22 research outputs found

    Vlastnické vs nevlastnické motivace držitelů detektorů kovů

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    This thesis addresses the phenomenon of hobby metal detecting in the Czech Republic, aiming to determine whether individuals' wealth influences the for- mation of detected finds collections. The mass spread of metal detecting in the Czech Republic since the 1990s has proven the significance of studying this activity. The phenomenon of metal detecting can be classified under contest theory, where agents make costly efforts to compete for a limited resource, which in this case is archaeological finds. From the standpoint of economics, a study about resources allocation, the metal detecting hobby can be an in- triguing topic for investigation. This thesis presents estimates of models based on five different datasets, each containing several thousands of observations obtained from a renowned Czech metal detecting website. The findings sug- gest that relatively wealthier metal detectorists are more likely to submit coins, but not artifacts. Given that coins form a relatively homogeneous group, the estimation results associated with coins might be applied to the formation of finds collections overall. Hence, the collecting of finds is likely to be negatively associated with an individual's socioeconomic status. JEL Classification D14, D61, D91, O33, Q01, Q32, Q34, Z13 Keywords hobby, private ownership,...Tato práce se zabývá fenoménem hobby metal detectingu v České republice, s hlavním cílem zjistit, zda bohatství jednotlivců ovlivňuje tvorbu sbírek nálezů. Masové rozšíření metal detectingu v České republice od 90. let 20. století potvrzuje důležitost studia této aktivity. Fenomén hobby metal detectingu může být zařazen do teorie soutěží, kde agenti vynakládají úsilí a soutěží o získání limitovaného zdroje, jímž jsou v tomto případě archeologicky cenné nálezy. Z hlediska ekonomie jakožto vědy o alokaci zdrojů, může být hobby metal detecting zajímavým předmětem studia. Tato práce prezentuje odhady modelů založených na pěti různých datasetech, obsahujících několik tisíc po- zorování získaných z české etablované stránky o metal detectingu. Zjištění naz- načují, že relativně bohatší detektoráři mají větší pravděpodobnost odevzdání mincí, ale nikoli artefaktů. Jelikož mince jsou relativně homogenní skupinou, ve výsledku by odhady spojené s mincemi mohly být aplikovány na tvorbu sbírek nálezů obecně. Sbírání nálezů je tedy pravděpodobně negativně spojeno se socioekonomickým statutem. Klasifikace JEL D14, D61, D91, O33, Q01, Q32, Q34, Z13 Klíčová slova hobby, soukromé vlastnictví, motivace, mo- tivy, detektor kovů, nálezy Název práce Vlastnické vs nevlastnické motivace držitelů detektorů kovů E-mail...Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Countably compact groups without non-trivial convergent sequences

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    We construct, in ZFC\mathsf{ZFC}, a countably compact subgroup of 2c2^{\mathfrak{c}} without non-trivial convergent sequences, answering an old problem of van Douwen. As a consequence we also prove the existence of two countably compact groups G0\mathbb{G}_{0} and G1\mathbb{G}_{1} such that the product G0×G1\mathbb{G}_{0} \times \mathbb{G}_{1} is not countably compact, thus answering a classical problem of Comfort.Comment: 21 pages, to be published in Transactions of the American Mathematical Societ

    Long-Term Sustainability of Research Infrastructures

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    The second volume of the ESFRI Scripta series is dedicated to\nthe outcomes of the ad hoc Working (WG) Group on Long-Term\nSustainability (LTS) of Research Infrastructures.\nThe LTS WG was created by ESFRI in 2016 to comprehensively respond\nto the Conclusions of the Competitiveness Council of the European\nUnion of 27th May 2016 that „underlines the importance of ensuring\nLong-Term Sustainability of Research Infrastructures and invites the\nCommission to prepare together with ESFRI and relevant stakeholders a\ntargeted action plan“.\nESFRI has previously developed its concept of lifecycle of the Research\nInfrastructures in the framework of the Roadmap evaluation exercise,\nand at all stages of the lifecycle different aspects of sustainability were\nidentified. The LTS WG has analysed the Long-Term Sustainability\nof Research Infrastructures from a broad perspective taking the\nESFRI viewpoint well beyond the mere economical analysis. Scientific\nexcellence is the condition sine qua non for sustainability throughout\nthe entire RI lifecycle, and its persistence is crucial in the long-term\noperational phase. Excellence in science and outstanding quality services\nto the users are imperative for the successful performance of each\nResearch Infrastructure, and they are addressed in the monitoring and\nreviewing processes by ESFRI

    Metal Detecting Ownership and Non-Ownership Motives

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    This thesis addresses the phenomenon of hobby metal detecting in the Czech Republic, aiming to determine whether individuals' wealth influences the for- mation of detected finds collections. The mass spread of metal detecting in the Czech Republic since the 1990s has proven the significance of studying this activity. The phenomenon of metal detecting can be classified under contest theory, where agents make costly efforts to compete for a limited resource, which in this case is archaeological finds. From the standpoint of economics, a study about resources allocation, the metal detecting hobby can be an in- triguing topic for investigation. This thesis presents estimates of models based on five different datasets, each containing several thousands of observations obtained from a renowned Czech metal detecting website. The findings sug- gest that relatively wealthier metal detectorists are more likely to submit coins, but not artifacts. Given that coins form a relatively homogeneous group, the estimation results associated with coins might be applied to the formation of finds collections overall. Hence, the collecting of finds is likely to be negatively associated with an individual's socioeconomic status. JEL Classification D14, D61, D91, O33, Q01, Q32, Q34, Z13 Keywords hobby, private ownership,..

    No minimal tall Borel ideal in the Katětov order

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    Opening Addresses

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    Recent advances in the management of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common malignancy in childhood. Despite enormous improvement of prognosis during the last half century, ALL remains a major cause of childhood cancer-related mortality. During the past decade, whole genomic methods have enhanced our knowledge of disease biology. Stratification of therapy according to early treatment response measured by minimal residual disease allows risk group assignment into different treatment arms, ranging from reduction to intensification of treatment. Progress has been achieved in academic clinical trials by optimization of combined chemotherapy, which continues to be the mainstay of contemporary treatment. The availability of suitable volunteer main histocompatibility antigen-matched unrelated donors has increased the rates of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) over the past two decades. Allogeneic HSCT has become an alternative treatment for selected, very-high-risk patients. However, intensive treatment burdens children with severe acute toxic effects that can cause permanent organ damage and even toxic death. Immunotherapeutic approaches have recently come to the forefront in ALL therapy. Monoclonal antibodies blinatumomab and inotuzumab ozogamicin as well as gene-modified T cells directed to specific target antigens have shown efficacy against resistant/relapsed leukemia in phase I/II studies. Integration of these newer modalities into combined regimens with chemotherapy may rescue a subset of children not curable by contemporary therapy. Another major challenge will be to incorporate less toxic regimens into the therapy of patients with low-risk disease who have a nearly 100% chance of being cured, and the ultimate goal is to improve their quality of life while maintaining a high cure rate