4 research outputs found

    Utvrđeni i deklarirani sadržaj nikotina u tekućinama za punjenje elektroničkih cigareta koje se prodaju u Sjevernoj Makedoniji

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    The use of electronic cigarettes or vaping has been gaining momentum among Macedonian smokers but has also raised great many concerns about the toxicity of liquid refills and its aerosols, especially as the nicotine levels in refill liquids (e-liquids) are not required to be declared accurately or at all by current regulations. The aim of this study was therefore to determine nicotine levels in fifteen samples of e-liquids purchased in specialised shops in Macedonia using gas chromatography. Nicotine concentrations deviated from manufacturer’s declarations in nine of the twelve samples: in five they were higher and in four lower than declared, ranging from -16.7 % to +30.0 %. These significant discrepancies between the actual and declared nicotine concentrations in the analysed e-liquids call for closer attention of the healthcare and the regulating authorities.Sve je više korisnika elektroničkih cigareta ili vapinga među makedonskim pušačima, što je izazvalo veliku zabrinutost zbog toksičnosti tekućina i njihovih aerosola, ponajviše zato što razine nikotina u tekućinama za punjenje (e-tekućine) nisu točno ili uopće nisu deklarirane prema aktualnim propisima. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio odrediti razine nikotina u petnaest uzoraka e-tekućine kupljenih u specijaliziranim prodavaonicama u Makedoniji primjenom plinske kromatografije. Koncentracije nikotina odstupaju od deklaracija proizvođača u devet od dvanaest uzoraka: u pet su veće i u četirima manje od deklariranih, u rasponu od -16,7 % do +30,0 %. Ove značajne razlike između stvarnih i deklariranih koncentracija nikotina u analiziranim e-tekućinama zahtijevaju veću pozornost zdravstvenih i regulativnih tijela


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    Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) as widely distributed vegetable crop in the world is an excellent source of nutritive and biologically active compounds. The characteristic compounds, capsaicinoids and carotenoids, highlight the importance of the red hot pepper varieties and their oleoresin extracts in the food and pharmaceutical industry. In the Ph.D. thesis was studied the possibility for a separate and integral utilization of the red hot pepper for obtaining the oleoresins from pericarp, placenta, seeds and stalk. Pre-treatment of the raw material (drying, separation of anatomical structures i.e. pericarp, placenta and seeds, and determination of theirs physico-chemical characteristics and determination of the he characteristic bioactive compounds: capsaicinoids, carotenoids and volatiles was studied, also. The second part of the Ph.D. thesis was focused of the determination of the optimal conditions for isolation of the bioactive capsaicinoids and coloured compounds, through comparative following of the thermodynamical parameters by application of organic solvents and supercritical fluids. Influence of the working parameters: temperature, time, pressure, solid to liquid phase ratio, density, type of solvents, and particle size of raw material on the yield of extract and content of capsaicinoids, colour compounds and volatiles was studied. Modelling of the experimental phase data by application of mathematical methods was performed. Re-utilization of seed and stalk from red hot pepper in form of extracts for development of new formulations as edible films, biopesticides and nanoemulsions was studied, also.Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.), ki je v svetu široko razširjen zelenjavni pridelek, predstavlja odličen vir hranilnih in biološko aktivnih spojin. Karotenoidi in kapsaicinodi iz rdeče pekoče paprike ter njihovi oljni oleoresini so postali zanimivi zlasti v živilski in farmacevtski industriji. V doktorski disertaciji smo raziskovali pridobivanje oleoresinov iz celotnega ploda pekoče paprike t.j. pericarpa, posteljice, semena in peclja. Svež material smo posušili nato smo ločili strukture med seboj ter jim določili fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti. Materialu smo določili tudi nekatere bioaktivne snovi kot so: kapsaicionidi in karotenoidi ter druge hlapne snovi. V drugem delu doktorske disertacije smo se osredotočili na določitev optimalnih parametrov za izolacijo bioaktivnih kapsaicionidov ter drugih hlapnih snovi s pomočjo superkritične ekstrakcije ter klasične ekstrakcije z organskimi topili. Raziskovali smo vpliv parametrov kot so: temperatura, čas, tlak, razmerje trdno proti tekoče, gostota, vrsta topila ter velikost delcev svežega materiala na učinkovitost ekstrakcije. Ekstraktom smo določili vsebnost kapsaicinoidov, barvnih komponent ter hlapnih snovi. Nato smo eksperimentalno določene podatke korelirali z matematičnim modelom. V nadaljevanju smo ekstrakte iz peclja in semena uporabili za razvoj novih formulacij v obliki filmov, biopesticidov in emulzij

    Effect of sesame flour and eggs on technology and nutritive quality of spelt pasta

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    Pasta is suitable for correcting nutrition plans because it is quick and easy to prepare, an easily digestible food and one of the widespread foods in many countries around the world. The influence of sesame flour on dough characteristics for pasta making was determined by measuring rheological parameters. The effect of the quantity of the sesame flour (0, 10 and 20 g per 100 g of flour) and liquid eggs (0, 12.4 and 24.8 g per 100 g of flour) on the technological and nutritive quality of spelt pasta was investigated. Standard score analysis was applied for the evaluation of the contribution of sesame flour and liquid eggs to the quality spelt pasta. Significant differences between spelt flour and spelt flour with 10 and 20 g sesame flour per 100 g flour was confirmed by application of the Post-hoc Tukey’s HSD test at the 95 % confidence limit. Sesame flour adversely influenced farinograph and mixolab characteristics, while data pointed to higher maximum scores (0.63) for cooking, textural, colour and mineral characteristics of the pasta with sesame flour and eggs at 20 and 24.8 g per 100 g of flour, respectively. This pasta could be good source for satisfying the daily needs of minerals recommended by the FAO/WHO. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. III 46005