270 research outputs found

    Care of elderly people by the general practitioner and the geriatrician in Belgium: a qualitative study of their relationship

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    Objectives. The care of elderly people is a large part of the general practitioners’ work. The growing elderly population requires a reflection on the management of care. Within this large field, we focused on the relationship between general practitioners (GPs) and hospital geriatricians (HGs). Methods. Focus group discussions (FGDs) were performed to describe the collaboration between GPs and HGs: four groups with only GPs, two groups with only HGs and one group with GPs and hospital specialists. Participants were invited to speak about their bad or good experiences of inter-collaboration. The discussions were recorded, transcribed and coded. Results. An important regional disparity was observed: areas that benefit from a wider range of geriatric services were characterised by a perception of better relationships and easier collaboration. In areas with few geriatric services, doctors knew little of other professionals and reported suspicion and even conflicts. Positive experiences and exchanges favour good relationships. Conclusions. The collaboration between GPs and HGs should be enhanced: information, exchanges, reflection on roles and competencies are essential

    Resilience in advanced cancer caregiving

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    Background Family caregivers of advanced cancer patients are at risk for developing mental disorders. Despite this risk, the majority seem to adapt well, and throughout the caregiving period, their trajectory is characterised by healthy functioning. However, GPs struggle with making timely assessments of caregivers at risk for mental dysfunction, since they often fail to seek medical help for themselves and the appropriate research about resilience in cancer caregivers is scarce. Moreover, research is hampered by the lack of a universal definition or theoretical framework. Aim To propose a comprehensive definition and framework for further research in family caregiving for advanced cancer patients. Method Inspired by the hermeneutic methodology, reviews and concept analyses on resilience following a potentially traumatic event were searched and analysed. Conforming to the hermeneutic methodology, article collection from PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, and PsycInfo was followed by analysis and was stopped when saturation was reached. Elements consistently arising from the definitions of resilience were listed and the theoretical frameworks were compared. Results The APA definition: ‘resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma or threats’ and Bonanno’s framework ‘temporal elements of resilience’ are proposed. Conclusion There is a need for studies on resilience in caregivers of advanced cancer patients. Resilience is context-dependent, hence, study results cannot be transferred as such from one clinical situation to another. Furthermore, conceptual ambiguities hinder the interpretation and comparison of study results. For further research on resilience in caregivers of advanced cancer patients, we suggest the APA definition of resilience and Bonanno’s framework

    Assessment of oral health in older adults by non-dental professional caregivers : development and validation of a photograph-supported oral health–related section for the interRAI suite of instruments

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    Objectives An optimized oral health-related section and a video training were developed and validated for the interRAI suite of instruments. The latter is completed by professional non-dental caregivers and used in more than 40 countries to assess care needs of older adults. Methods The optimized oral health-related section (ohr-interRAI) consists of nine items and a video training that were developed in consecutive phases. To evaluate psychometric properties, a study was conducted in 260 long-term care residents. Each resident was assessed by a dentist and by four caregivers (two who received the video training, two who did not). Results Mean kappa values and percent agreement between caregivers and dentist ranged between kappa = 0.60 (80.2%) for dry mouth and kappa = 0.13 (54.0%) for oral hygiene. The highest inter-caregiver agreement was found for dry mouth with kappa = 0.63 [95% CI: 0.56-0.70] (81.6%), while for the item palate/lips/cheeks only kappa = 0.27 [95% CI: 0.18-0.36] (76.7%) was achieved. Intra-caregiver agreement ranged between kappa = 0.93 [95% CI: 0.79-1.00] (96.4%) for dry mouth and kappa = 0.45 [95% CI: 0.06-0.84] (82.8%) for gums. Logistic regression analysis showed only small differences between caregivers who watched the video training and those who did not. Conclusions Psychometric properties of the optimized ohr-interRAI section were improved compared to previous versions. Nevertheless, particularly the items based on inspection of the mouth require further refinement and caregiver training needs to be improved

    Diagnosing dementia: No easy job

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>From both clinical experience and research we learned that in complex progressive disorders such as dementia, diagnosis includes multiple steps, each with their own clinical and research characteristics.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Diagnosing starts with a trigger phase in which the GP gradually realizes that dementia may be emerging. This is followed by a disease-oriented diagnosis and subsequently a care -oriented diagnosis. In parallel the GP should consider the consequences of this process for the caregiver and the interaction between both. As soon as a comprehensive diagnosis and care plan are available, monitoring follows.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>We propose to split the diagnostic process into four diagnostic steps, followed by a monitoring phase. We recommend to include these steps when designing studies on screening, diagnosis and monitoring of patients with dementia and their families.</p

    Incident somatic comorbidity after psychosis: Results from a retrospective cohort study based on Flemish general practice data

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    Background: Psychotic conditions and especially schizophrenia, have been associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Many studies are performed in specialized settings with a strong focus on schizophrenia. Somatic comorbidity after psychosis is studied, using a general practice comorbidity registration network. Methods. Hazard ratios are presented resulting from frailty models to assess the risk of subsequent somatic disease after a diagnosis of psychosis compared to people without psychosis matched on practice, age and gender. Diseases studied are cancer, physical trauma, diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal disorders, joint disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, general infections, metabolic disorders other than diabetes, hearing and vision problems, anemia, cardiovascular disease, alcohol abuse, lung disorders, mouth and teeth problems, sexually transmitted diseases. Results: Significant higher risks after a diagnosis of psychosis were found for the emergence of diabetes, physical trauma, gastrointestinal disorders, alcohol abuse, chronic lung disease and teeth and mouth problems. With regard to diabetes, by including the type of antipsychotic medication it is clear that the significant overall effect was largely due to the use of atypical antipsychotic medication. No significant higher risk was seen for cancer, joint conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, general infections, other metabolic conditions, hearing/vision problems, anaemia, cardiovascular disease or diabetes, in case no atypical antipsychotic medication was used. Conclusion: Significantly higher morbidity rates for some somatic conditions in patients with psychosis are apparent. People with a diagnosis of psychosis benefit from regular assessments for the emergence of somatic disorders and risk factors, including diabetes in case of atypical antipsychotic medication
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