408 research outputs found

    Developing a Performance Assessment System From the Ground Up: Lessons Learned From Three Linked Learning Pathways

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    This document is designed to offer practitioners -- teachers, principals, and central office administrators -- models, tools, and examples from the Linked Learning field for developing a performance assessment system. This document describes the challenges and successes practitioners encountered when developing and implementing authentic performance-based assessment practices and systems in Linked Learning pathways as well as the conditions that enabled this work. It is the product of a 1-year study of three grade-level teams, located in three different Linked Learning pathways across California. These teams participated in a 2-year performance assessment demonstration project led by ConnectEd and Envision

    Depriving Washington State\u27s Incarcerated Youth of an Education: The Debilitating Effects of \u3cem\u3eTunstall v. Bergeson\u3c/em\u3e

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    The analysis begins in Section II with a general overview and summary of Tunstall v. Bergeson. Section III presents a brief legislative background of the statute at issue in Tunstall, Education Programs for Juvenile Inmates, RCW section 28A.193. Section IV discusses Tunstall\u27s misinterpretation of these statutory provisions, demonstrating the Education Programs for Juvenile Inmates\u27 disregard of the paramount duty to provide education to youth under twenty-one pursuant to the Basic Education Act and violation of the Washington Constitution, as discussed in Section V. Next, Section VI argues that because the right to education is a fundamental right under state law, the Education Programs for Juvenile Inmates statute violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Washington Constitution. Finally, Section VII examines the juvenile inmates\u27 right to special education, both under the state Special Education Act, and the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    A Handbook for Coaches of Women\u27s High School Basketball

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    In developing a successful basketball program there are certain components that must be present. Creating a philosophy based on the beliefs of the coach and the concept of expectations and goal setting are imperative to long-term success. Organization of the overall program including its philosophy, goals, and how to go about teaching the correct mechanics and ftmdamentals are essential in creating a handbook for women\u27s high school basketball coaches. The purpose of this project was to create a handbook of activities and strategies to be used by individuals who are seeking to coach basketball at the high school level. A review of related literature was conducted. Information from other high school and college basketball programs was gathered, analyzed, and then presented in a high school basketball coaches handbook

    Population-Based Fish Consumption Survey and Probabilistic Methylmercury Risk Assessment

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    A fish consumption survey was developed and administered by telephone to 820 Wyoming fishing license holders. Survey respondents provided the frequency, species, and quantity of Wyoming-caught and store-bought fish consumed for license holder and household members. Deterministic and probabilistic methylmercury exposure distributions were estimated by multiplying fish consumption by species-specific mercury concentrations for each household member. Risk assessments were conducted for children, women of childbearing age, and the rest of the population by comparing methylmercury exposure distributions to levels of concern. The results indicate that probabilistic risk assessment likely provides a more realistic view of the risk to the study population. The results of this study clearly indicate that: (1) there is no level of fish consumption that is without risk of methylmercury exposure, (2) fish advisories may be warranted for children and women of childbearing age, and (3) that store-bought fish generally contribute more to methylmercury exposure than do Wyoming-caught fish

    Tight bounds for antidistinguishability and circulant sets of pure quantum states

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    A set of pure quantum states is said to be antidistinguishable if upon sampling one at random, there exists a measurement to perfectly determine some state that was not sampled. We show that antidistinguishability of a set of nn pure states is equivalent to a property of its Gram matrix called (n1)(n-1)-incoherence, thus establishing a connection with quantum resource theories that lets us apply a wide variety of new tools to antidistinguishability. As a particular application of our result, we present an explicit formula (not involving any semidefinite programming) that determines whether or not a set with a circulant Gram matrix is antidistinguishable. We also show that if all inner products are smaller than (n2)/(2n2)\sqrt{(n-2)/(2n-2)} then the set must be antidistinguishable, and we show that this bound is tight when n4n \leq 4. We also give a simpler proof that if all the inner products are strictly larger than (n2)/(n1)(n-2)/(n-1), then the set cannot be antidistinguishable, and we show that this bound is tight for all nn.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. Comments welcom

    Population-Based Fish Consumption Survey and Probabilistic Methylmercury Risk Assessment

