10 research outputs found

    Analysis of pre-mRNA alternative splicing products and their importance in breast cancer oncogenesis

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    Karcinom prsu je celosvětově nejčastěji diagnostikované nádorové onemocnění u žen. V 5-10 % všech případů je pozorována genetická souvislost, obvykle způsobená patogenní mutací v některém z predispozičních genů. Ačkoliv byla řada poškozujících mutací v kódující sekvenci těchto genů popsána, u velkého procenta familiárních případů (> 50 %) nebyla příčina dosud nalezena. Řada identifikovaných patogenních mutací byla lokalizována v konsenzních sestřihových místech, které mají za následek vznik aberantních sestřihových forem mRNA a z nich se odvíjející poškozené proteiny. Málo je však známo o variantách poškozujících regulační sestřihová místa, která mohou vést k tvorbě obdobných forem mRNA. Pro nepřímou analýzu variant, ovlivňujících přirozený sestřih, jsme navrhli metodiku detekce sestřihových variant jakéhokoliv genu založenou na multiplexní PCR a následné analýze pomocí NGS s vysokou citlivostí. Ověření této metodiky na modelu BRCA1 odhalila přítomnost 94 sestřihových variant v leukocytech periferní krve, zdravé prsní a přilehlé tukové tkáni, čímž byl vytvořen dosud nejpodrobnější katalog fyziologicky se vyskytujících mRNA variant BRCA1. Nejčastěji se vyskytující varianty, zachovávající čtecí rámec, byly přesně kvantifikovány pomocí RT-qPCR, která odhalila přítomnost 6 ubikvitně se vyskytujících...Breast cancer is the most common tumor disease diagnosed in women worldwide. The hereditary character of this disease is observed in 5-10 % of all cases, and it is usually caused by a pathogenic mutation in one of the predisposition genes. Although a variety of pathogenic mutations in the coding sequences of these genes was described, the cause of the disease is still unknown in many familial cases (> 50%). A great number of identified pathogenic mutations were localized in the consensus splicing sites, which results in the formation of aberrant mRNA splicing variants and their damaged protein isoforms. However, little is known about mutations affecting regulatory splicing sites, which can result in the translation of similarly affected mRNAs. In this work, we proposed a method for indirect detection of mutations affecting the natural splicing pattern of any gene of our interest based on multiplex PCR and NGS with high sensitivity. Verification of this method on the BRCA1 model gene revealed the presence of the total of 94 splicing variants in peripheral leucocytes and healthy breast and adjacent fat tissues. This is the most detailed catalogue of physically occurring BRCA1 mRNA variants thus far. The most commonly occurring variants, maintaining open reading frame, were quantified by RT-qPCR which...Katedra genetiky a mikrobiologieDepartment of Genetics and MicrobiologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Analysis of pre-mRNA alternative splicing products and their importance in breast cancer oncogenesis.

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    Karcinom prsu je celosvětově nejčastěji diagnostikované nádorové onemocnění u žen. V 5-10 % všech případů je pozorována genetická souvislost, obvykle způsobená patogenní mutací v některém z predispozičních genů. Ačkoliv byla řada poškozujících mutací v kódující sekvenci těchto genů popsána, u velkého procenta familiárních případů (> 50 %) nebyla příčina dosud nalezena. Řada identifikovaných patogenních mutací byla lokalizována v konsenzních sestřihových místech, které mají za následek vznik aberantních sestřihových forem mRNA a z nich se odvíjející poškozené proteiny. Málo je však známo o variantách poškozujících regulační sestřihová místa, která mohou vést k tvorbě obdobných forem mRNA. Pro nepřímou analýzu variant, ovlivňujících přirozený sestřih, jsme navrhli metodiku detekce sestřihových variant jakéhokoliv genu založenou na multiplexní PCR a následné analýze pomocí NGS s vysokou citlivostí. Ověření této metodiky na modelu BRCA1 odhalila přítomnost 94 sestřihových variant v leukocytech periferní krve, zdravé prsní a přilehlé tukové tkáni, čímž byl vytvořen dosud nejpodrobnější katalog fyziologicky se vyskytujících mRNA variant BRCA1. Nejčastěji se vyskytující varianty, zachovávající čtecí rámec, byly přesně kvantifikovány pomocí RT-qPCR, která odhalila přítomnost 6 ubikvitně se vyskytujících...Breast cancer is the most common tumor disease diagnosed in women worldwide. The hereditary character of this disease is observed in 5-10 % of all cases, and it is usually caused by a pathogenic mutation in one of the predisposition genes. Although a variety of pathogenic mutations in the coding sequences of these genes was described, the cause of the disease is still unknown in many familial cases (> 50%). A great number of identified pathogenic mutations were localized in the consensus splicing sites, which results in the formation of aberrant mRNA splicing variants and their damaged protein isoforms. However, little is known about mutations affecting regulatory splicing sites, which can result in the translation of similarly affected mRNAs. In this work, we proposed a method for indirect detection of mutations affecting the natural splicing pattern of any gene of our interest based on multiplex PCR and NGS with high sensitivity. Verification of this method on the BRCA1 model gene revealed the presence of the total of 94 splicing variants in peripheral leucocytes and healthy breast and adjacent fat tissues. This is the most detailed catalogue of physically occurring BRCA1 mRNA variants thus far. The most commonly occurring variants, maintaining open reading frame, were quantified by RT-qPCR which...Institute of Biochemistry and Experimental Oncology First Faculty of Medicine Charles UniversityÚstav biochemie a experimentální onkologie 1. LF UK1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Structure, function and importace of BRCA 1protein

