132 research outputs found

    The irrationality of some number theoretical series

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    We prove the irrationality of some factorial series. To do so we combine methods from elementary and analytic number theory with methods from the theory of uniform distribution

    The exponential sum over squarefree integers

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    We give an upper bound for the exponential sum over squarefree integers. This establishes a conjecture by Br\"udern and Perelli

    Partitions which are p- and q-core

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    Let p and q be distinct primes, n an integer with n > p2q2. Then there is no partition of n which is at the same time p- and q-core. Hence there is no irreducible representation of Sn which is of p- and q-defect zero at the same time

    An inequality for means with applications

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    We show that an almost trivial inequality for the first and second mean of a random variable can be used to give non-trivial improvements on deep results. As applications we improve on results on lower bounds for the Riemann zeta-function on the critical line, the determinant of a skew-symmetric matrix with entries ±1\pm 1, and on the maximal order of an irreducible character of the symmetric group

    Sets with more differences than sums

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    We show that a random set of integers with density 0 has almost always more differences than sums. This proves a conjecture by Martin and O'Bryant

    The order of elements in Sylow pp-subgroups of the symmetric group

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    Define a random variable ξn\xi_n by choosing a conjugacy class CC of the Sylow pp-subgroup of SpnS_{p^n} by random, and let ξn\xi_n be the logarithm of the order of an element in CC. We show that ξn\xi_n has bounded variance and mean order lognlogp+O(1)\frac{\log n}{\log p}+O(1), which differs significantly from the average order of elements chosen with equal probability