lowland. The children were healthy and did not have physical and mental disorder. Some measurements were taken on the children, included weight, and stature, skin fold thickness of triceps, infrascapula, suprailiaca, abdominal, thigh, and calf. The components of body composition were then estimated from those measurements, i.e. Body Mass Index, lean body weight, total fat, and percentage of body fat. Statistical analysis by t-test and Pearson correlation were used in this research.Results: Body mass index, total fat and percentage of body fat of girls in highland and lowland populations were greater than the boys, but they were smaller on lean body mass. Girls of lowland population were greater on total fat, but they were slight smaller on body mass index except at age of 12 years. Lean body weight and percentage of body fat in girls of both populations were not different except at age of 12 years. Boys living in highland were smaller than their peers in lowland on most of body composition components except total fat.Conclusions: Estimated body composition of children of highland and lowland in Kulonprogo were different between boys and girls. In comparison to the girls, boys showed greater difference in body composition. However, by the increase of age, growth patterns of body composition components on both populations were similar, except total fat of highland boys.Keywords: body composition, children, highland, lowlan

    Physical comparison between Rampasasa Pygmy and Yogyakarta children of Indonesia

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    ABSTRACTIn growth studies, somatotyping allows one to characterize changes in physique during growth in order to monitor growth patterns and to better understand variations in adult physique. Information on the physique of children with short stature is limited In Indonesia the study of somatotype for Pygmy children had never been done. The aims of this study were to compare the physiques of Rampasasa Pygmy and Yogyakarta children and to evaluate factors that might lead to variability in physiques. The sample consisted of 61 Rampasasa Pygmy (32 boys and 29 girls) and 319 Javanese children in Yogyakarta (173 boys and 146 girls) aged 8–13 years. Height, weight, biepicondylar breadths of the humerus and femur, calf and upper arm circumferences, and skinfolds (at triceps, subscapula, calf, and supraspine) were measured on each subject. We used somatotyped by the Heath-Carter method. The results showed that the Pygmy children were shorter, lighter, and less endomorphic than the Yogyakarta children. Our findings suggest that the observed differences between Rampasasa Pygmy and Yogyakarta children could be related mainly to environment background in the two areas

    Distorsi citra tubuh, perilaku makan, dan fad diets pada remaja putri di Yogyakarta

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    Background: Vast changing environment and culture including mass media which commonly shows models with a very slim body may cause teenage girls feel fatty and not confident despite their normal body weight. This misperception may influence eating behavior and encourage them to lose weight by involving in some instant diets, for example, fad diets.Objective: To identify relationships between body image distortion, eating behavior, and fad diets among female adolescents in Yogyakarta.Method: This study was a cross-sectional study on 123 school girls at SMAN 8 Yogyakarta who have normal body mass index (BMI) according to WHO category. Body image distortion and eating behavior were evaluated using the Body Image Assesment-Body Dimension (BIAS-BD), and the Eating Attitude Test (EAT)-26, respectively. Fad diets were assessed using a questionnaire adapted from Hana (10) and Rafiqa (11). The hypotheses were tested using chi-square test and Spearman’s correlations.Results: As many as 105 girls (85.4%) showed body image distortion and 15 girls (12.2%) were at risks for having disordered eating behavior. Among 51 girls (42.5%) who experienced or tried to lose weight, 47 girls (92.2%) were practicing fad diets. There was no significant association between body image distortion and disordered eating behavior, nor between body image distortion and fad diets. However, disordered eating behavior was significantly associated with fad diets with OR = 7,077 (p<0.05).Conclusion: There was a significant relationship (p<0.05) between disordered eating behavior and fad diets, however, no significant association was found between body image distortion and disordered eating behavior, and between body image distortion and fad diets among female adolescents in Yogyakarta