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    A fish consumption survey was developed and administered by telephone to 820 Wyoming fishing license holders. Survey respondents provided the frequency, species, and quantity of Wyoming-caught and store-bought fish consumed for license holder and household members. Deterministic and probabilistic methylmercury exposure distributions were estimated by multiplying fish consumption by species-specific mercury concentrations for each household member. Risk assessments were conducted for children, women of childbearing age, and the rest of the population by comparing methylmercury exposure distributions to levels of concern. The results indicate that probabilistic risk assessment likely provides a more realistic view of the risk to the study population. The results of this study clearly indicate that: (1) there is no level of fish consumption that is without risk of methylmercury exposure, (2) fish advisories may be warranted for children and women of childbearing age, and (3) that store-bought fish generally contribute more to methylmercury exposure than do Wyoming-caught fish

    Extreme radio-wave scattering associated with hot stars

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    We use data on extreme radio scintillation to demonstrate that this phenomenon is associated with hot stars in the solar neighbourhood. The ionized gas responsible for the scattering is found at distances up to 1.75pc from the host star, and on average must comprise 1.E5 distinct structures per star. We detect azimuthal velocities of the plasma, relative to the host star, up to 9.7 km/s, consistent with warm gas expanding at the sound speed. The circumstellar plasma structures that we infer are similar in several respects to the cometary knots seen in the Helix, and in other planetary nebulae. There the ionized gas appears as a skin around tiny molecular clumps. Our analysis suggests that molecular clumps are ubiquitous circumstellar features, unrelated to the evolutionary state of the star. The total mass in such clumps is comparable to the stellar mass.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Ap

    Rapid mapping of visual receptive fields by filtered back-projection: application to multi-neuronal electrophysiology and imaging

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    Neurons in the visual system vary widely in the spatiotemporal properties of their receptive fields (RFs), and understanding these variations is key to elucidating how visual information is processed. We present a new approach for mapping RFs based on the filtered back projection (FBP), an algorithm used for tomographic reconstructions. To estimate RFs, a series of bars were flashed across the retina at pseudo‐random positions and at a minimum of five orientations. We apply this method to retinal neurons and show that it can accurately recover the spatial RF and impulse response of ganglion cells recorded on a multi‐electrode array. We also demonstrate its utility for in vivo imaging by mapping the RFs of an array of bipolar cell synapses expressing a genetically encoded Ca2+ indicator. We find that FBP offers several advantages over the commonly used spike‐triggered average (STA): (i) ON and OFF components of a RF can be separated; (ii) the impulse response can be reconstructed at sample rates of 125 Hz, rather than the refresh rate of a monitor; (iii) FBP reveals the response properties of neurons that are not evident using STA, including those that display orientation selectivity, or fire at low mean spike rates; and (iv) the FBP method is fast, allowing the RFs of all the bipolar cell synaptic terminals in a field of view to be reconstructed in under 4 min. Use of the FBP will benefit investigations of the visual system that employ electrophysiology or optical reporters to measure activity across populations of neurons

    Short reachability networks

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    We investigate a generalisation of permutation networks. We say a sequence T=(T1,,T)T=(T_1,\dots,T_\ell) of transpositions in SnS_n forms a tt-reachability network if for every choice of tt distinct points x1,,xt{1,,n}x_1, \dots, x_t\in \{1,\dots,n\}, there is a subsequence of TT whose composition maps jj to xjx_j for every 1jt1\leq j\leq t. When t=nt=n, any permutation in SnS_n can be created and TT is a permutation network. Waksman [JACM, 1968] showed that the shortest permutation networks have length about nlog2nn \log_2n. In this paper, we investigate the shortest tt-reachability networks. Our main result settles the case of t=2t=2: the shortest 22-reachability network has length 3n/22\lceil 3n/2\rceil-2 . For fixed tt, we give a simple randomised construction which shows there exist tt-reachability networks using (2+ot(n))n(2+o_t(n))n transpositions. We also study the case where all transpositions are of the form (1,)(1, \cdot), separating 2-reachability from the related probabilistic variant of 2-uniformity. Many interesting questions are left open.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur