35 research outputs found

    Tilting modules over an algebra by Igusa, SmalĂž and Todorov

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    AbstractThe finiteness of the little finitistic dimension of an artin algebra R is known to be equivalent to the existence of a tilting R-module T such that {T}⊄=(P<∞)⊄ where P<∞ is the category of all finitely presented R-modules of finite projective dimension. Moreover, T can be taken finitely generated if and only if P<∞ is contravariantly finite.In this paper, we describe explicitly the structure of T for the IST-algebra, a finite-dimensional algebra with P<∞ not contravariantly finite. We also characterize the indecomposable modules in P<∞, and all tilting classes over this algebra

    tt-Structures on stable derivators and Grothendieck hearts

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    We prove that given any strong, stable derivator and a tt-structure on its base triangulated category D\cal D, the tt-structure canonically lifts to all the (coherent) diagram categories and each incoherent diagram in the heart uniquely lifts to a coherent one. We use this to show that the tt-structure being compactly generated implies that the coaisle is closed under directed homotopy colimit which in turns implies that the heart is an (Ab.55) Abelian category. If, moreover, D\cal D is a well generated algebraic or topological triangulated category, then the heart of any accessibly embedded (in particular, compactly generated) tt-structure has a generator. As a consequence, it follows that the heart of any compactly generated tt-structure of a well generated algebraic or topological triangulated category is a Grothendieck category.Comment: 47 page

    tt-Structures with Grothendieck hearts via functor categories

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    We study when the heart of a t-structure in a triangulated category D\mathcal{D} with coproducts is AB5 or a Grothendieck category. If D\mathcal{D} satisfies Brown representability, a t-structure has an AB5 heart with an injective cogenerator and coproduct-preserving associated homological functor if, and only if, the coaisle has a pure-injective t-cogenerating object. If D\mathcal{D} is standard well generated, such a heart is automatically a Grothendieck category. For compactly generated t-structures (in any ambient triangulated category with coproducts), we prove that the heart is a locally finitely presented Grothendieck category. We use functor categories and the proofs rely on two main ingredients. Firstly, we express the heart of any t-structure in any triangulated category as a Serre quotient of the category of finitely presented additive functors for suitable choices of subcategories of the aisle or the co-aisle that we, respectively, call t-generating or t-cogenerating subcategories. Secondly, we study coproduct-preserving homological functors from D\mathcal{D} to complete AB5 abelian categories with injective cogenerators and classify them, up to a so-called computational equivalence, in terms of pure-injective objects in D\mathcal{D}. This allows us to show that any standard well-generated triangulated category D\mathcal{D} possesses a universal such coproduct-preserving homological functor and to develop a purity theory in such triangulated categories.Comment: 56 pages; version 2: new sections 8.3 (a classification of t-structures with definable co-aisles in terms of suspended ideals of the compacts) and 8.4 (existence of right adjacent co-t-structures) adde

    Deconstructibility and the Hill lemma in Grothendieck categories

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    A full subcategory of a Grothendieck category is called deconstructible if it consists of all transfinite extensions of some set of objects. This concept provides a handy framework for structure theory and construction of approximations for subcategories of Grothendieck categories. It also allows to construct model structures and t-structures on categories of complexes over a Grothendieck category. In this paper we aim to establish fundamental results on deconstructible classes and outline how to apply these in the areas mentioned above. This is related to recent work of Gillespie, Enochs, Estrada, Guil Asensio, Murfet, Neeman, Prest, Trlifaj and others.Comment: 20 pages; version 2: minor changes, misprints corrected, references update

    On exact categories and applications to triangulated adjoints and model structures

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    We show that Quillen's small object argument works for exact categories under very mild conditions. This has immediate applications to cotorsion pairs and their relation to the existence of certain triangulated adjoint functors and model structures. In particular, the interplay of different exact structures on the category of complexes of quasi-coherent sheaves leads to a streamlined and generalized version of recent results obtained by Estrada, Gillespie, Guil Asensio, Hovey, J{\o}rgensen, Neeman, Murfet, Prest, Trlifaj and possibly others.Comment: 38 pages; version 2: major revision, more explanation added at several places, reference list updated and extended, misprints correcte