28 research outputs found

    Micropropagation of the narrow endemic Hladnikia pastinacifolia (Apiaceae)

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    The monotypic Hladnikia pastinacifolia Rchb. is a narrow endemic species, with an extremely small distribution area in Slovenia, prone to any kind of threat that could lead to species extinction. Tissue culture techniques are proposed as a conservation measure for rapid propagation and ex-situ conservation. Tissue culture was initiated from seeds and juvenile plants obtained from natural sites on a solid Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium, with and without growth regulators. We tested various combinations and concentrations of growth regulators, and the best proliferation of axillary shoots, on average 14, was obtained on MS medium with 5 μM BAP and 3 μM IBA and 3% sucrose. Rooting was achieved after transferral of the shoots to an MS medium with 2 μM IBA and 3% sucrose. The rooted plants were acclimatized on a mixture of limestone sand, potting soil and vermiculite in a ratio of 10:2:2, with pH in the range of 7.5–8.0. In vitro propagation methods provide an important opportunity for the propagation and preservation of H. pastinacifolia by rapidly increasing the number of plants, without disturbing the wild population

    Intracardiac echocardiography-guided cardiac tumor biopsy: report of the first Slovenian case

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    Background: Intracardiac echocardiography (ICE) is an established imaging modality for guiding electrophysiology procedures, with a rapidly expanding role also in other percutaneous structural interventions. Endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) is another potential application where ICE can be used to guide diagnosis of cardiac tumors.1-3 Here we present our first case of a cardiac tumor in which EMB was guided by ICE. Case report: 62-year-old man with a history of non-Hodgkin lymphoma treated with radiation and chemotherapy 10 years ago was admitted due to acute coronary syndrome. Coronary angiogram showed a subtotal occlusion of already collateralized RCA. Due to induced ischemia on myocardial perfusion imaging postponed percutaneous coronary intervention of RCA was performed. During diagnostic work-up at admission when pulmonary embolism was at first suspected, CTA was performed. It showed a heterogeneous formation in the right ventricle (RV) with a thickness of up to 16 mm, that extended from the base towards the apex and into the interventricular septum at the level of the tricuspid ring (Figure 1). According to the CT appearance the mass was suspected to be a liposarcoma. Transthoracic echocardiography showed a hypoechogenic form in the RV, clearly defined after application of contrast for left ventricular opacification. Due to previous history of malignancy PET CT was done that revealed hypometabolic RV mass without any sign of distant metastasis. Percutaneous biopsy of the cardiac mass for histopathological diagnosis was performed guided by ICE and fluoroscopy. ICE allowed continuous imaging of intracardiac structures and clear visualization of the cardiac mass in the RV outflow tract under the pulmonary valve (Figure 2). On angiography there was no evidence of flow restriction. A cardiac biopsy catheter was percutaneously inserted into the RV and with the guidance of ICE accurate positioning of the bioptome was achieved. Three tumor specimens were taken for analysis. The histology revealed lipoma, with no evidence of malignancy. In the absence of any cardiac functional disturbances surgical therapy could be avoided and follow-up was proposed. Conclusion: Cardiac masses are rare and often incidental findings. Histology provides definite diagnosis and ICE could be a valuable tool for guiding biopsy procedure. Our first experience confirmed the benefits of ICE that are real-time visualization of cardiac structures, facilitating proper positioning of biopsy catheter, good patient tolerability and the lack of need for general anesthesia. Therefore, with ICE guided percutaneous biopsy the more invasive diagnostic open heart procedures could be avoided

    Ultrasonographic assessment of hemodynamic changes and cardiac function in patients with severe features of preeclampsia