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    Studies of factors contributed to the development of hereditary breast and ovary cancers lead to the discovery of Breast Cancer 1 gene (BRCA1). The protein product of this tumor suppressor gene is nuclear phosphoprotein that plays a critical role in DNA repair and it is required for genome integrity control. The BRCA1 protein is the key component for correct assembly of reparation complexes formed in sites of DNA double strand breaks. Furthermore, BRCA1 protein is implicated in regulation of cell cycle checkpoints and it is also involved in regulation of gene expression in response to DNA damage. These activities suggest that BRCA1 protein plays a crucial role in orchestration of intracellular response to genotoxic DNA damage. Loss of BRCA1 functions leads to the DNA-damage repair mechanisms failure resulting in genomic instability and a tolerance of genomic alterations in affected cells. The genomic instability is the initial step toward early malignant transformation of cells lacking BRCA1 proteins. The aim of this work is to summarize the information about structure, functions known and the importance of BRCA1 protein with respect to the current discoveries enabling elucidation of versatile BRCA1-containing multiprotein complexes in which BRCA1 protein acts as the multiplatform interacting..

    Analysis of pre-mRNA alternative splicing products and their importance in breast cancer oncogenesis

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    Breast cancer is the most common tumor disease diagnosed in women worldwide. The hereditary character of this disease is observed in 5-10 % of all cases, and it is usually caused by a pathogenic mutation in one of the predisposition genes. Although a variety of pathogenic mutations in the coding sequences of these genes was described, the cause of the disease is still unknown in many familial cases (> 50%). A great number of identified pathogenic mutations were localized in the consensus splicing sites, which results in the formation of aberrant mRNA splicing variants and their damaged protein isoforms. However, little is known about mutations affecting regulatory splicing sites, which can result in the translation of similarly affected mRNAs. In this work, we proposed a method for indirect detection of mutations affecting the natural splicing pattern of any gene of our interest based on multiplex PCR and NGS with high sensitivity. Verification of this method on the BRCA1 model gene revealed the presence of the total of 94 splicing variants in peripheral leucocytes and healthy breast and adjacent fat tissues. This is the most detailed catalogue of physically occurring BRCA1 mRNA variants thus far. The most commonly occurring variants, maintaining open reading frame, were quantified by RT-qPCR which..

    Analysis of pre-mRNA alternative splicing products and their importance in breast cancer oncogenesis.

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    Breast cancer is the most common tumor disease diagnosed in women worldwide. The hereditary character of this disease is observed in 5-10 % of all cases, and it is usually caused by a pathogenic mutation in one of the predisposition genes. Although a variety of pathogenic mutations in the coding sequences of these genes was described, the cause of the disease is still unknown in many familial cases (> 50%). A great number of identified pathogenic mutations were localized in the consensus splicing sites, which results in the formation of aberrant mRNA splicing variants and their damaged protein isoforms. However, little is known about mutations affecting regulatory splicing sites, which can result in the translation of similarly affected mRNAs. In this work, we proposed a method for indirect detection of mutations affecting the natural splicing pattern of any gene of our interest based on multiplex PCR and NGS with high sensitivity. Verification of this method on the BRCA1 model gene revealed the presence of the total of 94 splicing variants in peripheral leucocytes and healthy breast and adjacent fat tissues. This is the most detailed catalogue of physically occurring BRCA1 mRNA variants thus far. The most commonly occurring variants, maintaining open reading frame, were quantified by RT-qPCR which..

