34 research outputs found

    Dataset on fouling organisms and measurements from Macrofouling communities and the degradation of plastic bags in the sea: an <i>in situ</i> experiment

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    Includes all data on fouling organisms identified to family level, organisms identified with another taxonomic resolution, as well as data on polymer disintegration


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    This file contains a tab-delimited dataset of all environtmental data taken for all samples, including treatment and sampling identification information. This dataset can be merged with protozoa_data.tsv to reproduce the analyses in Petermann et al


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    This file contains a tab-delimited dataset of all protozoa morphospecies counts, as well as sample and treatment information

    Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) representation of community- and species responses to nutrient and predator addition.

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    <p>Average microfauna communities are shown as large symbols with contours drawn around communities of the same trophic treatment (total n = 27). Species are depicted by smaller symbols coded according to their functional group identity. Stress = 0.10, non-metric fit R<sup>2</sup> = 0.99, linear fit R<sup>2</sup> = 0.95.</p

    Mean log-transformed abundance and richness of algae (A, B), amoebae (C, D), flagellates (E, F), ciliates (G, H) and predatory microfauna (I, J).

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    <p>Those levels are control, predator addition and resource addition. The numbers refer to a 50-μl subsample. Error bars show ± 1 standard error of the mean.</p

    Results of mixed effects model analyses for log-transformed abundance and richness of ciliates and predatory microfauna with “bromeliad” treated as a random effect.

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    <p><sup>+</sup>Trophic treatment levels: control, predator addition and resource addition.</p><p><sup>++</sup>Dispersal levels: control, local dispersal and regional dispersal, P-values<0.05 are printed in bold. ndf = numerator degrees of freedom, ddf = denumerator degrees of freedom</p><p>Results of mixed effects model analyses for log-transformed abundance and richness of ciliates and predatory microfauna with “bromeliad” treated as a random effect.</p