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    Objective. The objective of this study was to assess whether echocardiographic parameters in combination with lung ultrasound can detect dynamic changes in hemodynamic status, cardiac function and lung congestion in women with severe features of preeclampsia and healthy controls immediately before and in the first days after delivery. We hypothesized that women with severe features of preeclampsia more frequently present with impaired left ventricular diastolic function, have higher degree of lung congestion that is related to impaired diastolic function parameters and are less fluid responsive compared with healthy pregnant women. Methods. 30 severe preeclamptic women and 30 healthy term controls were evaluated within 1 day before delivery, 1 day post-delivery and 4 days post-delivery. At each examination standard two-dimensional, pulsed wave and tissue Doppler echocardiography was performed. Left ventricular myocardial deformation parameters were assessed by two-dimensional speckle tracking imaging. Lung ultrasound was performed by the 28-rib interspaces technique and Echo Comet Score (ECS) was obtained as the sum of B-lines representing the amount of extravascular lung water. Fluid responsiveness was assessed by measuring changes in left ventricular stroke volume with passive leg rising and it was defined as an increase in stroke volume of at least 12%. Results. Hemodynamic characteristics Women with severe features of preeclampsia had significantly higher arterial blood pressures (mean arterial pressure: median 110 (range 103–119) mmHg vs. 88 (81–96) mmHg, p<0.001) and peripheral vascular resistance (1694 (1480–1871) dynes×s×cm-5 vs. 1411 (1173–1612) dynes×s×cm-5, p=0.004), while heart rate (77 (70–89) bpm vs. 75 (69–84) bpm, p=0.736) and stroke volumes (70 (61–78) ml vs. 68 (57–76) ml, p=0.194) were comparable between both groups. Left ventricular systolic and diastolic function Ejection fraction was similar in both groups at all examinations (before delivery: 66 (64–71)% vs. 66 (61–67)%, p=0.0611 day post-delivery: 65 (62–70)% vs. 64 (62–66)%, p=0.094 days post-delivery: 64 (60–71)% vs. 65 (60–69)%, p=0.592)however, peak systolic myocardial velocities (s’) at the septal and lateral mitral annulus and global longitudinal strain values (GLS) were lower in preeclamptic women 4 days post-delivery (s’ at the septal mitral annulus: 7.4 (6.6-7.8) cm/s vs. 8.1 (7.9-9.3) cm/s, p=0.001GLS: &#821021.7 (&#821022.6 to &#821020.8)% vs. &#821023.0 (&#821023.9 to &#821021.8)%, p=0.027). At all assessments peak early diastolic myocardial velocities (e’) were significantly lower (e’ at the septal mitral annulus before delivery: 8.7 (7.0-10.3) cm/s vs. 9.0 (8.2-10.7) cm/s, p=0.0621 day post-delivery: 8.2 (7.2-9.6) cm/s vs. 9.8 (8.7-11.0) cm/s, p=0.0014 days post-delivery: 8.5 (7.7-9.6) cm/s vs. 10.3 (9.0-12.1) cm/s, p<0.001) and the ratio of the peak velocity of early diastolic mitral inflow (E) to e’ (E/e’) was significantly higher in preeclamptic women than in controls (before delivery: 8.2 (6.3-10.1) vs. 6.3 (5.3-7.7), p=0.0021 day post-delivery: 8.6 (7.6-10.2) vs. 6.9 (6.2-7.7), p=0.0014 days post-delivery: 8.3 (7.1-9.0) vs. 6.8 (5.9-7.3), p=0.003). Lung ultrasound and fluid responsiveness ECS was significantly higher in preeclamptic women than in controls before delivery (16 (9–25) vs. 6 (2–7), p<0.001) and 1 day post-delivery (15 (8–26) vs. 9 (6–14), p=0.007), but not 4 days post-delivery (7 (2–13) vs. 4 (2–8), p=0.091). Significant positive correlations between ECS and E/e’ were found before and immediately post-delivery in preeclamptic group (Spearman, before delivery: r=0.572, p=0.0011 day post-delivery: r=0.442, p=0.018). Fluid responsiveness was observed in significantly more controls than in women with severe features of preeclampsia (12 (43%) vs. 3 (11%), p=0.014) before delivery. Conclusions. Preeclampsia with severe features is associated with impaired diastolic function parameters that persist in the first days after delivery. Preeclamptic women have greater amount of extravascular lung water before and immediately post-delivery compared with healthy controls and lung congestion correlates with impaired parameters of diastolic function. Worsening of systolic function parameters 4 days after delivery in preeclamptic women might indicate subtle systolic dysfunction, which could become unmasked with the effect of augmented volume load related to fluid mobilization in the postpartum period. This finding seems to corroborate our results of passive leg raising test showing that the majority of preeclamptic women were fluid non-responsive and as such, could not be able to increase myocardial contraction force with fluid loading.Izhodišča. Namen raziskave je opredeliti uporabnost ultrazvočne preiskave srca in pljuč za oceno hemodinamičnega