3 research outputs found

    The Friendship of Teresa of Jesus with Jerome Gratian Against the Background of the Reform of the Carmelite Order

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    The rigorous work "The Friendship of Teresa of Jesus with Jerome Gratian Against the Background of the Reform of the Carmelite Order" first briefly outlines various perspectives on the importance of friendship and interpersonal relationships in the spiritual tradition (Chapter 1). It then presents Teresa's most important friendships and illustrates the type of internal development she went through in this area of life (Chapter 2). Her deepest relationship was her friendship with Father Jerome Gratian, the first Provincial of the Discalced Carmelites. It lasted the last eight years of her life (1575 - 1582). It had a naturally human dimension, but also a spiritual and practical one. Teresa and Gratian supported each other with spiritual advice, considered the reform of the Carmelite order together, and implemented that reform. The individual levels of friendship and their development are analysed year by year (Chapter 3). Teresa tried to pass on her experience of friendship with God and with people, in the form of a doctrine mainly to her "spiritual daughters," the Discalced Carmelites nuns (Chapter 4). As well as contributing to a deeper understanding of the natural and human dimension of the personality of Teresa of Jesus and how it is incorporated in her relationship with God, the work also presents..

    The prayer of St. Augustine

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    Resumé: Jan Poříz, Prayer of St. Augustine This work is offering to introduce St. Augustine as a man and a teacher of prayer and to include his spiritual teaching into the whole of his theology and philosophy and also into the wider events of the religious and common history. The prayer and the spiritual life remains the focal point from which the whole is being observed. They proved and emphasize their importance for the entire of the saint's teaching and his life. The first Chapter is pointing out the historical aspect of Augustin's times. In three points it moves from the more distant circumstances, from the onset of Christianity and the fall of the West-Roman Empire, through to the position of the Church at these times, till the treatise about Augustin's predecessors who already worked on the theme of prayer. The Chapter two is mapping out Augustine's life of prayer since his childhood till his death. Most time is dedicated to the events involving his conversion, which are fundamental to Augustine's future spiritual direction and his theological reflex. The nucleus and the outcome of Chapter three is its concluding part, where the individual forms of prayer are discribed, which Augustin thematized and their mutual interaction. There are parts dedicated to the important themes of anthropology, dealing..