14 research outputs found

    Rezidenční spokojenost seniorů v proměňujících se čtvrtích Prahy

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    Cílem článku je poukázat na příkladu tří pražských lokalit na to, jak senioři vnímají podmínky v místě svého bydlení ve vztahu k uspokojování denních potřeb. Charakteristiky zkoumaných rezidenčních lokalit (centrum Prahy, revitalizující se vnitroměstská čtvrť a sídliště) jsou různou měrou ovlivněny procesy spuštěnými v průběhu postsocialistické transformace. Na vybraných územích dochází k viditelným proměnám fyzického prostředí, funkční struktury i skladby obyvatel. Tyto proměny pražských čtvrtí, v kombinaci se silným poutem k místu bydliště i nižší přizpůsobivostí starých lidí vůči změnám, ovlivňují míru rezidenční spokojenosti seniorů. Ta byla ve výzkumu sledována ve vztahu k občanské vybavenosti, veřejným prostorám, infrastruktuře a lokálním sociálním kontaktům

    Kriminalita ve městě

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    Kriminalita a její percepce ve vnitřním městě :případová studie pražského Žižkova a Jarova

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    The paper deals with residents’ perceptions of crime and safety using the example of two Prague inner city neighbourhoods - Žižkov and Jarov. Main focus is placed on the identification of crime hot spots and types of high-risk environments from the perspective of local residents. Attention is also paid to reasons that people associate with the existence of crime hot spots, and to a comparison of the perceived and real dangers of these places. The differences in the perceptions of various groups of residents are also noted. The paper thus continues a wider debate in scholarly literature discussing the impacts of demographic and environmental characteristics on perceived fear of crime.32934

    Patterns and drivers of inner city social differentiation in Prague and Tallinn

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    During the socialist era, inner residential areas of Eastern European cities were left to decay both physically and socially, and became mostly occupied by elderly inhabitants. Drawing on 2007-2011 EU-SILC data, we have analysed processes of socio-spatial differentiation in the inner cities of Prague and Tallinn during the post-socialist era, and indicate the household-level drivers of such differentiation. We found a high preference for inner city living among young people and childless households, but also the persisting patterns of elderly population in some inner city sub-areas. A weak correlation between household socio-economic status and place of residence in the inner city, however, suggests that inner cities continued to be socially mixed in the late 2000s, although differences existed in this regard between sub-areas and between the two studied cities. To a large extent, such differentiation relates to the roots found within socialist and pre-socialist legacies, but it also contains new post-socialist features, such as those created by different social and housing policies applied during the post-socialist reforms.27529

    Housing Estates in the Czech Republic after Socialism: Various Trajectories and Inner Differentiation

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    Growing income differentiation in society, diversification of housing supply and selective population mobility are resulting in increasing socio-spatial differentiation in Czech cities and neighbourhoods during the post-socialist transition. Housing estates are no exception to the processes of urban change. The paper shows that development trajectories of housing estates vary in different parts of the country, in various locations within each city and also within particular housing estates. As segregation in Czech cities takes place mainly within very small areas, statistical analyses usually fail to detect the seeds of social and physical degradation emerging in neighbourhoods and a micro survey is essential. In order to understand the patterns and factors of differentiation, the paper presents case studies from housing estates located in different cities of the Czech Republic.