stanja, srčne funkcije in pljučne kongestije bolnic s težko preeklampsijo pred in v prvih dneh po porodu. Predvidevamo, da imajo bolnice s težko preeklampsijo pogosteje prisotne kazalce motene diastolične funkcije levega prekata in večjo stopnjo pljučne kongestije pred in po porodu ter so manj odzivne na tekočino v primerjavi z zdravimi nosečnicami. Metode. V raziskavo smo vključili 30 nosečnic s težko preeklampsijo in kontrolno skupino zdravih nosečnic ob predvidenem terminu poroda. Preiskovankam smo opravili ultrazvočno preiskavo srca in pljuč dan pred porodom, dan po porodu in četrti dan po porodu. Dimenzije srčnih votlin in srčno funkcijo smo ocenili s standardnimi dvodimenzionalnimi, doplerskimi in tkivno doplerskimi metodami. Za meritve deformacije levega prekata smo uporabili metodo sledenja ultrazvočnega vzorca (angl. speckle tracking imaging). Z ultrazvočnim pregledom pljuč po protokolu 28 medrebrnih prostorov smo ocenili prisotnost in število B linijvsota B linij je predstavljala količino zunajžilne pljučne tekočine (Echo Comet Score - ECS). Odzivnost na tekočino smo ocenili dan pred in dan po porodu in jo definirali kot povečanje utripnega volumna, ocenjenega s pulzno doplersko preiskavo, za &#880512% ob pasivnem dvigu nog. Rezultati. Hemodinamične značilnosti Preeklamptične bolnice so imele pričakovano višji arterijski krvni tlak (srednji arterijski tlak: 110 (103 – 119) mmHg vs. 88 (81 – 96) mmHg, p < 0,001) in višjo periferno žilno upornost (1694 (1480 – 1871) dynes×s×cm-5 vs. 1411 (1173 – 1612) dynes×s×cm-5, p = 0,004) v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino, medtem ko med skupinama ni bilo statistično značilnih razlik v srčni frekvenci (77 (70 – 89)/min vs. 75 (69 – 84)/min, p = 0,736) in utripnemu volumnu srca (70 (61 – 78) ml vs. 68 (57 – 76) ml, p = 0,194). Sistolična in diastolična funkcija levega prekata Iztisni delež levega prekata je bil med skupinama primerljiv (pred porodom: 66 (64 – 71)% vs. 66 (61 – 67)%, p = 0,061prvi dan po porodu: 65 (62 – 70)% vs. 64 (62 – 66)%, p = 0,09četrti dan po porodu: 64 (60 – 71)% vs. 65 (60 – 69)%, p = 0,592). Preeklamptične bolnice so imele značilno nižje vrednosti najvišje sistolične hitrosti miokarda (s\u27) in globalnega kazalca longitudinalne deformacije levega prekata (GLS) v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino četrti dan po porodu (s’ na medialnem mitralnem obroču: 7,4 (6,6 – 7,8) cm/s vs. 8,1 (7,9 – 9,3) cm/s, p = 0,001GLS: &#821021,7 (&#821022,6 do &#821020,8)% vs. &#821023,0 (&#821023,9 do &#821021,8)%, p = 0,027). V skupini s preeklampsijo so bile vrednosti zgodnje diastolične hitrosti miokarda (e\u27) na septalnem in lateralnem mitralnem obroču značilno nižje (e’ na medialnem mitralnem obroču pred porodom: 8,7 (7,0 – 10,3) cm/s vs. 9,0 (8,2 – 10,7) cm/s, p = 0,062prvi dan po porodu: 8,2 (7,2 – 9,6) cm/s vs. 9,8 (8,7 – 11,0) cm/s, p = 0,001četrti dan po porodu: 8,5 (7,7 – 9,6) cm/s vs. 10,3 (9,0 – 12,1) cm/s, p < 0,001), razmerje zgodnje diastolične hitrosti mitralnega vtoka E in e\u27 (E/e\u27) pa značilno večje (pred porodom: 8,2 (6,3 – 10,1) vs. 6,3 (5,3 – 7,7), p = 0,002prvi dan po porodu: 8,6 (7,6 – 10,2) vs. 6,9 (6,2 – 7,7), p = 0,001četrti dan po porodu: 8,3 (7,1 – 9,0) vs. 6,8 (5,9 – 7,3), p = 0,003) v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino. Pljučna kongestija in odzivnost na tekočino ECS je bil pomembno večji v skupini s preeklampsijo v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino pred porodom (16 (9 – 25) vs. 6 (2 – 7), p < 0,001) in prvi dan po porodu (15 (8 – 26) vs. 9 (6 – 14), p = 0,007), ni pa se pomembno razlikoval četrti dan po porodu (7 (2 – 13) vs. 4 (2 – 8), p = 0,091). Dokazali smo tudi pomembno povezavo med ECS in E/e\u27 v skupini s preeklampsijo pred porodom (Spearman: r = 0,572, p = 0,001) in prvi dan po porodu (r = 0,442, p = 0,018). Pred porodom je bilo več zdravih nosečnic odzivnih na tekočino (1243%) v primerjavi s preeklamptičnimi bolnicami (311%) (p = 0,014). Zaključki. Pri bolnicah s težko preeklampsijo so pogosteje prisotni kazalci motene diastolične funkcije levega prekata pred porodom in v prvih dneh po porodu v primerjavi z zdravimi nosečnicami. Preeklamptične bolnice imajo večjo stopnjo pljučne kongestije pred in po porodu v primerjavi z zdravimi nosečnicami. Stopnja pljučne kongestije je povezana s kazalci diastolične disfunkcije. V prvih dneh po porodu se pri preeklamptičnih bolnicah stopnja pljučne kongestije zmanjša, medtem ko kazalci motene diastolične funkcije vztrajajo. Četrti dan po porodu se vrednosti nekaterih sistoličnih kazalcev (s\u27 in GLS) pri preeklamptičnih bolnicah zmanjšajo, kar lahko kaže tudi na subtilno okvaro sistolične funkcije, ki se razkrije ob povečani volumski obremenitvi srca zaradi premika tekočine iz zunajžilnega prostora. V naši raziskavi je bila večina bolnic s težko preeklampsijo neodzivna na tekočino

