474 research outputs found

    Bijes, solidarnost, kontraudar: analiza sadržaja tweetova o dva politička skandala u Njemačkoj

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    The prevalence of politicians’ scandals on social media has become an integral part of contemporary political life, presenting a challenge to existing scandal research. The formerly passive audience is given new opportunities for participation that have not yet been comprehensively described either theoretically or empirically. This study contributes to filling this gap by developing a taxonomy to describe offensive and defensive forms of audience participation during scandals. I analyze a sample of 500 influential tweets, taken from a corpus of more than 55.000 tweets related to two scandalizations of German politicians. The proposed taxonomy is shown to be suitable for describing both offensive and defensive forms of audience participation in scandalizations on social media.Politički skandali na društvenim mrežama postali su sastavan dio suvremenoga političkog života, što predstavlja izazov dosadašnjem istraživanju skandala. Nekada pasivna publika dobiva nove mogućnosti za sudjelovanje koje još uvijek nisu cjelovito opisane, ni teorijski ni empirijski. Ovo istraživanje pridonosi premošćivanju tog jaza razvijanjem kategorija za opis uvredljivih i obrambenih oblika sudjelovanja publike tijekom skandalizacija. Analiziram uzorak od 500 utjecajnih tweetova, izvučenih iz korpusa od preko 55 000 tweetova, koji su povezani s dva skandala vezana uz njemačke političare. Predložene kategorije pokazale su se prikladnima za opisivanje kako uvredljivih tako i obrambenih oblika sudjelovanja publike u skandalizacijama na društvenim mrežama

    Vibronic Lineshapes of PTCDA Oligomers in Helium Nanodroplets

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    Oligomers of the organic semiconductor PTCDA are studied by means of helium nanodroplet isolation (HENDI) spectroscopy. In contrast to the monomer absorption spectrum, which exhibits clearly separated, very sharp absorption lines, it is found that the oligomer spectrum consists of three main peaks having an apparent width orders of magnitude larger than the width of the monomer lines. Using a simple theoretical model for the oligomer, in which a Frenkel exciton couples to internal vibrational modes of the monomers, these experimental findings are nicely reproduced. The three peaks present in the oligomer spectrum can already be obtained taking only one effective vibrational mode of the PTCDA molecule into account. The inclusion of more vibrational modes leads to quasi continuous spectra, resembling the broad oligomer spectra

    Results of trials with poppy seed (Papaver somniferum) in organic and integrated production technology.

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    The influence of organic and integrated management practices on poppy yield, pests and disease incidence was assessed in field trials in 2009. Crop management based on mineral fertilisers application and chemosynthetic pesticides treatment significantly increased the yield of poppy compared to organic crop protection and organic management of fertilization. Integrated crop protection decreased harmfulness of pests as rate of infectious diseases observed on capsules during harvest

    Opposite effects of two zinc(II) dithiocarbamates on NF-kB pathway

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    Inhibiting nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kB) activation in anticancer and antiinflammatory therapy is of topical interest. Current research in molecular biology has dramatically advanced in the understanding of the cellular events involved in NF-kB induction. Dithiocarbamates, in particular diethyldithiocarbamate and pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate, have been known and widely used as strong inhibitors of NF-kB signaling pathway for more than ten years. Their activity is frequently thought to be due to chelating of zinc or copper present in serum supplemented in the culture medium. Zinc(II) diethyldithiocarbamate (Et2Zn) and zinc(II) dibenzyldithiocarbamate (Bz2Zn) were prepared by direct synthesis in aqueous millieu. They were structurally characterized by X-ray analysis (solid phase) and mass spectrometry (aqueous conditions). Et2Zn and Bz2Zn both in 20 micromolar concentration were applied to HeLa cells. The status of NF-kB signaling was assessed as nuclear translocation of p65 subunit. Surprisingly, Et2Zn activated NF-kB pathway, while TNF-dependent activation of NF-kB was inhibited by Bz2Zn. Our results are preliminary

    NASYP: Online expert tool on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances

