245 research outputs found

    Predicting the future: from implicit learning to consolidation

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    Sequence learning can be differentiated according to phases (rapid and slower), modalities (perceptual and motor), and whether or not it is conscious (implicit and explicit). Implicit sequence learning occurs when information is acquired from an environment of complex stimuli without conscious access either to what was learned or to the fact that learning occurred. In everyday life, this learning mechanism is crucial for adapting to the environment and for predicting events unconsciously. Implicit sequence learning underlies not only motor, but also cognitive and social skills; it is therefore an important aspect of life from infancy to old age. Moreover, this kind of learning does not occur only during practice, in the so-called online periods, but also between practice periods, during the so-called offline periods. The process that occurs during the offline periods is referred to as consolidation, which denotes the stabilization of a memory trace after the initial acquisition; this can result in increased resistance to interference or even improvement in performance following an offline period. Understanding the multiple aspects and influencing factors of consolidation can help us to reveal the nature of memory and changes in brain plasticity. Our review focuses on how consolidation varies with factors such as awareness, the length of offline periods, the type of information to be learned, and the age of participants. We highlight that consolidation is not a single process; instead, there are multiple mechanisms in the offline period, which are differently influenced by these factors

    Implicit sequence learning and working memory: correlated or complicated?

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    The relationship between implicit/incidental sequence learning and working memory motivated a series of research because it is plausible that higher working memory capacity opens a “larger window” to a sequence, allowing thereby the sequence learning process to be easier. Although the majority of studies found no relationship between implicit sequence learning and working memory capacity, in the past few years several studies have tried to demonstrate the shared or partly shared brain networks underlying these two systems. In order to help the interpretation of these and future results, in this mini-review we suggest the following factors to be taken into consideration before testing the relationship between sequence learning and working memory: 1) the explicitness of the sequence; 2) the method of measuring working memory capacity; 3) online and offline stages of sequence learning; and 4) general skill- and sequence-specific learning

    Age-dependent and coordinated shift in performance between implicit and explicit skill learning

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    It has been reported recently that while general sequence learning across ages conforms to the typical inverted-U shape pattern, with best performance in early adulthood, surprisingly, the basic ability of picking up in an implicit manner triplets that occur with high vs. low probability in the sequence is best before 12 years of age and it significantly weakens afterwards. Based on these findings, it has been hypothesized that the cognitively controlled processes coming online at around 12 are useful for more targeted explicit learning at the cost of becoming relatively less sensitive to raw probabilities of events. To test this hypothesis, we collected data in a sequence learning task using probabilistic sequences in five age groups from 11 to 39 years of age (N=288), replicating the original implicit learning paradigm in an explicit task setting where subjects were guided to find repeating sequences. We found that in contrast to the implicit results, performance with the high- vs. low-probability triplets was at the same level in all age groups when subjects sought patterns in the sequence explicitly. Importantly, measurements of explicit knowledge about the identity of the sequences revealed a significant increase in ability to explicitly access the true sequences exactly around the age where the earlier study found the significant drop in ability to learn implicitly raw probabilities. These findings support the conjecture that the gradually increasing involvement of more complex internal models optimizes our skill learning abilities by compensating for the performance loss due to down-weighting the raw probabilities of the sensory input, while expanding our ability to acquire more sophisticated skills

    A Montreal Kognitív Felmérés (MoCa) magyar nyelvű adaptálása egészséges, enyhe kognitív zavarban és demenciában szenvedő idős személyek körében

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    Az enyhe kognitív zavar (Mild Cognitive Impairment – MCI) az egészséges kognitív öregedés és a demencia közé helyezhetô állapot, melynek korai szûrése kulcsfontosságú, hiszen az esetek 10–15%-a egy éven belül komoly kognitív hanyatlásnak indul. Hazánkban mind a demencia, mind az enyhe kognitív zavar szûrésére a Mini- Mentál Teszt a legelterjedtebb mérôeljárás, amelyet sok kritika ér az érzékenységét illetôen. A Montreal Kognitív Felmérés (Montreal Cognitive Assessment – MoCA) ezt a hiányosságot igyekszik kiküszöbölni, hiszen kifejezetten az enyhe kognitív zavar detektálására készült. Vizsgálatunkban a MoCA magyar nyelvre fordított változatából származó eredményeket mutatjuk be. A depresszió kiszûrésére Beck Depresszió Kérdôívet (BDI) használtunk. A MoCA teszten az MCI-s és az egészséges személyek közti választóvonal 24 pont; a MoCA nagyobb érzékenységet mutatott az enyhe kognitív zavarra, mint a MMSE, valamint belsô konzisztenciája is erôsebb volt. A specificitás hasonló volt a két teszt esetében. A BDI teszten elért pontszámok egyik kognitív teszt eredményeivel sem álltak szignifikáns kapcsolatban. Eredményeink arra utalnak, hogy a MoCA teszt hasznos kiegészítôje lehet a demenciaszûrésnek