    Počasna rast ozkolistnega koščca (Berula erecta) in vitro - vpliv saharoze, sorbitola in temperature

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    It has been established that in vitro storage of Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville by slow growth would rationalize the culture maintenance by reducing the number of transfers to fresh medium. Attempts of slow growth were made while maintaining viability by adding sugars and sugar alcohols to the MS medium and lowering the culture temperature in the growth chambers. The effect of low temperatures (13°C and 4°C), different combinations and concentrations of sorbitol (20, 40 g L-1) and sucrose (30, 40 g L-1), and light was tested to determine the viability and ability of B. erecta to recover growth. Increasing sucrose concentration did not inhibit or slow growth. At 23 ± 2°C, the addition of 20 g L-1 sorbitol successfully inhibited growth, while the addition of 40 g L-1 sorbitol resulted in plant senescence after two months of culturing. Storage of B. erecta at 13°C did not effectively inhibit growth and recovery ability in any treatment. The most effective way to maintain B. erecta for long-term slow growth storage in tissue culture while retaining a high level of viability with minimal growth was to culture the plants at 4°C in the dark. This kept the plants viable and capable of regeneration for several months.In vitro hramba ozkolistnega koščca (Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville)) s počasno rastjo bi racionalizirala vzdrževanje tkivne kulture, saj bi zmanjšala število prestavljanj na sveže gojišče. Počasno rast ob hkratnem ohranjanju viabilnost smo poskušali doseči z dodajanjem sladkorjev in sladkornih alkoholov v MS gojišče in nižanjem temperature v rastnih komorah. Preizkusili smo vpliv nizkih temperatur (13 °C in 4 °C), različnih kombinacij in koncentracij sorbitola (20, 40 g L-1) in saharoze (30, 40 g L-1) ter svetlobe na viabilnost in sposobnost povrnitve rasti B. erecta. Povišanje koncentracije saharoze ni zavrlo rasti. Pri 23 ± 2 °C je dodatek 20 g L-1 sorbitola uspešno zavrl rast, dodatek 40 g L-1 sorbitola je po dveh mesecih kulture vodil v senescenco rastlin. Hramba B. erecta pri 13 °C v nobeni obravnavi ni učinkovito zavrla rasti. Kot najbolj učinkovit način za dolgoročno hrambo B. erecta s počasno rastjo se je izkazala hramba rastlin pri 4 °C v temi. Ob minimalni stopnji rasti je B. erecta ohranila visoko stopnjo viabilnosti, pri čemer so rastline ostale več mesecev nespremenjeno viabilne ter sposobne ponovne regeneracije