    Structure, function and importace of BRCA 1protein

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    Studies of factors contributed to the development of hereditary breast and ovary cancers lead to the discovery of Breast Cancer 1 gene (BRCA1). The protein product of this tumor suppressor gene is nuclear phosphoprotein that plays a critical role in DNA repair and it is required for genome integrity control. The BRCA1 protein is the key component for correct assembly of reparation complexes formed in sites of DNA double strand breaks. Furthermore, BRCA1 protein is implicated in regulation of cell cycle checkpoints and it is also involved in regulation of gene expression in response to DNA damage. These activities suggest that BRCA1 protein plays a crucial role in orchestration of intracellular response to genotoxic DNA damage. Loss of BRCA1 functions leads to the DNA-damage repair mechanisms failure resulting in genomic instability and a tolerance of genomic alterations in affected cells. The genomic instability is the initial step toward early malignant transformation of cells lacking BRCA1 proteins. The aim of this work is to summarize the information about structure, functions known and the importance of BRCA1 protein with respect to the current discoveries enabling elucidation of versatile BRCA1-containing multiprotein complexes in which BRCA1 protein acts as the multiplatform interacting..

    Analysis and characterization of BRCA1 splicing variants.

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    The Breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1) codes for nuclear phosphoprotein with a key function in the regulation of DNA damage response. The BRCA1 protein contributes to the formation and regulation of protein supercomplexes that participates on the DNA double-strand break repair. These protein supercomplexes are formed by the protein-protein interactions between highly conservative protein motives in BRCA1 and its binding partners. Except to the wild type form of BRCA1 mRNA containing entire set of 22 exons coding for the 220 kD protein, numerous alternative splicing variants (ASVs) BRCA1 mRNA has been described. These ASVs code for BRCA1 isoforms lacking several critical functional domains. It has been proposed, that formation of BRCA1's ASVs represent a tool for regulation of BRCA1 function. Only poorly has been characterized a complex catalogue of in various human tissues and their expression. This study aims to address these questions. We optimized the identification of BRCA1's ASVs including those covering the entire transcripts of the wt BRCA1 mRNA with length exceeding 5.5 kb. In further analysis, we characterized 13 BRCA1's ASVs in RNA samples isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNC) obtained from patients with breast cancer (BC) and control subjects. The majority of the identified..

    Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor of the Uterus: A Report of Molecularly Confirmed Case with EWSR1-WT1 Fusion

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    We report a case of a 49-year-old female with desmoplastic small round cell tumor of the uterus (DSRCT). Histologically, in some areas the tumor showed typical features with ample desmoplastic stroma, while in other areas the tumor cells diffusely infiltrated myometrium with only focal desmoplastic reaction. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells showed diffuse positivity for desmin, CD56, CD57, EMA and cyclin D1. Focal positivity was present for antibodies against cytokeratin AE1/3, BerEP4, NSE, IFITM1 and CD10. The WT-1 antibody (against the N-terminus) showed cytoplasmic positivity in some tumor cells, while the nuclei were negative. P53 expression was wild-type. The Ki-67 index (MIB1 antibody) was about 55%. Other markers examined including transgelin, myogenin, synaptophysin, chromogranin, h-caldesmon, PAX8, and CD117 were all negative. NGS analysis revealed a fusion transcript of the EWSR1 and WT1 genes. DSRCT of the uterus is a rare neoplasm, as only two cases have been reported so far. However, only one of these cases was examined molecularly with a confirmation of the characteristic EWSR1-WT1 fusion. We report a second case of molecularly confirmed DSRCT of the uterus and discuss its clinical features, differential diagnosis and the significance of molecular testing

    Complex tumours genomic and transcriptomic analysis in uterine tumours resembling ovarian sex cord tumours (UTROSCT).

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    Background & objectives: UTROSCT is a rare entity. Most tumours behave in a benign fashion, but clinically aggressive neoplasms have been described. Our aim was to perform a comprehensive genomic and transcriptomic analysis in a series of UTROSCT to reveal clinically relevant alterations. Methods: DNA and RNA isolated from 30 UTROSCT were analysed using capture DNA NGS analysis (KAPA HyperPlus kit and a panel of 788 genes/gene parts; 2044 kbp; Roche) and transcriptome RNA-Seq (KAPA RNA HyperPrep kit; Roche), and pair-end sequenced on Next- Seq 500 or NovaSeq (Illumina). Only likely pathogenic or pathogenic (class 4/5) mutations and gene fusions were evaluated. Results: The analyses of our sample set revealed the presence of several recurrent gene fusions in the majority of the cases, including NCOA2/3. Moreover, whole transcriptome RNA-Seq revealed additional rare gene fusions such as COL6A3::FAM13B. Other alterations detected included rare class 4/5 mutations in CHEK2 and RECQL4. Conclusion: Our complex study of the molecular alterations in UTRO- SCT has revealed potentially signifcant gene fusions and genetic alter- ations in these tumours, some of which may be clinically actionable