    Hallási mondatterjedelem teszt : a Listening Span teszt magyar nyelvű verziójának alapjai

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    A verbális munkamemória feladata a „beszédalapú" információk tárolása és frissítése. Ennek az egyik legtöbbet használt mérőeljárása a listening span teszt. Mivel az angol nyelvű változat sztenderd értékei nem érvényesek a magyar lakosságra, ezért elkészítettük a teszt magyar nyelvű verzióját, a hallási mondatterjedelem tesztet. A sztenderdizálási folyamat első lépéseként megvizsgáltuk kapcsolatát más munkamemória feladatokkal: az olvasási terjedelem teszttel, a számterjedelem teszttel, a fordított számterjedelem teszttel és az álszó ismétlési teszttel. Vizsgálatunkban korrelációt találtunk mind a négy mérőeljárással, legmagasabbat az olvasási terjedelem teszttel, amely megfelel elvárásainknak, mivel az angol nyelvű változatokban is ez a két teszt korrelált a legjobban egymással. További célkitűzéseink közt szerepel a teszt felvétele különböző korcsoportokban, a sztenderd értékek meghatározása céljából. Az általunk kidolgozott hallási mondatterjedelem teszt jól alkalmazható lesz mind az egészséges, mind a patológiás kognitív működés vizsgálatára. One of the most frequently used tasks for measuring complex verbal working memory capacity is the listening span test. Our research group developed the Hungarian version of this test. The purpose of this study was to make a comparison among reading span test, digit span test, the backward digit span test and the non-word repetition test. In our study the highest correlation was found between the listening span and the reading span test. The English versions of these tests show the same pattern. After the standardization procedure this test will be a useful method for mapping working memory capacity in Hungarian language

    How can the depressed mind extract and remember predictive relationships of the environment? evidence from implicit probabilistic sequence learning

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    A growing body of evidence suggests that emotion and cognition are fundamentally intertwined; impairments in explicit, more effortful and attention-dependent cognitive functions have widely been observed in negative mood. Here we aimed to test how negative mood affects implicit cognition that is less susceptible to motivational and attentional factors associated with negative mood. Therefore, we examined implicit learning and retention of predictive relationships in patients with major depressive episode (MDE). Additionally, we directly compared subgroups of patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) vs. bipolar disorder (BD) in order to gain a deeper understanding of how implicit cognition is affected by these conditions. Implicit probabilistic sequence learning was measured by the Alternating Serial Reaction Time Task. The acquired knowledge was retested after a 24-hour delay period. Consistent with the frontostriatal deficits frequently reported in depression, we found weaker learning in patients with MDE, with a more pronounced deficit in patients with MDD compared to BD. After the 24-hour delay, MDE patients (both subgroups) showed forgetting, while the controls retained the previously acquired knowledge. These results cannot be explained by alterations in motivation, attention and reward processing but suggest more profound impairments of implicit learning and retention of predictive relationships among neutral stimuli in depression. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study investigating retention of implicitly acquired sequential knowledge and reporting deficits in this domain in MDE. Our findings not only contribute to a better understanding of the complex interplay between affect and cognition but can also help improve screening, diagnosis and treatment protocols of depression

    Az öregedés hatása az implicit készségek konszolidációjára

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    Az implicit tanulás nem csak online, gyakorlás közben történik, hanem offline is, a gyakorlások közötti fázisokban (konszolidáció). Az implicit tanulás offline változása egyre többet kutatott téma, azonban az öregedés hatása e területen még nem teljesen feltárt. Kutatásunkban fiatal és idős személyek implicit tanulását mértük az ASRT feladattal (J.H. Howard Jr. & Howard, 1997), ami lehetővé teszi az általános motoros és a szekvencia-specifikus tanulás külön elemzését. A vizsgálat során két adatfelvétel volt, 12 órás késleltetéssel, mely vagy tartalmazott alvást vagy nem. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy az általános motoros készségben a fiatal és az idős személyeknél is van offline teljesítményjavulás, de az utóbbi csoportban kisebb mértékű, mint a fiataloknál. A szekvencia-specifikus tudás megszilárdult az offline periódusban, de nem mutatkozott teljesítményjavulás egyik csoportban sem. Alvásfüggő konszolidációt nem találtunk sem az általános motoros, sem a szekvencia-specifikus tanulás esetében. The consolidation of implicit skills is a topic of increasing interest for researchers, but there were only a few studies that investigated the effects of aging in this regard. We measured implicit learning with the ASRT task in younger and older adults before and after a 12h interval. This interval contained sleep (night group) or it did not contain sleep (day group). We analyzed the consolidation of general motor skill and sequence-specific learning separately. The results showed offline improvement in general motor skill learning in both the younger and the elder group, however, the effect was lower in the elder group than in the younger group. The sequence specific knowledge did not change between the sessions, thus there was no offline improvement neither in the younger, nor in the older groups. Sleep dependent consolidation happened neither in general motor skill, nor in sequence-specific skill
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