    The relationship among knowledge of, attitudes toward and acceptance of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) among Slovenian teachers

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    The objective of this study was to investigate knowledge about, opinions on and attitudes toward and finally readiness to accept genetically modified organisms (GMO) among Slovenian teachers. On average, they have higher levels of knowledge in classical genetics, and poor levels of knowledge about modern issues in biotechnology, and their attitudes toward GMOs are not extreme. They make decisions based on the acceptability of a particular GMO and not on GMOs in general, following two patterns: genetic modifications (GM) microorganisms and plants are more acceptable than animals, and GMOs are more acceptable if they can not be used directly for consumption and produce something recognized as useful. The relationship among knowledge of, attitudes towards and readiness to accept GMO showed that there is no correlation between knowledge and attitudes, only a weak correlation between knowledge and acceptance, and a solid correlation between attitudes and readiness to accept GMO. The practical implication of our findings is that acceptance of GMOs will not be changed by providing new technical or scientific information to teachers but by changing attitudes. The appropriate strategies and actions for improving university courses in biotechnology and the implication for classroom science activities and future research are discussed

    Knowlege of, attitudes toward, and acceptance of genetically modified organisms among prospective teachers of biology, home economics, and grade school in Slovenia

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    The objective of this study was to investigate knowledge, opinions, and attitudes toward, as well as readiness to accept genetically modified organisms (GMOs) among prospective primary and secondary Slovene teachers. Our findings are that prospective teachers want to take an active role in rejecting or supporting individual GMOs and are aware of the importance of education about genetically modified organism (GMO) items and their potential significance for society. Through cluster analysis, we recognized four clusters of GMOs, separated by degree of genetically modified acceptability. GM plants and microorganisms which are recognized as useful are accepted. They are undecided about organisms used in research or medicine and reject organisms used for food consumption and for fun. There are only weak correlations between knowledge and attitudes and knowledge and acceptance of GMOs, and a strong correlation between attitudes and acceptance. The appropriate strategies and actions for improving university courses in biotechnology are discussed

