183 research outputs found

    Sequence anatomy of mitochondrial anion carriers

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    AbstractTwo hundred and eighty-four genes of eight eukaryotic genomes for mitochondrial anion carriers were sorted into 43 (+18 single protein) subfamilies. Subfamilies differ by the number, nature, and locations of charges and polar residues in the transmembrane α-helices. Consequently, these residues and the rarely unique residues of the matrix and cytosolic segments most likely determine the different molecular phenotypes (functions). ‘Common ancestral hydrophilic segments’ were found in matrix and cytosolic segments, with interchangeable polar residues. Thus the hydrophobic microstructures of hydrophilic carrier parts are supposed to predetermine structure/conformation, whereas polar and charged microstructures should predetermine function, namely in the transmembrane spanning α-helices

    Non-commutative rings of fractions in algebraical approach to control theory

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    Data Architecture for Sensor Network

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    Fast development of hardware in recent years leads to the high availability of simple sensing devices at minimal cost. As a consequence, there is many of sensor networks nowadays. These networks can continuously produce a large amount of observed data including the location of measurement. Optimal data architecture for such propose is a challenging issue due to its large scale and spatio-temporal nature.  The aim of this paper is to describe data architecture that was used in a particular solution for storage of sensor data. This solution is based on relation data model – concretely PostgreSQL and PostGIS. We will mention out experience from real world projects focused on car monitoring and project targeted on agriculture sensor networks. We will also shortly demonstrate the possibilities of client side API and the potential of other open source libraries that can be used for cartographic visualization (e.g. GeoServer). The main objective is to describe the strength and weakness of usage of relation database system for such propose and to introduce also alternative approaches based on NoSQL concept

    Clear-up of Redox state under hypoxia

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    Web client for PostGIS—the concept and implementation

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    PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension plays one of the major roles in many complex GIS frameworks. There exist many possibilities how to access such data storage, but most of them might be seen as not simple for new users. In this paper we would like to introduce the concept of the implementation of a web based PostGIS client application. The main emphasis of described solution is placed on simplicity and straightforward approach for visualisation of general SQL queries

    Adaptation of Teacher Power Use Scale to Lower Secondary Students and Student Teachers

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    Power can be defined as an ability to influence opinions, values, and behaviour of others. The realisation of curricular aims is enabled by clearly established power relationships in classes. Newly qualified teachers often struggle with establishing power relationships. French and Raven’s influential typology of social power as a relational phenomenon distinguishes coercive, reward, legitimate, referent, and expert bases of teacher power. In our methodological study we adapted Teacher Power Use Scale – TPUS (Schrodt, Witt, & Turman, 2007) measuring these power bases. The adaptation focuses (instead of tertiary teachers, their students, and Anglo-Saxon context) on student teachers, lower secondary students, and reflects the Czech sociocultural context. The non-probability adaptation sample consists of 1686 students from 96 lower secondary classes taught by 96 student teachers on their long term practice. Our data basically support French and Raven’s theory and the original TPUS, except that the structure of student teacher power bases seems to be naturally simpler in the perception of lower secondary students. Above all, legitimate and coercive power bases were strongly inter-correlated, i.e. perceived by students as one factor; similar to teacher power bases structure in the Czech data.Studie popisuje adaptace dotazníku Teacher Power Use Scale (TPUS; Schrodt, Witt, & Turman, 2007) na žáky durhého stupně základní školy a studenty učitelství na praxi v českých podmínkách. Ne náhodný výběr zahrnoval 1686 žáků a 96 studentů učitelství PdF MU na praxích na základních školách. Ukazuje se, že struktura bází moci studentů učitelství je z pohledu žáků jednodušší než předpokládá teorie (5 bází - legitimní, donucovací, referenční, expertní a odměňovací). Zejména legitimní a donucovací báze jsou velmi silně korelované a tvoří dle CFA analýz jeden faktor, což odpovídá našim výsledkům u adaptace dotazníku na učitele (Vlčková, et. al., 2016).Power can be defined as an ability to influence opinions, values, and behaviour of others. The realisation of curricular aims is enabled by clearly established power relationships in classes. Newly qualified teachers often struggle with establishing power relationships. French and Raven’s influential typology of social power as a relational phenomenon distinguishes coercive, reward, legitimate, referent, and expert bases of teacher power. In our methodological study we adapted Teacher Power Use Scale – TPUS (Schrodt, Witt, & Turman, 2007) measuring these power bases. The adaptation focuses (instead of tertiary teachers, their students, and Anglo-Saxon context) on student teachers, lower secondary students, and reflects the Czech sociocultural context. The non-probability adaptation sample consists of 1686 students from 96 lower secondary classes taught by 96 student teachers on their long term practice. Our data basically support French and Raven’s theory and the original TPUS, except that the structure of student teacher power bases seems to be naturally simpler in the perception of lower secondary students. Above all, legitimate and coercive power bases were strongly inter-correlated, i.e. perceived by students as one factor; similar to teacher power bases structure in the Czech data

    Java v Open Source GIS - Geotools, Geoserver, uDig

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    Java v Open Source GIS - Geotools, Geoserver, uDi

    Pedestrial Crossing the street třída Generála Píky, Brno

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je variantní návrh úrovňového přecházení chodců přes ulici třída Generála Píky v Brně. Ve stávajícím stavu je ulice vedena ve čtyřpruhovém uspořádání a přecházení je řešeno podchodem, který však není využíván.The subject of this thesis is an alternative proposal of multilevel pedestrians crossing of the street třída Generála Píky in Brno. At the current state street is conducted in four lanes and crossing is done through the underpass, which is not used.

    Home Automation Based on Arduino/WeMos/RPi Platform

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    Cílem této práce je navrhnout a implementovat systém domácí automatizace zaměřený na propojování jednotlivých zařízení v domácnosti pomocí podmínek a akcí. Například jakmile magnetická závora zaznamená otevření dveří, odešle se příkaz o rozsvícení světel v chodbě, pokud však zároveň nedojde k přečtení povolené karty RFID čtečkou, bude zapnut alarm. Problém je vyřešen pomocí serveru běžícího na mikropočítači Raspberry Pi, který s určitou periodou prochází a kontroluje veškeré podmínky, které uživatel definoval pomocí webového rozhraní a na základě jejich splnění vykonává dané akce. Vytvořené řešení poskytuje možnost, jak jednoduše propojit chytrá zařízení v domácnosti a jak je zautomatizovat. Uživatel sám musí naprogramovat jednotlivé moduly, komplexní podmínky i akce a tato práce mu přináší infrastrukturu ke komunikaci a příklady jakým způsobem tyto moduly navrhnout.This work aims to propose and implement a home automation system based on individual devices' connection using conditions and actions. For example, when a magnetic barrier determines that a door was opened, a command that turns on lights in the hallway is sent. However, if a card reader does not register allowed card, the alarm will be triggered. This problem is solved by a server running on Raspberry Pi, which is periodically checking all conditions that a user has defined via a web page. Based on their fulfillment, it executes predefined action. Created solution provides a way how to connect smart devices in household easily and how to automate them. Users must program each module, complex conditions, and actions by themselves. This work presents an infrastructure for communication and examples on how to create such modules.