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    NASYP is an online Geoportal tool being developed in cooperation with state and regional authorities to improve insufficient practices based on implementation of Directive nr. 2003/105/ES on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances. The tool is applicable for managing the permits, reporting and regular monitoring issues. Furthermore, it’s applicable for a risk assessment and a rapid management of disasters in the initial phase. There’re simple modeling tools included to simulate early stages of the contamination caused by disasters occurred to be used for decision making and effective use of emergency services. In this manner, there’re low atmospheric and surface water pollutions taken into account. For the study area, Liberec region was chosen covering the area of 3,163km2 and containing 533 potentially dangerous objects categorized accordingly to the Directive nr. 2003/105/ES. The model simulations are responding to daily hydrological and meteorological situation, a capability of automated updates from databases operated by the Czech Hydro Meteorological Institute, and communicate with databases of substances operated by the regional authorities. NASYP is suitable especially for the “N†class of the operators defined in the Directive, where because of smaller amounts of stored dangerous substances the safety measures and regular inspections are limited.Spatial data, geoportal, risk management, modelling, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Risk and Uncertainty, GA, IN,

    Jak dělat ekologický mák za dvojnásobnou cenu

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    The article assesses the current situation of organic oilseeds in CR including the possibility of increased production of poppy seeds from organic cultivation. Article informs about basic steps of conversion to organic growing and sums up main conditions of successful production of poppy seeds

    Vliv ošetření osiva na složky výnosu u ekologicky pěstovaného máku (Papaver somniferum L.)

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    Ověřovali jsme vliv ošetření osiva máku setého, kultivaru Orfeus, separovaného do dvou velikostních frakcí, přípravky na bázi mykoparazitických organismů (Gliorex, Polyversum) v kombinaci s vybranými biofungicidními přípravky povolenými v ekologickém zemědělství. Byly stanoveny složky výnosu, míra napadení makovic chorobami a makovicovými škůdci. V našich pokusech se použití přípravků Gliorex a Polyversum osvědčilo. Ošetření osiva prokazatelně zvyšuje výnos a snižuje míru napadení rostlin houbovými chorobami

    Synteny analysis in Rosids with a walnut physical map reveals slow genome evolution in long-lived woody perennials.

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    BackgroundMutations often accompany DNA replication. Since there may be fewer cell cycles per year in the germlines of long-lived than short-lived angiosperms, the genomes of long-lived angiosperms may be diverging more slowly than those of short-lived angiosperms. Here we test this hypothesis.ResultsWe first constructed a genetic map for walnut, a woody perennial. All linkage groups were short, and recombination rates were greatly reduced in the centromeric regions. We then used the genetic map to construct a walnut bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone-based physical map, which contained 15,203 exonic BAC-end sequences, and quantified with it synteny between the walnut genome and genomes of three long-lived woody perennials, Vitis vinifera, Populus trichocarpa, and Malus domestica, and three short-lived herbs, Cucumis sativus, Medicago truncatula, and Fragaria vesca. Each measure of synteny we used showed that the genomes of woody perennials were less diverged from the walnut genome than those of herbs. We also estimated the nucleotide substitution rate at silent codon positions in the walnut lineage. It was one-fifth and one-sixth of published nucleotide substitution rates in the Medicago and Arabidopsis lineages, respectively. We uncovered a whole-genome duplication in the walnut lineage, dated it to the neighborhood of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, and allocated the 16 walnut chromosomes into eight homoeologous pairs. We pointed out that during polyploidy-dysploidy cycles, the dominant tendency is to reduce the chromosome number.ConclusionSlow rates of nucleotide substitution are accompanied by slow rates of synteny erosion during genome divergence in woody perennials

    Vliv vybraných přípravků a jejich kombinací na výnos máku (Papaver somniferum L.)

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    Roku 2009 byly na pokusných stanicích v Uhříněvsi a Červeném Újezdě založeny pokusy s mákem s cílem ověřit vliv vybraných přípravků a jejich kombinací na výnos semen. Byly zkoušeny různé způsoby úpravy osiva samostatně i v kombinacích včetně variant s osivem ošetřeným elektronovým zářením. Výnos byl pozitivně ovlivněn použitím přípravků Supresivit a Polyversum. Ošetření metodou E-ventus se projevilo výnosově příznivě pouze na stanici v Červeném Újezdě. Varianty, u nichž byl k ošetření osiva, či postřikem v průběhu vegetace, použit přípravek Supresivit, se vyznačovaly vysokým výnosem. Dalšími vhodnými přípravky mohou být Prosaro s přípravkem Hergit, jakož i přípravek Polyversum