    Pomen izobraževanja bodočih učiteljev razrednega pouka o biotehnologiji

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    The tremendous development of science and technology has influenced many aspects of our everyday lives, society and environment. A good example of such technology is biotechnology. However, besides its promise, this technology has also raised several controversial issues to which answers are not easily available. With increasing knowledge and applications on one side and controversy on the other the teaching of science is, anything but easy. Development of competencies for these issues, and questions like why, when, and how to integrate modern biotechnology into science education are becoming prominent in the near future. Nowadays, when we are confronted with issues of varying degrees of complexity and importance, it is necessary that teachers at all levels of education have the basic tools to cope with these issues. This is one of reason why we have attempted to establish what kind of knowledge, values and opinions about genetic engineering and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are characteristic for the students, future Elementary Teachers, at three Slovene Faculties of Education. We collected answers of 360 questionnaires from pre-service elementary school teachers and analysed their statements from the field of general and classical genetics, modern biotechnology, legislation and the acceptance of different kind of GMOs. Prospective teachers have some knowledge of general and classical genetics and less knowledge about the use of modern biotechnology. They have concerns and fears about different kind of GMOs, mostly negative attitudes towards different kinds of GMOs, or they hold no strong opinions about them. Microorganisms and plants are generally more acceptable than GM animal. Furthermore, more knowledge does not mean that individual GMOs are more acceptable.Izjemen razvoj znanosti in tehnologije vpliva na številne vidike vsakdanjega življenja posameznika, družbe in okolja. Dober primer tovrstne tehnologije je biotehnologija. Poleg številnih obetov so s to tehnologijo povezana nekatera sporna vprašanja, na katera ni enostavnih odgovorov. Povečevanje znanj in uporabe na eni in polemik, na drugi strani, je razlog, da je poučevanje biotehnologije vse prej kot lahko. Kako usposobiti bodoče učitelje za obravnavo takih in podobnih tem in zakaj, kdaj in kako vključiti sodobno biotehnologijo v izobraževanje postaja pomembno za bližnjo prihodnost. Zato je nujno, da bi bili učitelji na vseh ravneh izobraževanja usposobljeni za obravnavo takih in podobnih tem. To je bil tudi eden od razlogov, zakaj smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšno je znanje, kakšne so vrednote in mnenja o genskem inženiringu in gensko spremenjenih organizmih (GSO) študentov, bodočih osnovnošolskih učiteljev treh slovenskih pedagoških fakultet (Univerze v Mariboru, Univerze v Ljubljani, Univerze na Primorskem). Zbrali smo odgovore anketnih vprašalnikov 360 bodočih učiteljev razrednega pouka, v katerih so se bodoči osnovnošolski učitelji opredelili do trditev s področja splošne in klasične genetike, moderne biotehnologije, zakonodaje ter sprejemanja različnih GSO. Bodoči učitelji razrednega pouka imajo nekaj znanja o splošni in klasični genetiki in manj znanja o uporabi moderne biotehnologije, velikokrat slabo sprejemajo različne GSO ali nimajo jasno izraženega mnenja o njih, pri čemer so mikroorganizmi in rastline v splošnem bolj sprejemljivi kot GS živali. Več znanja nikakor ne pomeni, da so posamezni GSO bolj sprejemljivi

    Plants Physiology

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    Priročnik je namenjen študentom na študijskih programih s področja biologije, ekologije z naravovarstvom in bodočim učiteljem biologije, ki bi se radi spoznali z eksperimentalnim delom s področja fiziologiji rastlin. Sestavlja ga osem vsebinskih sklopov, ki obravnavajo rastlinske pigmente, dihanje rastlin in fotosintezo, encimsko aktivnost rastlin, uravnavanje vodnih razmer v rastlinah, plazmolizo, mineralno prehrano rastlin s prepoznavanjem simptomov pomanjkanja posameznih hranil, metode določanja vsebnosti sladkorjev in bioteste za rastlinske hormone. Vsaka od vaj se začne z vsebinskim uvodom ter nadaljuje s cilji, nalogami, materiali in potekom izvedbe vaje. Vaje so podprte s slikami posameznih poskusov, preglednicami, kemijskimi formulami za preračune posameznih fizioloških parametrov in navodili za delo s kemikalijami in opremo.The manual is prepared for students in undergraduate courses in biology, ecology with nature conservation, and prospective biology teachers who wish to become familiar with experimental work in plant physiology. It consists of eight sections dealing with plant pigments, plant respiration and photosynthesis, plant enzyme activity, plant water regulation, plasmolysis, plant mineral nutrition by recognizing symptoms of nutrient deficiency, methods for determining sugar content, and bioassays for plant hormones. Each of the exercises begins with a content introduction and continues with the objectives, tasks, materials, and procedure for the exercise. The exercises are supported by pictures of the individual experiments, tables, chemical formulas for calculating individual physiological parameters, and instructions for using chemicals and equipment

    Piretro (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) del Nord Adriatico come fonte potenziale di insetticidi naturali

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    Pyrethrum Tanacetum cinerariifolium (Trevir.) Schulty-Bip., a species native to the Eastern Adriatic coastal mountains and islands, is a plant widely used in the production of natural insecticides, pyrethrins. The biosynthetic potential of Pyrethrum from two different locations in the Northern Adriatic for pyrethrin production was determined. In all the samples obtained, all 6 pyrethrins were detected, as measured by HPLC. The highest pyrethrin content was detected in the flower heads, which contained, on average, 1.2 % pyrethrins of dry weight. The pyrethrin content of flower heads from the Northern Adriatic populations is comparable with the content levels in conventional production of Pyrethrum, but not as high as the content levels for highly productive Pyrethrum clones from countries currently producing pyrethrins